First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Zöe Franklin, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Zöe Franklin has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Zöe Franklin has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
Zöe Franklin has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Zöe Franklin has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
In 2023-24, in the Surrey police force area, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecuted 487 cases flagged for domestic abuse and 41 cases flagged for rape.
The CPS uses thematic monitoring flags to track progress and performance surrounding certain types of cases within its case management system (CMS). "Flags " are identified and applied by lawyers and administrative staff. Monitoring flags currently exist within CMS for the following VAWG-related offences: rape; domestic abuse; so-called honour abuse / violence; forced marriage; and child abuse.
These figures for 2023-24 represent an increase from 434 and 30 in 2022-23, respectively.
The CPS has already produced a new operating model for the prosecution of rape based on robust evidence from Operation Soteria and launched the Domestic Abuse Joint Justice Plan with policing in November 2024. The early results of improvements in partnership working with policing under the plan have already led to modest initial increases in domestic abuse referrals, setting a strong foundation for future improvements.
In September 2024, the CPS prosecuted the third conviction for female genital mutilation (FGM) and the first conviction of conspiring to commit FGM in England and Wales. This marks a significant milestone and demonstrates the growing effectiveness of prosecuting these cases.
However, more can be done to increase prosecution rates for VAWG, in Surrey and across the country. This Government’s ambition is to halve violence against women and girls within a decade, as part of our Safer Streets Mission, and delivering effective prosecutions is a key part of this.
To address the increasing complexity of VAWG offending, and holistic needs of victims, the CPS is producing a new VAWG strategy which will be published in spring 2025.
There are multiple targeted schemes to deliver energy efficiency measures to low-income and fuel poor households. The Warm Home Discount schemes also provide a £150 rebate off bills to eligible low-income households across Great Britain.
The Government has kickstarted delivery of the Warm Homes Plan, including an initial £1.8 billion to support fuel poverty schemes over the next 3 years.
We will consult shortly on proposals for privately rented homes to achieve Energy Performance Certificate C or equivalent by 2030. We are also reviewing the 2021 fuel poverty strategy.
The Government has dual ambitions of delivering 1.5 million new homes by the end of this Parliament and achieving clean power by 2030. These objectives are not mutually exclusive, and with good planning and smart design we can build the high quality, low carbon homes we need.
The Future Homes and Buildings Standards consultation was published in December 2023 and closed in March 2024 under the previous Government. We fully support the need for low carbon homes, fit for a net zero future. We are reviewing proposals and feedback from the Future Homes and Building Standards consultation and will publish the Government Response in due course.
The BBC is operationally and editorially independent of the government. It has a responsibility under its Royal Charter to have particular regard for the effects of its activities on competition in the United Kingdom. This includes requirements to work collaboratively and in partnership with other organisations and to seek to avoid adverse impacts on competition which are not necessary for fulfilling their Mission and Public Purposes. It is for Ofcom as the BBC’s independent regulator to hold the BBC to account in meeting its obligations to audiences and in terms of its market impact. In respect of its broadcasting regulatory functions, Ofcom is operationally independent of government and directly accountable to Parliament.
Ofqual, the independent regulator for qualifications, exams and assessments in England, are clear in their guidance issued to schools, colleges and students about the importance of exam security and the repercussions of committing any form of malpractice.
In addition to this, depending on the specific circumstances, individuals could be charged by the police under existing legislation.
Every pupil deserves to learn in a safe, calm classroom, and the department will always support our hardworking and dedicated teachers to make this happen. Schools can use sanctions as a measure to improve behaviour and, in the most serious cases, exclusion may be necessary to protect other pupils from disruption and restore a safe environment.
This government is determined to address the causes of poor behaviour. The statutory ‘Suspension and permanent exclusion’ guidance is clear that, in all cases, school leaders should consider early intervention strategies to address the underlying causes or contributing factors of a pupil’s disruptive behaviour before issuing an exclusion. This includes situations where a pupil has special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Schools should also consider using a multi-agency assessment for pupils who display persistent disruptive behaviour, which could include those with unidentified SEND. Schools should arrange such assessments when concerns arise, rather than waiting for a specific trigger.
This government is absolutely committed to improving inclusivity and expertise in mainstream schools, as well as ensuring special schools cater to children and young people with the most complex needs. The department will also strengthen accountability on mainstream settings to be inclusive including through Ofsted, support the mainstream workforce to increase their SEND expertise, and encourage schools to set up resourced provision or special educational needs units to increase capacity in mainstream schools.
