First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Luke Charters, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Luke Charters has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Luke Charters has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
Luke Charters has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Luke Charters has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
The Equality Act 2010 provides strong protection by prohibiting direct and indirect discrimination by an employer against a disabled employee because of disability. The Act also prohibits harassment of an employee by their employer for reasons related to their disability.
The 2010 Act additionally places a reasonable adjustment duty on employers that could be relevant, for example, to how duties are allocated or to how a promotion exercise is conducted. For example, ensuring internal job application forms are accessible to visually impaired employees and job interviews are accessible to the deaf or hard of hearing.
Although bullying is not expressly prohibited in legislation, this unacceptable behaviour can manifest as unlawful harassment. Additionally, employees are protected from constructive dismissal in the employment rights legislation, where bullying can feature in the lead up to dismissal.
Where disabled employees, as defined under the 2010 Act, feel that they have been unfairly treated, they may discuss their concerns with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas), which provides authoritative and impartial advice free to employees or employers in relation to employment discrimination issues via their website ( and telephone helpline 0300 123 1100 or text relay service 18001 0300 123 1100. Acas also provides employees and employers with Early Conciliation to help them resolve/settle their workplace dispute without going to court.
I work closely with other government departments, including the Home Office and Ministry of Justice, to support the Serious Fraud Office’s (SFO) mission to tackle fraud. My department will continue to support this mission through our superintendence of the SFO. I visited the SFO earlier this month to learn about their important work to deliver justice for victims of economic crime and protect the UK’s reputation as a safe place to do business.
The SFO works effectively with other law enforcement agencies through the National Economic Crime Centre to collectively co-ordinate the UK’s response to fraud. Earlier this year this co-ordination led to the National Crime Agency arresting four individuals following an SFO search of three sites in relation to an investigation into an alleged £140m investment fraud.
The Procurement Act 2023 introduces a range of reforms to make it easier for SMEs to access public sector supply-chains, and we will be ensuring that the powers in the Act are utilised to support the new government’s priorities. A new duty will require contracting authorities to have regard to the particular barriers facing SMEs, and to consider what can be done to overcome them. 30 day payment terms will apply throughout the public sector supply chain, regardless of whether they are written into the contract.
Government must lead by example and pay their suppliers on time. The most recent published payment data for the Cabinet Office shows 97% of all invoices were paid within 30 days, and 88% of all invoices were paid within 5 days. Further, all bidders for large government contracts must demonstrate prompt payment to their suppliers within an average of 55 days, regardless of whether it’s in a public supply chain or not, or risk being excluded from the procurement.
The Procurement Act 2023 introduces a range of reforms to make it easier for SMEs to access public sector supply-chains, and we will be ensuring that the powers in the Act are utilised to support the new government’s priorities. A new duty will require contracting authorities to have regard to the particular barriers facing SMEs, and to consider what can be done to overcome them. 30 day payment terms will apply throughout the public sector supply chain, regardless of whether they are written into the contract.
Government must lead by example and pay their suppliers on time. The most recent published payment data for the Cabinet Office shows 97% of all invoices were paid within 30 days, and 88% of all invoices were paid within 5 days. Further, all bidders for large government contracts must demonstrate prompt payment to their suppliers within an average of 55 days, regardless of whether it’s in a public supply chain or not, or risk being excluded from the procurement.
The Government is investing £540 million over 30 years in the York and North Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority’s local economic priorities, including business support. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is also providing support to York businesses.
For small businesses across the country, we will deliver on commitments to boost exports, improve access to finance, stamp out late payment practices and open up competition for public procurement contracts. The department also provides extensive support through Help to Grow Management, the Business Support Service and network of Growth Hubs.
As at March 2024, £1.51 billion has been paid out on the government guarantee on BBLS loans where there was lender reported suspected fraud, and £19.8 million has been paid out on the government guarantee on CBILS loans where there was lender reported suspected fraud.
We are committed to reducing loss to the taxpayer and continue to work across Government, law enforcement and commercial lenders to address fraud in relation to the Covid debt schemes.
