When does my subscription become active?
Your subscription becomes active immediately upon completion of the purchasing process.
Can I change my subscription?
You can change your subscription at any time. Upgrade to a different plan or change the number of add-ons at any time.
When can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your alerts and account will remain active for the most recent period that you have paid for, then your alerts will be suspended. You can reactivate your subscription at any time.
How do Enterprise Users work?
Enterprise users can be created on the same domain as the account administrator and will also be able to use unlimited alerts.
For existing Parallel Parliament users, the available alerts will be assigned automatically. Otherwise, a new Parallel Parliament account will be created for them to access.
Additional domains (eg. @yourwebsite.co.uk and @yoursubsidiary.co.uk) can be added to the Enterprise Subscription upon request.
Would like more information about some other things?
For more details, read our User Guide or our thrilling terms of service.
If you can't find what you're looking for there, drop us a line via the contact form