First elected: 1st February 1996
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Jon Trickett, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Jon Trickett has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Jon Trickett has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
Jon Trickett has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Jon Trickett has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
Secondments are one way of bringing talent and experience into the Civil Service for short periods of time and has been used by successive governments.
Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and data is held at business unit Level.
Since July 2024, the Attorney General’s Office has not seconded any staff from Hakluyt.
The Attorney General’s Office has not seconded any officials from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs, (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute and (d) Labour Together since July 2024.
The Attorney General’s Office has never seconded any staff from Palantir.
Secondments are part of a range of ways of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time and have been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and must follow the processes as set out in the Civil Service Recruitment Principles, however based on the information held centrally, there is no record of any secondees from Palantir.
Secondments are part of a range of ways of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time and have been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and must follow the processes as set out in the Civil Service Recruitment Principles. However based on the information held centrally, there is no record of any secondees from Hakluyt.
Secondments are part of a range of ways of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time and have been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and must follow the processes as set out in the Civil Service Recruitment Principles. However, based on the information held centrally, there is no record of any secondees from the above mentioned organisations.
Secondments are organised - and data is held - at Business Unit Level. Under the Plan for Change, the Cabinet Office is drawing together multi-disciplinary teams across the country including front line public service workers, policy officials and those with digital and data skills to pioneer public service reform. This does not currently include employees from Palantir.
Consultancy spend across government is not centrally held and is held by each department.
Cabinet Office spend on consultants is published in the Annual Reports and Accounts which are available on
The Government Property Agency’s current contracts, which cover nearly 90 Buildings across the current government estate, commenced on 1st November 2023 for a minimum period of 5 years.
The Government Property Agency will consider all options for delivery when planning for the next generation of government contracts, including insourcing.
Public procurement is a key lever for enabling delivery of the Government’s missions by using procurement policy to drive economic growth, raise employment standards, and achieve additional social value through the life of a contract. The Government’s ‘Plan to Make Work Pay’ sets out an ambitious programme to value organisations that create local jobs, skills and wealth and treat their workers well and equally. Ministers are considering how to take these plans forward.
The Cabinet Office holds frequent discussions with Civil Service trade unions on a number of topics. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster held introductory meetings with the General Secretaries of the FDA, Prospect and PCS unions recently where they discussed a range of issues.
The Department for Business and Trade has hosted no secondees from Hakluyt since July 2024.
Thank you to my Hon. Friend for his question. I can inform him that the Department for Business and Trade has hosted no secondees from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs, (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute and (d) Labour Together since July 2024.
Thank you to my Hon. Friend for his question. I can inform him that the Department for Business and Trade has hosted no secondees from Palantir.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has not seconded any staff from Hakluyt since July 2024.
The government’s approach to this transition is built on the principle of fairness – ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the transition and reap the benefits – and is core to the UK’s Clean Energy Superpower Mission. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver jobs, growth and prosperity.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has not seconded any staff from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute, (d) Labour Together since July 2024.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has not seconded any staff from Palantir since July 2024.
Secondments are one way of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time and has been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and data is held at Business Unit Level.
Since July 2024, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has had no secondees from Hakluyt.
Since July 2024, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has had no secondees from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs, (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute, and (d) Labour Together.
Since July 2024, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has had no secondees from Palantir.
DCMS has zero such secondments. Secondments are one way of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time, and have been used by successive governments.
DCMS has not seconded any employees from the places listed.
No staff in DCMS have been seconded from Palantir since July 2024.
Secondments are one way of bringing talent and experience into the Civil Service for short periods of time and have been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level, which is also where the data is held.
There have been no staff working in the department since July 2024 who were seconded from Hakluyt.
There have been no staff working in the department since July 2024 who were seconded from Palantir.
Prior to entering into a DPC arrangement, Ofwat considers the value for money of delivering the project as a DPC and also the impact on customer bills. The impacts on customer bills are unlikely to be known until a procurement for a scheme has been run, when the capital and operational costs of the project will be better understood. Currently the estimates provided through the price review are not mature estimates and are likely to change as the projects develop.
Our initial indication based on pathfinder projects is that there could be savings for customers of between 6% and 40% by delivering a scheme through DPC.
Since July 2024 we have had no staff seconded into Defra from Hakluyt.
Yorkshire Water has four direct procurement schemes as listed in the table below with the estimated whole life totex (total expenditure) for each scheme as detailed in Ofwat's PR24 Final Determinations: Major Projects Development and Delivery.
These schemes will be mainly delivered in conjunction with other water companies or organisations as shown in the table below.
Ofwat’s final determinations provide Yorkshire Water with a major project development allowance of £97.16 million to fund pre-construction development, commercial and procurement strategies, land acquisition and enabling works. The allowances will be reflected in the wholesale revenue limits set for the 2025- 30 period. Delivery of projects through DPC or SIPR competitive models means that for each project, the level of bill impact cannot be confirmed until final bids are received and evaluated, and Ofwat have approved that it is in customers' best interests to proceed with the project.
Company(s) | Project Name | Project Type | Delivery Model | Whole life totex (£m) | Construction start date |
Yorkshire Water / Northumbrian Water/UU | Kielder Transfer SRO | Transfer | In-House /DPC[1] | 1,146 | 2032 |
Severn Trent, Yorkshire Water and the Coal Authority | Nottinghamshire Mine Water Treatment | Water treatment/ Transfer | DPC | 755 | 2038 |
Yorkshire Water | West Yorkshire Water Treatment Works | Water Treatment works | DPC | 310 | 2029-30 |
Severn Trent/ Yorkshire | Source and Transfer | DPC | 419 | 2031 |
The full programme of all 30 major projects is listed in PR24 Final Determinations: Major Projects Development and Delivery but we will not know the bill impacts until companies have finished the procurement process and final bids are received and approved.
