First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by John Cooper, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
John Cooper has not been granted any Urgent Questions
John Cooper has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
John Cooper has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
John Cooper has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
As part of the GPA’s Government Workplace Design Guide and Inclusive Design Standards, we are committed to improving the standard of inclusive and accessible signage across our estate including the quality and availability of braille and tactile symbols. Our Inclusive Design Standards state signs should be clear, use simple and concise text, and include raised text, braille, and raised pictograms when appropriate.
This was an acquisition of Harbour Energy shares by BASF and LetterOne, with LetterOne receiving a class of non-voting shares which does not give it the ability to influence Harbour Energy. On 30 July 2024, following a detailed national security assessment, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster imposed a necessary and proportionate Final Order under the National Security and Investment Act on the acquisition of a 46.5% shareholding of Harbour Energy plc by BASF Handels-Und Export GmbH. The Final Order and the conditions imposed within it enable the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to consider further the exercise of his powers under the Act should a share conversion lead to: LetterOne owning 10% or more ordinary shares in Harbour Energy; and/or the appointment of a Harbour Energy plc board member by LetterOne. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster has a statutory duty to keep all Final Orders under review and will exercise this power if and when necessary.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The Department for Business and Trade has not spent anything on media and voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has nil spend on external public relations since 5 July 2024. DESNZ conducts all public relations in house and does not use any external providers/firms.
The Department’s Arm’s Length Bodies record and publish their own spend data on public relations. This information is not held centrally and can only be obtained at disproportionate cost.
There has been no spend on either (a) media or (b) voice training for Ministers since 5th July 2024 in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
We considered a range of factors including (1) labour market analysis, (2) mapping of Government estate availability and costs, and (3) proximity to strategic partners and establishments.
I am confident that Aberdeen is the right place for Great British Energy’s Headquarters. This decision recognises that Aberdeen is at the heart of the energy transition away from fossils fuels. The city also has an excellent talent pool to support the delivery of Great British Energy. Additional smaller sites in Edinburgh and Glasgow will enable us to take advantage of the expertise, skilled workforce and diversity of projects in place across Scotland.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The Department has spent no money on (a) media or (b) voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
The department has not spent any expenses on media or voice training for ministers since 5 July 2024.
The department has not spent any money on media or voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible. It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The UK maintains high standards on the information that is provided on food labels, so that consumers can have confidence in the food that they buy. The availability and accessibility of essential food information to all consumers is vitally important. It is already a requirement that food information must be easily visible, clearly legible and where appropriate indelible, in addition to there being a required minimum font size for mandatory information.
We continue to assess other possibilities to ensure accessibility of food packaging information.
The department has not spent any money on media or voice training services for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
A summary of the department and it’s Arm’s Length Bodies spend on external public relations since 5 July 2024 is as follows:
Department for Transport, DVSA, DVLA and National Highways: £0
Maritime and Coastguard Agency: £24,560 with the agency 23Red.
Network Rail: £21,250 with agencies Four Communications and On Broadcast.
The Department has had no spend on media and voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
In the Autumn Budget 2024, the Chancellor committed to move forward feasibility work on improvements to the A75 by providing up to £5 million to the Scottish Government in 2025-26.
Initial work has been done by Transport Scotland to scope out possible options for the realignment of the A75 around the settlements of Springholm and Crocketford. Following the Budget, the Scottish Government announced they have awarded a contract to progress this work.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
At the time of writing, there has been NIL spend on this type of training for ministers.
The Department has spent at total of £840 including VAT on media training for ministers, since 5 July 2024.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible. It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks [], with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The contractor used for media training was Robert Taylor Communications Ltd. As Minister for Indo-Pacific at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development I received the media training. No voice training was conducted as part of the media training.
The UK is in constant contact with our Allies to ensure a collective doubling down of support for Ukraine and pressure on Putin’s war machine. The Foreign Secretary spoke to President Zelenskyy on 18 December at a meeting of European leaders hosted by NATO Secretary General Rutte, and reiterated the UK’s unwavering commitment to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. On the 10 January, the Foreign Secretary announced sanctions on two Russian oil giants, Gazprom Neft and PJSC Surgutneftegas, alongside the US. The UK has sanctioned 93 vessels in the Russian shadow fleet.
Since 5 July 2024, £1848 has been spent by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on media or voice training for junior Ministers.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held.
The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The media training was provided by Freud Communications. The Ministers who received the training were the former Economic Secretary, the Exchequer Secretary and the Financial Secretary to the Treasury.
Since 5 July 2024, the Department has spent £9.7k on media training for members of the Ministerial team. No costs on voice training for Ministers have been incurred since the 5th July 2024.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
There has been no spend on media or voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
A full Departmental response is not held centrally and could only be provided at disproportionate cost. Public Relations spend is managed locally across the various departments within the Ministry of Defence, and Arms Lengths Bodies within their own individual budgets. Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
The Directorate of Defence Communications in the Ministry of Defence Head Office spend on media and voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024 is nil.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) officials have engaged with Scottish counterparts on the impact of Armed Forces training on nature conservation and public access to the countryside in Dumfries and Galloway.
MOD officials have developed Integrated Rural Management Plans (IRMP) for MOD sites in Dumfries and Galloway. These plans include a level of ecological impact assessment and public access management. The IRMPs identify appropriate avoidance or mitigation measures that must be applied to manage the impact of military training and operations on these sites.
MOD officials have not held any discussions with counterparts in Scotland on the proposed national park in Galloway.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible. It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The department has not incurred any expenses on media or voice training for ministers since 5 July 2024.
The Government remains committed to working in partnership with the Northern Ireland Executive on delivering growth for Northern Ireland. Given the need to repair the public finances we must ensure that we are making responsible decisions about public spending. The Enhanced Investment Zone will be addressed as part of the process for confirming plans for this year and next at the forthcoming Budget on October 30th, and plans beyond that at the Spending Review in Spring 2025.
The Department carries out media training in-house and so did not spend any money on media or voice training for Ministers in this period.
Public relations activity is a subset of communication spend. As such, this data is not held. The Government Communication Service encourages the prioritisation of low and no cost public relations activities wherever possible.
It is recommended that all external communications support should be procured through approved government frameworks, with strict controls in place to ensure cost-effectiveness.
The Northern Ireland Office has not incurred any spend on (a) media and (b) voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
The Scotland Office and associated Arm’s Length Bodies has a nil spend on external public relations since 5 July 2024.
Media training in the Scotland Office has been provided by Morrison Media. Both the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and I have received such training.
The Scotland Office has spent £5,416.25 (excluding VAT) on media training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.
The previous Government publicly committed to providing £8m in development funding to complete a detailed feasibility study for specific upgrades to the A75 and to fund targeted improvements identified by the study, subject to the Scottish Government’s business cases at various stages throughout the process. We recognise the importance of this project to communities in Southwest Scotland and remain in regular contact with DFT on it.
Nothing. The Wales Office has not spent any money on external public relations since 5 July 2024.
The Department has not spent any money on either media or voice training for Ministers since 5 July 2024.