First elected: 8th June 2017
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Anneliese Dodds, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Anneliese Dodds has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Anneliese Dodds has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
Anneliese Dodds has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Anneliese Dodds has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
The Secretary of State for Transport has not had any discussions with the Under 17 Car Club but the Government welcomes initiatives to help young people drive safely.
The carriage by motorists of emergency equipment such as first aid kits, warning triangles, high visibility jackets and escape tools is not generally prescribed in law. The Highway Code recommends the carriage of many items of emergency equipment and my officials are currently working on proposals to clarify the Highway Code recommendations including adding the carriage of an appropriate escape tool.
The Government's flagship road safety campaign, THINK!, aims to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.
THINK! plays an important role in raising awareness of risky driving behaviours amongst young people. This has recently included campaigns on drink-driving and speeding on rural roads, two of the leading factors in fatal collisions and areas where young male drivers are overrepresented in the casualty data.
THINK! campaigns target digital channels and platforms that are frequently used by young people. This includes paid advertising on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit and being amongst the first campaigns to trial advertising on TikTok as part of a Government pilot), digital audio (including podcasts, digital radio and music streaming apps such as Spotify), online video (for example on Youtube, Twitch and via digital display advertising), and working with popular online influencers in collaboration with LADbible. THINK! also uses traditional channels, such as broadcast radio, cinema and out-of-home advertising, to target environments and situations that are contextually relevant to young drivers (i.e. around or during an actual car journey).
THINK! frequently uses interactive and innovative approaches to drive up ad engagement with young men. Recent examples include an interactive Snapchat lens for a drink drive campaign, a ‘perception test’ game to illustrate the dangers of speeding, and a gamified quiz to highlight the facts on seatbelt usage.
The THINK! campaign partnered with alcohol brands, including Heineken and Eisberg, to launch the THINK! 0% platform in December 2024, reaching young drivers at the point-of-sale in pubs and bars and encouraging them to choose a non-alcoholic alternative if driving.
Throughout the year, the THINK! campaign engages with local stakeholders and partners, including road safety officers, local councils and police forces to promote road safety and support further education on the subject of dangerous driving.
As work progresses on the new road safety strategy, we are considering measures, including those in the Driver2020 project, and assessing their potential impacts to tackle the root causes of young driver collisions without unfairly penalising young drivers.
As work progresses on the new road safety strategy, we are considering measures, including those in the Driver2020 project, and assessing their potential impacts to tackle the root causes of young driver collisions without unfairly penalising young drivers.
The Department and the National Health Service in England are moving to a system of “data access as default” for secondary uses of NHS data, which is being supported by the implementation of Secure Data Environments (SDEs). This means that NHS data is increasingly accessed through secure platforms rather than shared with researchers.
Across the NHS Research SDE Network, which is a consortium of national and regional NHS-led SDEs, access to data is usually subject to a fee on a cost-recovery basis. Some SDEs are also exploring options of royalty or revenue sharing, profit sharing, intellectual property ownership sharing, and equity sharing. These approaches are supported by the Value Sharing Framework for NHS data partnerships, which sets out principles for NHS organisations to ensure fair value returns, including sharing in the value created by their data. Details of these are not collected centrally.
Each platform within the NHS Research SDE Network publishes a data use register that summarises the projects in progress, including those conducted by the commercial organisations referenced. Local data partnerships between NHS trusts and private companies outside the SDE network would not be collected on the same registers, and some details may be commercially sensitive.