Jon Trickett's 597 Early Day Motions
11th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 12th September 2024

Pension credit threshold

Tabled by: Mike Amesbury (Labour - Runcorn and Helsby)
That this House notes that the current threshold of pension support to open the gate way of winter fuel allowance is too low; further notes the need to change the cliff-edge nature of the pension credit threshold; and calls upon the Government to capture the gateway support for those citizens …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 12th September 2024

Journalists and anti-terror legislation

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is gravely concerned by the arrest at Heathrow Airport of the freelance foreign affairs reporter and National Union of Journalists member Richard Medhurst under Section 12 of Terrorism Act 2000; notes reports that Medhurst was escorted off the plane by six police officers, handcuffed and transferred to …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
11th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 12th September 2024

Four day working week

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House recognises that UK workers put in some of the longest full-time working hours across Europe, yet the longer hours worked are not translating into increased productivity; notes that since the covid-19 pandemic a four-day working week with no reduction in pay for employees has been successfully trialled …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 4
Independent: 1
10th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 11th September 2024

The Legal Dragnet Joint Enterprise Report

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House welcomes the publication of The Legal Dragnet, by Nisha Waller and the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, which highlights the risk posed by ambiguous legislation on joint enterprise and makes a case for creating a safer framework for prosecution; further welcomes the stated ambition of the …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
10th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 11th September 2024

Challenging stigma

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises that people affected by drug and alcohol use should be treated fairly, justly and with dignity; further recognises that they are, however, frequently dehumanised, marginalised and discriminated against; acknowledges that stigma is a major barrier to treatment and wider healthcare, preventing people getting the support they …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
9th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 11th September 2024

Football ticket prices

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes that despite the cost of living crisis and football clubs earning ever more income from broadcast and commercial income, 19 out of 20 Premier League clubs increased ticket prices this season; further notes that many clubs are abolishing or reducing concessionary tickets, both penalising loyal senior …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Oct 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
5th September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 5th September 2024

Anniversary of the Featherstone Massacre

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House remembers the massacre that took place in Featherstone in West Yorkshire on 7 September 1893 at the hands of the British army; commemorates the six people injured and two killed, named James Gibb, 22, and James Duggan, 25, after the army fired shots into a crowd of …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 1
2nd September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

Tabled by: Neil Duncan-Jordan (Labour - Poole)
That this House expresses its concern that The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 are being introduced without prior consultation or an impact assessment, nor with sufficient time to put in place a proper and effective take-up campaign for Pension Credit; notes this approach fails to take account for …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 11
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
2nd September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Ban trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes CITES data and investigations by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting published in the national media showing British trophy hunters are killing and bringing home trophies of threatened species including African elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, hippopotamuses, zebras, wolves, monkeys, wild cats, lynxes, cougars, bears, and African …
65 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Liberal Democrat: 19
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Ulster Unionist Party: 1
29th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 2nd September 2024

Alcohol harm

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House supports the call from the Alcohol Health Alliance and leading public health professionals, made on 17 July 2024, for urgent action to tackle the escalating crisis of alcohol harm; realises that such action will help achieve ambitions to reduce NHS waiting times, crime and inequalities, and to …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 4
Green Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
26th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 2nd September 2024

Community Ownership Fund

Tabled by: Claire Hanna (Social Democratic & Labour Party - Belfast South and Mid Down)
That this House notes that the Community Ownership Fund was introduced by the last Government to support voluntary and community groups; further notes that current Community Ownership funding will come to an end in March 2025; acknowledges that many organisations and projects are reliant on this funding due to the …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
2nd September 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 21st August 2024

Bullying in parish and town councils

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House believes that local parish and town councils play a vital role in our democracy and are central to community life in many parts of our country; expresses its concern that in some councils there are significant issues of bullying, with poor behaviour from councillors towards their fellow …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
26th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 26th July 2024

NHS staff car parking charges

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House supports free car parking for all NHS staff; notes that driving to work is the only viable option for some NHS staff; further notes that some NHS Trusts have introduced complicated invoicing systems through which staff are billed for parking, which has contributed to low morale in …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 6
Green Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
24th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 25th July 2024

Tax on private jets

Tabled by: Neil Duncan-Jordan (Labour - Poole)
That this House is concerned that private jets release 10 times more carbon per passenger than commercial flights, pay no VAT or fuel duty and most passengers pay the same low rate of air passenger duty as ordinary commercial flyers; recognises that the UK has more private flights and more …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Green Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
22nd July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 23rd July 2024


Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the value of radiotherapy as a key and lifesaving cancer treatment, necessary for around half of all cancer cures and as a highly effective, non-invasive treatment for patients; celebrates the invaluable contribution of the approximately 6,400-strong radiotherapy workforce who treat over 100,000 cancer patients in the …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 5
Green Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
22nd July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Dismissal of trade union representatives at HMRC Benton Park View

Tabled by: Mary Glindon (Labour - Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend)
That this House notes with concern that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in Benton Park View, Newcastle, has dismissed a number of Trade Union representatives from the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) Union, claiming gross misconduct; further notes that HMRC has rejected appeals against their dismissal, despite evidence being brought …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd July 2024

United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That this House calls on the Government to restore immediately full UK funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), but also to increase funding to address the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza; notes Israeli attempts to evict UNRWA from Jerusalem; and further calls on the Government to mount …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
18th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd July 2024


Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That this House notes the appalling situation in Gaza, where Palestinian civilians are facing death by starvation; supports an immediate bilateral ceasefire, including the release of hostages held by armed groups in Gaza, and the release of Palestinian detainees held without charge in Israel; calls on the Government to demand …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 4
Green Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
22nd July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Fire Brigades Union

Tabled by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
That this House recognises the hard work of the Fire Brigades Union and Jim Malone, a constituent of the hon. Member for Arbroath and Broughty Ferry, who, with the support of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Trades Union Congress and Scottish Government, have been able to facilitate the …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
19th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd July 2024

Ending Outsourcing in Government departments and agencies

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House condemns the impact of outsourcing on the pay, terms and conditions of workers in government agencies and departments; notes with regret that outsourcing has created a two-tier workforce owing to inequalities created between those centrally-employed and those working for private contractors; further notes that many outsourced facilities …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 4
Green Party: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Gareth Southgate resignation as England Manager

Tabled by: Adam Jogee (Labour - Newcastle-under-Lyme)
That this House notes with sadness the resignation of Gareth Southgate OBE from his role as manager of the England men’s national team on Tuesday 16 July 2024; appreciates Mr Southgate’s commitment, leadership and his steadfast support for grassroots sport; celebrates the brilliant performance of the England squad in the …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Jul 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Green Party: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Avoidable deaths

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is alarmed by Office for National Statistics data on avoidable mortality released on 18 June 2024 showing that the Avoidable Age-Standardised Mortality Rate (ASMR) for alcohol-related and drug-related deaths has continued to increase in England and Wales; notes that the ASMR for such deaths in England was …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Plaid Cymru: 4
Green Party: 3
Independent: 2
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 18th July 2024

Durham Miners' Gala 2024

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the Durham Miners’ Gala, also known as the Big Meeting; believes that the Durham Miners’ Gala is the greatest celebration of working-class solidarity in the world; recognises the contribution mineworkers have made to the working-class movement throughout history; further recognises the contribution of mineworkers in defeating …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jul 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Child poverty and the two-child benefit cap

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House believes no child should grow up without adequate food, a warm home or security for their future; notes the Department for Work and Pensions' April 2024 statistics which state that 1.6 million children are affected by the two-child benefit cap; further notes that parents subject to the …
78 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 60
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 4
Green Party: 4
Labour: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

State pension age and 1950s-born women

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House notes with concern the losses borne by 1950s women as a result of maladministration by the Department for Work and Pensions; welcomes the findings of the independent inquiry of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman; further notes that on average over 100 1950s born women die daily, …
90 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 65
Labour: 8
Plaid Cymru: 4
Independent: 4
Green Party: 4
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Public ownership of water

Tabled by: Ellie Chowns (Green Party - North Herefordshire)
That this House condemns the mismanagement and underinvestment which led to untreated sewage being discharged into English waterways for more than 3.6 million hours in 2023; notes that water companies in England have incurred debts of more than £64 billion and paid out £78 billion in dividends since they were …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jul 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 5
Green Party: 4
Labour: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 17th July 2024

Ending the two-child benefit cap

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House recognises the new data published by the Department for Work and Pensions on the two-child limit to benefit payments which shows that there are now 1.6 million children living in families impacted by this policy, or one in every nine children; further recognises that of those families …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 11
Green Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
17th July 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th July 2024

International Criminal Court, Gaza and the Rule of Law

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House rejects attempts by the previous Government to undermine the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) right to seek an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, following the decision by the ICC Chief Prosecutor to issue applications for arrest warrants for a number of Israeli and …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 4
Green Party: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 17th May 2024

McClure solicitors

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes with concern the impact from the collapse of W.W & J McClure Solicitors Law Firm in 2021; understands that the firm had around 100,000 clients across Britain, many of whom held wills or family trusts managed by the law firm; further notes with concern that many …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
14th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 15th May 2024

Take Another Look campaign

Tabled by: Chris Law (Scottish National Party - Dundee Central)
That this House acknowledges the inherent vulnerability of motorcyclists on UK roads and the tragedy that road traffic collisions bring to motorcycle riders’ loved ones; extends condolences to Tracey Marsh, Maureen Rutherford and Jacqueline Dickson, who all tragically lost their husbands in road traffic collisions; supports the launch of their …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 15th May 2024

Imperial War Museums and union derecognition

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House is alarmed by reports that Imperial War Museums plans to derecognise the Public and Commercial Services union and the First Division Association for the purposes of collective representation and bargaining; is concerned that derecognising these trade unions would undermine the collective bargaining power of staff, leaving them …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 8
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th May 2024

Scrutiny of the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs and arms exports to Israel

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House expresses its deep concerns regarding the Israeli offensive on Rafah, which it believes will seriously worsen what is already one of the world’s worst man-made humanitarian crises; reiterates its calls for an immediate and lasting ceasefire; further expresses its frustration at the Government’s continued refusal to suspend …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 13th May 2024

Cost of applying for indefinite leave under the bereaved partner concession

Tabled by: Stuart C McDonald (Scottish National Party - Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East)
That this House supports the Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London’s call for a fee waiver to be introduced for grieving widows applying for indefinite leave to remain under the bereaved partner concession; notes that the death of a loved one brings multiple emotional, practical and financial costs; …
63 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 23
Labour: 21
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
8th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th May 2024

Public ownership of water

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House condemns the mismanagement and underinvestment which led to untreated sewage being discharged into English waterways for more than 3.6 million hours in 2023; notes that water companies in England have incurred debts of more than £64 billion and paid out £78 billion in dividends since they were …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 7th May 2024

Allocation of levelling up funding

Tabled by: Helen Morgan (Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire)
That this House notes with concern the amount spent by local authorities of all parties on bids for levelling up funding that have been unsuccessful; further notes that levelling up funding has not been allocated to the areas with highest levels of deprivation; notes that levelling up funding has not …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
2nd May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th May 2024

World Press Freedom Day

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
This House applauds World Press Freedom Day in declaring its respect and admiration for all journalists and media representatives around the world who face the horrors of possible harassment, incarceration, injury, and death; deplores the targeting of journalists who are simply carrying out their invaluable work; mourns those journalists who …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 8
Labour: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
2nd May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th May 2024

46th anniversary of the murder of Altab Ali

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House marks the 46th anniversary of the racially motivated murder of the 25-year-old textile factory worker, Altab Ali, on 4th May 1978; notes that in the 1970s far right activity and racism was prevalent in East London and that Asian and Black people were frequently attacked; recognises that …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
7th May 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th May 2024

Government surveillance of bank accounts

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House is deeply alarmed by new powers contained within the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill that would allow the Government to engage in the mass surveillance of tens of millions of people's bank accounts; notes that these new powers would force banks to spy on the 23 …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
30th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 1st May 2024

Price cap on baby milk formula

Tabled by: Barry Gardiner (Labour - Brent West)
This House recognises the impact that food price inflation has had on family budgets in recent years, with annual inflation of 19.1% to March 2023, which was the highest rate of food inflation in 45 years; notes with dismay that some retailers have taken to placing baby milk formula under …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
26th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th April 2024

Border Force staff at Heathrow Airport

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House expresses support and solidarity to members of the PCS union taking industrial action against their employer, Border Force, at Heathrow Airport; notes that on 29 April around 250 staff are being forced out of their current jobs on passport control as the Home Office have indicated they …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
24th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 25th April 2024

Two-child benefits limit

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House recognises the new research from the End Child Poverty Coalition which highlights the extent to which the two-child limit impacts single parents and families with disabled children; notes that 20% of all households impacted by the two-child limit are families with at least one disabled child, which …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 3
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
24th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th April 2024

Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House marks that on 24 April it is 11 years since the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which killed at least 1,132 workers and injured more than 2,500, a large proportion of whom were women in what was one of the worst industrial accidents …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 14 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 8
Labour: 7
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
23rd April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th April 2024

Alcohol-related deaths

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House is alarmed at the rocketing rise of alcohol harm; notes that the Office for National Statistics' figures released on 22 April revealed a new record of over 10,000 alcohol-specific deaths in the UK in 2022, representing an increase of a third since 2019; further notes the warning …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
23rd April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th April 2024

Drug and alcohol treatment services for women

Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House acknowledges that women’s substance use often results from trauma and abuse; notes that women’s access to trauma-informed, safe spaces has been limited, as cuts and contract competition have driven service provision to concentrate on its majority male user-base; welcomes the Centre for Justice Innovation’s guide to commissioning …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 17 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th April 2024

National Stalking Awareness Week

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House acknowledges National Stalking Awareness Week, beginning on 22 April; notes that stalking and harassment accounted for a third of all police recorded violence in the year ending September 2023 and that around 1.6 million people over 16 were estimated to be victims of stalking in England and …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th April 2024

Childcare for working parents

Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House notes the importance of affordable childcare to enable parents, especially mothers, to work; further notes the important contribution of migrants to the economy; welcomes the intention behind the expansion of childcare support for working parents which is currently being rolled out; also notes however that this support …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
25th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th April 2024

The Big Plastic Count

Tabled by: Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru - Ceredigion Preseli)
That this House congratulates the thousands of schools, households, community groups and businesses that came together to mark the Big Plastic Count between 11 and 17 March; acknowledges that this annual citizen science investigation provides a unique snapshot of the scale of the UK’s plastic crisis; notes that the study …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
24th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 24th April 2024

Disability benefits assessment process

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern about the application and assessment process for disability benefits such as Personal Independence Payments and Universal Credit Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity; notes that the Government is proposing to end GP involvement in the process; further notes that disability rights campaigners have …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
24th April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 24th April 2024

Student debt

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the excessive levels of student debt and loan repayment rates; notes that the average student leaves university with £50,000 worth of debt and is currently required to repay 9% on everything they earn over £27,295 a year; further notes that as of April …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
22nd April 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd April 2024

Civil Service Pay

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House notes that civil service pay has been eroded over the past 40 years, which has seen wages fall from above the national average to below average; regrets that, despite this, the Government did not ring-fence funding for a pay rise for civil servants in the recent Budget; …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 20 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
19th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th March 2024

Government legal advice on Israeli Government actions and international law

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House notes the remarks by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on 19 March 2024 that the Israeli Government’s restrictions on humanitarian aid for Gaza may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is a war crime; is alarmed at the mounting …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
11th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th March 2024

Alleged comments by Frank Hester

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House expresses its shock regarding the alleged comments made by Frank Hester reported by The Guardian about the hon. Member for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and all Black women; believes these alleged comments to be both racist and violent in nature; notes that Mr Hester is a …
71 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
6th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th March 2024

Pay transparency

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House considers that the lack of pay transparency is one of the causes of gender, disability and ethnic pay gaps; notes that 75 per cent of job applicants would be more likely to apply for a role that included a salary range and 62 per cent of candidates …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
4th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th March 2024

Women Against Pit Closures

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House commends Women Against Pit Closures on the 40th anniversary of the miners’ strike for their fortitude, resilience and solidarity during the 1984-85 strike and beyond; believes that the 1984-85 strike would not have lasted as long without the support of women; notes that women’s groups, like those …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
4th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th March 2024

Fracture liaison services and osteoporosis

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House notes 50% of women and 20% of men over 50 will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis; further notes 81,000 people of working age suffer fractures every year and that a third of sufferers will have to leave their jobs as a result; highlights the invaluable work …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th March 2024

Ronnie Campbell

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes with great sadness the passing of Ronnie Campbell, who represented the constituency of Blyth Valley between 1987 and 2019; notes Ronnie’s great public service to the people of his constituency and his tireless advocacy for Blyth Valley which has resulted in so many good quality jobs …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
4th March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th March 2024

40th anniversary of the 1984-85 Miners' Strike (No. 2)

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes the 40th anniversary of the start of the Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985 on 5 March 2024; further notes that, four decades on, many mining communities are still struggling as a result of the industrial vandalism and are still awaiting a just transition to the industries of …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 3
Workers Party of Britain: 1
Alba Party: 1
29th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 1st March 2024

Serco contracts

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House condemns the Ministry of Justice's plans to hand a further £200m of public money to Serco; notes Serco's extensive record of failures, monitoring people with GPS technology; further notes that this contract replaces a prior contract with Capita; notes that since 2020 the Home Office has been …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
1st March 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 1st March 2024

40th Anniversary of the 1984-85 Miners' Strike

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House commemorates the 40th anniversary of the 1984-85 miners’ strike that began in March 1984 in response to the Thatcher government's plans to destroy the British coal industry; notes that the National Union of Mineworkers decided to strike after the National Coal Board announced the closure of 20 …
2 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 1
Independent: 1
26th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2024

Conduct of the hon. Member for Ashfield and the Rt hon. Members for Fareham and South West Norfolk

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House is shocked and appalled by the recent conduct of certain Members in respect of their remarks relating to Islam; believes that the recent remarks made by the hon. Member for Ashfield and the Rt hon. Members for Fareham and South West Norfolk are Islamophobic and constitute a …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
23rd February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2024

Defective cavity wall insulation

Tabled by: Imran Hussain (Independent - Bradford East)
That this House expresses serious concern about widespread reports of defective installation of cavity wall insulation leading to mould, damp and structural damage to homes which leads to those affected taking legal action for damages caused; reaffirms that properly installed cavity wall insulation remains one of the best ways to …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
27th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 27th February 2024

Access to the countryside

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House acknowledges the outstanding beauty of our nation’s countryside; understands that public access to the countryside has considerable benefits to both physical and mental health; believes that footpaths, cycle tracks and bridleways are essential infrastructure that facilitates walkers, cyclists and equestrians safe access to the countryside; notes BBC …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
21st February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 22nd February 2024

