First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Nick Timothy, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Nick Timothy has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Nick Timothy has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
Nick Timothy has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Marriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship) Bill 2024-26
Sponsor - Richard Holden (Con)
The duty will not require police and crime commissioners to prioritise specific (a) crime types, (b) localities or (c) minority groups. The duty requires specified public bodies, when making strategic decisions, to consider actively how their decisions might help to reduce the inequalities associated with socio-economic disadvantage.
The Government is committed to commencing the socio-economic duty in the Equality Act 2010. The duty will require specified public bodies, when making strategic decisions, to consider actively how their decisions might help to reduce the inequalities associated with socio-economic disadvantage. Public bodies specified by the duty include police and crime commissioners established for an area in England. We will consider whether the list of public authorities to which the duty will apply requires updating as part of our research programme and evidence gathering.
Decisions about the development of guidance regarding internal processes to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty are for individual departments to make. Publicly available guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty includes the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s technical guidance that covers complying with the duty in practice.
There are no ongoing industrial disputes within the Attorney General’s Office, Government Legal Department, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, Serious Fraud Office, or Crown Prosecution Service.
There has been no change in the Attorney General’s Office’s management of artwork or heritage assets since the previous administration.
As separate entities, the responsibility for creating policy and guidance for artwork sits with each individual Arm’s Length Body, rather than with the ministerial department.
I refer the Hon Member to the read-out of the meeting on GOV.UK
Under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, relevant public sector authorities are required to publish certain information annually on facility time usage in their organisation.
The most recently available data, for 2022/23, is published on It provides data on the total cost of facility time for public sector organisations, including as a percentage of total pay.
The Cabinet Office does not hold information on the cost of facility time within the private sector. The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has made impact assessments relating to the Employment Rights Bill, which have been published on
The EU Relations Secretariat was established in the Cabinet Office to give effect to the Government's manifesto commitments to reset the relationship with the EU, implement the Windsor Framework in good faith and protect the UK's internal market, as well as responsibility for the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement and Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
All Senior Civil Servant roles within the EU Relations Secretariat are currently filled. We are recruiting for the new role of Second Permanent Secretary; the advert for which closed on 8 December.
The EU Relations Secretariat was established in the Cabinet Office to give effect to the Government's manifesto commitments to reset the relationship with the EU, implement the Windsor Framework in good faith and protect the UK's internal market, as well as responsibility for the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement and Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
The EU Relations Secretariat brings together civil servants who were already working on EU relations from across the government. The data on this headcount will be published in 2025.
Decisions to suspend an employee are delegated to individual departments. Data on the number of civil servants who have been suspended due to allegations of misconduct are therefore not held centrally.
Civil Service statistics on the composition of the Civil Service workforce, including data on those leaving the Civil Service due to dismissals, are available on GOV.UK.
The Cabinet Office publishes data annually on civil servants’ median pay by department and grade. The relevant data for the years between 2010 and 2024 are available via the following link:
There are currently no ongoing industrial disputes with Cabinet Office employees within the Cabinet Office or any of its arms length bodies. There are, however, ongoing disputes between PCS and G4S Security Company (G4S) and International Services System - Facilities Management Services (ISS) who provide facilities management services to the Cabinet Office.
The hard work of security guards and other staff keeps the government running. As is longstanding practice under successive administrations, the Government does not provide a running commentary on ongoing disputes.
There has been no change in the Cabinet Office’s management of artwork or heritage assets since the previous administration.
As separate entities, the responsibility for creating policy and guidance for artwork sits with each individual Arm’s Length Body, rather than with the Department.
The Government Property Agency does not have a national policy on this topic and will follow any policy and/or guidance provided by relevant client departments.
The Government Art Collection website lists the artworks on display in Downing Street There are currently no Government Art Collection pieces in the Prime Minister’s official residence.
There have been no changes to displayed artworks owned by the Cabinet Office since July 4, 2024.
I refer the Rt Hon Member and Hon Member to the answer given by the then Prime Minister on 7 February 2017, Official Report, PQ 62542.
There has been no change in the Department for Business and Trade’s management of artwork or heritage assets since the previous administration.
As separate entities, the responsibility for creating policy and guidance for artwork sits with each individual Arm’s Length Body, rather than with the Department.
The Management and Wellbeing Practices Survey estimates the percentage of employers with recognised unions and employers with union members included within the table below:
Estimated employer size (number of workers) with recognised unions and workers in unions | % of employers with recognised unions |
5 to 9 | 4% |
10 to 19 | 5% |
20 to 49 | 15% |
50 to 99 | 20% |
100 to 249 | 46% |
250 to 499 | 62% |
500 or more | 73% |
The Government does not hold information on the number of employers in the private and public sectors whose employees are members of an unrecognised trade union.