For too long, water companies have discharged record levels of sewage into our rivers, lakes and seas.
That is why we are placing water companies under special measures through the Water (Special Measures) Bill, which will strengthen regulation, including delivering new powers to ban the payment of bonuses for polluting water bosses and bringing criminal charges against persistent law breakers.
We are also carrying out a full review of the water sector to shape further legislation that will transform how our water system works and clean up rivers, lakes and seas for good.
The Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) will continue to drive investment and improvement at a range of Thames Water Sewage Treatment Works and Storm Overflows across Surrey. Several schemes were funded in WINEP 2020-25 in the Guildford constituency including to monitor sewage spills at storm tanks and to tighten environmental permit limits for phosphorous.
The final determination for the next Price Review by Ofwat, due on the 19 December, will confirm additional investment planned by Thames Water for 2025-2030 to reduce phosphorus levels and improve storm overflows in Surrey.
As operators transition to public ownership, improving rail service quality will remain a crucial priority for this government. The Department holds train operators to account for their performance by regularly measuring and monitoring core quality standards such as cleanliness, information and customer service, and setting challenging targets for delivery.
Whilst it is our ambition through public ownership to deliver a more affordable railway, any long-term changes or concessions made to rail fares policy require balancing against the potential impacts on passengers, taxpayers and the railway.
The Government recognises the merits of prioritising investment in active travel schemes to support its economic growth, health and net zero missions. Active travel can help to revitalise high streets, enable people to live longer, healthier lives and reduce transport emissions. The Department announced the details of almost £300 million of funding for active travel in 2024/25 and 2025/26 on 12 February.
The project has been delayed due to a number of factors. Severe weather, with unexpected heavy rainfall since October 2023 caused poor ground conditions. This postponed planned winter work and required a redesign of embankments and drainage. Additionally, the discovery of unexpected underground utilities along the A3 have further complicated progress, leading to extended relocation and design adjustments. Works on the M25 at junction 10 are expected to complete by late summer 2025, helping to alleviate traffic queues. The scheme is due to complete in Spring 2026. National Highways is working with its supplier to assess the full impact of delays and to minimise costs. Given the project's scale and complexity, the final cost will only be determined upon completion.
In terms of the support available for local businesses, National Highways provides compensation as established in legislation across all its projects, ensuring appropriate use of taxpayers’ money. National Highways can only consider compensation in line with legislation, for example where it takes land during scheme delivery, but not for loss of earnings during temporary road works.
The project has been delayed due to a number of factors. Severe weather, with unexpected heavy rainfall since October 2023 caused poor ground conditions. This postponed planned winter work and required a redesign of embankments and drainage. Additionally, the discovery of unexpected underground utilities along the A3 have further complicated progress, leading to extended relocation and design adjustments. Works on the M25 at junction 10 are expected to complete by late summer 2025, helping to alleviate traffic queues. The scheme is due to complete in Spring 2026. National Highways is working with its supplier to assess the full impact of delays and to minimise costs. Given the project's scale and complexity, the final cost will only be determined upon completion.
In terms of the support available for local businesses, National Highways provides compensation as established in legislation across all its projects, ensuring appropriate use of taxpayers’ money. National Highways can only consider compensation in line with legislation, for example where it takes land during scheme delivery, but not for loss of earnings during temporary road works.
Appropriate work is generally good for health and wellbeing, so we want everyone to get work and get on in work, whoever they are and wherever they live. Disabled people and people with health conditions are a diverse group so access to the right work and health support, in the right place, at the right time, is key. We therefore have a range of specialist initiatives to support individuals to stay in work and get back into work, including those that join up employment and health systems. Measures include support from Work Coaches and Disability Employment Advisers in Jobcentres and Access to Work grants, as well as joining up health and employment support around the individual through Employment Advisors in NHS Talking Therapies and Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care and WorkWell.
It is also recognised that employers play an important role in addressing health and disability. To build on this, the Joint DWP and DHSC Work & Health Directorate (JWHD) is facilitating “Keep Britain Working”, an independent review of the role of UK employers in reducing health-related inactivity and to promote healthy and inclusive workplaces. The lead reviewer, Sir Charlie Mayfield, is expected to bring forward recommendations in Autumn 2025. Additionally, the JWHD has developed a digital information service for employers, continues to oversee the Disability Confident Scheme, and continues to increase access to Occupational Health. Backed by £240m investment, the Get Britain Working White Paper launched on 26 November will drive forward approaches to tackling economic inactivity and work toward the long-term ambition of an 80% employment rate.