Use of artificial intelligence in journalism

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House supports the National Union of Journalists' (NUJ) Artificial Intelligence (AI) campaign and its concerns over rapid advancements in AI technologies using journalistic content without consent or permission; recognises the risk of grave harm to journalism and the subsequent undermining of democracy should public trust in journalism erode; …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
19th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 22nd February 2024

Durham Area Youth

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House recognises the vital work of Durham Area Youth and its service to young people aged 6-18 in the areas of Pittington, Shadforth, Sherburn Hill and West Rainton in City of Durham; notes that they reach up to 300 young people per week through the provision of direct …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
19th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 22nd February 2024

International Mother Languages Day 2024

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House pays tribute to International Mother Language Day 2024, which was the initiative of Bangladesh and was approved at the 1999 UNESCO General Conference; notes that it has been observed on 21 February throughout the world since 2000 and commemorates the Bangladeshi university students martyred for the Bangla …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
19th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 22nd February 2024

Transport for London and London Underground maintenance workers

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is dismayed to learn that Transport for London (TfL) is re-tendering essential track maintenance work on the Underground to private companies as part of its Track Labour Framework, rather than bringing this work in-house; expresses concern that, under existing sub-contracting arrangements, three-quarters of these sub-contracted workers reported …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
22nd February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 22nd February 2024

Political reform

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House acknowledges the perception amongst many people in Britain that key decision making structures are dominated by an unrepresentative social group whose concerns often fail to understand the wishes of British working people; understands that we need to renew our democracy as a result of the growing alienation …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 3
20th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 21st February 2024

Household Support Fund (No. 2)

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House expresses deep concern that the UK Government has not committed to extending the Household Support Fund (HSF) beyond March 2024; notes that via this fund the Government has invested significantly in local crisis support as a response to the cost-of-living crisis; further notes that more than £2 …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
19th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th February 2024

Alan Bates and the Freedom of the City of Liverpool

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House supports the call for the Freedom of the City of Liverpool to be bestowed upon Liverpool-born Post Office Horizon campaigner Alan Bates; notes this is the highest civil award in the city and has previously been awarded to those who have left an indelible mark on the …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 10
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
7th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 19th February 2024

International Court of Justice Ruling on Gaza and the UK’s duties under the Genocide Convention

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 26 January 2024, which found that it is plausible that Israel’s ongoing attacks on the Palestinian people in Gaza are in breach of the Genocide Convention; further notes that the ICJ issued provisional measures, including ordering …
73 signatures
(Most recent: 14 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Scottish National Party: 27
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
5th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 19th February 2024

Mortgage prisoners

Tabled by: Martin Docherty-Hughes (Scottish National Party - West Dunbartonshire)
That this House notes the new campaign launched by the UK Mortgage Prisoners Action Group which calls for urgent and sweeping legislative reforms to mortgages to avert further homeowner crises and go some way to righting the current wrongs; understands that there are nearly 200,000 mortgage prisoners who are still …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 17
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
5th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 7th February 2024

50th anniversary of the loss with all hands of the trawler fishing vessel Gaul

Tabled by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)
That this House notes with solemnity and sadness the 50th anniversary of the loss of the fishing vessel Gaul, with all hands, on the night of 8-9 February 1974 in storm conditions in the Barents Sea, north of Norway; remembers the 36 crew who lost their lives; further notes that …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Provision of council homes at social and living rents

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House notes that providing grants to enable councils to deliver much-needed homes at social and living rents would save the exchequer money in the medium and long-term; recognises that, under the self-financing settlement package for council housing introduced in 2012, councils were made to take on over £8 …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Local government services

Tabled by: Helen Morgan (Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire)
That this House notes with concern that the funding provided in the 2024/25 Local Government Finance Settlement has decreased by over £5,575 million since 2016 in real terms; understands that councils are facing a funding gap of £4bn over the next three years; notes that the 2024/25 Settlement reduces the …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
1st February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 7th February 2024

LGBT History Month 2024

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House recognises and celebrates February as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month 2024; welcomes this month-long celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans history; notes that LGBTQ+ people have a long history of making incredible contributions to the UK; further notes that LGBTQ+ History month is …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
1st February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Allied Steel and Wire workers’ pensions

Tabled by: Hywel Williams (Plaid Cymru - Arfon)
That this House recognises the 22 year injustice experienced by Allied Steel and Wire (ASW) workers in relation to their pensions; notes that around 1000 ASW pensions were lost in 2002 despite decades of contributions because their employer went bankrupt; acknowledges that despite having paid for 100% of their pensions, …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alliance: 1
1st February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Fuel poverty and the private rented sector

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House believes it is a national scandal that in 2022-23 almost 5,000 excess winter deaths were caused by people living in cold and damp homes; is deeply concerned that 6.5 million UK households are experiencing fuel poverty following the energy price cap rise in January 2024; urges the …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
1st February 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Independent Panel Inquiry into the death of Zane Gbangbola

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House notes that the Post Office Horizon scandal has reemphasised the need for a Hillsborough Law; acknowledges that more tragedies would benefit from a duty of candour on public servants and a parity of arms; supports the call for an independent panel inquiry with full powers to compel …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
31st January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 1st February 2024

Barnet mental health union dispute

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House notes with grave concern the ongoing industrial dispute over recruitment and retention payments with Barnet Council and UNISON in relation to the deeply disturbing endemic staffing crisis that exists within frontline mental health services in Barnet; further notes that this dispute is now the longest-running mental health …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 7
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
30th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 1st February 2024

Childhood cancer

Tabled by: Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour - South Shields)
That this House notes that over 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK every year; further notes that cancer is still the biggest killer by disease of children and young people in the UK; recognises the unique medical and psychosocial impacts of cancer on children …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
29th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 1st February 2024

Royal Welsh Agricultural Society's 120th anniversary

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House celebrates the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s 120th anniversary; further celebrates the Society’s work in showcasing and promoting Welsh farming and agriculture and highlighting the important contribution it makes economically, culturally and environmentally to both Wales and the rest of the UK; notes the Society’s work involves hosting …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Labour: 1
26th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th January 2024

Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem

Tabled by: Chris Law (Scottish National Party - Dundee Central)
That this House is deeply alarmed by the attempted take-over of the Cows’ Garden in the Armenian Quarter of occupied Jerusalem by illegal Israeli settler organisations; notes that, despite the cancellation of a lease agreement, Israeli settlers have used violence, threats and bulldozers against the Armenians at this site; recognises …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 29th January 2024

Health workers in Gaza and the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House congratulates the more than 250,000 people who have signed a petition to support the nomination of health care workers in Gaza for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize; believes that health workers in Gaza have sought to save lives in the most difficult of circumstances and mourns the …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
26th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th January 2024

Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain documentary series

Tabled by: Owen Thompson (Scottish National Party - Midlothian)
That this House applauds the Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain documentary series for shining a much needed light on events that irrevocably changed our country; thanks Channel 4 and Swan Films for their continued commitment to hard-hitting factual programmes; commends the miners and their families for taking part …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 23
Labour: 6
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
24th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Poverty in the UK

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with utter dismay the recent increase in poverty across Britain and the findings of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation report entitled UK Poverty 2024 that 22% or 14.4 million people in the UK were in poverty in 2021-22, of which 4.2 million were children and 2.1 million …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Green Party: 1
22nd January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 22nd January 2024

Personal Independence Payment processing times

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House raises concerns about the Department for Work and Pensions' management of Personal Independence Payments (PIP); notes that a number of constituents in Hemsworth constituency have reported long delays in the processing of PIP claims and changes of circumstances, which can have a significant negative impact on the …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 5
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 22nd January 2024

Inheritance tax

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House objects to suggestions that the Government should cut or scrap inheritance tax in the forthcoming Budget; notes that inheritance tax revenues amount to around £7 billion a year; further notes that in the year 2020 to 2021 only 3.73% of UK deaths resulted in an inheritance tax …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
24th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 22nd January 2024

Youth services

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House recognises the deep impact that the last decade of austerity has had on local youth services; notes the YMCA's findings that youth services have been cut by £1.1bn nationally since 2010/11, which is a real-terms fall of 74 per cent, and that the annual spend per head …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 1
18th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 19th January 2024

Public sector pay 2024-25

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House notes the Government's public sector pay remit letters to the Chairs of the Pay Review Bodies published on 20 December 2023; further notes that their publication date and request for a report by May 2024 is a month later than the previous pay round; notes the Government …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
19th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 19th January 2024

Access to medications

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its dismay at reports that there is a shortage of diabetes and other medication in the UK; notes that some GP surgeries are unable to prescribe the type 2 diabetes drug Ozempic at all due to shortages; further notes that this shortage has been linked with …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
17th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 18th January 2024

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is dismayed at the complacency and obstinacy of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) management in its implementation of the flawed Driver Services Recovery Programme; notes concerns raised by the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union that the programme poses significant safety risks to examiners and …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
16th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 17th January 2024

Deaths of journalists in Gaza

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House expressers its extreme concern at the mounting and unprecedented death toll of journalists in Gaza; notes that the independent Committee to Protect Journalists has recorded the death of 82 journalists in this conflict since October 2023; welcomes the support provided by the National Union of Journalists for …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
16th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th January 2024

Journalists in Gaza

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is profoundly shocked and saddened by the deaths of over 85 journalists and other media workers in Gaza since the Hamas attacks of October 7, with many more critically injured, missing or in detention without trial; believes that journalists in Gaza are the only ones standing between …
57 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 19
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 10th January 2024

Pension restitution for women born in the 1950s

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House welcomes the positive interventions from so many hon. Members from across the House on behalf of women born in the 1950s who have suffered pensions loss through the targeting of their pension rights; pays tribute to constituents and campaigners in their ongoing fight for justice; recalls that …
98 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 31
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 8th January 2024

Arms to Israel

Tabled by: Chris Law (Scottish National Party - Dundee Central)
That this House notes with deep concern that UK-made military equipment and technology is being used by Israel, including in its most recent bombardment of the occupied Gaza Strip which has resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries; expresses alarm at reports by the UN Commission of Inquiry on the …
91 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 38
Labour: 36
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
18th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 8th January 2024

The work of people across the Parliamentary Estate

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House recognises the essential contribution of all staff across the Parliamentary Estate, including, but not limited to, cleaners, caterers, chefs, kitchen stewards, baristas, doorkeepers, clerks, library support specialists, tour guides, police and firefighters, as well as those in Parliamentary offices and Departments, such as the Speaker’s office, the …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alliance: 1
8th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 8th January 2024

Government legal advice on Gaza

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House understands that questions have been raised internationally about the legality of the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza; recognises that in November 2023 UN experts raised the alarm about the risk of genocide in Gaza; highlights the UN General Secretary’s reasons for invoking Article 99 that there is …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th January 2024
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 8th January 2024


Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes the increased awareness of the life-changing injustices experienced by sub-postmasters throughout the Horizon scandal; further notes it is now known as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history; notes with concern that sub-postmasters have served custodial sentences, suffered bankruptcy for offences they did not …
90 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 16
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
18th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2023

Members of Parliament (Oil and Gas Companies) Bill

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House welcomes the publication of the Members of Parliament (Oil and Gas Companies) Bill on 13 December 2023; supports the Bill’s aims of prohibiting Members of Parliament from working for or receiving any financial or other benefit from oil and gas companies as well as its call for …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 18th December 2023

Specialist paediatric dentists

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House notes the shortage of specialist paediatric dentists in the UK and the prolonged waiting times for children's dental procedures; highlights that specialist paediatric dentists provide comprehensive oral healthcare for children and adolescents, including those with special care needs; further highlights that they undergo three years of additional …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
14th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 18th December 2023

Oral health strategy for children

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House notes that tooth decay is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in young children, despite the fact that it is a largely preventable disease; expresses concern that, according to Government statistics, as of 2022, 23.7% of five year-olds in England experienced dentinal decay, with …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
18th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 18th December 2023

Child poverty (No. 2)

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its dismay at the number of children in poverty in the UK; believes that as the UK is one of the richest countries in the world, it is shocking that 29% of children in our country are living in poverty and that 71% of those children …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 14th December 2023

Honours system

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses concern over the current honours system, which gives power to the Government and its senior Ministers to recommend candidates; highlights the potential misuse of the system as a result, noting the findings of an Electoral Reform Society report, which found that 65% of the public believe …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
13th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 13th December 2023

Child poverty

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its dismay at the number of children in poverty in the UK; believes that as the UK is one of the richest countries in the world, it is shocking that 29% of children in our country are living in poverty, with 71% of children growing up …
3 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
13th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 13th December 2023

Council funding

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its deep concerns about the future of local government funding and the cuts which have been imposed on local authorities by the Government, which on average amount to a 40% decrease in funding; highlights the comments made by some council leaders who have expressed their concerns …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 13th December 2023

Manufacturing in the UK

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House acknowledges the decline in manufacturing in the UK; notes that the number of manufacturing jobs has fallen from 7.8 million in 1971 to 2.3 million in 2022; further notes that most of these cuts to manufacturing have occurred in the North of England, with nearly a million …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 2
13th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 13th December 2023

Fuel poverty

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with huge concern the figures from National Energy Action which has estimated that the total number of households across the UK in fuel poverty increased from around 4 million in summer 2020 to 6.7 million in October 2022 and expects it to reach 7.5 million households …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th December 2023

Adult literacy

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House recognises that poor literacy skills and illiteracy can consign adults to insecure and low-paid work, lead to poverty and isolation and leave them vulnerable to exploitation; further recognises that people who struggle to read and write can face difficulty in accessing housing, social security, health and care …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
8th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th December 2023

Scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Martyn Day (Scottish National Party - Linlithgow and East Falkirk)
That this House applauds the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022, enshrining in law the ability of animals to experience joy and feel suffering and pain; notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth, with its Beagle Ambassador, rescued laboratory dog Betsy; is shocked to see the continuing harrowing exposés that …
77 signatures
(Most recent: 20 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 30
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2023

Domestic abuse and the workplace

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes that domestic abuse can have profound long-term effects on survivors and is concerned that is very difficult to speak out about domestic abuse and often those that do are subject to further silencing tactics; recognises that domestic violence is a workplace issue and that it can …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2023

Funding domestic abuse services

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes that domestic abuse has wide ranging effects, including mental, emotional, physical, social and financial, on all areas of life for the individual survivor and those around them; recognises that community-based domestic abuse services provide holistic, specialist support to women and children experiencing domestic abuse on both …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 5
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2023

Sewage discharges by United Utilities

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House condemns the regular and large-scale dumping of sewage by United Utilities across the North West of England; notes that recent Freedom of Information requests show that since 2018 raw sewage has been pumped into the North West’s natural environment for a total of 2,219,418 hours; highlights that …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Labour: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2023

Clothing poverty awareness

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes with concern that rising numbers of people are unable to afford adequate clothing in the United Kingdom, that the demand for clothing banks has increased dramatically and is particularly acute during winter months and that even despite the best efforts of clothing banks clothing deprivation is …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 7
Labour: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 7th December 2023

Government Property Agency, ISS and outsourced workers

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is extremely concerned about the Government Property Agency’s handling of the transfer of facilities management services from Mitie to ISS with respect to the implications for workers whose employment has transferred; notes that the pay arrangements for cleaners and caterers are being shifted from a monthly to …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 21
Labour: 18
Independent: 8
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
5th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 7th December 2023

Pay for Royal Fleet Auxiliary Seafarers

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House pays tribute to the commitment and dedication of the 1,700 civilian seafarers, including trainees, at the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA); is concerned that nearly fifteen years of pay restraint is having a negative effect on recruitment, retention, training and industrial relations in the RFA; notes that inflation …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
7th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 6th December 2023

Two child benefit cap

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House strongly opposes the continuation of the cruel and unnecessary two child limit for benefits, introduced by the Government in 2017; notes that recent research shows that one in 10 children live in households affected by the two-child limit, that is 1.5 million children; highlights the University of …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
4th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2023

85th anniversary of the return of the British and Irish volunteers in the International Brigades

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House notes that 7 December 2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the return to Britain of the British and Irish volunteer members of the International Brigades who fought on the side of the Republican Government against fascism of Franco, Mussolini and Hitler in the Spanish Civil War; recalls …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
4th December 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2023

Reductions in railway funding

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House notes the Government funding settlement for the next five-year Railway Control Period 7 from 2024 to 2029 will result in a £1.2bn cut in Network Rail's budget for vital safety-critical railway infrastructure work compared to the previous five year period; further notes these cuts will fall on …
40 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
29th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2023

BBC investigative journalism

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House deplores the announcement by the BBC that more than half the jobs on flagship weekday evening programme Newsnight will be lost as part of the latest misguided Digital First savings strategy; regrets that Newsnight will no longer screen investigative reporting and will be truncated to just thirty …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
13th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2023

Changes to the Highway Code for vulnerable road users

Tabled by: Helen Morgan (Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire)
That this House appreciates the recent changes made to the Highway Code relating to protecting vulnerable road users; understands that new rules 212-215 help ensure that other road users treat these users with care; observes that these rules have been added specifically because the Highway Code previously lacked rules to …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
28th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 4th December 2023

Launch of The Rational Policy-Maker’s Guide to the NHS report

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House welcomes the publication of the report The Rational Policy-Maker’s Guide to the NHS; supports the report’s main conclusions that the NHS is the best and most cost-effective healthcare model yet to be demonstrated in practice in an advanced economy, that the current serious underperformance of the NHS is …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
27th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 28th November 2023

Free school meals

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House notes that free school meals ensure millions of children get a hot and healthy meal each day; is concerned that children whose families meet financial eligibility requirements, but receive their education other than at school, do not benefit from these meals; congratulates both Brighton and Hove City …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
27th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 28th November 2023

154th anniversary of the founding of the Durham Miners’ Association

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the 154th anniversary of the founding of the Durham Miners’ Association; recognises that, within three years of its founding, the Durham Miners’ Association had secured the abolition of bonded labour practices; further recognises its remarkable contributions to trade unionism and the wider labour movement; thanks the …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
27th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 28th November 2023

The Fire Brigades Union's DECON Campaign

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House recognises the exceptional work of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) to protect firefighters against toxic contaminants and prevent cancer; commends Professor Stec and her team at the University of Central Lancashire for leading Britain’s first major study into the link between cancer and fire contaminants; congratulates the …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th November 2023

Go North East bus strike

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House condemns Go North East for their failure to resolve ongoing industrial action; notes that when at full operation Go North East is part of a failed status quo of sub standard public transport provision in the North East region outside of major cities; believes Go North East …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
22nd November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 23rd November 2023