Lender recovery activity is monitored via the British Business Bank (BBB) which includes data analytics, review of facilities under the Guarantee Agreement, and an ongoing assurance programme. If lenders have not fulfilled their obligations under the scheme guarantee, they would be unable to claim under the guarantee and any loss would therefore sit with the lender. The National Investigation Service (NATIS) is a secondary line of defence in recovering taxpayers’ money and investigates the most egregious reports of fraudulent abuse within the BBLS. Other recovery efforts include the work of the Insolvency Service and work with lenders to pilot greater use of third-party debt collection specialists, compulsory liquidation for recovery and enforcement in fraud cases.
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have a key role in cost-effectively decarbonising the power sector by 2030. They help to balance the electricity system at lower cost by maximising the output from intermittent low carbon generation (such as solar and wind) and minimising both network upgrades and the need for new infrastructure.
The Department’s analysis indicates that short-duration flexibility offered by technologies including battery storage, could support up to 24,000 jobs (1) and reduce energy system costs by up to £10bn per year by 2050 (2) through minimising the need for new peaking generation and network assets.
The Government is committed to expanding the electricity network to support the Clean Energy Superpower mission and is working closely with Ofgem and industry to mobilise the required investment at the scale and pace required.
Price controls set by Ofgem ensure network companies are investing in infrastructure build, as well as smart management of network assets, to ensure the network has sufficient capacity . This includes accommodating increasing numbers of households adopting electric heating, solar generation and EV charging, both through future standards for new build properties and retrofit of the existing housing stock.
The Chancellor committed to Government updating relevant National Policy Statements (NPSs) for infrastructure within 12-months and this includes reviewing the energy NPSs.
This Government recognises that batteries have a key role to play in decarbonising the power sector by 2030 through balancing the electricity system and facilitating the integration of renewable power. Batteries above 50MW formerly fell under the regime but this was not found to expedite planning decisions. The policy will be kept under review.
On 23rd September the Secretary of State announced the Warm Homes: Local Grant which will provide energy performance measures and low carbon heating to low-income households in England. The scheme will allocate funding to local authorities following the outcome of an expression of interest, opening in October.
The Government also launched the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund, which replaces the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. Eligible social housing landlords can apply as of 30th September 2024.
Local Authorities within the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) will be receiving an allocation of funding for these national schemes as part of our commitment to the pilots announced in the trailblazer devolution deals.
The Retrofit Insight Support and Expertise (RISE) web service provides free support to help local authorities deliver these retrofit programmes.
The Government has dual ambitions of delivering 1.5 million new homes by the end of this Parliament and achieving clean power by 2030. These objectives are not mutually exclusive, and with good planning and smart design we can build the high quality, low carbon homes we need.
Future standards next year will set our new homes and buildings on a path that moves away from relying on volatile fossil fuels and ensures they are fit for a net zero future. The department will continue to work with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on this matter.
The Government believes that the only way to guarantee our energy security and protect billpayers permanently is to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels and towards homegrown clean energy. The creation of Great British Energy will help us to harness clean energy and take back control of our energy security.
A renewables-led system is the cheapest foundation for a decarbonised grid, and scaling up home-grown renewables reduces the UK’s exposure to volatile global fossil fuel prices, which protects consumer energy bills against future price shocks of the kind which helped drive increases in the electricity price cap of over £1,300 for a typical household during Winter 2022/23.
AI has the potential to transform everyday life, making services quicker, smarter and more efficient. Embracing AI will directly improve the lives of everyone by personalising services and supporting better outcomes, including those with visual impairments.
The AI Opportunities Action Plan sets out our plans to exploit the potential of AI to positively impact the lives of the British public. For example, the government is adopting a flexible “Scan, Pilot, Scale” approach and delivering mission-focussed national AI tenders to ensure effective and lasting adoption in the public sector.
While we deliver the Plan, we also encourage regulators to take a pro-innovation approach within their sectors, with the new Regulatory Innovation Office having an important role to play across all sectors.
We will continue to work closely with the AI sector and experts to ensure we are aligning innovative outcomes with our world-leading standards and expectations.
The Online Safety Act (OSA) will be the Governments key tool in combatting online mis- and disinformation. It sets out a clear regulatory framework that will tackle both mis- and disinformation where it constitutes illegal content or harmful content to children.
In addition, we are educating and empowering users through our work on media literacy to increase society’s resilience to mis- and disinformation.
Officials also regularly meet with major platforms, about disinformation activity, emerging risks and platforms’ responses.
