Presentation Bills (PMBs) of the 2022-23 Session

147 Bills Alphabetically (A-Z)

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of reinstating the Access to Elected Office Fund.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for local authorities to conduct annual audits of air pollution in their area and associated emissions by public and private entities; to require those local authorities to prepare reports on those audits; to require the Secretary of State to report annually to Parliament on those audit reports; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 1st March 2023

A Bill to prohibit the sale and advertising of activities abroad which involve low standards of welfare for animals.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th September 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to create an offence of disclosing the identity of a person who is the subject of an investigation in respect of the alleged commission of an offence; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to require Her Majesty’s Government to formally recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915-16.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision for asylum seekers to challenge the proportionality of a proposed eviction from accommodation before an independent court or tribunal; to establish asylum seeker accommodation eviction procedures for public authorities; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for granting permission to work to asylum seekers who have waited six months for a decision on their asylum application; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require the installation of automated external defibrillators in public buildings, sporting facilities, schools, higher education and other education and skills facilities, and facilities that provide care to vulnerable people; and to make associated provision about training and signage.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to require the Chancellor of the Exchequer to report to Parliament on proposals to replace the Barnett Formula used to calculate adjustments to public expenditure allocated to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with a statutory scheme for the allocation of resources based on an assessment of relative needs; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to abolish the BBC licence fee and make the BBC a subscription service; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to de-criminalise the non-payment of the BBC licence fee by persons aged over seventy-five; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023
(Read Debate)

Require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the likely effects of the abolition of the benefit cap, including on levels of absolute and relative poverty, poor mental health, food bank use, borrowing of money from friends and family, evictions from homes and problem debt, and on different groups including women, lone parents and people from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 17th October 2022

A Bill to make provision for warnings to be given to benefit claimants before they are given sanctions; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for an application to the Council of Europe to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights and the introduction of a British Bill of Rights.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for the privatisation of the British Broadcasting Corporation; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to place a duty on public bodies to have a presumption in favour of purchasing goods of British origin in purchasing decisions; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to expand the list of sporting events that must be made available for broadcast by free-to-air television channels; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to set minimum standards for the police in relation to the investigation of domestic burglaries, including a requirement that a police officer should attend any domestic premises where a burglary has been reported; to place a duty on the Secretary of State to ensure that police forces comply with the minimum standards; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on compliance with the minimum standards; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 19th April 2023

A Bill to place a duty on the Government to ensure that every town with a population of more than 10,000 people has a regular bus service operating seven days a week, and that local health services, including hospitals and GP surgeries, are served by those buses; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 20th July 2022

A Bill to create a Business of the House Commission to regulate the timetabling of business in the House of Commons; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to exempt motor homes from caravan site licensing requirements; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the requirements for caravan site licence applications made under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to require the whole-life carbon emissions of buildings to be reported; to set limits on embodied carbon emissions in the construction of buildings; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th February 2023

A Bill to make provision about meeting the needs of people providing care and of people receiving care; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to provide for a category of protection for chalk streams for the purpose of providing additional protections from pollution, abstraction and other forms of environmental damage; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to extend the definition of children’s clothing for the purposes of exemption from VAT; to extend the VAT exemption to further categories of school uniform; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to require matters relating to climate change and sustainability to be integrated throughout the curriculum in primary and secondary schools and included in vocational training courses; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 24th January 2023

A Bill to require Parliamentary approval of coal extraction from new coal mines commissioned after November 2022; to require the Secretary of State to set targets for phasing out the extraction and use of coal and to report to Parliament on performance against those targets; to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy sources for steel production in place of coal; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 13th December 2022

A Bill to provide for corporate status of and for certain privileges and immunities to be accorded to the international inter-parliamentary organisation of national and sub-national legislatures of Commonwealth countries known as the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and to its Secretary-General; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 18th April 2023
Next Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th November 2023