Joan Jara

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
This House notes with sadness the recent passing of Joan Jara in Santiago; acknowledges that she was the widow of the late Victor Jara who brought so much joy to the people of Chile and who inspired the election of Salvador Allende in 1970 until his murder in the 1973 …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 7
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
21st November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Tabled by: Paulette Hamilton (Labour - Birmingham Erdington)
That this House acknowledges that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month; recognises that survival rates in the UK still lag behind much of the rest of Europe and the World; notes that pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect and that diagnosis takes too long with slow processes and multiple tests …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
20th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st November 2023

Local Housing Allowance and housing supply

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House acknowledges the endemic housing crisis which now affects all communities across the country and the unsustainable rent increases across the private rented sector; affirms the current inadequacy of Local Housing Allowance, frozen since April 2020; believes that Local Housing Allowance has not kept pace with rising rents; …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
15th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 16th November 2023

Redundancies at Reach plc and sustainability of the press

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House is dismayed at the extent of substantial job cuts announced by Reach plc, publisher of titles including The Mirror, Daily Record, Daily Star, Manchester Evening News, Irish Mirror and Liverpool Echo; notes that the company has indicated an estimated 450 posts will be made redundant at the …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 16th November 2023

Sewage discharges

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the continuing dumping of sewage into UK waterways; recognises that the practice is dangerous to public health and damaging to the environment; further recognises that the pollution is making it unsafe for people to swim in natural designated bathing sites such as the …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Nov 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
13th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th November 2023

Refugee campaign groups from the North East

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House welcomes the lobby of Parliament by refugee groups from the North East of England to be held in Room S of Portcullis House from 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Tuesday 28 November; proudly acknowledges that the UK has, for centuries, provided a haven for those fleeing oppression; understands …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jan 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 1
13th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th November 2023

Seasonal Worker visa scheme

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House notes the recent report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Independent which identified issues of racism, wage theft and threats of being sent back home in 19 farm inspection reports produced by the Home Office between 2021 and 2022; recognises that migrant seasonal workers are …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
9th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th November 2023

Myalgic encephalomyelitis research and treatment

Tabled by: Clive Lewis (Labour - Norwich South)
This House commends current research being conducted by the Quadram Institute on the Norwich Research Park that builds on recent evidence that conditions like myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and Long Covid, have a basis in the immune system; notes that ME (sometimes known as ME/CFS) is a severely debilitating condition thought …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
14th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 14th November 2023

Protections for the green belt

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern about building developments on green belt land; notes that the Secretary-General of the United Nations has said that humanity is becoming a weapon of mass extinction; further notes that the extinction of wildlife species has a knock-on impact on the wider ecosystem and causes …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Nov 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
14th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 9th November 2023

Food banks

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with extreme concern the new figures from The Trussell Trust which showed that 1.5 million food parcels were provided to people between April and September 2023 by food banks in the charity’s UK-wide network, which is a 16% increase on the same period in 2022; highlights …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
7th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th November 2023

Newsquest Local Democracy Reporter pay

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned that publisher Newsquest is failing to provide decent salaries for its Local Democracy Reporters despite allocated funding provided by the BBC from licence fee payers; notes that Newsquest has failed to account for a £10,000 surplus per post even after salary and usual employers' costs …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Nov 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 8th November 2023

Section 21 evictions

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House urgently calls on the Government to proceed with their 2019 manifesto promise to abolish section 21 of the Housing Act 1988, otherwise known as no fault evictions; condemns the number of delays in bringing forward a proper legislative ban in the last parliamentary session; urges the government …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Dec 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Green Party: 1
7th November 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th November 2023

Protecting civilians in Gaza and Israel (No. 2)

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House utterly condemns the massacre of Israeli civilians and taking of hostages by Hamas; agrees with the United Nations Secretary-General that these horrific acts do not justify responding with the collective punishment of the Palestinian people; expresses its deep alarm at the Israeli military bombardment and total siege of …
105 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Scottish National Party: 41
Independent: 13
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
23rd October 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 24th October 2023

Death of Sir Bobby Charlton

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House notes with sadness the death of Sir Bobby Charlton, arguably England’s greatest ever footballer; highlights that Bobby was one of the elite group of players known as the Busby Babes and made his way into first team football and won his first champions medal in the 1956-57 …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
17th October 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 17th October 2023

Protecting civilians in Gaza and Israel

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House utterly condemns the massacre of Israeli civilians and taking of hostages by Hamas; agrees with the United Nations Secretary-General that these horrific acts do not justify responding with the collective punishment of the Palestinian people; expresses its deep alarm at the Israeli military bombardment and total siege of …
95 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 38
Labour: 36
Independent: 13
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
18th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th September 2023

COP28 and human rights

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House is concerned that the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) will be held in the United Arab Emirates amid ongoing repression and human rights violations, and risks being used to greenwash and distract from the UAE’s appalling human rights records; notes the ongoing detention of 60 members of …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
18th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th September 2023

Pet abduction

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes the tragic rise in pet abduction; further notes that pet theft is a traumatic experience; condemns the lack of a specific pet abduction offence; is horrified by the tragic story of Winnie a much loved family pet who went missing from her home on 4 September …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th September 2023

Transport for London cleaning review

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House welcomes the decision by the London Mayor to conduct work to assess TfL’s ability to bring cleaning in-house; further welcomes the fact that RMT and Transport for London are now holding discussions to see whether and how this can be facilitated, preventing the need for TfL’s cleaning …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th September 2023

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal and Royal Air Forces Long Service and Good Conduct Medal

Tabled by: Helen Morgan (Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire)
That this House has the utmost admiration for all those who have served in His Majesty's Armed Forces; notes that veterans who have shown outstanding dedication to their King or late Queen and country should be awarded with fitting medallic recognition; is concerned that the Ministry of Defence's medallic recognition …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Labour: 2
Conservative: 1
14th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 18th September 2023

Right to Food Week 2023

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House recognises that Right to Food Week 2023 takes place between 18 and 23 September 2023; highlights the injustices of hunger; notes that 18% of UK households are experiencing food insecurity and more than half a million children dropped below the poverty line in the last year; acknowledges …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
14th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 18th September 2023

TUC Conference 2023 resolution on public sector pay

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House notes that real weekly wages remain below where they were in 2008; further notes that wages in the public sector continue to fall in real terms; recognises the final public sector pay settlements for 2022-23 reflected an increase on the initial public sector pay review body recommendations …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
13th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 14th September 2023

The 42nd Great North Run

Tabled by: Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour - South Shields)
That this House celebrates the thousands of runners who crossed the finish line in South Shields on Sunday 10th September after taking part in the 42nd Great North Run; notes that the Great North Run as an institution demonstrates our region, and history and our people; highlights the boost the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
12th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 13th September 2023

Service of Paul Kehoe, House of Commons Senior Doorkeeper

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this house sends its warmest congratulations and thanks to Paul Kehoe on completing an impressive 44 years of loyal service in the House of Commons; recognises his kindness, hard work and loyal service during this time; and looks forward to working with him through his 45th year and beyond.
25 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
12th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2023

Human rights in Manipur

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House notes the ongoing, grave human rights violations in Manipur, India, including acts of sexual violence, extrajudicial killings, home destruction, forced displacement, torture and ill-treatment, predominantly targeting the Kuki-Zo people, a tribal community who are largely Christian; further notes that between 3 May and mid-August an estimated 160 …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
7th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 11th September 2023

Industrial action by social care workers in Glasgow

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House thanks social care staff across Scotland and the rest of the UK who work in frontline community services to care for our most vulnerable; recognises that many social care workers, especially in the private sector, are in receipt of low pay and poor terms and conditions which …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 6th September 2023

Pulmonary fibrosis awareness month

Tabled by: Mohammad Yasin (Labour - Bedford)
That this House marks Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month which takes place in September; acknowledges the importance of raising awareness of pulmonary fibrosis, a debilitating and often life-threatening lung condition affecting 70,000 people across the United Kingdom; regrets that 1% of all deaths are due to pulmonary fibrosis; recognises the work …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 6th September 2023

Attacks on Jacqueline McKenzie

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House stands in solidarity with Jacqueline McKenzie, a partner and head of immigration and asylum law at Leigh Day law firm, who has faced unprecedented attacks from the Home Office and the Conservative Campaign Headquarters; believes that these attacks have the direct aim to undermine Jacqueline McKenzie’s professional …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
5th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 5th September 2023

Trauma-informed public services

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House recognises that many organisations are implementing trauma-informed approaches, actively working to create a service where clients feel safe and empowered and won’t be re-traumatised; notes that many public services can inadvertently perpetuate trauma for vulnerable people they work with, given the nature of the services they provide …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 4
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th September 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th September 2023

50th anniversary of the 1973 Chilean military coup

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House notes that 11 September 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Chilean coup d’état; honours the heroic sacrifices of all those who resisted the murderous dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet between 1973 and 1990 and remembers the three thousand Chileans murdered by state security forces in that …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
16th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 4th September 2023

Hunting on Ministry of Defence land

Tabled by: Dave Doogan (Scottish National Party - Angus and Perthshire Glens)
That this House notes with concern that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) continues to grant licences for trail and drag hunts on MoD land, including 248 hunts over 13 MoD sites in a single year; notes that leaked footage shows the Hunting Office and the Masters of Fox Hounds Association …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Independent: 4
Labour: 2
19th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 20th July 2023

University of Chichester and closure of Masters by Research History of Africa and the African Diaspora course

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House expresses its disappointment at the recent announcement by the University of Chichester that they have suspended all recruitment to the Masters by Research History of Africa and the African Diaspora course; notes with regret that this decision will not only deprive students of the opportunity to study …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 4
18th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 20th July 2023

Kinship carers

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the important role played by kinship carers in keeping children out of the care system, providing the love and stability children need by bringing up a relative or friend's child; acknowledges the work of leading national charity Kinship, which offers free support and advice to kinship …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
13th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 17th July 2023

School libraries and librarians

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House recognises the importance of encouraging children to enjoy books from an early age and of developing a culture of reading for pleasure in schools; notes that evidence suggests that school libraries lead to better literacy and educational outcomes, higher attainment, improved wellbeing and contribute to the delivery …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
17th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 17th July 2023

The two-child benefit cap

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House strongly opposes the continuation of the cruel and unnecessary two child limit for benefits, introduced by the Government in 2017; notes that recent research shows that one in 10 children live in households affected by the two-child limit, that is 1.5 million children; highlights the University of …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 12th July 2023

50th anniversary of Meirionnydd Special Riding Group

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House congratulates Grwp Marchogaeth Arbennig Meirionnydd, Meirionnydd Special Riding Group, who recently celebrated their 50th anniversary with a fun day; notes that the riding group was founded in 1973 by Joan Veevers, a member of the Dolgellau Red Cross Group; celebrates that in 2011 the charity was awarded …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Labour: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
10th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 11th July 2023

Pay in the North East

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes the Trades Union Congress (TUC) analysis which shows that the North East still has the lowest average weekly earnings of any region in the UK; notes the analysis reveals workers in the North East region earn 7% less, on average, than the UK median wage; further …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 7th July 2023

Bullying and respect at work

Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House notes that 15 per cent of people have experienced bullying at work in the UK which is not related to any protected characteristic; observes that this amounts to 4.9 million people employed in the UK; further notes that the Health and Safety Executive highlights that 17 million …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
6th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 7th July 2023

Profits and inflation

Tabled by: Debbie Abrahams (Labour - Oldham East and Saddleworth)
That this House notes the Bank of England’s decision in June to increase interest rates to five per cent, the 13th consecutive rise; believes that while inflation must be reduced and contained, ordinary British people are not the drivers of inflation, including core inflation, and that there is evidence of …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 7th July 2023

Pets in temporary accommodation

Tabled by: Mohammad Yasin (Labour - Bedford)
That this House recognises how pets enrich lives, providing emotional support and bringing great joy to responsible owners; further recognises the proposed changes to legislation set out in the Government's Renter's Reform Bill around pets and tenancies; notes that if the Bill is passed, landlords may only refuse pets in …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
6th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 7th July 2023

Third anniversary of the Bow crane collapse

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes with deepest regret that 8 July 2023 marks three years since the tragic death of June Harvey after a tower crane fell on her house in Bow in 2020; notes with sadness other fatalities as a result of crane collapses; pays tribute to construction safety campaigns, …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 6th July 2023

Future of railway ticket offices

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this House notes with concern the planned mass closure of rail ticket offices, leaving many of the over 1000 train stations unstaffed; recognises that railway ticket office staff are a vital resource for many passengers who might struggle to manage online booking processes and for the security of children, …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 8
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 4th July 2023

Actions of the Israeli government in the Occupied Territories

Tabled by: Colum Eastwood (Social Democratic & Labour Party - Foyle)
This House condemns the ongoing actions of the Israeli government in the Occupied Territories, including the expansion of settlements, demolitions of Palestinian homes, forced evictions, and discriminatory policies that perpetuate the violation of Palestinian human rights; further condemns the Israeli government's failure to comply with international law, including United Nations …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
3rd July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 4th July 2023

Prescribing of cannabis medicines by general medical practitioners

Tabled by: Crispin Blunt (Independent - Reigate)
That this House notes that the Government allowed specialist medical practitioners to be able to prescribe cannabis medicines in 2018, but excluded general medical practitioners, despite their core role in supporting patients in their communities; further notes that, annually, around 20,000 patients obtain private prescriptions for medical cannabis, but just …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 5
Labour: 4
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd July 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 4th July 2023

Support for DHL workers taking strike action on Avanti West Coast

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House supports rail workers providing catering stores to Avanti West Coast, who are taking strike action in support of their campaign for a fair pay offer from their employer DHL; notes that RPI inflation stands at 11.3 per cent, that interest rates are at 5 per cent and …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
29th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 3rd July 2023

Working conditions of rail workers employed by Carlisle Support Services

Tabled by: Cat Smith (Labour - Lancaster and Wyre)
That this House pays tribute to the important public-facing work of outsourced Revenue and Gateline staff employed by Carlisle Support Services on Northern Trains stations; notes with concern that these staff are enduring a rising tide of passenger violence, including cases of serious assault; is dismayed that these keyworkers are …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 30th June 2023

Deep sea mining

Tabled by: Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru - Ceredigion Preseli)
That this House is concerned about the potential environmental impact of deep sea mining; notes that the process involves retrieving mineral deposits from the deep seabed, despite research suggesting that it could destroy habitats and wipe out species; further notes that 700 science and policy experts from 44 countries have …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
27th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 28th June 2023

Indigenous peoples in Brazil

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House is concerned about reports that Bill PL 2903, formerly Bill PL490, in Brazil could, inter alia, invalidate indigenous peoples’ claims to their ancestral lands and result in their forced displacement and the obliteration of their communities; notes this proposed legislation is expected to allow for mining, logging, …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
26th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 28th June 2023

Apprentices and the Living Wage

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House recognises the challenges faced by apprentices, especially at this time of high inflation and a cost of living crisis, notes that four out of five apprentices surveyed by the NUS required additional assistance to cover their living expenses, often resorting to credit cards or personal savings due …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
20th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 22nd June 2023

Time For Change Coalition Against Hunting

Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House is concerned that hunting with dogs is still taking place in England and Wales under the guise of trail hunting and exemptions in the law; recognises that the ban on hunting with dogs is weak and is failing to protect animals from cruelty; believes that until this …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
19th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 20th June 2023

Prescription charges

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House welcomes the latest report from the Prescription Charges Coalition entitled Continuing to pay the price published in March 2023 which demonstrates that vital medicine is unaffordable for many people living with long-term health conditions in England and that there has been an increase in the number of …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 20th June 2023

Centenary of Aberdare Cenotaph

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House notes the 100th anniversary of the erection of the Cenotaph in Victoria Square, Aberdare, which was unveiled on 8 March 1923 in memory of 700 men of the area who died during the 1914-18 war; further notes the later dedications to service men who died in the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
15th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 16th June 2023

Improved public transport to support cleaner air

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House welcomes initiatives such as Clean Air Day, which this year is on 15 June, and highlights the need to support improvements in air quality and public health; notes that poor air quality exists in the transport sector, arising from a failure to introduce affordable and attractive alternatives …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 15th June 2023

Royal National Lifeboat Institution rescue operations

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House commends the invaluable work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution following reports that the charitable organisation has saved the lives of 108 men, women and children in 2022 making the perilous journey across the English Channel in small boats; further commends the crews mainly working in Dover …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 15th June 2023

Parent Teacher Association Awards 2023

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House salutes the continued success of the National PTA Awards, launched by Parentkind, the network of Parent Teacher Association fundraisers; acknowledges these Awards are a celebration of the time, hard work and dedication that all PTAs and supporters volunteer to raise vital funds for the school community; recognises …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
7th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 15th June 2023

Pride Month 2023

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House celebrates Pride Month 2023 and the LGBTQ+ community; recognises that generations of LGBTQ+ people have had to fight for the rights they have today; regrets that this year’s Pride Month is taking place in a climate of heightened hostility, particularly towards trans people; is deeply concerned that, …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
13th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th June 2023

Automatic enrolment on the NHS Healthy Start scheme

Tabled by: Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour - South Shields)
That this House notes that, in May 2023, over 200,000 babies, children and pregnant mothers from low income households across England, Wales and Northern Ireland missed out on their entitlement to the NHS Healthy Start scheme for free fruit, vegetables and milk; also notes that average take up across the …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
13th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th June 2023

Honouring Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s 10th birthday

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House notes that this day, Tuesday 13th June 2023, would have been West Derby schoolgirl Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s 10th birthday; notes that Olivia is sorely missed by her family and friends since her young life was tragically taken from her in a shooting last August which shocked the entire …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
13th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th June 2023

Recognition for railway cleaners

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House pays tribute to rail cleaners working for train companies Network Rail, Transport for London (TfL) and London Underground, who worked throughout the pandemic and since to keep our rail services clean and safe; notes that the vast majority of these cleaners are outsourced to sub-contractors, meaning that …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
12th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 13th June 2023

Durham Miners' Gala 2023

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the Durham Miners’ Gala, also known as the Big Meeting, on Saturday 8 July 2023; believes that the Durham Miners’ Gala is the greatest celebration of working-class solidarity in the world; recognises the contribution mineworkers have made to the working-class movement throughout history; recognises the contribution …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
12th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th June 2023

Sixth anniversary of the Grenfell Tower Fire

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House marks with sadness the sixth anniversary of the terrible Grenfell Fire disaster; calls for urgent action from the Government to ensure all buildings are made safe by remedying fire safety defects irrespective of building type, height, tenure or any other characteristics so a disaster like this can …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
8th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 12th June 2023

Park View Medical Centre

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House notes with deep concern the proposed closure of the Park View Medical Centre; notes that the medical centre is located in Tuebrook in the constituency of Liverpool West Derby and also provides GP services to many constituents of Liverpool Wavertree; recognises that the medical centre has been …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
7th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 12th June 2023