The DSIT Secretary of State is committed to enabling the public sector to better adopt AI safely. DSIT is working closely with Departments, including DHSC, to support this in their areas of responsibility. For example, through the £21m AI Diagnostics fund, DHSC is supporting the deployment of technologies in key, high-demand areas such as chest X-Ray and chest CT scans to enable faster diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in over half of acute trusts in England. The Secretary of State has also asked Matt Clifford to draft an AI Action Plan to grow the AI sector and ensure AI can be deployed across the economy to improve people’s lives.
As the centre for digital government, DSIT works closely with other departments to ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving economic growth, transforming how we deliver public services, and boosting living standards.
Last week, we launched AI Opportunities Action Plan, which will set out how the UK can reap the benefits of AI. We know this will require a whole-of-government approach, so we are working across departments to ensure the Government’s missions and priorities benefit from this transformative technology.
We have also committed to introducing regulation, are collaborating with departments on the details of these proposals, before legislation is brought forward.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the Government’s plan to kickstart an era of economic growth, transform how we deliver public services, and boost living standards for working people across the country. Over the next few months, we will be ensuring that AI is used to drive the government’s missions and priorities, including the Industrial Strategy, the AI Opportunities Action Plan, and wider commitments.
The Government is acutely aware of the impact harmful gambling can have on individuals and their families. We are committed to reviewing the best available evidence from a wide range of sources and working with all stakeholders in order to support the industry and ensure there are robust protections in place to protect those at risk. We will provide further updates to the House soon.
The Gambling Commission is responsible for the implementation of a number of the regulatory reforms set out in the white paper, such as introducing new regulations to make online games safer, and financial vulnerability checks aimed at reducing cases of unaffordable losses. It has consulted on and implemented the majority of these reforms.
The Government is clear that fans should be kept at the heart of live events, and we are concerned to see vastly inflated prices excluding many ordinary fans from having the opportunity to enjoy their favourite musicians.
We have committed to introducing new protections for consumers on ticket resales, and we will launch a consultation in the autumn to seek views on potential options. Alongside the consultation we will publish a call for evidence on price transparency for live events tickets which will include dynamic pricing.
This government’s ambition is that all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or in alternative provision receive the right support to succeed in their education and as they move into adult life. The department is committed to improving inclusivity and expertise in mainstream schools, as well as ensuring special schools cater to children and young people with the most complex needs.
The department has announced an additional £740 million of capital funding in 2025/26 which can be used to support mainstream inclusion, including through the establishment of special educational needs units and resourced provisions.
In addition, the department is providing local authorities’ an increase of £1 billion for high needs budgets in England in the 2025/26 financial year, bringing total high needs funding for children and young people with complex SEND to £11.9 billion. Local authorities have flexibility to use this funding to support mainstream schools in their provision of inclusive education, taking into account the needs of the children and young people for whom they are responsible, and their schools’ and other local circumstances.
This government is committed to strengthening the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) system for all children and young people, including those with cerebral palsy, to ensure they receive the right support to succeed in their education and as they move into adult life.
For too long the education system has not met the needs of all children, particularly children and young people with SEND, with parents struggling to get their children the support they need and deserve, particularly through long and difficult education, health and care (EHC) plan processes.
The department is aware that local authorities have experienced increased demand for EHC plans and the subsequent demands on workforce capacity. This government wants to ensure that EHC needs assessments are progressed promptly and plans are issued quickly in order to provide children and young people with the support they need to help them achieve positive outcomes.
Where there are concerns about a local authority’s capacity to make the required improvements, the department helps the local authority to identify the barriers and put in place an effective recovery plan.
The department is providing almost £1 billion more for high needs budgets in the 2025/26 financial year, bringing total high needs funding to £11.9 billion. This funding will help local authorities and schools with the increasing costs of supporting children and young people with complex SEND. The department has also announced £740 million of high needs capital funding for the 2025/26 financial year to invest in places for children and young people with SEND or who require alternative provision.
The department is working closely with experts on reform, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in convening and engaging with the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children and families as we consider next steps.
This government’s ambition is that all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or in alternative provision receive the right support to succeed in their education and as they move into adult life.