A Bill to provide for corporate status of and for certain privileges and immunities to be accorded to the international inter-parliamentary organisation of national and sub-national legislatures of Commonwealth countries known as the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and to its Secretary-General; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to prohibit the practice of offering preferential pricing to new customers compared to existing customers; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision about extended collective licensing in relation to copyright and performers' rights; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 to make provision about the offence of corporate homicide; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to extend the right of public access to the countryside, including to woodlands, the Green Belt, waters and more grasslands; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish an independent review of disablement caused by Covid-19 vaccinations and the adequacy of the compensation offered to persons so disabled; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to make provision about financial assistance to persons who have suffered disablement following vaccination against Covid-19 and to the next of kin of persons who have died shortly after vaccination against Covid-19; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of a no-fault compensation scheme to provide such financial assistance, on whether there should be any upper limit on the financial assistance available, on the criteria for eligibility and on whether payment should be made in all cases where there is no other reasonable cause for the death or disablement suffered; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to improve the diagnosis and treatment of persons who have suffered or continue to suffer ill effects from Covid-19 vaccines; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to place duties on the Secretary of State to decarbonise the United Kingdom economy and to reverse inequality; to establish a ten-year economic and public investment strategy in accordance with those duties which promotes a community- and employee-led transition from high-carbon to low- and zero-carbon industry; to require the Government to report on its adherence to the strategy; to establish higher environmental standards for air, water and green spaces; to make provision to protect and restore natural habitats; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Scotland Act 1998 to grant legislative competence for employment matters to the Scottish Parliament.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A duty on the Secretary of State to ensure that applicants for Disability Benefit are given the option of their eligibility assessment being audio recorded; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to exempt from VAT supplies of electricity, oil and gas for domestic purposes; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 21st October 2022

A Bill to introduce a system of proportional representation for Parliamentary elections, for elections for directly-elected mayors in England, for local authority elections in England and for police and crime commissioner elections in England and Wales.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to remove the requirement for voters to show an identity document in order to vote; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th March 2023

A Bill to introduce a system of proportional representation for local authority elections in England and for parliamentary general elections; to alter the methods used for electing the Mayor of London, for electing other directly-elected mayors in England and for electing police and crime commissioners in England and Wales; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st March 2023

A Bill to abolish the Electoral Commission; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to regulate the use of minimum qualification or experience requirements in job applications; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision for safeguards for workers against dismissal and re-engagement on inferior terms and conditions; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to prohibit Ofgem from increasing the energy tariff cap above the level set for the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022 before 31 December 2022; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of the Government providing funding to energy providers to mitigate the impact of this measure and on the merits of extending and backdating the Energy Profits Levy in order to pay for such funding; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of the Government providing grants to small businesses equivalent to 80% of the expected increase in their energy costs for the period 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023, and on the merits of maintaining the rate of the Corporation Tax Surcharge on banks at 8% in order to fund such grants; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 6th September 2022

A Bill to establish an Energy Equity Commission to prepare a strategy for the UK Government to help manage energy costs for households, businesses, non-profit organisations and public services by ending fossil fuel dependence; to require the Commission to set equalities and environmental objectives to be met by the UK Government in implementing the strategy; to require the Commission to make recommendations on replacing the price cap system with a free Universal Basic Energy Allowance and an associated social tariff for retail energy, on an energy allowance in Universal Credit and legacy benefits, on writing off household energy debt, on the remit and objectives of Ofgem, and on how the UK Government should meet the costs of the measures recommended by the Commission; to require the Commission to prepare a Retrofitting Strategy for the Nations, including proposals for a street-by-street retrofit programme led by devolved administrations and local authorities, for financial support for improving energy efficiency, for how to target households, businesses, not-for-profit organisations and public services most in need of support, for any changes required to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards and Future Buildings Standards, for addressing workforce and training needs, and proposals on how the UK Government should meet the costs of these measures; to require the UK Government to implement the strategy and recommendations of the Energy Equity Commission within a specified timeframe; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 18th October 2022

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to prevent the evictions of Universal Credit claimants in rent arrears; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require employers to allow employees to take time off from work for appointments for fertility treatment; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 25th November 2022

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of certain rifle ranges and shooting galleries; to make provision for an offence in relation to the possession of component parts of ammunition; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th September 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to prohibit the keeping of pump action firearms in homes, with exemptions for professional pest controllers and farmers; to make provision about medical requirements for holders of firearms certificates; to make provision about the disclosure of mental health concerns relating to holders of firearms certificates; to extend offences of stirring up hatred to cover hatred on the basis of sex or gender; to make motivation by misogyny an aggravating factor in sentencing for violent crimes; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 20th July 2022

A Bill to make provision for an offence in relation to the sending of flashing images; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for ending the need for food banks by 2030; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 7th June 2023

A Bill to prevent certain non-statutory payments being made by the Government to former Prime Ministers; to abolish the payment of grants to persons ceasing to hold ministerial offices; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 26th October 2022