Industrial dispute at Allied Bakeries in Liverpool

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House expresses support and solidarity to members of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union taking industrial action over pay at Allied Bakeries' Liverpool site; applauds the contribution made by these key workers throughout the period of the covid-19 pandemic; regrets that these workers have experienced a continued …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
25th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 12th June 2023

National Highways' shortlisting of Lower Thames Crossing road tunnel

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is deeply concerned that National Highways has shortlisted Bouygues Murphy Joint Venture for its £2.3bn contract to build the Lower Thames Crossing road tunnel; acknowledges that Murphy International have had legal action launched against them in Ireland by Unite the Union since the company sacked a union …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 4
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
6th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 7th June 2023

Clothing poverty awareness

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes with concern that rising numbers of people are unable to afford adequate clothing in the United Kingdom, that the demand for clothing banks has increased dramatically, that even despite the best efforts of clothing banks clothing deprivation is an hidden aspect of poverty in the United …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Tackling skills shortages

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House notes that there are significant skills shortages across the economy; further notes that the Open University and British Chambers of Commerce Business Barometer Report 2022 found that 72 per cent of responding private, public and third-sector organisations said that skills shortages are causing increased workload on other …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Support for the Anti-Stigma Network

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises that people harmed by drug and alcohol use should be treated fairly, justly and with dignity; further recognises that they are, however, frequently dehumanised, marginalised and discriminated against; acknowledges that negative preconceptions and stereotypes present a major obstacle to people accessing harm-reduction and recovery services; welcomes …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Targets for rooftop solar power

Tabled by: Barry Gardiner (Labour - Brent West)
That this House welcomes data released by the Countryside Charity showing that installing solar panels on new buildings and existing warehouse rooftops and other large constructions could provide at least 40-50 gigawatts of low carbon electricity, contributing more than half of the total national target of 70 gigawatts of solar …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Luton Town Football Club, winners of the EFL Championship Play-Off 2022-23

Tabled by: Rachel Hopkins (Labour - Luton South and South Bedfordshire)
That this House congratulates Luton Town Football Club on winning the English Football League Championship Play-Off Final and being promoted to the Premier League; celebrates the contribution and success of the players, manager Rob Edwards, club staff and club’s officials, including the Chairman, David Wilkinson, and Chief Executive, Gary Sweet; …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th June 2023

End Child Poverty Coalition All Kids Count campaign

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House notes the publication of the End Child Poverty Coalition’s local child poverty statistics; highlights that the statistics show that 29 per cent of 0 to 19 year-olds were living in poverty in the UK in 2021-22; commends the End Child Poverty Coalition for their campaign All Kids …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
5th June 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th June 2023

University of Durham win on University Challenge

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House congratulates the team from Durham University on their victory on University Challenge this year; notes that this is the third time a team from Durham University has won the show; recognises the hard work of the team; and wishes them well for the future.
4 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
24th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 25th May 2023

Changes to Bupa Dental Care

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House expresses concern that Bupa have taken the decision to close, sell or merge a total of 85 dental practices across the UK, the majority of which are focused on providing NHS dentistry; notes that for Bupa this is simply a portfolio change with no recognition that this …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 4
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Durham Pride 2023

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the success of Durham Pride 2023, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary; congratulates Mel Metcalf and the organising committee of Durham Pride for their hard work and dedication to inclusion and diversity in the North East; praises the work of the team throughout the weekend which …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
22nd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Proposed withdrawal of day travelcards

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House notes that the Mayor of London is considering withdrawing Day Travelcards from sale; further notes that the change is proposed to assist in generating additional income; is mindful that that the likely impact of the withdrawal is to make travel more expensive for passengers who currently purchase …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
18th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Northwich Victoria Football Club

Tabled by: Mike Amesbury (Labour - Runcorn and Helsby)
That this House expresses its disappointment with the Football Association decision to move Northwich Victoria Football Club to the Midlands League; notes that other grassroots football teams are being moved to the Midlands league; further notes that Northwich Victoria are a North West Club and now its 149 year history …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Promotion of Abercynon RFC, Aberdare RFC and Abercwmboi RFC

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House celebrates the promotion of Cynon Valley rugby clubs Abercynon RFC, Aberdare RFC and Abercwmboi RFC to Welsh Rugby Union League 1 East Central; notes the efforts the clubs have put into developing their own Mini, Junior and Youth sections; further notes they will join Mountain Ash RFC …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Zero hours contracts

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes the data released by The Office for National Statistics that shows that 1.1 million UK workers are employed on zero hours contracts, a ten fold increase since 2004; understands that in England 3.5 percent of those in work, have no set hours, meaning they are often …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th May 2023

National Union of Journalists' proposed strike action in Northern Ireland

Tabled by: Colum Eastwood (Social Democratic & Labour Party - Foyle)
That this House commends the National Union of Journalists for its planned strike action aimed at opposing cuts to jobs and programmes across the BBC in Northern Ireland; recognises the need to maintain local programming such as the Radio Foyle Breakfast show, which has been cut by BBC executives; further …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Independent: 1
26th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd May 2023

Scope Disability Price Tag research

Tabled by: Marion Fellows (Scottish National Party - Motherwell and Wishaw)
That this House acknowledges disabled people face higher costs than non-disabled people, with Scope’s new Disability Price Tag research showing the average disabled person household facing extra costs of £975 per month compared to non-disabled households; notes that this implies disabled households need to find almost £12,000 more a year …
58 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Scottish National Party: 18
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
16th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 17th May 2023

Potential merits of new legislation on mandatory corporate due diligence

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
This House welcomes the campaign for a new UK mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence law in connection with supply chains; notes that more than 100,000 people in the UK have signed a petition asking the Government to hold business, finance and the public sector to account when they …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
15th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th May 2023

Statutory Assessment Tests

Tabled by: Mike Amesbury (Labour - Runcorn and Helsby)
This House notes that the Y6 SAT reading tests on 10 May were not acceptable; notes they had a negative impact on children, left many visibly upset and made many children feel like failures because they could not finish the tests; notes SATs have a negative impact on children’s mental …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
15th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th May 2023

Foster Care Fortnight, 15-28 May 2023

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
This House recognises the importance of foster care in providing loving and stable homes for children unable to live with their families; acknowledges the significant impact foster care has on the well-being and life opportunities of these children; supports Foster Care Fortnight between 15 and 28 May 2023, an initiative …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th May 2023

University and College Union marking boycott

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that workers in higher education have endured over a decade of pay cuts, rising workloads, equality pay gaps and rampant casualisation; supports the recent industrial action that members of the University and College Union were forced to take in defence of pay and pensions; condemns plans …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
10th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th May 2023

Food workers, prices and poverty

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House is shocked by the findings of the Foodworkers on the Breadline report published by the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union based on a recent survey of members working in food manufacturing and retail; notes that, alarmingly, four in ten respondents reported having to skip meals for …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
9th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 10th May 2023

Workers' Educational Association 120th anniversary

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House congratulates the WEA on its 120th anniversary; recognises that the organisation was founded in 1903 as the Workers’ Educational Association; highlights that it provides community adult education and has supported hundreds of thousands of adult learners in England and Scotland; praises the WEA for bringing adult learning …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 5
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
9th May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 10th May 2023

Housing legal aid

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House notes that the housing system is in crisis and that many consider local authority housing services to be at breaking point; further notes that, as a result, services that provide free housing legal advice are in overwhelming demand; also notes this is compounded by half of all …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th May 2023

Extrajudicial executions in Iran

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House wishes to express its deep concern at the extrajudicial executions of Mohamad Reza Mashhadi Farahani, Hossein Jazy, Hamid Saied Mozafari, Sayed Farhad Hoseini, Ali Basaki, Ezatolah Shahbazi, Nika Shakarami, Shirzad Ahmadinezad, Ebrahim Rigi, Masoumeh and Aida Rostami by the Iranian State; sends condolences to the family and …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 5
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
2nd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Child poverty in the north of England

Tabled by: Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour - South Shields)
That this House is deeply concerned by the warnings of the Child of the North APPG report on Child Poverty and the Cost of Living Crisis that the aftermath of covid-19, increasing child poverty and cost of living pressures has pushed vulnerable families in the north of England to the …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 3rd May 2023

World Press Freedom Day

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes that 2023 represents the thirtieth anniversary of the proclamation of an international day of press freedom; recognises the importance of World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2023; further notes that the day allows citizens to commemorate journalists who have lost their lives and reminds citizens …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
2nd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Firefighters Memorial Day 2023

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House joins with firefighters across the UK to mark Firefighters Memorial Day, remembering the bravery and sacrifice of over 2,300 firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty, including firefighter Barry Martin who was critically injured whilst tackling a fire in Edinburgh in January 2023 …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
2nd May 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Freedom of expression and use of counter-terrorism powers (No. 2)

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is extremely concerned about Ernest Moret, foreign rights manager of French publisher La Fabrique who, whilst en route to the London Book Fair, was arrested by British Police under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act on suspicion of having participated in recent protests against pension reforms in …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 4
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
30th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Support for the hospice sector

Tabled by: Patricia Gibson (Scottish National Party - North Ayrshire and Arran)
That this House applauds the excellent end of life care and support provided by hospices across the UK to 300,000 people and their families every year; is concerned by the financial strain placed upon hospices due to the soaring costs of energy which places around £100m of additional costs a …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
25th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 26th April 2023

Seasonal Worker visa scheme

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House notes the report by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism into the exploitation of agricultural seasonal workers; recognises the identified risks of exploitation for workers entering the UK on the agricultural seasonal worker visa, including debt, bullying, wage theft and substandard accommodation; highlights the importance of recruitment to …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 26th April 2023

Civil Service Pay Remit

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House notes the recently published pay remit guidance for the civil service for 2023 to 2024 which has been set at a average of 4.5 per cent across Government departments following an insulting imposed pay award of two per cent for 2022 to 2023; observes that departments have …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
25th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 26th April 2023

Ynys Enlli, dark sky sanctuary

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House congratulates all those involved in Ynys Enlli’s designation as a dark sky sanctuary by the International Dark Sky Association, making its skies the darkest in Europe; notes that this designation recognises the unique skies of Ynys Enlli, which is home to a thriving fishery, high nature value …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 1
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
24th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 25th April 2023

MS awareness week

Tabled by: Charlotte Nichols (Labour - Warrington North)
That this House supports MS awareness week, which takes place between 24 and 30 April; highlights that the MS Society, MS Trust, Overcoming MS,, MS-UK, MS National Therapy Centres and MS Together are working together to raise awareness of the realities of living with MS, a progressive neurological condition …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
24th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 25th April 2023

Voter ID requirements

Tabled by: Helen Morgan (Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire)
That this House expresses deep concern at the failure of the Government’s Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) scheme, introduced as an alternative form of photo voter ID for those who do not hold an accepted form of ID under the Voter ID requirements as per the Election Act 2022, and the …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 10
Labour: 9
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
24th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 24th April 2023

Section 21 evictions

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House urgently calls on the Government to proceed with their 2019 manifesto and Queen’s Speech promises to abolish section 21 of the Housing Act 1988, otherwise known as no fault evictions; notes that section 21 evictions are increasingly used by landlords, with the ONS finding that threats of …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 21st April 2023

Freedom of expression and use of counter-terrorism powers

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is extremely concerned about Ernest Moret, foreign rights manager of French publisher La Fabrique who, whilst en route to the London Book Fair, was arrested by British police under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act on suspicion of having participated in recent protests against pension reforms in …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
20th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 21st April 2023

10th anniversary of Rana Plaza collapse

Tabled by: Stephen Timms (Labour - East Ham)
That this House marks the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster on 24 April 2013, which claimed the lives of 1,134 people, injured around 2,500, and impacted countless livelihoods; recognises and commends Bangladesh for its subsequent efforts to transform the safety and sustainability of its garment sector, with an …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Conservative: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
19th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 20th April 2023

Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House marks that on 24 April it is 10 years since the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which killed at least 1,132 workers and injured more than 2,500, a large proportion of whom were women in what was one of the worst industrial accidents …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
18th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 19th April 2023

Increase in Education Maintenance Allowance in Wales

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House welcomes Welsh Government's decision to increase the education maintenance allowance payment above £30 to £40 a week; congratulates members of the Senedd, NUS Wales and NEU Cymru for championing the increase; recognises that more must be done to deal with the cost of living crisis and the …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 25 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 19th April 2023

Anniversary of the Kinder Scout mass trespass

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes that 24 April marks the anniversary of the Kinder Scout mass trespass; acknowledges that this trespass united the campaign for access to the countryside and eventually contributed to the establishment of the UK’s first national parks through the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 19th April 2023

South Shields Football Club

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House congratulates South Shields Football Club on winning the Northern League Premier Division title and promotion to National League North; pays tribute to owner and Chairman Geoff Thompson, manager Kevin Phillips and the players for their role in helping the club to the Northern League Premier Division title; …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
17th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 18th April 2023

TransPennine Express

Tabled by: Mike Amesbury (Labour - Runcorn and Helsby)
That this House calls for the contract for TransPennine Express to be terminated; notes that TransPennine Express has been providing unacceptable levels of service to the north for years and that they are at truly now dire levels; also notes that TransPennine Express recently cancelled almost a quarter of all …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
17th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 18th April 2023

20th anniversary of shooting of Tom Hurndall

Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That this House notes that April 2023 marks twenty years since 22 year old British photojournalist, Tom Hurndall, was shot in the head by an Israeli army sniper as he tried to rescue Palestinian children from the line of gunfire in Gaza; further notes that he died in January 2004 …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 8
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
17th April 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 18th April 2023

Housing conditions in the private rented sector

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House acknowledges the report by Citizen's Advice entitled Damp, cold and full of mould: The reality of housing in the private rented sector; is alarmed by the finding that 2.7 million renting households, including 1.6 million children, are currently living in cold, damp or mouldy homes; calls on …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
30th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 18th April 2023

Pension entitlement for women born in the 1950s

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House notes with great concern that women born in the 1950s have been found to have been subjected to direct discrimination and maladministration as a consequence of having their entitlement to receive their state pensions at 65 revoked; further notes that 3.8 million women have been adversely affected …
61 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Independent: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
30th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 30th March 2023

Show Racism the Red Card

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House congratulates Show Racism the Red Card for engaging one million people through their anti-racist educational programmes; notes the contribution of footballers and other sportsmen and women in promoting equality and inclusion among adults and children in schools, workplaces and at sporting clubs; believes that Show Racism the …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
29th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 30th March 2023

Paul O'Grady

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House expresses its sadness on the untimely passing of Paul O’Grady; celebrates the life of a much-loved entertainer, writer, actor, and comedian; recognises the great pride that the people of Birkenhead have taken over many years in the continued success of their favourite son; commends the trailblazing work …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 28th March 2023

VAT on audiobooks

Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House recognises that audio books, now popular and widely available across all genres; from business to academic, from historical to self help, are a lifeline for many people with sight loss, visual impairment, dyslexia or other reading disabilities; agrees that audio books offer unique opportunities for visually-impaired and …
58 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 20
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 6
Conservative: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
23rd March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 24th March 2023

UN International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House recognises the UN International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade; calls on the UK Government to offer a full formal apology, for the destructive and exploitative actions of the British Empire, including but not limited to, the Empire’s role in …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 25 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
22nd March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 23rd March 2023

St Bede’s Catholic Primary School, British Council International School Award accreditation

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House congratulates St Bede’s Catholic Primary School for their recent accreditation with the British Council International School Award; and notes that this is a brilliant achievement for all pupils and staff involved and applauds them for all their hard work with this accreditation and in the local community.
6 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
20th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st March 2023

Prison education

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes the importance of prison education being at the heart of rehabilitation, and its power to unlock potential and reduce reoffending; is alarmed by the dire state of prison education, with experts and authoritative bodies including the Chief Inspector of Prisons, Ofsted and the Education Select Committee …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st March 2023

Telecoms price increases

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House condemns the announced plans by the UK’s largest telecoms companies for above-inflation mid-contract price increases; highlights reports that O2 plans to increase prices by 17.3 per cent while BT, EE, Vodafone, Three, Plusnet Mobile and Talkmobile plan to increase prices by 14.4 per cent and Virgin Media …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st March 2023

Ministry of Defence staff pay

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
This House notes that, due to the cost of living crisis, the increase to the National Living Wage in April 2023 will be welcomed by many low waged families; expresses regret that it will also result in unwelcome consequences for many workers in the Ministry of Defence; notes that these …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
15th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st March 2023

Nadia Majid: Brain Tumour Research fundraising

Tabled by: Anum Qaisar (Scottish National Party - Airdrie and Shotts)
That this House recognises Nadia Majid and her son Rayhan who passed away four months after his brain tumour diagnosis aged four years old; congratulates Nadia on completing 10,000 steps per day in February to increase awareness for Brain Tumour Research; commends her for raising over £10,000 to support those …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Labour: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
14th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 16th March 2023

Ian Davis of Dunshalt, Fife

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House records its great sadness at the sudden death of Ian Holland Davis from Dunshalt, Fife at the age of just 61 years; notes that Ian lost his entire life savings in the London Capital and Finance scandal and that he became increasingly frustrated at the difficulties he …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
13th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th March 2023

Social care staffing and a national care service

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House expresses concern that there are around 165,000 vacancies in social care in England and that, as of 2020-21, the average hourly pay in independent care homes in England was just £9.01; is further concerned about separate reports that England is projected to need close to 500,000 more …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
13th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th March 2023

P&O Ferries one year on

Tabled by: Karl Turner (Labour - Kingston upon Hull East)
That this House is concerned that no sanctions have been imposed on P&O Ferries, DP World or flag states for the openly unlawful dismissal of 786 directly employed UK seafarers on 17 March 2022; is alarmed that despite the Government’s announcement of its Nine Point Plan on P&O Ferries on …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
9th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th March 2023

The Bridgetown Agenda for global development finance

Tabled by: Liam Byrne (Labour - Birmingham Hodge Hill and Solihull North)
That this House notes that extreme poverty has risen for the first time this century; highlights on current trends 3 billion people will still be living on less than $6.85 by 2030; further notes that 200 million children’s lives are threatened by malnourishment; fragility and violence is spreading; learning losses …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
9th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th March 2023

Women’s drug and alcohol treatment

Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House is alarmed to see the rate of both drug-related and alcohol-related deaths among women increase; notes that women face stigma, shame and many initial challenges to accessing treatment services; further notes that women have separate and specific requirements within treatment, including the need for safe, women-only spaces; …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th March 2023

Peoples' Democratic Party in Turkey

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House expresses concern over the court case against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey which could result in its closure; notes this would be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and prevent a democratically elected party from participating in politics; calls on the international …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th March 2023

Rail fare increases

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House deeply regrets the Government’s decision to increase rail fares by 5.9 per cent; notes with concern the cost of living for families and commuters; regrets the increase in train delays, cancellations and strikes which have occurred under this Government, including on-the-day train cancellations which have risen to …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 8th March 2023