Following the Autumn Budget 2024, the department is providing an increase of £1 billion for high needs budgets in England in the 2025/26 financial year, bringing total high needs funding for children and young people with complex SEND to £11.9 billion. Of that total the City of York Council is being allocated over £30 million through the high needs funding block of the dedicated schools grant (DSG), an increase of £1.7 million on this year’s DSG high needs block.
Local authorities are responsible for allocating funding from their high needs budget to schools and colleges to secure suitable provision as specified in an education, health and care plan. The department is keeping the high needs funding arrangements under review as we progress wider SEND reforms, including those that will support mainstream inclusion.
For too long the education system has not met the needs of all children, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with parents struggling to get their children the support they need and deserve. We know that parents have struggled to get the right support for their children, particularly through long and difficult education, health and care (EHC) plan processes.
An EHC plan is a statutory document which is produced following an EHC needs assessment process. An EHC needs assessment ensures that a child or young person’s individual needs are assessed in a joined-up way across education, health and social care services. Under this assessment process the local authority must seek information and advice from a range of partners, including the child or young person and their parents, their school or college (if any) relevant health and social care partners, an educational psychologist and any other relevant professionals. The EHC needs assessment must identify the child or young person’s special educational needs, together with any relevant health or social care needs.
If the local authority then decides it is necessary to issue an EHC plan, it must set long-term outcomes for the child or young person and specify provision which will deliver those outcomes. The content in an EHC plan should be unique to the child or young person.
EHC plans should be used to actively monitor children and young people’s progress towards their outcomes and longer-term aspirations. They must be reviewed by the local authority as a minimum every 12 months. Reviews must focus on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in the EHC plan. The review must also consider whether these outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate. The review process will enable changes to be made to an EHC plan so that it remains relevant to the needs of the child or young person and the desired outcomes.
This government’s ambition is that all children and young people with SEND or in alternative provision receive the right support to succeed in their education and as they move into adult life. The department is working closely with experts on reforms, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in convening and engaging with the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children and families as we consider next steps.
For too long the education system has not met the needs of all children, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with parents struggling to get their children the support they need and deserve. We know that parents have struggled to get the right support for their children, particularly through long and difficult education, health and care (EHC) plan processes.
This government’s ambition is that all children and young people with SEND or in alternative provision, regardless of socio-economic background, receive the right support to succeed in their education and as they move into adult life.
Where families experience challenges with the EHC plan process and the wider SEND system, the department signposts available support from the family’s local Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS). This is independent of the local authority and can provide impartial advice about the law on SEND, local SEND arrangements and support for children’s needs. The service can also help parents prepare for meetings with schools and colleges, local authorities, the Tribunal or other agencies.
In addition, the department also signposts families to Contact, a national charity for families with disabled children, which provides information, advice and support, and brings families together to support each other.
The department is working closely with experts on reforms, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in convening and engaging with the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children and families as we consider next steps.
The increase in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) tribunal appeals for the last academic year reflects, in part, the increase in the number of children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. 576,000 had an EHC plan as of January 2024, up 11.3% from 2023.
Although most EHC plans and assessments are concluded without a tribunal hearing, the department recognises that dissatisfaction with the SEND system continues to grow and that too many parents and carers struggle to get their children the support they need and deserve. The department also knows that the tribunal can be costly for both families and local authorities, but we do not collect any data centrally.
The department understands the urgency and the need to drive improvements but also are mindful that there are no quick fixes and want to take a considered approach to deliver sustainable system reform. The department is working closely with experts on SEND reform, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in engaging the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children, and families, as we consider next steps.
The department has published independently commissioned insight that suggests if the system was extensively improved, using early intervention and better resourcing of mainstream schools, it could lead to tens of thousands more children and young people having their needs met without the need to go through a long and stressful EHC plan and appeals process.
We continue to work with HM Courts and Tribunal Service, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the judiciary to understand the reasons for high appeal rates and to improve the efficiency of the SEND tribunal. The MoJ has recently recruited and trained 50 new tribunal judges who are now conducting appeal hearings, along with increasing funding for extra staff to process appeals. In an effort to settle appeals more quickly, they have also expanded their use of judicial case management powers and are continually developing ways to increase the speed of disposal. The Tribunal Procedure Committee have also just closed a consultation on a rule change to allow more appeals to be heard on paper, without the need for a full oral hearing.