The Management and Wellbeing Practices Survey estimates the percentage of employers with recognised unions and employers with union members. The difference in percentages could be used as a proxy to estimate the percentage of employers whose employees are members of an unrecognised trade union.
The Government is simplifying the process and the law around statutory recognition thresholds, so that working people have a meaningful right to organise through trade unions.
As part of this, we are removing the antiquated rule that means that unions must show at the application stage that they are likely to get a majority in a subsequent recognition ballot. We will also consult on whether the 10% membership requirement on application should be reduced following Royal Assent of the Employment Rights Bill.
The Employment Rights Bill includes a provision to provide Ministers with the power to bring forward secondary legislation to vary the trade union recognition admissibility threshold between 2% and 10%. Once the Bill obtains Royal Assent the Government intends to consult on lowering the admissibility threshold prior to issuing secondary legislation.
The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and its Arm’s Length Bodies collectively comprises of 9,921 FTE (as of March 2024). There are currently no ongoing industrial disputes with DBT employees within DBT or any of its Arm’s Length Bodies.
There are, however, ongoing disputes between PCS and G4S Security Company (G4S) and International Services System - Facilities Management Services (ISS) who provide facilities management services at some DBT offices and who are contracted by Government Property Agency. These staff are employees of either G4S or ISS, they are not normally employees of the department itself.
Details of Senior Officials’ and Ministers’ meetings with external organisations and individuals are published quarterly in arrears on GOV.UK.
Special Advisers are required to comply with the Special Adviser Code of Conduct at all times and are required to make declarations on meetings with senior media figures in line with published transparency guidance.
Where a Special Adviser accompanies their Minister to an official meeting with a senior media figure, the Special Adviser’s attendance does not need to be separately recorded as the Minister will be the main attendee.
Where an ‘informal’ lobbying approach is granted time or resource by Government, it should result in a diarised engagement and therefore be recorded.
As set out in the Clean Power Action Plan, we need a long term, holistic approach to managing growing demand for use of the seabed. The Crown Estate’s Marine Delivery Routemap will provide an opportunity to positively plan for shared outcomes across different sectors with an agreed set of design parameters that incentivise best environmental practice across the project lifecycle.
Maintaining a secure energy supply is a key priority for the UK Government. DESNZ works closely with subsea and offshore owners, operators, regulators, and other stakeholders to ensure interconnectors are proportionately protected against a range of threats – including cyber threats. This includes working with industry on data security, which is a critical part of a comprehensive approach to security of infrastructure.
The Government takes the protection of subsea infrastructure, including interconnectors, seriously and Departments work closely together to ensure infrastructure is protected against hazards and malicious threats. The Secretary of State regularly has discussions with his Cabinet colleagues relating to a range of security matters.
The Government takes the security and resilience of UK energy infrastructure extremely seriously with the UK being one of the most reliable and safest energy systems, and one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world. Maintaining a secure energy supply is a key priority for the UK Government. DESNZ works closely with subsea and offshore owners, operators, regulators, and other stakeholders to ensure subsea and offshore energy infrastructure is proportionately protected against a range of threats. The Government will take a consistent, long-term and strategic approach to managing the UK’s relations with China, rooted in UK and global interests. The Government will co-operate where it can, compete where it needs to, and challenge where it must.
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) does not make regulations. Assessments of impacts on businesses of regulations relating to nuclear would be found in the original economic impact assessments for those regulations and, where they have been carried out, in the post implementation review of those regulations.
As the Prime Minister announced, the Nuclear Taskforce will be undertaking a review of nuclear regulation, and it would be unfair to comment further until that review has concluded.
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) does not undertake planning approvals. Planning approvals must be sought from the Planning Inspectorate, to whom ONR provides regulatory advice where nuclear sites are involved.
Great Britain has a secure and diverse energy system, which has delivered reliable energy supplies this winter and over recent years, despite challenging global conditions. This includes the UK’s homegrown energy from renewables and nuclear.
The UK imports gas through pipelines with Norway and mainland Europe and from the global market via Liquefied Natural Gas ports, and have ten operational electricity interconnectors with Europe. Our mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower provide energy security in the long term and help protect billpayers from global markets.
The Government recognises that Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) could play an important role helping the UK achieve energy security and clean power while securing thousands of good, skilled jobs.
The Department has supported development of SMRs through the Advanced Nuclear Fund and the Future Nuclear Enabling Fund. Separately, Great British Nuclear is running an SMR technology selection process and is on track to make final decisions in spring.
In addition, we recently launched a regulatory taskforce to streamline regulatory processes and published the draft EN-7 National Policy Statement, setting out a refreshed planning framework for new nuclear reactors, including SMRs.