Care Quality Commission ratings

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House acknowledges that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) states that a health and care service provider must display its CQC ratings on posters at its premises and on its website no later than 21 calendar days after the CQC has published them on its own website, even if …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 8th March 2023

Streetwise Fighters Martial Arts School

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House congratulates Streetwise Fighters Martial Arts School in Fazakerley, Liverpool, for their outstanding performance at the 2022 WKKC World Championships in Killarney, Ireland; further congratulates competitors who returned with four world championship titles, six silver and nine bronze medals; applauds the dedication, hard work, skill and success of …
3 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th March 2023

The Loan Charge

Tabled by: Karl Turner (Labour - Kingston upon Hull East)
That this House is concerned that suicides have been linked to the Loan Charge and that despite the Morse Review, thousands face unaffordable demands, with the risk of further suicides; notes that most people facing action were mis-sold schemes and that HMRC are demanding scheme users repay disputed tax; further …
118 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 33
Conservative: 16
Liberal Democrat: 14
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
6th March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 8th March 2023

Treatment of drivers of app-based delivery companies and the Justice4Mohammed campaign

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes with concern that on 23 February, a Deliveroo driver, named Mohammed, was stepped over by a customer complaining about their order, even though he had collapsed, and is reported to have waited for an ambulance for more than an hour; notes that Mohamed’s story speaks to …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
1st March 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 2nd March 2023

BBC Local Radio services and industrial action

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the overwhelming mandate for industrial action secured by members of the National Union of Journalists at the BBC, following an industrial action ballot over the Corporation’s plan to cut local radio services in England; notes that the figures of 83 per cent voting for strike action …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
22nd February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 23rd February 2023

Local Government

Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty, praying that the Middlesbrough Development Corporation (Establishment) Order 2023 (S.I., 2023, No. 103), dated 30 January 2023, a copy of which was laid before this House on 6 February 2023, be annulled.
9 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 3
20th February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 23rd February 2023

Local government funding

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House acknowledges that local government fulfils a vital role and should be funded in such a manner as to enable it to continue to do so; notes with regret that councils face a funding gap of £3.19 billion for 2023-24; further notes that councils will be confronted with …
40 signatures
(Most recent: 25 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
20th February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 20th February 2023

2022 Champions League Final and Liverpool Football Club supporters

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House welcomes the findings of the Independent Panel Inquiry into the near-disaster at the UEFA Champions League Final in Paris on 28 May 2022; notes, further to EDM 131 tabled by the hon. Member for Liverpool West Derby, the total exoneration of Liverpool supporters by the panel from …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 31
Independent: 11
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th February 2023

Complaints of sexual harassment at McDonald's restaurants

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House recognises the legal agreement under section 23 of the Equalities Act 2006 reached between the Equalities and Human Rights Commission and fast-food giant McDonald’s UK in response to concerns over the handling of complaints by staff of sexual harassment; believes that this vindicates the campaign of the …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
7th February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 8th February 2023

Celebrating support staff in further education

Tabled by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)
That this House applauds the vital work undertaken by support staff in colleges, who help keep colleges running smoothly and support learners with their further education; recognises the national celebration day, organised by UNISON, which takes place on Friday, 10 February 2023, entitled ‘Champions in our Colleges’; further recognises that …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
6th February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 8th February 2023

Local government

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House notes the important role of local government in providing services to communities; further notes that, regrettably, councils currently face a funding gap of £3.19 billion; expresses strong concern that the serious depletion of councils’ reserves will lead to vital services being cut; further expresses concern that, as …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
2nd February 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 6th February 2023

Pay offer for Members' staff

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House notes after years of below inflation pay increases to MPs staff that the 2023-24 pay offer of 4.9 per cent from the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is grossly inadequate; supports the Unite Parliamentary branch's demand for a RPI plus two percent pay increase; recognises a 2020 independent …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Feb 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 14
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
26th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 30th January 2023

Private treatment at NHS hospitals

Tabled by: Margaret Greenwood (Labour - Wirral West)
That this House notes that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 in effect allows NHS Foundation Trusts to earn 49 per cent of their income from treating private patients; acknowledges that, before it was amended during its passage through Parliament, it set no limit on private income, demonstrating that …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 25th January 2023

Disappearance of migrant children from asylum hotels

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes concerning reports of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children disappearing from hotels; expresses concern for the welfare of these children; notes that several reports suggest that these children are being targeted and trafficked; further notes that in one example, 136 children went missing from one hotel in 18 months …
61 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
24th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 25th January 2023

The Climate Education Bill

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House notes the IPPC's report released in February 2022 into the now irreversible impacts of climate change, the Government’s aim to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and the necessity of teaching children about the climate and the world we will inhabit as we move through …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 2 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
18th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 25th January 2023

UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House notes with concern the ongoing devastation of the war on Yemen, which has repeatedly been named one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world since the Saudi-led Coalition first launched airstrikes in March 2015; further notes that the Government continues to allow arms sales to Saudi …
73 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 33
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
20th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 23rd January 2023

Supermarket profits

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House notes reports in the Sunday Times suggesting that, at a time of an acute cost-of-living crisis for households and food inflation running at over 14 per cent, UK supermarkets are set to announce higher-than-anticipated profits; further notes reports that Tesco alone will forecast increased operating profits of …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
16th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 18th January 2023

Killing of Palestinian journalists

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House welcomes submissions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate and the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) following the killing of Palestinian journalists by Israeli forces; recognises the need for such intervention following the commission of deplorable …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 18th January 2023

Environment Agency workers industrial action

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
That this House fully supports the thousands of Environment Agency workers in their pay dispute, notes that they are engaged in the first strike action over pay to take place since the Environment Agency was established; further notes that while Environment Agency staff undertake vital work in responding to environmental …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Feb 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
9th January 2023
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 16th January 2023

Attacks on the Brazilian Congress

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House condemns the attacks on the Brazilian Congress, Supreme Court, and Presidential Palace on Sunday 8 January 2023 by supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who refused to accept his recent election defeat; notes that this happened a week after the inauguration of President Lula da Silva and …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Green Party: 1
29th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 16th January 2023

Animal-free science and animal tests

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned that the UK remains one of the countries in Europe consistently with one of the highest numbers of animal experiments, with over 2.88 million animals tests taking place in 2020 alone; is disappointed that UK legislation no longer contains a commitment to the final goal …
67 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 18
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
25th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 9th January 2023

Artificial Intelligence in the entertainment industry

Tabled by: Claire Hanna (Social Democratic & Labour Party - Belfast South and Mid Down)
That this House supports Equity’s campaign, Stop AI Stealing the Show, which seeks to strengthen the rights of performers and other creative workers in response to the rapid development of artificial intelligence across the entertainment industry; acknowledges that whilst there are benefits to the use of artificial intelligence for those …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th December 2022

Royal Mail industrial action

Tabled by: Patricia Gibson (Scottish National Party - North Ayrshire and Arran)
That this House fully supports the more than 100,000 postal workers at Royal Mail engaging in strike action in an ongoing dispute over pay and conditions; notes the £758 million in profit made by Royal Mail in the financial year 2021-2022, an increase of £56 million from the previous financial …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 11
Labour: 8
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
15th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th December 2022

Palestinians living in Masafer Yatta

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House is deeply concerned by the Israeli High Court of Justice’s decision to approve the eviction of Palestinians living in the Masafer Yatta region of the occupied West Bank to make room for Israeli military training; highlights that the demolitions and confiscations occurring in the occupied West Bank …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
14th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th December 2022

Closure of the Middlesbrough Diamorphine-Assisted Treatment programme

Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That this House is dismayed that the pioneering Middlesbrough Diamorphine-Assisted Treatment programme has closed due to the withdrawal of funding; applauds the exemplary efforts of Danny Ahmed and his colleagues at the addiction treatment clinic in helping to save and rebuild lives; recognises the success of this scheme in providing …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
14th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th December 2022

Alcohol-specific deaths

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House is seriously concerned by the sharp increase in alcohol-specific deaths in data released by the Office for National Statistics on 8 December 2022, revealing that in 2021 there were 9,641 deaths,14.8 per 100,000 people, from alcohol-specific causes registered in the UK, the highest number on record, representing …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th December 2022

Treatment of workers at Orchard House Foods, Gateshead

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House is shocked and angered by the treatment of workers made redundant at Orchard House Food’s Gateshead factory; notes that the company - which supplies companies such as Marks and Spencer, Morrisons and Pret a Manger - remains a going concern with some workers offered the chance to …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 3 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 6
12th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th December 2022

Involuntarily instalation of prepayment meters

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House notes with concern the significant increase in the number of households being involuntarily moved onto prepayment meters; is alarmed by reports that since July 2021 nearly half a million warrants have been issued allowing energy firms to force entry into the UK’s poorest homes, and that at …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
14th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 14th December 2022

Costs of public sector pay rises

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House rejects the claim made in the media by the Prime Minister that it would cost an additional £28 billion to award a pay-rise for all public sector workers in line with inflation; notes that according to economists and fact-checkers the Prime Minister's claim is vastly inflated; further …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
9th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 9th December 2022

Compulsory prepayment meters

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House understands that due to rising energy prices many households are struggling to pay their bills; notes that nearly half a million warrants allowing energy firms to forcibly install prepayment meters in people’s homes have been approved by courts since July 2021, according to a Freedom of Information …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 3 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 7th December 2022

Free school meals

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that 3.9 million children are growing up in poverty and that the cost of living crisis is estimated to push another 500,000 children into poverty; recognises that free school meals ensure millions of children get a hot, healthy meal each day, but that as millions of …
73 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
21st September 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 6th December 2022

Prepayment meter energy customers and self-disconnection

Tabled by: Anne McLaughlin (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North East)
That this House acknowledges the rising cost of energy for households; notes that prepayment meter customers pay more in standing charges and unit rates for energy; recognises that prepayment meter customers are not afforded the same rights when in energy debt as direct debit customers; understands that a prepayment meter …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Labour: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
1st December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 5th December 2022

Housing in West Yorkshire

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House recognises the lack of housing across England; notes the particular shortage of social housing and housing association in West Yorkshire and Huddersfield; expresses concern at the consequent impact on vulnerable individuals such as domestic abuse victims forced to remain in abusive situations due to lack of suitable …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Dec 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
1st December 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 5th December 2022

Industrial Dispute at Shelter

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House supports Unite members taking industrial action at Shelter; stands with these workers based at offices across the country in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Blackburn, Merseyside, Manchester, Sheffield Hub and North Bank, Birmingham, Bristol, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Norwich, Hackney and London Old Street; is concerned by Shelter’s imposition …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
28th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 30th November 2022

Campaign for justice for the victims of the Bhopal gas leak

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House remembers the terrible disaster that took place on 2 December 1984 in Bhopal, India, when a major poisonous gas leak from the Union Carbide pesticide plant resulted in more than 600,000 people being exposed to the highly toxic methyl isocyanate gas; notes that Amnesty International has stated …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 30
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Anniversary of channel crossing deaths

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
That this House marks the first anniversary of the tragic death of 32 people in the Channel in the early hours of the morning of 24 November 2021; urges the Government to speed up the enquiry currently being carried out by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch; notes the harrowing new …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
21st November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Funding for fire and rescue services

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House recognises and celebrates the significant role firefighters play in society, particularly in the face of increasing extreme weather events and the part they played during the pandemic that included delivering medicines to the vulnerable, supporting the ambulance service and moving the bodies of the deceased; further recognises …
89 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Feb 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 41
Scottish National Party: 23
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
21st November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Safe passage for refugees

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
That this House commends the work of PCS and Care4Calais and the launch of their policy document Safe passage for refugees: humane alternative to the Rwanda policy; notes the key demands include the implementation of a safe passage visa scheme, greater investment in the Home Office and the reform of …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Dec 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
21st November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 25th November 2022

Seventh anniversary of Brazil's Mariana dam collapse

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of the 19 people killed by the Mariana dam collapse in Brazil, seven years on from the disaster; acknowledges with deep concern the irreparable social and environmental damage caused by the 60 million cubic metres of toxic waste unleashed …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
17th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Co-Op Funeral Care and Unite Members Industrial Action

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House shows solidarity with Unite members working at Co-Op Funeral Care in Glasgow who are currently taking industrial action over pay; understands the context of the cost of living crisis with rising food costs, energy bills and inflation at a 41 year high; notes that the Retail Price …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 6
Alba Party: 1
15th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Outsourcing at University College London

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House expresses its support for the members of Internation Workers Great Britain taking industrial action to demand that University College London (UCL) ends the outsourcing of its services which has resulted in low pay and insecure work lack of management accountability associated with bullying and abuse; further notes …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
15th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Social tariff for domestic energy use

Tabled by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)
That this House believes in protections for low income, vulnerable and fuel poor households; notes that even with the current price cap in place there has been a 139 per cent increase in a year on the average bill; recognises that as a result there are now 6.7 million households …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
9th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 25th November 2022

Domestic Abuse and public life

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
This House notes that domestic abuse involves a pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner; understands that not all domestic abuse takes place in the home or during a current relationship and that …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
15th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th November 2022

Royal Commission on Prisons and the Wider Criminal Justice System

Tabled by: Gordon Henderson (Conservative - Sittingbourne and Sheppey)
That this House notes the Government's manifesto commitment to hold a Royal Commission on the Criminal Justice Process, a pledge included in the 2019 Gracious Address; believes that such an initiative is needed now more than ever, with widespread concern over many elements of the criminal justice system; further believes …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th November 2022

Use of COP27 to make direct representations to the Egyptian Government for Alaa Abd el-Fattah’s immediate release

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
This house condemns Alaa Abd el-Fattah’s ongoing imprisonment in Egypt; expresses serious concern at his treatment by Egyptian authorities and for his health and wellbeing; notes that he has been on hunger strike for over six months and has now begun a water strike; further notes that his imprisonment is …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 9th November 2022

Industrial action at Jacob's Bakery

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House supports members of the GMB union employed by Pladis Global at Jacob’s Bakery, Aintree, Liverpool who are taking strike action in a long-running dispute over pay and terms and conditions; believes that these workers should be treated fairly and given a pay deal that reflects the rising …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 3 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th November 2022

Employment at Birkbeck College

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is deeply concerned at the news from Birkbeck College that up 140 members of staff could face compulsory redundancy as part of a restructuring plan; recognises that Birkbeck College is a unique institution which, for 200 years, has provided access to education for adults from diverse social …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
9th November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 9th November 2022

British Indian Ocean Territory sovereignty negotiations

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House congratulates His Majesty’s Government on its decision to begin negotiations with Mauritius concerning sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) to seek agreement to resolve all outstanding issues in accordance with international law including those relating to the former inhabitants; recognises that this is a …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 7
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
3rd November 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 3rd November 2022

Royal Mail industrial dispute and the universal service obligation

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House condemns the actions of Royal Mail which, it believes is threatening up to 10,000 job cuts from the postal service; notes that Royal Mail made £758 million in profit in the year to March 2022, but paid out most of that, around £567 million, to shareholders in …
55 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
24th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Global Registry of Fossil Fuels

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes that the 2021 UNEP Production Gap Report found that governments plan to produce more than twice the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than is consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C and calls for verifiable and comparable data on the location, quantities and ownership of fossil …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
27th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Industrial relations at Ørsted

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House is concerned by industrial relations at offshore wind multinational Ørsted, which is majority-owned by the Danish Government; notes that a 3.5 per cent consolidated pay increase has been rejected by RMT members working out of Birkenhead, Brightlingsea, Grimsby and Barrow on Ørsted’s operational offshore wind farms powering …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Industrial action at Hinduja Global Solutions

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House supports members of the Public and Commercial Services Union who are employed by Hinduja Global Services as part of the Disclosure and Barring Service contract who are on strike in a long-running dispute over pay and terms and conditions; notes that staff working on this contract are …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
25th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Orstead UK wind operations

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House condemns the behaviour of Orstead UK wind operations in the way it has failed consistently to maintain decent standards of employment, including health and safety standards, while it has resorted to bullying workers who have exposed health and safety failures and the lack of adherence to safe …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 4
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 25th October 2022

NHS and privatisation

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House believes that privatisation of the NHS has failed, it has led to a crisis in the NHS with higher waiting lists, decisions made on cost not health needs, has led to billions of pounds being taken by private profit making companies at the expense of services; further …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
12th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 20th October 2022

Public scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House applauds the new Animal Sentience Bill, enshrining in law the ability of animals to experience joy and feel suffering and pain; notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth with its Beagle Ambassador, rescued laboratory dog Betsy; is shocked to see the harrowing exposé showing thousands of …
93 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 30
Scottish National Party: 25
Independent: 12
Liberal Democrat: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
16th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 18th October 2022

Ban on the Import of Foie Gras

Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House condemns the production of foie gras by force-feeding ducks and geese which causes severe physical and psychological pain for the animals involved; welcomes the continued ban on production of foie gras in the UK; and calls on the Government to introduce the promised ban on the import …
51 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 8
Conservative: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
18th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 18th October 2022

TUC Congress 2022 resolution on the cost of living

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House notes the TUC General Council Statement and associated motions on the cost-of-living crisis agreed at TUC Congress on 18 October 2022; agrees with the statement that workers are facing a real pay emergency; further agrees with its statement that a trade union agenda for change would be …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
12th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 17th October 2022

Brazil’s Presidential Election run off on 30 October 2022

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House congratulates Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on winning the first round of Brazil’s Presidential election on 2 October 2022; notes that Lula received 48 per cent of the vote and gained over six million more votes than the incumbent, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro who came second on …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
12th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th October 2022

Uprating benefits in line with inflation

Tabled by: Angela Crawley (Scottish National Party - Lanark and Hamilton East)
That this House calls for benefits to be uprated in line with inflation as a means of mitigating the impact of the cost of living crisis on households in the UK; understands the additional burdens that the cost of living crisis is placing upon low income households; expresses its concern …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 22
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th September 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th October 2022

Fracking ban

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House deeply regrets the Government’s announcement to lift the ban on fracking; notes with concern how extracting new fossil fuels distracts from investing in renewable projects and decarbonising heating systems; recognises the importance of reducing the demand for gas to heat homes in order to lower heating bills, …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
11th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th October 2022

Moratorium on fracking

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House expresses concern at reports that Cuadrilla have been given another year to explore options for its wells; regrets that fracking for shale gas is still being considered despite the renewable alternatives that are available; urges the Government to ensure the moratorium on fracking is made both statutory …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
17th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th October 2022

Plastic Free Pint campaign

Tabled by: Martyn Day (Scottish National Party - Linlithgow and East Falkirk)
That this House supports the international campaign Plastic Free Pint by A Plastic Planet, which seeks an outright ban on plastic pint cups without delay; notes that globally 500 billion plastic cups are used each year and lined up end to end they would span 50 MILLION kilometres – the …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 12th October 2022