A Bill to place a duty on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to pursue a policy of full employment; to make associated provision for an employment guarantee scheme for benefit claimants who have been unemployed and looking for work for longer than six months; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022 to provide for a general election to be held no later than 1 December 2022; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 26th October 2022

A Bill to set up a commission to make arrangements for debates between leaders of political parties during a General Election; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to provide for a mechanism for an early general election to be held in certain circumstances, where the public has demonstrated support for such an election; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 25th January 2023

A Bill to make provision for a referendum on devolution in Wales; to provide that no further such referendum may take place within twenty five years; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 18th October 2023

A Bill to establish a national register of Green Belt land in England; to restrict the ability of local authorities to de-designate Green Belt land; to make provision about future development of de-designated Green Belt land; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to define the term “green jobs”; to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for their creation, including setting targets relating to green jobs, skills, and training; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on performance in implementing that strategy; to require the Secretary of State to publish a plan to increase take-up of National Vocational Qualification courses related to low-carbon services; to establish a Commission to advise the Government and local authorities on increasing the availability of jobs in the low-carbon economy, including in areas with high levels of deprivation, and on ensuring access to good quality green jobs across the United Kingdom; to require the Commission to consult workers, communities, non-governmental organisations, businesses, and industry representatives; to require local authorities to report to the Commission on the availability in green jobs in their areas; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 14th December 2022

A Bill to create an offence of killing, injuring or taking hares at certain times of the year.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 to make provision about civil liability for breaches of health and safety duties, and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to ensure that families eligible for the Healthy Start Scheme are registered to receive it; to confer certain powers on government departments and agencies and public bodies for that purpose; to provide for an opt-out where the family wishes; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 1st November 2022

A Bill to make provision for the succession of female heirs to hereditary titles; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to provide that higher education institutions have a duty of care for their students; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 21st June 2023

A Bill to prohibit charging for car parking at NHS Hospitals for patients and visitors; to make provision for NHS Hospitals to be exempt from business rates; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to replace the House of Lords with an elected senate; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 27th June 2022

A Bill to amend the House of Lords Act 1999 so as to abolish the system of by-elections for hereditary peers.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision for national minimum standards in accommodation offered to refugees and asylum seekers; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for the creation of secure safe houses for children that have been subject to human trafficking; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision about penalties for human trafficking offences.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to give the Environment Agency certain powers and duties in respect of the Humber2100+ project; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 28th March 2023

A Bill to prohibit the import of wild animal specimens from trophy hunting; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th June 2022

A Bill to create offences in respect of persons who have entered the UK illegally or who have remained in the UK without legal authority; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision about the appointment by Parliament of an Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 15th November 2022

A Bill to make provision for the appointment by Parliament of the Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner if the post is vacant for three months or more; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 12th January 2023

A Bill to prohibit public bodies from spending more on legal representation at an inquest than the amount spent by families of the deceased; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the availability and accessibility of legal representation for families at inquests; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 27th March 2023

A Bill to require the Prime Minister to appoint a Special Envoy for International Freedom of Religion or Belief; to establish an Office of the Special Envoy; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 18th October 2023

A Bill to make provision to enable parliamentary constituency areas to form new unitary local authority areas if agreed by referendum; to make provision for such referendums; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish an export guarantee scheme for small generators of low carbon electricity; to set a tariff, based on market rates, for the sale of electricity under the export guarantee scheme; to make provision to enable small generators of low carbon electricity to sell electricity directly to local people; to place certain duties on the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th March 2023

A Bill to enable electricity generators to become local electricity suppliers; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to require the Leader of the House of Commons to move a Motion prohibiting Members of Parliament from receiving any financial or other benefit from oil and gas companies; to require the Leader of the House to publish proposals for divestment of the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund from oil and gas companies; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 18th July 2023

A Bill to make provision to increase the energy performance of buildings; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to provide that a person who ceases to hold a ministerial office is entitled to a grant only after holding the relevant office for two years or more; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 25th October 2022

A Bill to make provision about the enforcement of the Ministerial Code; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st June 2022

A Bill to make provision for an annual appraisal of the performance and competence of individual Ministers, conducted outside the Cabinet Office, to inform the Prime Minister in recommending ministerial appointments; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 18th July 2022

A Bill to require Ministers of the Crown to undertake annual training in matters relating to propriety, ethics and standards; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 24th May 2023