The department is exploring what more we can do to support local authorities to improve their decision-making, particularly those with high appeal rates. As a first step, last year we jointly delivered eight training sessions on SEND and the law for local authority SEND caseworkers with the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice and the Council for Disabled Children.
Local authorities have a statutory responsibility to assess whether children and young people have special educational needs that require an education, health and care (EHC) plan. Under the EHC needs assessment process, local authorities must seek information and advice from a range of partners, including the child or young person and their parents, their school or college (if any), relevant health and social care partners, an educational psychologist and any other relevant professionals.
Local authority special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) caseworkers are a key part of the SEND system, co-ordinating the assessment process to develop EHC plans and working closely with families, schools and other professionals to support children and young people with SEND.
In March 2024, the department funded a short-term project to train local authority caseworkers, reaching around 260 attendees. The training was aimed at improving understanding of SEND legislation to support more effective decision-making and was delivered by the Independent Provider of Special Education and Condition Data Collection. We are currently considering options for future support for this workforce.
In addition, we recognise the critical role of professionals such as educational psychologists within the SEND system, including their statutory contribution to EHC needs assessments.
To support this, we are investing over £21 million to train 400 more educational psychologists from 2024, which builds on the £10 million currently being invested in a cohort of over 200 trainees who began their training in September 2023.
As these trainees complete their studies, they will join the workforce to support the capacity of local authority educational psychology services, including in delivering assessments. Trainees who have had their training funded by the department are required to remain in local authority employment for a minimum period. This requirement will increase from two to three years for those trainees beginning their course in September 2024.
This is to support local authority services to recruit and retain their educational psychology workforce, benefiting from the public investment in their training, and supporting the delivery of statutory assessments and wider work.
The increase in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) tribunal appeals for the last academic year reflects, in part, the increase in the number of children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. 576,000 had an EHC plan as of January 2024, up 11.3% from 2023.
Although most EHC plans and assessments are concluded without a tribunal hearing, the department recognises that dissatisfaction with the SEND system continues to grow and that too many parents and carers struggle to get their children the support they need and deserve. The department also knows that the tribunal can be costly for both families and local authorities, but we do not collect any data centrally.
The department understands the urgency and the need to drive improvements but also are mindful that there are no quick fixes and want to take a considered approach to deliver sustainable system reform. The department is working closely with experts on SEND reform, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in engaging the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children, and families, as we consider next steps.
The department has published independently commissioned insight that suggests if the system was extensively improved, using early intervention and better resourcing of mainstream schools, it could lead to tens of thousands more children and young people having their needs met without the need to go through a long and stressful EHC plan and appeals process.
We continue to work with HM Courts and Tribunal Service, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the judiciary to understand the reasons for high appeal rates and to improve the efficiency of the SEND tribunal. The MoJ has recently recruited and trained 50 new tribunal judges who are now conducting appeal hearings, along with increasing funding for extra staff to process appeals. In an effort to settle appeals more quickly, they have also expanded their use of judicial case management powers and are continually developing ways to increase the speed of disposal. The Tribunal Procedure Committee have also just closed a consultation on a rule change to allow more appeals to be heard on paper, without the need for a full oral hearing.
The department is exploring what more we can do to support local authorities to improve their decision-making, particularly those with high appeal rates. As a first step, last year we jointly delivered eight training sessions on SEND and the law for local authority SEND caseworkers with the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice and the Council for Disabled Children.
The increase in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) tribunal appeals for the last academic year reflects, in part, the increase in the number of children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. 576,000 had an EHC plan as of January 2024, up 11.3% from 2023.
Although most EHC plans and assessments are concluded without a tribunal hearing, the department recognises that dissatisfaction with the SEND system continues to grow and that too many parents and carers struggle to get their children the support they need and deserve. The department also knows that the tribunal can be costly for both families and local authorities, but we do not collect any data centrally.
The department understands the urgency and the need to drive improvements but also are mindful that there are no quick fixes and want to take a considered approach to deliver sustainable system reform. The department is working closely with experts on SEND reform, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in engaging the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children, and families, as we consider next steps.
The department has published independently commissioned insight that suggests if the system was extensively improved, using early intervention and better resourcing of mainstream schools, it could lead to tens of thousands more children and young people having their needs met without the need to go through a long and stressful EHC plan and appeals process.