Tabled by: Cat Smith (Labour - Lancaster and Wyre)
That this House opposes the lifting of the moratorium on fracking.
23 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
5th September 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Tackling drug deaths and stigma

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with alarm data released by the Office for National Statistics on 3 August 2022 showing that a record 4,859 deaths related to drug poisoning were registered in England and Wales in 2021; further notes with alarm figures published by National Records of Scotland on 28 July …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 11th October 2022

School Uniform Banks

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House is deeply concerned by the rates of poverty and deprivation in the United Kingdom; notes Legatum’s estimate that 1.5 million more people will be pushed into poverty this year bringing the total number of people living in poverty to 15.5 million; highlights the extreme strain on family …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Yorkshire economy

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its deep concerns about the regional economic imbalances in the UK and its impact on people on lower and middle incomes; notes that Yorkshire is one region that has been repeatedly held back economically due to the concentration of power in Westminster and the City of …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 1
11th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Investment zones

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its deep alarm at the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s announcement that the Government will implement investment zones in certain areas of the UK, including West Yorkshire; highlights the history of similar policies around the globe, particularly in former British colonies, which have often resulted in the …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
11th October 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Financial restitution to women born in the 1950s

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House welcomes the positive interventions from many Members across the House on behalf of women born in the 1950s who have lost their pensions; pays tribute to constituents and campaigners in their ongoing fight for justice; notes that at least 3.8 million women have been impacted by the …
87 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 46
Independent: 13
Scottish National Party: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
22nd September 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 8th September 2022

Ban on fracking

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the Government’s decision to lift the ban on fracking; notes that fracking for shale gas poses a serious threat to the environment including damage to air and water quality; further notes that fracking increases the risk of earthquakes and that in areas where …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
20th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 5th September 2022

Social Security

Tabled by: Keir Starmer (Labour - Holborn and St Pancras)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Universal Credit (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2022 (S.I., 2022, No. 752), dated 4 July 2022, a copy of which was laid before this House on 4 July 2022, be annulled.
15 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
21st July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 21st July 2022

Yorkshire Day 2022

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House celebrates Yorkshire Day which takes place on the 1 August 2022 to acknowledge the history and culture of the great county of Yorkshire; highlights the many achievements of the people of Yorkshire and their contribution to British society; congratulates Yorkshire for producing world-class creative artists and sports …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th July 2022

Effect of high temperatures on pets

Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House notes the effect that heat can have on beloved pets and encourages the public to follow the RSPCA's advice by limiting or skipping walks, only taking very essential car journeys, making water available at all times, and preparing damp, cold towels and mats and frozen treats; further …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Labour: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
18th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th July 2022

Epidermolysis Bullosa

Tabled by: Mohammad Yasin (Labour - Bedford)
That this House welcomes the recent identification of anti-inflammatory drugs, which are already available within the NHS, that could be successful in treating Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB); notes that around 5,000 people in the UK are currently living with EB, a group of rare genetic disorders that result in fragile and …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
19th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 19th July 2022

Just Transition and net zero

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern the impact of climate change, particularly on working class communities and key workers; demands that climate policies should be to the benefit of people and planet over big business; further notes that areas such as Wakefield district have been held back by deindustrialisation and …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Dec 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 18th July 2022

BTEC funding

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House raises its concerns about the Government’s plans to cut funding for the majority of BTEC qualifications; notes that under the Government’s current plans funding will start to be removed for BTEC qualifications in 2024-25; further notes that it is estimated that at least 34 per cent of …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Labour: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
18th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 18th July 2022

The People's Assembly Against Austerity national demonstration

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House congratulates the People’s Assembly Against Austerity for calling a national demonstration for Saturday 5th November 2022 on the cost-of-living emergency faced by communities up and down the country; believes that ordinary people should not, once again, be made to pay for a crisis that they did not …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
18th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 18th July 2022

Government's pledge to build 40 new hospitals

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern the failure of the Government’s promise to the public to deliver 40 new hospitals; notes the Nuffield Trust’s definition of a new hospital as 'a new building on an entirely new site' which means only three new hospitals have been built, two general hospitals …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 7
Labour: 6
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
12th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 14th July 2022

Garment trade adjudicator

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this House notes that the purchasing practices of UK retailers has a direct impact on the workers who make clothes for fashion brands, who then re-sell those clothes onto consumers; laments the unfair purchasing practices of UK fashion brands, which causes job losses, poverty wages, excessive overtime and unsafe …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Dec 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Alba Party: 1
12th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th July 2022

Political violence and presidential election in Brazil

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House expresses its deep concerns about reports of political violence against representatives of the Workers’ Party in Brazil ahead of this October’s Presidential election; notes that the far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his cabinet ministers, nearly half of whom are military generals, have made repeated threats against the …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
13th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 13th July 2022

Provision of NHS services

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the crisis unfolding in the National Health Service (NHS); notes that every ambulance service in England has declared critical incident status; further notes that staff shortages have been reported in hospitals across the country; understands that the spike in the number of covid-19 …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th July 2022

Maximum temperature in the workplace

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House notes that recent surveys of workplace health and safety representatives show that high temperatures are one of their top concerns; regrets that workers in the UK have no guaranteed legal safeguards from working in uncomfortable high temperatures, and that the consequences of this range from dizziness, tiredness, …
56 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
12th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th July 2022

Media reporting of poverty

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House recognises the importance of journalism in reporting poverty in the UK; condemns any use of derogatory language which can lead to negative stigmatising; notes that this issue is of ever-increasing importance as the working class face a cost of living crisis and the Government's Fighting Fraud in …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
13th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 12th July 2022

Further Education

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House has considered the importance of Further Education (FE) in the UK; acknowledges the impact of FE in educating 1.7 million people each year, and its centrality to the levelling up agenda; raises anger over the impact of the drastic FE funding cuts of 14 per cent per …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th July 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 11th July 2022

Caradog and Y Côr Mawr's 150th anniversary

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House celebrates the 150th anniversary of the victory of Griffith Rhys Jones, or Caradog, and Y Côr Mawr, at the Crystal Palace Choral Competition in 1872; notes the significance of the success in bringing national attention to Welsh choral singing and launching Aberdare's reputation as the 'Town of …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
30th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th July 2022

Llwydcoed Brass Band 110th anniversary

Tabled by: Beth Winter (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House congratulates Llwydcoed Brass Band on reaching its 110th anniversary; celebrates the role of miners in establishing the Band in 1912; notes the efforts of the Band to support the welfare of local residents in difficult economic circumstances throughout its history, including in particular the march of band …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
30th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 30th June 2022

Lancet study on privatisation in the NHS and treatable deaths

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at analysis published in The Lancet public health journal by the University of Oxford, which finds that the increase in outsourcing to the private for-profit sector in England has corresponded with an increase in the number of patients dying of treatable causes; notes that …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
27th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th June 2022

BBC Digital First proposals and effect on journalists

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the financial pressures faced by the BBC as a result of the freeze in the level of the Licence Fee but shares the concern of the National Union of Journalists regarding the likely impact of the BBC's digital first proposals on the breadth and quality of …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
28th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th June 2022

Abortion rights

Tabled by: Charlotte Nichols (Labour - Warrington North)
That this House is deeply concerned at the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn the longstanding Roe v Wade decision that provided federal protection for the right for women to choose an abortion and maintain the safety and autonomy of their bodies; fears that consequent …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
20th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th June 2022

Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2022

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House notes the week commencing 20 June 2022 is Cervical Screening Awareness Week; recognises that cervical screening can save lives and stop many cervical cancers; understands that almost one in three currently do not take up their invite; appreciates that cervical screening isn’t easy for everyone; highlights that …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
10th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th June 2022

Disability Benefit Assessments and the Health & Disability Green Paper

Tabled by: Marsha De Cordova (Labour - Battersea)
That this House notes that Department for Work and Pensions statistics show that of the 1.5 million Incapacity Benefit claimants who were assessed for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) up until June 2019, 268,000 were found Fit for Work, a proportion of 18 per cent, that between 2013-2020, only 66,000 out …
79 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 21
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
22nd June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Recruiting and retaining NHS staff

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House acknowledges there is a staffing crisis in the National Health Service, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic but predating it; recognises the intense pressure on healthcare staff, who having worked incredibly hard during the pandemic now face the vast challenge of clearing the backlog of care caused by …
64 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
20th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st June 2022

Covid-19 Inquiry engagement with ethnic minorities

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House regrets the adverse impact the covid-19 pandemic has had on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, including the particular impacts on health and social care workers from these communities; echoes, and urges the Prime Minister to accept, the Inquiry Chair’s recommendation that the draft terms of reference …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
20th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st June 2022

Windrush Day 2022

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House celebrates the 74th anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury Dock on the 22nd June 1948; recognises that Windrush has become a key symbolic moment in the history of both the Black British contribution to Britain and the broader post-war Commonwealth migration that reshaped …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 16th June 2022

Reduction in civil service employment

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House condemns Government plans to cut 91,000 jobs from the civil service over the next three years; notes that departmental spending levels for the next three years have only recently been issued, following a process of assessing future staffing requirements; is angered to have learnt of these plans …
70 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 23
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
13th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th June 2022

Durham Miners' Gala 2022

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the in-person return of the Durham Miners’ Gala or the Big Meeting on Saturday 9 July 2022; notes that the Durham Miners’ Gala was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic; welcomes the news that the 2022 Gala will be dedicated to the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 1
7th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 13th June 2022

Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month 2022

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House notes that during the month of June 2022 it is Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month; further notes that a key theme in 2022 is What Makes a Home?; recognises that what makes a home can mean different things to different peoples and cultures, with homes to …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
8th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th June 2022

Bus fires

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is alarmed by recent reports of bus fires across the country; notes with concern that research by Professor Guillermo Rein of Imperial College London shows that buses may be significantly riskier than cars, trains, ships or aircraft, mainly due to the less-stringent fire-safety requirements governing them; further …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
6th June 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th June 2022

Treatment of Liverpool fans at the 2022 Champions League Final in Paris

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House condemns the deeply disturbing treatment by French police of Liverpool and Real Madrid fans outside Stade de France at the Champions League Final in Paris; notes catastrophic failures in stadium management by UEFA and French authorities which threatened the lives and wellbeing of supporters; further notes the …
81 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 50
Independent: 11
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
26th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th June 2022

Get me home safely campaign

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that shift work is widespread in many industries, especially hospitality, and can often entail late­-night working; further notes that many workers, especially women, are increasingly worried about their safety travelling to and from work at night; believes that while employers may feel their duty of care …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th May 2022

Protecting the Green Belt

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern that the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill does not mention the safeguarding of Green Belt land; highlights the fact that many Local Plans contain proposals to build on Green Belt land by bringing it under the greenfield designation, including in two areas proposed in …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
25th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th May 2022

Access to cash

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern the latest figures which show that the number of bank branches in the Wakefield District has declined by a third since 2015 and that the number of free ATM machines has been cut by 18 since 2018 to March this year; notes that recent …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
23rd May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 24th May 2022

Cape Holdings and asbestos research

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes the court case which resulted in Cape International Holdings, one of the world’s largest asbestos manufacturers, being forced to publish documentation revealing their cover up of the dangers of asbestos, and activity lobbying the Government to water down exposure limits and warnings; is concerned that Cape …
47 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
24th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 24th May 2022

Cost of living

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its deepest concerns about the explosion in the cost of living and its impact on millions of working people across the country, with inflation now at nine per cent, wages stagnating or declining and the cost of energy, food, transport, childcare and many other essentials rising …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
24th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 24th May 2022

GP Surgery Closures in Yorkshire

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its gratitude and thanks to the hard-working and dedicated staff that work in our health services, particularly during the trying period of the covid-19 outbreak; notes that there has been a significant increase in pressure on GP surgeries in the last five years, with rising workloads, …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
16th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 18th May 2022

Cats in road traffic accidents

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House is proud to state that the UK is a nation of cat lovers with approximately 12.2 million cats in UK households; notes that this makes cats the second most popular pet in the UK, second only to dogs, with 27 per cent of households owning at least …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 16th May 2022

Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is shocked by the killing of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli forces whilst reporting on raids in Jenin; extends its sincere condolences to her family and colleagues who are devastated? by her death; is appalled that this widely-respected, brave and committed journalist was hit by …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 20
Independent: 10
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
16th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 16th May 2022

Fur, foie gras and trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses concern and dismay at the Government reneging on its promise to strengthen animal rights through legislation by omitting this important matter from the Queen’s Speech; stands with the many people who have written to their hon Member sharing their worry at the lack of action on …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th May 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th May 2022

National Service Veterans Association and the National Servicemen's Alliance

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
This House notes the role played by the National Service Veterans Association and the National Servicemen's Alliance in honouring and remembering the 2.3 million young men conscripted into the British Army under the National Service Act between 1947 and 1963; notes that youngest of those who gave their service under …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jun 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
14th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th April 2022

Right to roam

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes that 24 April marks the 90th anniversary of the mass trespass onto Kinder Scout; acknowledges that this trespass united the campaign for access to the countryside and eventually contributed to the establishment of the UK’s first national parks through the National Parks and Access to the …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
25th April 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 26th April 2022

Campaign to oppose extradition of Julian Assange to the USA

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that Julian Assange faces extradition to the USA and a prison sentence of up to 175 years in a super-maximum-security prison for his journalistic work, carried out in the UK; notes that this includes the exposing of war atrocities and human rights abuses in US-led wars …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
30th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th April 2022

Going for Growth aerospace strategy

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes the importance to the UK economy of the aerospace sector, which has an annual turnover of £33.9 billion and is the world’s second-largest aerospace industry, employing more than 14,000 people directly in high-skilled, well-paid jobs and four times that number in the supply chain; further notes …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
28th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th April 2022

Disability Benefit Assessments and the Health & Disability Green Paper

Tabled by: Marsha De Cordova (Labour - Battersea)
That this House notes that Department for Work and Pensions statistics show that of the 1.5 million Incapacity Benefit claimants who were assessed for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) up until June 2019, 268,000 were found Fit for Work, a proportion of18 per cent, that between 2013-2020, only 66,000 out of …
88 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 26
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
11th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 14th April 2022

Human rights in Bahrain

Tabled by: Margaret Ferrier (Independent - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House is concerned by continuing serious human rights violations in Bahrain, including the ongoing arbitrary detention and inhumane treatment of prisoners of conscience, including Abduljalil al-Singace, Hassan Mushaima, Abdulwahab Hussain, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and Sheikh Ali Salman; notes that Freedom House in its 2021 report rated Bahrain as not …
77 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 24
Labour: 21
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
17th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 28th March 2022

War on Want's report on McDonald's tax affairs

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House is disturbed by the findings of the Secrets and Fries report published on 17 March 2022 by War on Want, which exposes a circular, paper transaction by McDonald’s which it alleges has the primary purpose of reducing McDonald’s tax obligations by creating a UK tax shelter for …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 28th March 2022

Conduct of Wabtec Rail Ltd

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes with alarm reports that Wabtec Rail Ltd, based at the historic Doncaster New Erecting Shop, birthplace of the world-famous Flying Scotsman and Mallard locomotives, is making 80 jobs redundant and forcing staff to re-apply for their jobs on inferior terms and conditions; condemns this cruel attempt …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 5
28th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 28th March 2022

Public sector pay

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House regrets public sector pay is 2.1 per cent below its 2010 level in real terms reflecting a decade of lost pay; notes the Chancellor's commitment at the Autumn Budget 2021 that public sector pay awards for 2022-23 would be fair and affordable; notes the Office for Budget …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
23rd March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 24th March 2022

P&O Ferries and DP World

Tabled by: Karl Turner (Labour - Kingston upon Hull East)
That this House condemns in the strongest possible terms the decision of P&O Ferries to fire 800 staff without notice or consultation with their trade unions, the RMT and Nautilus; demands the immediate reinstatement of the sacked workers; condemns their replacement with agency workers earning as little as £1.80 per …
125 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 86
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
10th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th March 2022

Insourcing Merseyrail cleaners

Tabled by: Dan Carden (Labour - Liverpool Walton)
That this House believes that the pandemic has demonstrated beyond doubt the essential nature of cleaning and cleaners on public transport; notes that outsourcing these workers has delivered low pay, exploitation, disputes and corner-cutting in the drive to create profits; further notes that Mitie's contract with Merseyrail comes to an …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
9th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th March 2022

Atalian Servest cleaners and the West Coast Mainline

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House supports cleaners employed by Atalian Servest who are members of the RMT union and taking industrial action in support of better pay, sick pay and travel facilities; notes that these cleaners, who clean trains and stations on the West Coast Mainline, have worked throughout the pandemic at …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 2
8th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th March 2022

Treatment of workers following closure of Dawnfresh factory, Uddingston

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House condemns the treatment of 200 loyal staff of Dawnfresh Seafoods Ltd following the closure of the Uddingston site near Glasgow as a result of the company being put into administration; notes that Dawnfresh, one of the UK’s largest fish and seafood processors, was owned by billionaire Alastair …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 8th March 2022

Cost of living

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its deepest concerns about the explosion in the cost of living and its impact on millions of working people across the country, with Ofgem announcing that the energy price cap will rise by £693 to £1,971 per year on 1 April 2022, a 54 per cent …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
1st March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 7th March 2022

Royal Mail workforce reductions

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House expresses alarm at plans by Royal Mail to reduce frontline managerial jobs by 900 posts, a reduction that will further harm the postal service in this country; condemns this continued attack on the jobs of workers while shareholders receive £311 million in rewards; is appalled at the …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 19
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Conservative: 1
2nd March 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 2nd March 2022

Effect of a temporary timetable on the Pontefract line

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House regrets the reduction in timetabled rail services and continued operation of a temporary timetable by Northern Rail on users of the Pontefract Line between Leeds and Knottingley; regrets the impact on users of stations of all stations, including at Streethouse and Featherstone in the Hemsworth constituency; notes …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
21st February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Universities' staff pensions

Tabled by: Geraint Davies (Independent - Swansea West)
That this House notes that the University and College Union (UCU) and members are in industrial dispute over a prospective cut in pension entitlement for lecturers of 35 per cent; further notes that the University Superannuation Scheme (USS) was last valued during the 2020 pandemic and needs re-evaluation to account …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 21st February 2022

Seafarers pay at Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd

Tabled by: Cat Smith (Labour - Lancaster and Wyre)
That this House notes the skill and dedication of seafarers at Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd (PNTL) who for the last forty five years have shipped hazardous nuclear waste from Barrow to storage destinations as far away as Australia; notes that PNTL’s contract is 75 per cent funded by the Japanese …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
9th February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 21st February 2022