A Bill to require a Minister to make an oral statement to Parliament if a person is appointed to a paid post by them, in whom, or a company in which, that Minister has a personal, political or financial interest.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st June 2022

A Bill to amend the provisions about pitch fees in the Mobile Homes Act 1983; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 2nd May 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to amend the Mobile Homes Act 1983; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to set standards as to the emissions particulate sensing technology to be used in roadworthiness tests for diesel vehicles; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 15th November 2022

A Bill to make provision about the commemoration of the Nakba; to require the Secretary of State to encourage and facilitate annual commemoration of the Nakba; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 15th May 2023

A Bill to make provision for co-funding and for the extension of co-payment for NHS services in England; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

Parallel Parliament Note:

Subsequent to the Bill being tabled, the Government extended the deadline for voluntary Class 2 and 3 National Insurance contributions to 5 April 2025 for the tax years 2016-17 and 2017-18

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of extending to 5 April 2025 the period for which voluntary Class 2 and 3 National Insurance contributions may be paid in respect of one or more of the tax years 2006-07 to 2016-17; to require the Secretary of State to publish certain information about the performance of the Future Pension Centre in providing advice about voluntary Class 2 and 3 contributions in relation to the state pension; to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for increasing public awareness of voluntary Class 2 and 3 contributions; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 1st March 2023

A Bill to provide for a right to camp in National Parks; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 25th January 2023

A Bill to make provision about arranging alternative non-NHS England treatment for patients who have waited for more than one year for hospital treatment; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to make provision about the content and use of non-disclosure agreements; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th June 2022

A Bill to require social media companies to publish reports setting out the action they have taken to address online abuse against women and girls, and other groups of people who share a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 7th March 2023

A Bill to require that every child be offered at least one outdoor education experience during primary school years and at least one such experience during secondary school years; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 20th June 2023

A Bill to make provision in connection with the recognition of the State of Palestine.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 17th March 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to grant powers to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to identify and investigate systemic problems in the benefits system and make associated recommendations to the Secretary of State; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to introduce the optional preferential voting system for Parliamentary elections; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 11th July 2022

A Bill to make provision about participating in certain court proceedings through live links; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to extend eligibility to paternity leave and pay; to make provision for more flexibility in the timing of, and notice period for, paternity leave; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision about the extension of pensions automatic enrolment to jobholders under the age of 22; to make provision about the lower qualifying earnings threshold for automatic enrolment; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th September 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to make provision about prohibiting the trustees and managers of pension schemes from being indemnified in respect of penalties imposed under pensions dashboards regulations.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 2nd May 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to prevent and punish the theft of dogs and to deter the unlawful importation of certain animals into Great Britain; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 6th June 2023

A Bill to amend the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to enable local authorities in England to determine the fees to be paid in respect of applications and deemed applications for planning permission; to require local authorities to set the scale of fees with a view to ensuring that the costs of determining applications can be wholly funded by application fees; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 16th November 2022

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for promoting a circular economy in respect of plastics, including setting targets and measures for the elimination and recycling of single-use plastics; to require the Secretary of State to establish a taskforce to develop proposals to encourage the use of reuse and refill models of packaging; to require the Secretary of State to report annually to Parliament on the implementation of the strategy; to place a duty on the Secretary of State to ensure that UK targets for the elimination and recycling of plastic packaging are more demanding than equivalent targets set by the European Union; to require manufacturers and retailers to pay for the cost of recycling plastic; to require the Government to set annual targets for reducing the quantity of plastic waste that is incinerated; to require the Secretary of State to publish a plan for banning the export of plastic waste by 2027; to make provision for the purpose of reducing the cost of recycling plastic, including measures to encourage the standardisation of plastic packaging; to give powers to the Office for Environmental Protection to enforce legislation relating to plastic pollution; to make provision for the purpose of encouraging the development of sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging; to require the Government to publish a plan for the use of fiscal policy to incentivise investment in recycling infrastructure and sustainable behaviour by consumers and retailers in relation to plastic; to require the Government to publish a plan for agreeing a global treaty on plastic pollution reduction; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 9th November 2022

A Bill to prohibit the manufacture and sale of wet wipes containing plastic; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to prohibit the installation of new pre-payment meters for domestic energy customers before 31 March 2023; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 7th December 2022