We continue to work with HM Courts and Tribunal Service, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the judiciary to understand the reasons for high appeal rates and to improve the efficiency of the SEND tribunal. The MoJ has recently recruited and trained 50 new tribunal judges who are now conducting appeal hearings, along with increasing funding for extra staff to process appeals. In an effort to settle appeals more quickly, they have also expanded their use of judicial case management powers and are continually developing ways to increase the speed of disposal. The Tribunal Procedure Committee have also just closed a consultation on a rule change to allow more appeals to be heard on paper, without the need for a full oral hearing.
The department is exploring what more we can do to support local authorities to improve their decision-making, particularly those with high appeal rates. As a first step, last year we jointly delivered eight training sessions on SEND and the law for local authority SEND caseworkers with the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice and the Council for Disabled Children.
The increase in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) tribunal appeals for the last academic year reflects, in part, the increase in the number of children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. 576,000 had an EHC plan as of January 2024, up 11.3% from 2023.
Although most EHC plans and assessments are concluded without a tribunal hearing, the department recognises that dissatisfaction with the SEND system continues to grow and that too many parents and carers struggle to get their children the support they need and deserve. The department also knows that the tribunal can be costly for both families and local authorities, but we do not collect any data centrally.
The department understands the urgency and the need to drive improvements but also are mindful that there are no quick fixes and want to take a considered approach to deliver sustainable system reform. The department is working closely with experts on SEND reform, recently appointing a strategic advisor for SEND, who will play a key role in engaging the sector, including leaders, practitioners, children, and families, as we consider next steps.
The department has published independently commissioned insight that suggests if the system was extensively improved, using early intervention and better resourcing of mainstream schools, it could lead to tens of thousands more children and young people having their needs met without the need to go through a long and stressful EHC plan and appeals process.
We continue to work with HM Courts and Tribunal Service, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the judiciary to understand the reasons for high appeal rates and to improve the efficiency of the SEND tribunal. The MoJ has recently recruited and trained 50 new tribunal judges who are now conducting appeal hearings, along with increasing funding for extra staff to process appeals. In an effort to settle appeals more quickly, they have also expanded their use of judicial case management powers and are continually developing ways to increase the speed of disposal. The Tribunal Procedure Committee have also just closed a consultation on a rule change to allow more appeals to be heard on paper, without the need for a full oral hearing.
The department is exploring what more we can do to support local authorities to improve their decision-making, particularly those with high appeal rates. As a first step, last year we jointly delivered eight training sessions on SEND and the law for local authority SEND caseworkers with the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice and the Council for Disabled Children.
There are currently around 2.1 million pupils eligible for and claiming free school meals (FSM). The department recognises the vital role played by FSM and encourages all eligible families to take up their entitlement. To make this as easy as possible the department provides the Eligibility Checking System, which allows local authorities to quickly verify eligibility for FSM.
Further to this, the department is aware of a range of measures aimed at maximising take up of FSM, including through approaches being trialled by local authorities. We welcome local authorities taking action to ensure government support reaches families, subject to them meeting legal and data protections requirements.
The department is working closely with the Department for Work and Pensions to develop a child poverty strategy to reduce child poverty by tackling its root causes and giving every child the best start in life.
As with all government programmes, the department will keep its approach to FSM under continued review.
The department published management information data on the expansion to early childcare entitlements on 17 October 2024. This includes the number of eligibility codes issued to parents of children aged nine months to two years old for the autumn term 2024, as of 13 October. Data shows that at a local authority level, there were 1,348 new codes issued in York. This data is not available at constituency level.
My right hon. Friend, the Prime Minister and my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Education announced the establishment of Skills England on 22 July 2024, launching it in shadow form with immediate effect. Since then, it has made important progress towards becoming a fully-formed Arm’s Length Body, appointing Richard Pennycook as interim chair and beginning the process for appointing Board members, and forging early relationships with key partners across government and the skills system. Skills England will continue to be established in phases over the next 9 to 12 months, expanding its work and taking on its additional functions as its staffing is built up.
The government recognises that international students enrich our university campuses, forge lifelong friendships with our domestic students and become global ambassadors for the UK, as well as making a significant economic contribution to the higher education (HE) sector and our country as a whole.