Upholding human rights in the UK

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes that the Human Rights Act 1998 gives expression to values that are fundamental to the way of life in the UK, such as protecting the right to protest, freedom of expression and respect for privacy; is concerned by warnings from human rights organisations such as Amnesty …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 21st February 2022

Local Government Finance, Council Tax & Levelling-Up

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House notes the huge pressures inflicted on local government finance since 2010 as a direct result of Government policy, in particular during the early part of the last decade; notes with concern the unequal distribution of expenditure cuts falling mostly on areas with high levels of deprivation across …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 8
Green Party: 1
1st February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th February 2022

Housing emergency

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House notes with concern that the Government is providing insufficient grant for building council housing; that the current policy encourages the building of homes which charge so-called affordable rent, in reality unaffordable for many; encourages the conversion of social rent homes to affordable rent, leading to tenants in …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
7th February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th February 2022

Statutory Sick Pay and a living wage

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House expresses its concern at Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) being at its lowest level since 2003, according to research by the TUC; notes that SSP is worth £3 per week less in real terms now than it was at the start of the pandemic; believes that no-one should …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
7th February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th February 2022

Humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House notes with grave concern recent reports in the media on the developing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, in particular traumatic stories of parents being forced into selling organs, and in some cases selling their own children, in order to feed their families; further notes that the United Nations’ …
58 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
3rd February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th February 2022

Prison violence

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with alarm the rapid increase in prison violence over the last decade, with levels of assaults peaking in 2019 before a partial reduction during the covid-19 pandemic lockdowns; further notes that rehabilitation is practically impossible inside violent prisons, meaning that offenders can leave prison more damaged …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
27th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 3rd February 2022

Stuart Delivery couriers

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with deep concern that key worker couriers working for JustEat subcontractor Stuart Delivery have seen their pay cut and working conditions deteriorate during the covid-19 pandemic, despite those key workers putting their own lives at risk and providing a vital service to the public; notes that …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
1st February 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd February 2022

Industrial action at Barts Health NHS Trust

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House expresses solidarity with hundreds of key NHS workers across Barts Health NHS Trust, employed by the outsourcing company Serco, taking strike action between Monday 31 January and Sunday 13 February 2022 over low pay; notes that the Unite members who are cleaners, porters, security, catering and reception …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
26th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 27th January 2022

Providing financial restitution to women born in the 1950s

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House welcomes the positive interventions from so many hon. Members from across the House on behalf of women born in the 1950s who have lost their pensions; and pays tribute to constituents and campaigners in their ongoing fight for justice; recalls that women born in the 1950s were …
67 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 17
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
27th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 27th January 2022

Get Me Home Safely campaign

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that shift work is widespread in many industries, especially hospitality, and can often entail late-night working; further notes that many workers, especially women, are increasingly worried about their safety travelling to and from work at night; believes that, while employers may feel their duty of care …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
26th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 26th January 2022

Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its gratitude and thanks to the hard-working and dedicated staff of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, particularly during the trying period of the covid-19 outbreak; notes that the significant increase in calls answered by the service, from 42,000 to 72,000, between November 2020 and November 2021 has …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 25th January 2022

War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation payments

Tabled by: Owen Thompson (Scottish National Party - Midlothian)
That this House believes that the current process for claiming War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation payments is not fit for purpose and drives many veterans to give up on claims, severely deteriorates many veterans’ mental health, drives many into poverty, and increases the risk of suicides; applauds our veterans …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 34
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
25th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 25th January 2022

A wealth tax as an alternative to National Insurance increases

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House calls on the Government to abandon its regressive plans for a 1.25 percentage point increase in National Insurance contributions; believes this will add to the cost of living crisis people are already experiencing as a result of big increases in energy bills, high inflation, real-term wage cuts …
78 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Liberal Democrat: 13
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
20th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 24th January 2022

Fair pay and conditions for rail cleaners

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House supports cleaners who are members of the RMT union employed by Churchill Contract Services who are balloting for industrial action in support of better pay, sick pay and travel facilities; notes that these cleaners, who work to clean trains and stations in the South East, including on …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
24th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 24th January 2022

Sewage dumping in UK waterways

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the dumping of sewage into UK waterways; recognises that the practice is dangerous to public health and damaging to the environment; further recognises that the pollution is making it unsafe for people to swim in natural designated bathing sites such as the River …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 21st January 2022

Post Office Horizon compensation scheme

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House believes that the 555 litigants, who won civil proceedings against Post Office Ltd in 2018-19, should not be excluded from the Post Office Horizon compensation scheme; that the exclusion of these litigants from the compensation scheme is having and will continue to have a direct and devastating …
137 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 56
Scottish National Party: 37
Independent: 14
Liberal Democrat: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Conservative: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
6th January 2022
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 10th January 2022

Energy prices

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House reaffirms its belief in the fundamental right to a warm home; recognises that millions of households are grappling with soaring energy prices; acknowledges the recent findings of the trade association Energy UK that prices could rise by between 45 to 50 per cent. by spring 2022; notes …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th December 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 15th December 2021

Covid-19 vaccination patent waiver recommendation to the World Trade Organisation

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern at the UK Government’s failure to adequately support low income countries in the fight against coronavirus; notes that 81 per cent of the eligible UK population has received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, compared to less than 8 per cent of people across …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th December 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th December 2021

Food insecurity

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House recognises the horrific levels of food insecurity in the UK being experienced by approximately 11 million people; acknowledges the profound and devastating consequences of food insecurity on the health, wellbeing and livelihoods of people in our communities; notes with concern that the need for emergency food parcels …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
30th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th December 2021

Universal Credit reduction

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House deplores the Government's punitive decision to remove the £20 per week Universal Credit uplift, which the Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimates leaves around 5.5 million families worse off by £1,040 per year and will push a further half a million people over the poverty line; deeply regrets that …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
1st December 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 1st December 2021

Treatment of outsourced security staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

Tabled by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
That this House notes with deep concern that security guards at the world-renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, who have gone above and beyond during the covid-19 outbreak to keep the hospital safe and secure, are still outsourced to a private contractor, and not employed directly by the NHS, …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
27th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House believes that there should be an urgent national all-faith delegation to Tehran to petition for the immediate release of British citizen Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe and other political detainees currently being held in Iran; condemns the continued unjust detention of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and other dual citizens and political …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
12th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th November 2021

Giving every child the best start in life

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes the work of WAVE Trust and its 70/30 campaign to reduce levels of child abuse, neglect and domestic abuse by 70 per cent by 2030; further notes that over two-thirds of this House have endorsed that campaign, including a majority from all parties; recognises the role …
151 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 54
Scottish National Party: 43
Conservative: 15
Independent: 15
Liberal Democrat: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
8th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 15th November 2021

85th Anniversary of the Jarrow Crusade

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House commemorates with pride the 85th anniversary of the Jarrow Crusade; commends the 200 proud marchers who set off for London on 5 October 1936 to deliver their petition to Parliament; understands that the marchers wanted Parliament to view them as orderly and respectful people who deserved the …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
9th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 15th November 2021

Inquiry into the events at Orgreave

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that it is now five years since the then Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, refused the call for an inquiry into the events at Orgreave in 1984; recognises that there is clear evidence that striking miners were beaten by the police, charged by police horses and …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
9th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 15th November 2021


Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House notes with concern the use of private contractors in delivering front-line services across the Department for Work and Pensions; further notes that current services run by private firm Serco include the Initial Evidence Interview, General Enquiries and Advanced Payments, and Personal Independence Payments Mandatory Reconsideration; notes that …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Scottish National Party: 5
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
15th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 15th November 2021

Student loan repayment threshold

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its concern about proposals to lower the threshold at which students repay their student loans; notes that the average student leaves university with £50,000 worth of debt and is currently required to start paying off their student loan when they earn £27,295 a year; further notes …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
15th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 15th November 2021

Hillsborough disaster and the National Curriculum

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House acknowledges that, 32 years after the Hillsborough disaster, criminal trials collapsed in May 2021 and nobody has been held to account for the unlawful killings of 97 innocent people; acknowledges that it took 23 years of campaigning for the truth about the disaster to be finally acknowledged …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th November 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th November 2021

Hon. Members and secondary employment

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House recognises that being an hon. Member is not only a privilege but is also a well-paid and full-time job; believes that it is wrong that hon. Members are to able to receive significant additional incomes from second jobs, including for political consultancy or advisory roles for corporate …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
28th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Pizza Express tips policy

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
This House is alarmed to hear that front-of-house staff at Pizza Express have seen a sizeable cut to their income since May 17 2021, the day restaurants reopened after lockdown; notes that the 30 per cent previously deducted from waiting staff tips for kitchen staff was increased to 50 per …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
26th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Equality Impact Assessment for Autumn Spending Review and future budgets

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House notes that welfare cuts, benefit changes and reductions in public services disproportionally affect women, disabled people and Black, Asian and ethnic minorities (BAME); recognises a joint consultation response from the UK Women’s Budget Group, Maternity Action and the End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW) which has called …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
25th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Proscribing of Palestinian human rights organisations

Tabled by: Tommy Sheppard (Scottish National Party - Edinburgh East)
That this House condemns the declaration of 22 October 2021 made by Israeli Minister of Defence, Benny Gantz, which designated six Palestinian civil society groups as terrorist organisations; notes that the Israeli authorities have not provided any evidence to substantiate their claims about the organisations; further notes that the targeted …
64 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 18
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
25th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Clean air action

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House recognises the health impacts of poor road air quality; notes that long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions, a reduced life expectancy and contributes to 40,000 early deaths in the UK each year; further notes that nine out of ten adults and children now breathe …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
22nd October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Outsourced workers at City University, London

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House believes that all workers in the UK’s universities and colleges deserve the real Living Wage as a minimum rate and to be treated with respect and dignity at work including having access to occupational sick pay and a decent pension scheme; regrets that people employed in ancillary …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Covid-19 plan B measures

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes that there is once more a surge in new covid-19 cases and that both hospitalisations and deaths are rising; further notes that the UK's data is currently far in excess of comparable countries in Western Europe; believes that a failure to respond to this situation is …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
19th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Black History Month 2021

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House notes that this month we celebrate Black History Month 2021 and welcomes the many events and initiatives across the UK that highlight the successes and contributions of Black British people to British history; gives special thanks to all teachers and education staff who are taking steps to …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
23rd September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Campaign to secure the future of the Covid Memorial Wall

Tabled by: Afzal Khan (Labour - Manchester Rusholme)
That this House welcomes the creation of the Covid Memorial Wall on Albert Embankment by Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice; notes that this memorial now includes over 150,000 hand-painted hearts to symbolise all those who lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic; praises the work of Covid-19 Bereaved Families for …
139 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 92
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Conservative: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
18th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th October 2021

COP26 and the Glasgow Action Plan

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House acknowledges that the COP26 conference is the important moment when countries that have signed the Paris Agreement on climate change must present new targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions; notes that this is critical for keeping temperature rises below 1.5 degrees Celcius and preventing the world’s poorest …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Nov 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
8th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 18th October 2021

Play therapy

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House recognises the importance of play therapy in helping children who are experiencing mental illness or trauma and considers that therapy to be an essential component of the covid-19 recovery programme; notes that play therapy is an internationally recognised and highly cost effective health intervention for children for …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th October 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 12th October 2021

£15 an hour minimum wage campaign

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House congratulates Labour Party conference delegates for committing to support the policy of a £15 an hour minimum wage; notes that 14.5 million people in the country are living in poverty, the vast majority of whom are in working households; further notes that 5.5 million workers in the …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Alba Party: 1
20th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 20th September 2021

Market failure and energy supply

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern Ofgem's announcement of the £153 energy price cap rise due to take effect on 1 October 2021; further notes the rise will coincide with the end to the universal credit uplift and end to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme; regrets that these measures combined …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
20th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 20th September 2021

Mental health care

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House believes there is a crisis of mental health problems in our country today; expresses its concern that the covid-19 outbreak has had a hugely detrimental impact on people’s mental health, which is likely to lead to increased pressure on mental health services in the coming months and …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
13th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 13th September 2021

National care service

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes £7.7 billion has been cut from social care budgets since 2010; further notes that this has resulted in 1.4 million older people not having the care they need for essential daily tasks and that 300,000 people are now on local authority waiting lists for adult social …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
10th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 10th September 2021

Introducing a Wealth Tax

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that almost a quarter of all household wealth in the UK is held by the richest one per cent. of the population; further notes that the wealth of UK billionaires increased by £106 billion since the start of the pandemic; believes that it is unjust that …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 5
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
8th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th September 2021

Prescription charges

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House restates its commitment to the National Health Service as a universal service free at the point of delivery and its belief that access to medication is a fundamental right; recognises the devastating impact that covid-19 has had on access to health services; is deeply concerned that increased …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
6th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th September 2021

Communication of changes to the state pension age for 1950s-born women

Tabled by: Andrew Gwynne (Labour (Co-op) - Gorton and Denton)
That this House notes the recent findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's report entitled Women's State Pension Age: our findings on the Department for Work and Pensions' communication of changes; urges the Government to recognise the negative effects of successive DWP maladministration; calls for compensation for 1950s-born women; …
94 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 27
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th September 2021

Deregulated bus transport

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned with the adequacy of deregulated bus services in England outside London; notes the near unanimous consensus that the current system is not delivering for passengers and the multitude of reports finding as such; further notes that in England alone, average fares have increased 403 percent …
55 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
6th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th September 2021

The Ministerial Code and the conduct of the Prime Minister

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House believes that trust in the ministerial code has been eroded by the actions of the Prime Minister; further believes that the Prime Minister should no longer be the guardian of the code as he has been shown to lack the moral aptitude needed; and therefore calls for …
105 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 39
Labour: 37
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
21st July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 6th September 2021

Safety and employment on cross Channel ferries

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned by safety and employment standards on cross Channel ferry services; notes that Irish Ferries’ crew on the Dover-Calais route conduct five times more Channel crossings before a period of leave than colleagues at P&O Ferries; further notes that roster patterns on P&O and DFDS ferries …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th September 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 6th September 2021

Remembering the Featherstone Massacre 1893

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House remembers the atrocities which took place in Featherstone, West Yorkshire on 7 September 1893; pays tribute to the six people injured and two killed, named James Gibb, 22, and James Duggan, 25, after the army was ordered to fire shots into a crowd of miners and their …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
14th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st July 2021

BBC regional political monitoring of Parliament

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House is deeply concerned by proposals to reduce the number of staff working in the BBC Regional Political Unit based at Millbank by over a third; notes that the unit is the eyes and ears of the BBC English regions in Westminster, co-ordinating political newsgathering for the BBC’s …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
19th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th July 2021

Spyware and state surveillance of journalists

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is deeply concerned by reports that at least 180 journalists across the world have been spied on using Pegasus software, a tool developed by the Israeli cybersurveillance company NSO and sold to a number of clients, including states across the world; notes that among those who have …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
12th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th July 2021

Racism following the Euro 2020 final

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this house unequivocally condemns the racist abuse aimed at the England Men’s Football team after the UEFA European Championship Final on 11 July 2021; notes that 19 year old Arsenal forward Bukayo Saka was forced to take down his Instagram account as a result of racist abuse; further notes …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
12th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th July 2021

150th Anniversary of the Durham Miners' Gala

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Durham Miners’ Gala or the Big Meeting; expresses severe regret at the cancellation of the Gala for the second consecutive year but commends the Durham Miners Association for prioritising public health; welcomes the news that County Durham Miners Banners Groups will …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
8th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 12th July 2021

Israel Arms Trade (Prohibition) Bill

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
This House notes that the UK Government has authorised hundreds of millions of pounds worth of arms sales to Israel between 2016 and 2020; believes that the UK Government should end these arms sales as part of efforts to end Israel's militarized repression of Palestinians, violations of international law and …
57 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 20
Labour: 18
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
14th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 12th July 2021

The fur trade in the UK

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House welcomes the Call for Evidence on the fur trade in the UK; urges the Government to introduce legislation to ban the import and sale of fur in the UK having first banned fur farms more than 20 years ago, something that is possible now that the UK …
119 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 45
Scottish National Party: 34
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
6th July 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 8th July 2021

First anniversary of Bow Crane collapse

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes with deepest regret that 8 July 2021 marks the tragic death of June Harvey after a tower crane fell on her house in Bow in 2020; further notes with sadness other fatalities as a result of crane collapses; pays tribute to the construction safety campaign, largely …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
28th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 30th June 2021

Government contractor Mitie Group plc and employment practices

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House believes that the practice of threatening employees with being fired and rehired unless they accept inferior terms and conditions is immoral, unacceptable and should be made unlawful; notes that Government Ministers have previously condemned the use of such threats as a negotiating tactic; is concerned by reports …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
28th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 30th June 2021

National PTA Awards 2021

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House celebrates National PTA Week, which took place from 21 to 25 June 2021 and was launched by Parentkind, the largest network of Parent Teacher Association (PTA) fundraisers in the UK; recognises the remarkable achievement of voluntary efforts that have raised over £300 million for schools over the …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
30th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 30th June 2021

Baroness Harding of Winscombe and the role of Chief Executive of NHS England

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes reports that Baroness Dido Harding has applied to become Chief Executive of NHS England; notes that the NHS Act 2006 requires the consent of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to the appointment of the Chief Executive of NHS England; and calls on …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jul 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
22nd June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 29th June 2021

Rise of anti-Indian racism

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House welcomes the contributions of Indians to British society; condemns the racism they face on a daily basis; calls on key institutions to urgently address this type of prejudice; recognises the 1.3 million Indians who fought for Britain during WWI and have contributed greatly to all levels of …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
24th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 28th June 2021

Stadler and fair pay for keyworkers on the Tyne and Wear Metro

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House notes that staff who work to maintain the Tyne and Wear Metro’s fleet have worked hard to keep the region’s highly successful Metro service running throughout the covid-19 pandemic; further notes that those workers were recently transferred into the employment of Stadler Rail Services UK, a subsidiary …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
23rd June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 24th June 2021

General Practice Data for Planning Research

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House is concerned with the current plans for the General Practice Data for Planning Research, while although noting the importance of data for legitimate research believes that it puts patient data and medical histories at serious risk of abuse; believes that the plans will potentially discourage sick patients …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 5
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 24th June 2021

Local government workers pay rise

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House is appalled by the 1.5 per cent pay increase offered to local government workers, which amounts to as little as £1.03 per day for some workers and is in real terms a pay cut; applauds the incredible effort those workers have made during the covid-19 pandemic, continuing …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
17th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Windrush Day 2021

Tabled by: Helen Hayes (Labour - Dulwich and West Norwood)
That this House notes that 22 June 2021 will be the 73rd anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury Dock and the fourth annual Windrush Day; supports the commemorations across the country recognising the immense impact that the Windrush generation has had on the UK's society and …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
22nd June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 22nd June 2021

