First Registered: 29/09/2015 • Last updated on: 12/02/2025
The APPG was set up to identify barriers for ethnic minority people within careers, and help businesses ensure that they are investing in diverse talent. This is an opportunity for the MPs and Peers to get together and support a plan for this agenda and particularly connect with businesses in areas such as Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting.
APPGs can register with Parallel Parliament and submit files and articles to be placed here.
Parallel Parliament offers the facility for APPGs to submit written content and files, which are made available through this page.
Submitters can draft and edit publications, and either release them on demand, or schedule release for a future date.
Both text content and attached files submitted through this facility is indexed by our website, and made available through both the search function and relevant e-mail alerts. Any of our users registered for an alert which matches your content, will receive a link making them aware of its publication.
If you wish to register as an authorised representative of the Governance and Inclusive Leadership APPG and use this facility, click below
Registered Contact:
Dawn Butler MP, House of Commons , London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 8591.
Public Enquiry Point:
Sarah Garrett, Investing In Ethnicity. Tel: 020 7258 1777
Investing In Ethnicity acts as the group's secretariat.
Group's Website:
No direct financial benefits are on record for the Governance and Inclusive Leadership APPG