The government expects the UK to remain a highly attractive study destination. The UK has four universities in the top ten, and 15 in the top 100 and we offer international students the opportunity to remain in the UK on a graduate visa for two to three years after their studies come to an end.
The department regularly engages with the HE sector to understand the emerging picture of international students’ admission for the 2024/25 academic year.
The department uses the schools national funding formula (NFF) to distribute core funding for 5 to 16 year old pupils in mainstream state-funded schools in England. The NFF distributes funding based on schools’ and pupils’ needs and characteristics.
The department cannot provide comparable funding for the York Outer constituency back to 2010, due to the changes in the funding system since that time. The earliest we can provide data from is the 2020/21 financial year. This data is provided in the table below. The scope of the per-pupil funding before this is not directly comparable. In particular, funding for the central services provided by local authorities was split out from the schools block funding in 2018/19, and instead funded separately through the central school services block from that year onwards.
NFF Schools Block per-pupil funding | |
Year (financial year) | York Outer constituency |
2020/21 | £4,632 |
2021/22 | £4,827 |
2022/23 | £4,951 |
2023/24 | £5,175 |
2024/25 | £5,456 |
Constituency per-pupil funding is calculated based on the notional schools NFF allocations for all mainstream schools in the constituency. The allocations that schools within a constituency actually receive are determined by the local funding formula in their area.
All of the figures provided include premises funding but exclude growth funding. The figures do not include the additional grant funding that schools in the York Outer constituency have received to support pay and pensions increases in 2024/25, or the recently announced Core Schools Budget Grant funding.
The figure for 2024/25 is based on the new constituency boundaries as of July 2024.
My right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Education, is very keen to meet with stakeholders in the coming months. If you contact her office directly to request a meeting, they will gladly consider and respond to your request.
The new Government are fully committed to the Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes.
Government will restore stability and confidence amongst farmers and will optimise schemes and grants in an orderly way, ensuring they produce the right outcomes for all farmers, food security and nature’s recovery in a just and equitable way.
The best way to do this effectively is to listen to farmers and others with a stake in our food system, countryside and nature. The Government is doing this as well as assessing data and information about what’s working and what isn’t before setting out detailed plans.
Government will also go further by introducing a new deal for farmers to boost Britian’s food security, restore nature and support rural economic growth. We will protect farmers from being undercut in trade deals, make the supply chain work more fairly, protect farmers from shock rises in bills by switching on GB Energy and use the Government’s purchasing power to back British produce.
I have asked my officials to explore the feasibility of a range of technology options to improve passenger connectivity on the rail network. This will include assessing the economic benefits of improving internet connectivity.
The Department is also measuring the strength of mobile signals along the rail network to fully understand where interventions are needed.
Good local bus services are an essential part of prosperous and sustainable communities, Since the de-regulation of buses in England, passenger numbers have declined, and the government is committed to delivering better bus services and growing passenger numbers.
As announced in the King’s Speech, the government will introduce the Better Buses Bill to put the power over local bus services back in the hands of local leaders right across England, to ensure networks can meet the needs to the communities who rely on them and encourage passengers back onto buses right across England. The Department will work closely with local leaders and bus operators to deliver on these ambitions.
The Child Maintenance Service operates on the principle that both parents have financial responsibility for their child, including their food and clothing, as well as contributing towards the associated costs of running the home that the child lives in.
Child Maintenance legislation ensures that paying parents employed by the Armed Forces, at home and abroad, are still required to contribute towards their children.
Where a Paying Parent is not paying or is inconsistent with their payments, Deduction from Earnings Orders (DEO) can be applied as a method of payment, where the Child Maintenance Service deducts maintenance directly from the Paying Parent’s wages. Deduction from Earnings Requests are similar to a Deduction from Earnings Order but used for Paying Parents who are serving members of the Armed Forces.
The Child Maintenance Service can request a deduction to the Ministry of Defence (MOD), but unlike civilian employers they cannot order or enforce payment. MOD policy aims to comply with requests; however if the Paying Parent is committed to operational duties MOD may suspend the collection of debt for a limited period.
The Government is determined to ensure that the poorest pensioners get the support they need.
As part of the current Pension Credit Week of Action, we have joined forces with national charities, broadcasters and local authorities to encourage pensioners to check their eligibility and make a claim.
From 16 September, we will be running a national marketing campaign on a range of channels. The campaign will target potential pension-age customers, as well as friends and family who can encourage and support them to apply.
