Baroness Berridge Sparring Partners during the 2019-2024 Parliament

Lord Watson of Invergowrie (Labour)
(64 debate interactions)
Lord Storey (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Education)
(40 debate interactions)
Lord Addington (Liberal Democrat)
(31 debate interactions)
Lord Sharpe of Epsom (Conservative)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Home Office)
(26 debate interactions)
Lord Fowler (Crossbench)
(24 debate interactions)
Baroness Barran (Conservative)
(24 debate interactions)
Lord Lucas (Conservative)
(20 debate interactions)
Baroness Blower (Labour)
(19 debate interactions)
Baroness Massey of Darwen (Labour)
(15 debate interactions)
Baroness Wilcox of Newport (Labour)
(15 debate interactions)
Lord Markham (Conservative)
(15 debate interactions)
Lord Blunkett (Labour)
(13 debate interactions)
Lord Lexden (Conservative)
(13 debate interactions)
Baroness Coussins (Crossbench)
(13 debate interactions)
Lord Bellamy (Conservative)
(13 debate interactions)
Baroness Blackstone (Labour)
(12 debate interactions)
Baroness Bull (Crossbench)
(11 debate interactions)
Baroness Uddin (Non-affiliated)
(11 debate interactions)
Lord Knight of Weymouth (Labour)
(11 debate interactions)
Baroness Morris of Yardley (Labour)
(10 debate interactions)
Earl of Clancarty (Crossbench)
(9 debate interactions)
Lord Aberdare (Crossbench)
(9 debate interactions)
Lord Polak (Conservative)
(8 debate interactions)
Baroness Andrews (Labour)
(8 debate interactions)
Baroness Neville-Rolfe (Conservative)
Minister of State (Cabinet Office)
(8 debate interactions)
Baroness Whitaker (Labour)
(7 debate interactions)
Lord Moynihan (Conservative)
(7 debate interactions)
Baroness D'Souza (Crossbench)
(7 debate interactions)
Lord Bassam of Brighton (Labour)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Durham (Bishops)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Triesman (Labour)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Bates (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Baroness Scott of Bybrook (Conservative)
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities)
(6 debate interactions)
Baroness Penn (Conservative)
(5 debate interactions)
Baroness Altmann (Non-affiliated)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Adonis (Labour)
(5 debate interactions)
Baroness Prashar (Crossbench)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Bilimoria (Crossbench)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Mann (Labour)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath (Labour)
Minister of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
(5 debate interactions)
Baroness Barker (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Voluntary Sector)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Bird (Crossbench)
(5 debate interactions)
Baroness Eaton (Conservative)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Farmer (Conservative)
(5 debate interactions)
Baroness Fookes (Conservative)
(5 debate interactions)
Lord Hayward (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Pickles (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Meacher (Crossbench)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Caine (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Thornhill (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Housing)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of St Albans (Bishops)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Haskel (Labour)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Fall (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Alderdice (Liberal Democrat)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Sherlock (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Work and Pensions)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Williams of Trafford (Conservative)
Shadow Chief Whip (Lords)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Flight (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Hooper (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Clark of Windermere (Labour)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Warsi (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Cashman (Non-affiliated)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Scriven (Liberal Democrat)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Pidding (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Janke (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Work and Pensions)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Rennard (Liberal Democrat)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Smith of Newnham (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Defence)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Henig (Labour)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Grocott (Labour)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Verma (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Carrington (Crossbench)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Clement-Jones (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Science, Innovation and Technology)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Worcester (Bishops)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Loomba (Crossbench)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Gale (Labour)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Low of Dalston (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Blencathra (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Rogan (Ulster Unionist Party)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Howarth of Newport (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Sheikh (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Deech (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Earl of Erroll (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Taylor of Bolton (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Earl of Kinnoull (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Rawlings (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Dobbs (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Earl of Courtown (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Balfe (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Robathan (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Truscott (Non-affiliated)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Kennedy of Southwark (Labour)
Captain of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms (HM Household) (Chief Whip, House of Lords)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Krebs (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Shipley (Liberal Democrat)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Liddle (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Bhatia (Non-affiliated)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Nye (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Lilley (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Redfern (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Wheatcroft (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Butler-Sloss (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Oxford (Bishops)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Empey (Ulster Unionist Party)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Greaves (Liberal Democrat)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Wigley (Plaid Cymru)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Stroud (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Dholakia (Liberal Democrat)
(2 debate interactions)
Viscount Hanworth (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Bakewell (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Touhig (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness McDonagh (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Kidron (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Lansley (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Doocey (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Policing)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Ramsbotham (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Donaghy (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Soley (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Willetts (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Laming (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Greenhalgh (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Callanan (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Davies of Gower (Conservative)
Shadow Secretary of State for Wales
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Allan of Hallam (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Health)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord True (Conservative)
Shadow Leader of the House of Lords
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Gascoigne (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Swinburne (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Fox (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Business)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Cormack (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Hollins (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Burnett (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Quin (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Smith of Basildon (Labour)
Leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Boycott (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Birt (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Wood of Anfield (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Bonham-Carter of Yarnbury (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Culture, Media and Sport)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Greengross (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Craig of Radley (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Watts (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Framlingham (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Wei (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Collins of Highbury (Labour)
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Whitty (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Oates (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Earl of Caithness (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Ravensdale (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Kilclooney (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Viscount Eccles (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Pitkeathley (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Bristol (Bishops)
(1 debate interactions)
Viscount Waverley (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Harris of Haringey (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Risby (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Jolly (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Bertin (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Lingfield (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Tomlinson (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Chakrabarti (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Goudie (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Browne of Ladyton (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Anderson of Swansea (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Wyld (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Viscount Ridley (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Shinkwin (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Judd (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Helic (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Paddick (Non-affiliated)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Sikka (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Greenfield (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Primarolo (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of London (Bishops)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Rooker (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Naseby (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Sater (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Nash (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Chapman of Darlington (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Harlech (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)