Question 31773 was answered on 3 March 2025.
We have no records of staff seconded into the Department from Palantir as such the number of staff seconded in from Palantir since July 2024 is zero.
The development costs of funding Direct Procurement for Customer (DPC) schemes and Specified Infrastructure Project Regulations (SIPR) projects have been included in company business plans, as set out in Ofwat’s Major Projects Appendix. Funding is set out at individual project level and is identified as a DPC or SIPR (please see page 9). Almost all the schemes are funded via DPC and these account for £2.1 billion of development funding in PR24, and circa £50 billion whole life costs.
DPC is funded separately to enhancement expenditure. The capital costs of DPC will be spread over time and funded in addition to customer bill impacts forecast through the business plan submissions. DPC costs in the main will not occur in the next investment period (2025-2030), as DPC costs are passed through to customers once assets become operational.
Customer bills between 2025 and 2030 will include funding for the Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme for United Utilities (delivered via DPC) and the Thames Tideway Tunnel (delivered via SIPR). Thames Water customer bills have included impacts from this scheme since 2015.
The development costs of funding Direct Procurement for Customer (DPC) schemes and Specified Infrastructure Project Regulations (SIPR) projects have been included in company business plans, as set out in Ofwat’s Major Projects Appendix. Funding is set out at individual project level and is identified as a DPC or SIPR (please see page 9). Almost all the schemes are funded via DPC and these account for £2.1 billion of development funding in PR24, and circa £50 billion whole life costs.
DPC is funded separately to enhancement expenditure. The capital costs of DPC will be spread over time and funded in addition to customer bill impacts forecast through the business plan submissions. DPC costs in the main will not occur in the next investment period (2025-2030), as DPC costs are passed through to customers once assets become operational.
Customer bills between 2025 and 2030 will include funding for the Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme for United Utilities (delivered via DPC) and the Thames Tideway Tunnel (delivered via SIPR). Thames Water customer bills have included impacts from this scheme since 2015.
The development costs of funding Direct Procurement for Customer (DPC) schemes and Specified Infrastructure Project Regulations (SIPR) projects have been included in company business plans, as set out in Ofwat’s Major Projects Appendix. Funding is set out at individual project level and is identified as a DPC or SIPR (please see page 9). Almost all the schemes are funded via DPC and these account for £2.1 billion of development funding in PR24, and circa £50 billion whole life costs.
DPC is funded separately to enhancement expenditure. The capital costs of DPC will be spread over time and funded in addition to customer bill impacts forecast through the business plan submissions. DPC costs in the main will not occur in the next investment period (2025-2030), as DPC costs are passed through to customers once assets become operational.
Customer bills between 2025 and 2030 will include funding for the Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme for United Utilities (delivered via DPC) and the Thames Tideway Tunnel (delivered via SIPR). Thames Water customer bills have included impacts from this scheme since 2015.
The development costs of funding Direct Procurement for Customer (DPC) schemes and Specified Infrastructure Project Regulations (SIPR) projects have been included in company business plans, as set out in Ofwat’s Major Projects Appendix. Funding is set out at individual project level and is identified as a DPC or SIPR (please see page 9). Almost all the schemes are funded via DPC and these account for £2.1 billion of development funding in PR24, and circa £50 billion whole life costs.
DPC is funded separately to enhancement expenditure. The capital costs of DPC will be spread over time and funded in addition to customer bill impacts forecast through the business plan submissions. DPC costs in the main will not occur in the next investment period (2025-2030), as DPC costs are passed through to customers once assets become operational.
Customer bills between 2025 and 2030 will include funding for the Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme for United Utilities (delivered via DPC) and the Thames Tideway Tunnel (delivered via SIPR). Thames Water customer bills have included impacts from this scheme since 2015.
The Department has no record of staff having being seconded from “Hakluyt” since July 2024.
The Department has no record of officials having been seconded from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs, (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute and (d) Labour Together since July 2024.
The Department for Transport Central (DfTc) function has not seconded any staff from Palantir since July 2024. The Department for Transport Central (DfTc) function has not seconded any staff from Palantir since July 2024.
Secondments is one way of bringing talent and experience into the civil service for short periods of time and has been used by successive governments. Secondments are arranged at a business unit level and data is held at Business Unit Level.
There have been no staff seconded into DWP from Hakluyt since July 2024.
There have been no inward secondments from (a) the Institute for Economic Affairs, (b) the Policy Exchange, (c) the Adam Smith Institute or (d) Labour Together to the Department for Work and Pensions since July 2024.
I can confirm that there have been no staff seconded from Palantir to the Department for Work and Pensions since July 2024.
There are no DWP benefits remaining that are solely payable to claimants in-work. Many allow for some element of earnings to be combined with benefit receipt, and the level of this spend on working as opposed to non-working claimants varies across different benefits.
61,866 claims made before 22nd December remained outstanding as of 19 January 2025. This includes 6,712 advanced claims. Advanced claims are where the application can be started up to 4 months before reaching State Pension age.
Please note, the data shown is unpublished management information, collected and intended for internal departmental use and has not been quality assured to National Statistics or Official Statistics publication standard.
Forecast expenditure on Disability benefits are only available by financial year, in 2025/26 they’re forecast to be £43.8 billion, and £46.4 billion in 2026-27. (Figures quoted in real terms based on 2024/25 prices).
Disability benefits expenditure covers Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Armed Forces Independence Payment, and Attendance Allowance. Full details of this expenditure can be found in the published Outturn and Forecast Tables.
The Department has seconded no staff from Hakluyt since July 2024.
The Department has seconded no individuals from the aforementioned institutions since July 2024.
Since July 2024 no employees have been seconded to the Department from Palantir.