Our future campaign messaging will also focus on encouraging pensioners to apply for Pension Credit before the 21 December 2024, which is the last date for making a successful backdated claim for Pension Credit in order to receive a Winter Fuel Payment.
We will work with external partners, local authorities and the Devolved Governments to boost the take-up of Pension Credit.
This recommendation concerns extending Bereavement Support Payment to 6 years or until completion of secondary education for the youngest child, from its current duration of 18 months. However, BSP is not a cost-of-living benefit but is intended to help with the immediate costs of bereavement. Where longer-term income support is needed, individuals can look to benefits such as Universal Credit, which have been specifically designed to provide ongoing assistance with living costs. Whilst we welcome the report, we have no current plans to change the duration of bereavement support payment.
There is no current plan to introduce mechanical thrombectomy for the acute treatment of strokes at the York and Scarborough Foundation Teaching NHS Trust. Thrombectomy is a specialist treatment that is only offered in a few tertiary centres across the country. Patients attending the York and Scarborough Foundation Teaching NHS Trust requiring a mechanical thrombectomy will be referred to the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as the tertiary centre catering to the population who require this service.
We are aware of the intermittent shortages of Fluorouracil (Efudix) 5% cream, which are expected to last until March 2025 and are due to the manufacturer having constrained capacity. The Department is working with the manufacturer of the impacted product to bring forward future supplies and increase quantities where possible. We have also worked with manufacturers of alternative products and specialist importers to meet the increased demand, and have supported bringing more stock into the United Kingdom. Working with National Health Service specialists we have provided management advice for this supply issue, advising healthcare professionals on how to manage patients during this time.
The provision of dementia health care services is the responsibility of local integrated care boards (ICBs). NHS England would expect ICBs to commission services based on local population needs, taking account of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s guidelines. It is the responsibility of ICBs to work within their geographical area to offer services that meet the needs of their population.
Local authorities are required to provide or arrange services that meet the social care needs of the local population under the Care Act 2014.
NHS England is committed to delivering high quality care and support for every person with dementia, and central to this is the provision of personalised care and support planning for post diagnostic support.
The Department has continued to work hard with industry and NHS England to help resolve supply issues with some attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medicines, which are affecting the United Kingdom and other countries around the world. As a result of intensive work, some issues have been resolved. All strengths of lisdexamfetamine, atomoxetine capsules, atomoxetine oral solution, and guanfacine prolonged-release tablets are now available.
We are continuing to work to resolve medicine supply issues, where they remain, for some strengths of methylphenidate prolonged-release tablets. We are engaging with all suppliers of methylphenidate prolonged-release tablets to assess the challenges faced and their actions to address them. We are also directing suppliers to secure additional stocks, expedite deliveries where possible, and review plans to further build capacity to support continued growth in demand for the short and long-term.
In parallel, the Department has worked with specialist clinicians, including those within the National Health Service, to develop management advice for NHS clinicians to consider prescribing available alternative brands of methylphenidate prolonged release tablets or available alternative ADHD medicines. We would expect ADHD service providers and specialists to follow our guidance, which includes offering rapid response to primary care teams seeking urgent advice or opinions for the management of patients, including those known to be at a higher risk of adverse impact because of these shortages.
The Department is also continuing to engage with suppliers of Creon and other pancreatic enzyme replacement therapies (PERT) to boost production to mitigate the supply issue. The supplier of Creon expects to receive increased quantities for 2025. Suppliers of alternative PERT and specialist importers of unlicensed medicines continue to supply increased volumes to assist in covering the gap in the market. In December, the Department issued further management advice to healthcare professionals. This directs clinicians to unlicensed imports when licensed stock is unavailable, and includes actions for integrated care boards to ensure local mitigation plans are implemented. The Department, in collaboration with NHS England, has created a public facing page to include the latest update on PERT availability and easily accessible prescribing advice, including advice on preserving the available stock of alternative PERT for certain patient cohorts.
Integrated care boards are responsible for commissioning local health services, including fertility services, taking account of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s (NICE) guidelines. The NICE is currently reviewing the fertility services guidelines.
The Government recognises that access to National Health Service funded fertility services is variable, and is working jointly with NHS England on options to improve access for all eligible groups.