As announced in the Green Paper, we are investing £1 billion a year by the end of the decade in new employment, health and skills support – one of the biggest packages of new employment support for sick and disabled people ever - including new tailored support conversations for people on health and disability benefits, and more intensive programmes of support with health and work to break down barriers and unlock work.
In addition, consulting on the future of the Access to Work scheme so that it better helps people to start and stay in work through reasonable adjustments, such as aids, appliances and making use of assistive technology
The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) provides a legal framework to protect disabled people against unlawful direct or indirect discrimination in employment by placing a duty on employers to make reasonable adjustments to any element of a job, job application or interview process, which may place disabled people at a substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled people. The failure of an employer to make reasonable adjustments for a disabled employee or job seeker or discounting a job application simply because the applicant is disabled could amount to direct disability discrimination under the Act.
We carefully considered the Ombudsman’s findings to ensure our decision was fair and based on the evidence.
We have accepted the Ombudsman’s finding that there was a 28-month delay in sending out letters and for this we have apologised. However, we do not agree with the Ombudsman’s approach to injustice or remedy. Full details of the Government’s decision are available here Government response to Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s Investigation into Women’s State Pension age communications and associated issues - GOV.UK
It is the Government’s ambition to see more disabled people in public office. The Government takes positive action to promote disabled people’s participation in public life, including protecting disabled people through the Equality Act 2010. In relation to accessing elected office specifically, political parties have responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that their disabled members who contest any political position are not disadvantaged and can take part in the same processes and opportunities as non-disabled people.
The Government has been clear that it will champion disabled people's rights, and work closely with them so that disabled people's views and voices are at the heart of all we do. We know that some disabled people still face additional financial barriers when standing for elected office. We are looking at how we might work with political parties and others to help tackle this.
People have until 5th April 2025 to fill some gaps in their National Insurance record. The original deadline was set as far back as 5 April 2023. This was extended to 12 June 2023 and then to end 5 April 25. From 6 April 2025 customers can continue to pay NICs for any of the previous 6 years. The majority of customers can check for any gaps in their record, and make payments, online. For those who are unable to use online services, they can call DWP to check whether making payment will enhance their pension, and then call HMRC to make a payment.
No specific assessment has yet been made by the Department on the level of availability of non-surgical treatments for band keratopathy and access to laser treatment. However, the Government is committed to innovation in elective care, so that patients have access to timely and high-quality care, including patients awaiting eyecare treatment.
The Elective Reform Plan, published in January 2025, sets out the productivity and reform efforts needed to return to the constitutional standard that 92% of patients are treated within 18 weeks from referral, including ophthalmology patients.
In addition, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence issues authoritative, evidence-based guidance for the National Health Service on best practice that helps people in the NHS make efficient, cost-effective, and consistent decisions about adopting new products.
The Department is working hard with industry to help resolve intermittent supply issues with some epilepsy medications. As a result of ongoing activity and intensive work, including directing suppliers to expedite deliveries, most issues, including with carbamazepine, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine presentations, have been resolved.
We are currently aware of an ongoing supply issue with all strengths of topiramate tablets from one manufacturer. This supply issue is expected to resolve by the end of May 2025. We are also aware of a shortage of phenobarbital 15 milligram tablets from one manufacturer with the resupply date to be confirmed. In both cases, alternative suppliers are in stock with sufficient supply to support patients. These issues have been communicated to the National Health Service.
The NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee commissions gender identity services for children and young people from NHS England. There are no plans to assess the difference in waiting times for specialist gender services for adults between England and Wales.
NHS England is conducting a review into adult gender services. The review will examine the model of care and operating procedures of each service, and will carefully consider experiences, feedback, and outcomes from clinicians and patients. The review’s findings will inform an updated service specification for adult gender services.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) last reviewed screening for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in people under the age of 39 in 2019 and concluded that screening should not be offered. The committee’s review is available at the following link:
Research showed that current tests are not accurate enough to use in young people without symptoms, and that treatments and interventions were not based on good scientific evidence to prevent SCD.
To stop SCDs in young people, the current consensus is to focus on rapid identification and care of people who are likely to be at risk of SCD due to a family link or because they have had symptoms, and to train people to carry out CPR and to use defibrillators.