Details of Ministers' and Permanent Secretaries' meetings with external individuals and organisations are published quarterly in arrears on GOV.UK.
Yes. Under the low carbon dispatchable CfD, there will be a cap on the volume of electricity generation subsidised across the year. The cap is set with reference to maximum seasonal load factors (with Winter higher than Summer, to reflect system requirements). All generation by Drax Power Station will count towards the cap on subsidised generation. This includes generation that results from actions taken by NESO to balance the electricity system, such as through the Balancing Mechanism and balancing services markets.
The National Electricity System Operator (NESO) is investigating the future power consumption of data centres, as well as grid constraints, lead times for developers, and how to improve connection processes.
Under the terms of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), the UK Government and EU agreed to give serious consideration to linking our respective carbon pricing schemes and to cooperate on carbon pricing. As part of our reset with the EU the Government continues to explore all options to improve trade and investment.
The UK has had its own standalone Emissions Trading Scheme since 2021. Under the terms of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), the UK Government and EU agreed to give serious consideration to linking our respective carbon pricing schemes and to cooperate on carbon pricing. As part of our reset with the EU the Government continues to explore all options to improve trade and investment.
The Department has no plans to make an assessment of the potential impact of increasing the UK carbon price to £147/tCO2 by 2030. The Department previously published an impact assessment in July 2023 of the impact of the moving to the current United Kingdom Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) using the analysis at that time :
The Department produces its own traded carbon values for modelling purposes which are used to estimate the financial cost of purchasing allowances in the UK ETS under different scenarios. This figure of £147/tCO2 is higher than in any of the scenarios in those projections. The Department’s most recent projections can be found here:
The Government expects overall grid demand to rise by 2030 as we electrify transport, heating, industry, and other sectors. The Government has committed to funding energy efficiency improvements in existing building stock which will make heating homes cheaper and more efficient.
The Government’s plan to deliver Clean Power by 2030 will deliver economic growth across the country supporting thousands of jobs and businesses. A full regional capacity breakdowns for solar, onshore wind and batteries is included in the ‘Clean Power 2030 Action Plan: A new era of clean electricity – connections reform annex’. Nuclear capacity included in the ‘Clean Power Capacity Range’ is expected to be delivered through some combination of Sizewell B, Heysham 2, Torness, and Hinkley Point C Reactor Unit 1.
The procurement of nuclear fuel, including uranium is a commercial matter for reactors operators. However, the Government does and will continue to work closely with operators and wider industry to ensure a secure and resilient supply for the UK fleet now and in the future.
There is a diverse and resilient global uranium supply and uranium deposits which are spread across the globe. The World Nuclear Association notes that the world’s known uranium resources increased by at least one-quarter in the last decade due to increased mineral exploration.
We do not import civil separated plutonium to the UK. Historically, spent fuel has been imported from other countries for reprocessing, however the imports took place prior to 2010, and reprocessing stopped in the United Kingdom in 2022.
ONR publishes annual figures on the UK's separated plutonium inventory, including material held in the UK on behalf of overseas customers. The most recently published data can be found at the following link:
There are no plans to increase the quantity of plutonium in the UK. The domestic inventory of plutonium has arisen from historic reprocessing of spent fuel from the UK and overseas energy utilities under commercial agreements. Reprocessing stopped in the UK in 2022.
The procurement of nuclear fuel, including uranium and enrichment services, is a commercial matter for reactors operators. The Government works closely with these operators to ensure there is a secure and resilient supply for the UK fleet. Uranium enrichment facilities in the UK operate as service providers, enriching uranium that is provided to them by customers. The stockpiles of Uranium held by these companies are a commercial matter and therefore disclosure of these amounts would be at the discretion of these entities.
Ministers regularly engage with a variety of stakeholders.
Details of Ministers' and Permanent Secretaries' meetings with external individuals and organisations are published quarterly in arrears on GOV.UK.
Reforming the planning system is key to unlocking our country’s economic growth, to deliver the critical infrastructure that we need. The Government has announced a £46 million package of investment into the planning system to support capacity and capability. The Government will deliver workforce reform, enhanced training, and reformed career development packages. Resourcing in key organisations, including the Planning Inspectorate and Government consenting teams are currently being reviewed to determine the required support.
Data centres are normally connected to the transmission and distribution grid rather than off-grid connection as this gives them resilience to planned and forced outages of an individual power source. Consequently, my Department has not made any assessment of off-grid infrastructure requirements.
The suitability of any site for a data centre depends on a number of factors including grid capacity, state of grid infrastructure and availability of data connectivity. Future AI Growth Zones will be selected taking into account these factors.