A Bill to impose duties on the Prime Minister relating to accountability to the House of Commons; to require the Prime Minister to be available to answer questions in that House on at least two occasions during a sitting week except in specified circumstances; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision for the carrying out of the functions of the Prime Minister in the event that a Prime Minister, or a person temporarily carrying out the functions of the Prime Minister, is incapacitated; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to establish a public advocate to provide advice to, and act as data controller for, representatives of the deceased after major incidents.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 12th May 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to require the Government to have regard to the desirability of boards of public bodies including at least one person with relevant experience in at least one of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 to make provision about parliamentary scrutiny of regulations made under that Act; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 3rd February 2023

A Bill to limit exit payments made by some public sector organisations to employees; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 27th October 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to create the offence of impersonating a public sector website for the purpose of collecting payment or personal data; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to prohibit the import of young puppies; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to require Her Majesty's Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 30th June 2022

A Bill to require a supermajority of votes in favour of a proposal for constitutional change on which a referendum is being held in order for it to be decided in the affirmative.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 8th November 2022

A Bill to require a Regulatory Impact Assessment to be published for all primary and secondary legislation introduced by the Government; to make provision for associated sanctions; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 27th October 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision to require the sharing with parents and guardians of copies of materials used in relationships and sex education lessons in schools in England; to prohibit schools in England from using externally produced teaching resources for relationships and sex education that have not been published; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 26th June 2023

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of the House of Lords meeting in a large ballroom in Blackpool.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 16th January 2023

A Bill to give the Monarch powers to remove titles; to provide that such removals can be done by the Monarch on their own initiative or following a recommendation of a joint committee of Parliament; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to require public authorities to exercise their statutory powers to investigate and take enforcement action for breaches of the law; to make provision for sanctions for failing to take such action; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 20th October 2023

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish a task force to produce a strategy for tackling rural crime; to require the Secretary of State to implement the strategy; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 11th July 2023

A Bill to make the offence of driving or riding in a motor vehicle on a road without a seat belt an endorsable offence; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 31st January 2023

A Bill to amend the Sentencing Code to provide for a minimum sentence for cases of manslaughter which are sexually-motivated.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to give local authorities the power to require licences for the conversion of domestic properties into short-term and holiday-let accommodation; to give local authorities the power to issue fines and to remove such licences when safety, noise and nuisance conditions have not been met; to make provision about banning the licensing of such properties in defined geographical areas; to give local authorities the power to vary the rates of local taxes in relation to such properties; to give local authorities the power to restrict the number of days per year for which such properties can be let; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 9th December 2022
(Read Debate)

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual calculations of benefit and tax credit rates that would be required for a representative household to afford to buy meals in accordance with the Eatwell Guide to eating healthily; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision about mandatory local consultation in relation to the installation of telecommunications infrastructure in residential areas; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to establish a new model of company structure for Thames Water, to be called a public benefit corporation; to require that public benefit corporation to consider public policy benefits, including reducing leaks and sewage dumping, as well as returns for shareholders; to limit the payment of dividends until a plan is in place to cut the corporation’s debt; and to require membership of the corporation’s board to include representatives of local environment groups.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 29th June 2023

A Bill to provide for the implementation of the United Kingdom’s free trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand to be subject to approval by resolution by each House of Parliament; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 16th November 2022

A Bill to set limits on the use of toxic chemicals in the manufacture of tyres; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 22nd February 2023

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of repealing those provisions of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 which provide for persons to be paid reduced rates of housing benefit or universal credit because their accommodation is deemed to be under-occupied.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to amend the Welfare Reform Act 2012 to provide that a Universal Credit claimant may not be sanctioned for refusing work on a zero hours contract; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to make provision about veterans advisory and pensions committees; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th September 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to prohibit persons from being registered to vote in Parliamentary elections at more than one address; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 20th June 2022

A Bill to establish an independent public inquiry into the administration of the War Pension Scheme and of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme by Veterans UK; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st June 2022

A Bill to make provision about the monitoring of water quality; to set a target for the reduction of sewage discharges; to provide for financial penalties in relation to sewage discharges and breaches of monitoring requirements; to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for the reduction of sewage discharges from storm overflows, including an economic impact assessment; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 21st April 2023

A Bill to give workers and agency workers the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th September 2023 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to make provision about workers’ rights; to amend the definition of worker; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 24th March 2023

A Bill to amend the Crown Estate Act 1961 to increase the maximum term of the lease that may be granted to the Zoological Society of London in respect of land in Regent’s Park; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 1st March 2023