Lords PMBs currently before Parliament

4 Bills progressing in the second house

These Bills have completed the Bill Process in the first house and are now within the Bill Process of the Second House. Once the Second House has added their own amendments, the Bill will move to the Ping Pong phase of exchanging amendments.

A Bill to make provision about prevention of and response to genocide and other atrocity crimes.

Lords Completed

Last Event - 3rd Reading
Friday 17th May 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the law relating to workplace information and consultation, employment protection and trade union rights to provide safeguards for workers against dismissal and re-engagement on inferior terms and conditions; and for connected purposes.

Lords Completed

Last Event - 3rd Reading
Friday 10th May 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence; and for connected purposes.

Lords Completed

Last Event - 3rd Reading
Friday 10th May 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 to remove Listed Investment Companies from Alternative Investment Fund designation; to make related changes to other relevant legislation; and for connected purposes.

Lords Completed

Last Event - 3rd Reading
Friday 10th May 2024
(Read Debate)

6 Bills progressed beyond Second Reading in the first house

These bills have passed the first substantive debate on the initial draft of the Bill (Second Reading) and are now in the process of review and amendment of bill text by a Bill Committee. For the Commons, Bill Committees are formed of around 20 MPs, whereas in the Lords, a Committee of the Whole House is usually formed.

For Commons Private Members Bills, the most difficult hurdle is to pass Second Reading, due to lack of time for the debate. Since 1986, every Government Bill has passed Second Reading.

A Bill to place a duty on commercial organisations and public authorities to prevent human rights and environmental harms, including an obligation to conduct and publish human rights and environmental due diligence assessments on their own operations, subsidiaries, and value chains; to make provision for civil liability, penalties, and a criminal offence for failures to comply with the duty; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 10th May 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to prohibit sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 9th February 2024

A Bill to make provision for a Foetal Sentience Committee to review current understanding of the sentience of the human foetus and to inform policy-making; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 22nd March 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - Order Of Commitment Discharged
Tuesday 14th May 2024

A Bill to amend the law regarding succession to peerages and baronetcies; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 9th February 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision for certain employers to be required to publish information about differences in pay between people from prescribed ethnic backgrounds; and connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 14th June 2024

18 Bills in initial stages

These bills have been laid before Parliament, but have not begun the Bill Process. A Short Title and Long Title (summary) of the Bill will have been provided, though a full text of the Bill may not have been tabled.

For Commons Private Members' Bills, unless a high position on the Order Paper has been secured for the Second Reading Debate (or unanimous consent is expected), it is unlikely that the Bill will progress further from this point. Often only Ballot Bills (which have priority for Second Reading) will have the opportunity to progress.

A Bill to amend the House of Lords Act 1999 so as to abolish the system of by-elections for hereditary peers.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 5th December 2023

A Bill to ensure that people in wheelchairs are able to access all public buildings via ramps or other measures; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 4th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the definition of still-birth to apply from 20 weeks into a pregnancy; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 11th December 2023

A Bill to make provision for the creation of a single status for workers by amending the meaning of “employee”, “worker”, “employer” and related expressions in the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, the Employment Rights Act 1996 and cognate legislation; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 6th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 to create criminal offences relating to dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling, in particular applying to pedal cycles, electrically assisted pedal cycles and electric scooters; and to require a review of the impact of the dangerous use of electric scooters on other road users.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 20th February 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision about mechanisms for promoting and protecting standards of integrity and ethics in the public service; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 7th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision for the protection of care recipients and their carers; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 30th November 2023

A Bill to make provision for establishing a new government Ministry, the Ministry for Poverty Prevention; to make provision for the objectives and powers of that Ministry; to make provision that the Ministry can only be abolished or combined with another department by an Act of Parliament; to make provision for reporting requirements on the Ministry’s work; to make provision for a power to create binding poverty reduction targets; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 13th March 2024
(Read Debate)

A Bill to amend the Housing Act 1988 so that long leases of residential dwellings are not deemed to be assured tenancies for the purposes of that Act; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st November 2023

A Bill to lower the gestational time limit for abortion from twenty-four weeks to twenty-two weeks.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 7th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to promote the protection and stewardship of heritage trees in England; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 5th December 2023

A Bill to provide for the High Court in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Court of Session in Scotland to make preliminary determinations concerning the undertakings made by the United Kingdom as a Contracting Party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“Genocide Convention”) under international law; for the referral of such determinations to relevant international courts or organisations; for response to reports on genocide; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 4th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision about statements related to values of British citizenship in education in England and Wales.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 7th May 2024

A Bill to introduce the crime of ecocide; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 30th November 2023

A Bill to disestablish the Church of England; to make provision for the protection of freedom of religion or belief; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 6th December 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to require the coroner, following an inquest, to record an opinion as to the relevant factors in a case of death by suicide; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 28th November 2023
(Read Debate)

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to conduct a review into the risks associated with at-home early medical abortions; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th November 2023

A Bill to make provision for leave to enter the United Kingdom to be granted to people for the purposes of making an application for asylum; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 29th November 2023