NHS England has published guidance for inherited cardiac conditions which requires services to investigate patients with previously undiagnosed cardiac disease, suggestive symptoms or from families with sudden unexplained deaths. Where a genetic variation is identified, cascade testing is offered to relatives based on risk.
We are aware that the UK NSC has received a submission via its annual call process to consider SCD screening in young people aged between 14 and 35 years old engaging in sport. The UK NSC is currently reviewing all annual call proposals. More information on the annual call process is available at the following link:
The Dental Statistics - England 2023/24, published by the NHS Business Services Authority on 22 August 2024, is available from the following link:
In 2023/24, 47,123 urgent National Health Service dental treatments were delivered in the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB). This was 8.25% of all NHS dental treatments delivered in the Surrey Heartlands ICB that year. In England in 2023/24, 3,674,731 urgent NHS dental treatments were delivered, which was 10.7% of all treatments delivered.
The Government plans to tackle the challenges for patients trying to access NHS dental care with a rescue plan to provide 700,000 more urgent dental appointments and recruit new dentists to the areas that need them most. To rebuild dentistry in the long term, we will reform the dental contract with the sector, with a shift to focus on prevention and the retention of NHS dentists.
The responsibility for commissioning primary care services, including NHS dentistry, to meet the needs of the local population has been delegated to the ICBs across England. For the Surrey constituency, this is the NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB.
This government is committed to working with international partners to tackle shared migration challenges and is working across multiple lines of effort to reduce the impact of irregular migration into the UK.
To do this the Home Secretary has launched the new Border Security Command which will provide the strategic direction to mobilise work across agencies, to better protect our borders and go after the smuggling gangs facilitating small boat crossings.
We have made progress; in December 2024 we agreed the Calais Group Priority Plan with key near neighbours and the Joint Action Plan on migration with Germany, and in November 2024, the landmark security agreement with Iraq. Additionally, we have a well-established relationship with our French counterparts and continue to work closely to prevent further dangerous crossings and reduce risk to life at sea.
The UK also continues to support the EU and its agencies and undertakes multiple operations with our European law enforcement partners, coordinated through Europol and Eurojust. The NCA has surged additional officers to Europol, enhancing our efforts to arrest and prosecute criminal smuggling gangs and disrupt their supply chains.
Criminal gangs only care about the profits they make, not about the lives they put at risk. The Border Security Command is leading the UK’s efforts to disrupt and bring to justice those facilitating illegal migration, including small boats crossings.
Border Force-crewed vessels, directed and coordinated by HM Coastguard, provide a 24/7 response to these dangerous and unnecessary crossings.
It is for Surrey councils to develop a proposal or proposals in line with the criteria and guidance set out in the invitation. This should include for Surrey, as an area covering a council in Best Value intervention, demonstrating how reorganisation may contribute to putting local government in the area as a whole on a firmer footing and what area-specific arrangements may be necessary to make new structures viable. The invitation is also clear that councils should engage locally and that we also expect and encourage local leaders to engage their Members of Parliament, on any proposals being developed.
Ministers have been meeting a wide range of faith and belief leaders, along with interfaith practitioners, to hear more about the vital work undertaken in communities to help foster good relations.
This department was pleased to support Inter Faith Week in November, and we continue to fund a number of partners to deliver cohesion programmes in local communities which help to contribute to positive interfaith relations.
The application in question is currently being considered by Guildford Borough Council.
Following requests to call in the application, a holding Direction restricting the grant of permission was issued by MHCLG, to allow those requests to be considered.
A decision on whether to call in the application will be made in due course.
The Hon Member should note that the issuing of a holding Direction should not be taken as an indication as to whether an application will be called in or not.
As per the manifesto, the Government is committed to act during this Parliament to give 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote in all elections, strengthening our democracy, empowering young people to participate and building an informed and empowered electorate.
The Government is focused on delivering meaningful change for victims of these horrendous crimes.
Before Easter, we will lay out a timetable for responding to the 20 recommendations of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. The new victims and survivors panel will support our cross-Government ministerial group to consider those recommendations, putting the voices of victims at the heart of our plans going forward.
We will strengthen the law, introducing a mandatory reporting duty to make it an offence, with professional and criminal sanctions, to fail to report or to cover up child sexual abuse.
Going further, my Department will legislate to make grooming an aggravating factor in the sentencing of child sexual offences, to ensure that this behaviour is reflected in the sentencing of perpetrators.