GKN Automotive alternative plan

Tabled by: Jack Dromey (Labour - Birmingham, Erdington)
That this House is alarmed by GKN Automotive’s decision to close its Birmingham factory next year, with the loss of over 500 highly skilled jobs and work transferred to continental Europe; notes that GKN’s origins trace back to the industrial revolution, with over 260 years of history that include making …
68 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 55
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
15th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th June 2021

Cabinet Office clearing house and Freedom of Information

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House believes that the Freedom of Information Act (2000) is a landmark piece of legislation which, when properly applied, helps to achieve democratic, public accountability and transparency across government; regrets that, too often, legitimate applications from the public are frustrated, delayed or illegitimately denied; notes that a key …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
11th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 14th June 2021

Novus prison education strike

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that the University and College Union (UCU) is involved in a protracted dispute with prison education provider Novus over inadequate covid-safety measures with members at 49 prisons and young offenders institutions taking strike action starting on Tuesday 11 May 2021; is alarmed by reports of intimidation …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Jun 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
8th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th June 2021

Channel 4's role as a Public Service Broadcaster

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House shares the concern of the National Union of Journalists that the Government is still actively considering the privatisation of Channel Four Television Corporation, a publicly owned but commercially funded company which makes a notable contribution to British broadcasting; notes that Channel 4 is not presently run for …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th June 2021

Deaf Awareness Week 2021

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House celebrates Deaf Awareness Week, which ran from 4-9 May 2021; recognises that there are around 151,000 users of British Sign Language in the UK, about 87,000 of whom are Deaf; notes with concern that too many deaf people in the UK still face social exclusion as a …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
7th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 7th June 2021

Crisis of insecure work

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses alarm at the £107 billion rise in wealth for those at the top; notes that the levels of insecure employment in the UK are worryingly high and that data from the Office for National Statistics published on 18 May 2021 shows unemployment at 1.6 million; further …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
7th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 7th June 2021

Child poverty

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House notes that recent End Child Poverty coalition research indicates that there were 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2019-20 and that recent Households Below Average Income figures show child poverty is likely to have significantly worsened during the covid-19 pandemic; believes the Government …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
7th June 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 7th June 2021

Child poverty in the North West

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House notes that recent End Child Poverty coalition research indicates that there were 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2019-20, more than a third of children in the North West are growing up in poverty after housing costs are factored in, child poverty levels …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 27th May 2021

Ban on trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: David Amess (Conservative - Southend West)
That this House welcomes the Government’s commitment to implementing a robust, comprehensive and world-leading ban on trophy hunting imports; agrees that the trophy hunting of animals, including those at risk of extinction, is morally reprehensible; notes the strong support for such a ban among the general public, with the most …
86 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 16
Conservative: 10
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
19th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 24th May 2021

The global spread of covid-19 and reductions in the international aid budget

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes that the covid-19 virus and various mutations are now ravaging a number of poorer countries, attention has been focused on the appalling situation in India and there are concerns that other countries might follow suit; further notes the Government's decision to reduce the international aid budget, …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
19th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 24th May 2021

Sharing covid-19 vaccine resources equitably to create a people's vaccine

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes that the ability to vaccinate sections of their population against the covid-19 virus has generally only been open to some of the richest countries in the world and many other poorer countries have little or no access to vaccines; further notes that the latest data from …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alliance: 1
11th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 20th May 2021

Protests in Colombia

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House expresses profound concern on reports of excessive use of force by the Colombian police, against overwhelmingly peaceful social protests as confirmed by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights across Colombia from 28 April 2021, as part of a national strike; believes the right …
101 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 40
Scottish National Party: 30
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
20th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 20th May 2021

Fire and rehire tactics (No. 2)

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes the continued use of fire and rehire tactics by employers in this country; condemns the actions of the growing number of employers who have forced their staff to choose between accepting a new contract with worse terms and conditions or losing their jobs; calls on the …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
20th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 20th May 2021

Fire and rehire

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with alarm the growing number of employers who are dismissing and re-engaging staff on worse pay and terms and conditions, a practice commonly known as fire and rehire; agrees with the Government that such tactics represent an unacceptable abuse of power by rogue bosses, many of …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Oct 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 31
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
17th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 19th May 2021

A People's Green New Deal

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House believes that the government must urgently act to address unemployment, poverty, and the intensifying climate crisis; notes that the climate emergency poses a grave threat to public health and living standards in the UK and across the world; further notes that the Government is currently set to …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 9
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
13th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week: supporting the social care workforce

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
That this House notes the findings published by Hft as part of its annual Sector Pulse Check research that 62 per cent of social care providers have seen an increase in absence relating to mental health among their workforce over the past year; encourages the Government to recognise the efforts …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
12th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th May 2021

Securing the future of football in England

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House welcomes the Government-initiated fan-led review of football governance, but insists that it is used as an opportunity to rebalance the current ownership structure in the favour of match-going supporters; notes that it is imperative that the review must be genuinely fan-led as the Government has promised, with …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
13th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th May 2021

Paid miscarriage leave

Tabled by: Angela Crawley (Scottish National Party - Lanark and Hamilton East)
That this House calls on the Government to introduce paid miscarriage leave; notes that, in the UK, two weeks parental bereavement leave and pay is in place after stillbirth, however there is no such support for anyone who has experienced a miscarriage before 24 weeks of pregnancy; believes that miscarriage …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 15
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 17th May 2021

Attacks on journalists in Gaza

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House deplores the attack by the Israeli military on the building in Gaza housing media including Associated Press and Al Jazeera, which follows attacks or detentions of at least thirty journalists and two previous strikes on journalist's offices in Gaza; supports the demands of the International Federation of …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
11th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 12th May 2021

Violence perpetrated by Israeli authorities against Palestinian civilians in Sheikh Jarrah

Tabled by: Tahir Ali (Labour - Birmingham Hall Green and Moseley)
That this House unequivocally condemns the ongoing violence perpetrated by Israeli authorities against Palestinian civilians in the Sheikh Jarrah area of Jerusalem; condemns the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli police which left hundreds of civilians injured; joins the UN in calling upon the Israeli authorities to demonstrate maximum restraint …
40 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
12th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 12th May 2021

Campaign for a 15 per cent pay rise for all healthcare workers

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses its gratitude to all health care workers for the the work they have done throughout the pandemic; recognises their heroic and selfless actions have put their own health at risk in order to help others; remembers the more than 1000 healthcare workers who have died from …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 5
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
11th May 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 11th May 2021

NHS privatisation

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses dismay at the Government’s White Paper, The Future of Health and Care, published on 11 February 2021 which rubber stamps the US care models for the UK; notes that the Bill is a Trojan horse for deregulated privatisation and that language on integrated care championed by …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 4
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
26th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 23rd April 2021

Firefighters Memorial Day 2021 (No. 2)

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House joins with firefighters across the United Kingdom on Firefighters Memorial Day in remembering the bravery and sacrifice of over 2,300 firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty; extends its sympathies especially on this memorial day to all the bereaved families of fallen firefighters; …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 8
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
26th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 23rd April 2021

Campaign for a 15 per cent pay rise for all healthcare workers

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses dismay at the Government’s offer of a derisory one per cent pay rise to healthcare workers announced in the Budget on 3 March; notes that NHS workers have suffered real terms pay cuts of up to 30 per cent since 2010; recognises the heroic efforts of …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 7
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
21st April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 22nd April 2021

Fan-led review of football in England

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House welcomes the proposed fan-led review of football governance, but insists that it takes a comprehensive view of every aspect of both the men’s and women’s game in England; puts football fans front and centre of the review process and recommendations; asserts that no part of the game …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
19th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st April 2021

Campaign for the thirty-seven Cammell Laird workers imprisoned in 1984

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House warmly welcomes the victory of the Shrewsbury Twenty Four campaign in its decades long quest for justice; recognises that there are hundreds of other trade unionists and protestors who have been the victims of unjust and politically motivated punishments, including thirty-seven workers imprisoned in the Category A …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
13th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 19th April 2021

Report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes that the publication of the report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities in March 2021 was met with immense disappointment and frustration by members of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities across the country, and many racial justice organisations; is deeply concerned that the …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
19th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 19th April 2021

Proposed European Super League

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House condemns the proposals to create a breakaway European Super League which is based on cynical greed rather than sporting integrity and merit; asserts that billionaire club owners are attempting to rip apart the fabric of our national sport to further their own interests; further asserts that those …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
13th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Fire and rehire tactics

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with alarm the growing number of employers who are dismissing and re-engaging staff on worse pay and terms and conditions, a practice commonly known as fire and rehire; agrees with Government Ministers that such tactics represent an unacceptable abuse of power by rogue bosses, many of …
75 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 41
Scottish National Party: 14
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
12th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Bus franchising in Greater Manchester

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House welcomes the announcement by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, to bring Greater Manchester’s buses back under public control; notes that the decision will give Greater Manchester Combined Authority more say over its bus network; recognises that the move will ensure that the needs of the …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
12th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Extension of the moratorium on evictions in response to the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House calls on the Government to allocate time on the floor of the House for a debate on the potential merits of extending the moratorium on evictions in response to the covid-19 outbreak; and further calls on the Government to write off all rent arrears accrued during the …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
13th April 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Effect of the covid-19 outbreak on disabled children and families

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House is deeply alarmed at the disproportionate effect of the covid-19 pandemic on disabled children, young people and their families; notes the concerning statistics from the Disabled Children’s Partnerships’ The Longest Lockdown report, which found that 70 per cent of disabled children could not access, or experienced delays …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 35
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
24th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 25th March 2021

Strike at SPS Technologies

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this House notes that staff at aerospace parts firm SPS Technologies in Leicester are taking strike action against management proposals to dismiss and re-engage employees on inferior contracts, a practice commonly known as “fire and rehire”; further notes that SPS made 200 members of staff at its Barkby Road …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 6
Green Party: 1
23rd March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th March 2021

Shrewsbury 24 judgement

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes the historic victory of the Shrewsbury 24 Campaign in having their charges quashed by the Court of Appeal after almost half a century of injustice; notes the tireless work that has been done to get to this stage by the Shrewsbury 24 campaigners and the support …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
17th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd March 2021

Undercover Policing Inquiry

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes the ongoing independent public Undercover Policing Inquiry, set up to investigate undercover policing in England and Wales since 1968; recognises the concerns raised by Non State Non Police Core Participants (NSNPCPs) and interested campaign groups (including the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance and Police Spies Out of …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
16th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd March 2021

Impact of allowing gene-editing and divergence from EU food standards

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House has grave concerns over the Government’s proposal to authorise in England the use of gene-editing technologies in agriculture and food and drink manufacturing; notes that, since Brexit, any substantial regulatory divergence between the UK and EU poses a major threat to UK exports into European markets, and …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
12th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd March 2021

Sarah Everard and women's safety

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House expresses deep concern for the disappearance of Sarah Everard, a young woman who went missing in Clapham as she was walking home on the 3rd March; extends thoughts and prayers to Sarah’s family and friends at this difficult time; notes with great sadness that women’s safety remains …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
22nd February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th March 2021

Real Bread week campaign

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House celebrates Real Bread Week and the recent upsurge in interest in traditional baking methods; welcomes the role of many small and medium sized bakeries across the UK in providing quality and choice for their customers; regrets that commercial pressures have too often led to the inclusion of …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
12th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 12th March 2021

Local Government funding (No. 2)

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern research by the National Audit Office which states that 25 Local Councils are on the brink of bankruptcy; notes with further concern research from the NAO which found that 94 per cent of English councils expect to cut spending next year to meet budget …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
12th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 12th March 2021

Rail fares

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes the recent rise in rail fares in England and Wales of 2.6 per cent; notes with concern that this rise means rail fares have risen above RPI inflation for the first time since 2013; condemns increasing the price of train travel at a time when millions …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Redundancies at Cammell Laird shipyards.

Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House recognises that the Cammell Laird shipyards have for many decades played a central role in the local economy of Birkenhead; notes that the shipyards currently employ approximately seven-hundred people from across the town and the wider region; further notes that approximately five-hundred young people have undertaken apprenticeships …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 3
8th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Manufacturing skills and the national curriculum

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes that innovation in manufacturing is of vital importance to the UK economy; further notes that UK manufacturing accounts for some £191 billion of output providing 2.7 million jobs; recognises that closing the skills gap in manufacturing will require 186,000 skilled individuals to be hired every year …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
3rd March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Differential pricing policies for covid-19 vaccinations

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House believes that the UK has both a moral and practical incentive to see the whole world vaccinated against covid-19; is concerned that differential pricing by pharmaceutical companies gravitates against that ambition by asking the poorest countries to pay more than the richest; notes that AstraZeneca is charging …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
4th March 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Stanley Newens

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House notes with sadness the death of Stanley Newens, a hard working socialist and former Member of Parliament and subsequently the European Parliament; respects his tremendous career as a lifelong campaigner for internationalism, social justice, and the people of his former constituencies of Epping, Harlow, and later Central …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Conservative: 1
25th February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Cuba and the US blockade

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises that the US blockade of Cuba has cost the Cuban economy billions of dollars, causes shortages in essential services and has been exacerbated by the Trump administration’s designation of Cuba as state sponsor of terrorism – a politically motivated move which intensifies sanctions against the Cuban …
58 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 27
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 11
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
24th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

A covid-19 recovery mental health strategy for children

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House notes that a survey by the mental health charity Re-Think found that one third of children feel more anxious, sad and stressed now than before lockdown; further notes that the charity Action for Children has asked the Government to prioritise children’s mental health in covid-19 recovery planning …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 8
Conservative: 5
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
23rd February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Libraries in the Wakefield district

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes one of the key effects of a decade of austerity has been the loss of libraries as a community asset up and down the UK; notes that the first half of the austerity decade resulted in a 44% reduction in the number of libraries open in …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 12th February 2021

Library closures

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes the ongoing concerns on the effect of austerity on local library services and that the covid-19 pandemic has led to new worries that financial pressures on local authorities could mean further cuts and reductions to services; believes in the value of local libraries and that despite …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
11th February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 12th February 2021

Child poverty in the North East

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes that more than one in three children and young people are growing up in poverty in the North East and this figure rises to 42 per cent for children under the age of five; further notes that with a rise from 26 per cent to 35 …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 11th February 2021

Zero covid strategy

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes with sadness that the UK has now had more than 100,000 covid-19 deaths, with one of the highest death rates in the world; further notes that the Government's strategy to live with the virus and balance the loss of lives and the economy has led to …
47 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Coalfield Regeneration Trust report on the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on older industrial Britain

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes the research commissioned by the Coalfields Regeneration Trust examining the health and economic effects of the covid-19 pandemic on older industrial towns and former coalfields; notes that this research has found that up to the start of 2021 the cumulative death rate in older industrial towns …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 1
25th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Support for British Gas workers

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House condemns the actions of British Gas in pursuing fire and re-hire tactics with loyal and hard-working staff; expresses support and solidarity with British Gas workers who have been forced to strike following British Gas pushing ahead with plans that have been rejected by 86 per cent of …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Green Party: 1
1st February 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 1st February 2021

Cancer treatment waiting times

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House is concerned that cancer treatment waiting lists are increasing as a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic; notes with further concern that vital cancer diagnoses are being missed, with data from Public Health England showing that 106,732 cases were diagnosed between April and September 2020, down from 142,324 …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
14th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 1st February 2021

Recommendations on prison officer pay

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that the Government has rejected as unaffordable Recommendation 3 by the Prison Service Pay Review Body (PSPRB) of a £3,000 pensionable pay rise for Band 3 prison officers on Fair and Sustainable conditions, the main operational recruitment grade into the Prison Service; further notes that the …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 28th January 2021

Student rent strikers

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House congratulates student rent strikers demanding rent refunds, cuts and contract releases at more than 50 universities; notes that this is the biggest nationwide student tenant action in 40 years; further notes the housing system is organised in the interests of landlords and against tenants; welcomes the concessions …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 1
26th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 28th January 2021

Travel rights for workers in the media and creative industries

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is deeply disturbed to hear that proposals made during the Brexit negotiations which would have offered special travel rights for the creative workforce represented by the Federation of Entertainment Unions (FEU) were turned down; notes that the creative industries are one of the fastest-growing parts of the …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th January 2021

Fuel poverty (No. 2)

Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House notes that recent research from the Citizens Advice Bureau has identified that more than 2 million households are behind on their energy payments, with a quarter of all energy customers worried that they won’t be able to pay their bill this winter; further notes that before the …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 18th January 2021

Jobs at Rolls-Royce Barnoldswick

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House congratulates Unite the union for striking a landmark deal with Rolls-Royce in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, saving 350 jobs threatened with off-shoring and securing the future of this historic site; notes that this deal marks the successful conclusion of a determined campaign by the workforce with full support from …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
14th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 18th January 2021

Godfrey Colin Cameron

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House is deeply saddened by news of the death of Godfrey Colin Cameron, a hardworking member of Parliamentary security staff and member of the PCS trade union who passed away aged just 55 after contracting covid-19; extends our sincere condolences to his devoted wife Hyacinth, children Leon and …
139 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 108
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th January 2021

Student tuition fees and student debt

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this House welcomes the move to online university learning in order to combat the spread of the covid-19 virus; is concerned that the Government took this decision after months of scientific and trade union advice; notes that the University and College Union (UCU) warned against students returning to universities …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 7
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 6th January 2021

Covid-19 and homelessness

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House expresses alarm that people experiencing homelessness in England are facing the new covid-19 lockdown without a return of the Everyone In accommodation policy; notes that at the beginning of the pandemic, the Everyone In programme was found by a UCL study to have stopped tens of thousands …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th January 2021

Covid-19 response and BAME communities

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes that covid-19 has had a disproportionate effect on those from a Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) background; understands that the highest age standardised diagnosis rates of covid-19 per 100,000 population were in people of Black ethnic groups and the lowest were in people of white …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th January 2021
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 6th January 2021

Former miners and covid-19

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes a number of former miners suffering from industrial diseases including Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema and Pneumoconiosis have sadly died from Covid-19; further notes that families of miners are entitled to industrial industry compensation if former miners die of industrial illnesses; expresses concern that the medical history of …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
3rd June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th January 2021

School children's access to online learning

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House recognises that teachers are working hard to ensure that children are sufficiently supplied with resources for home learning; notes that a large majority of these resources are online; is concerned that school children from disadvantaged social-economic backgrounds may not have access to computers, laptops, tablets or broadband; …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
14th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 17th December 2020

Tackling homelessness

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House deplores the exponential rise in recent years of homelessness across the UK, with core homelessness in England alone peaking before the Covid-19 pandemic at over 219,000 homeless households at the end of 2019; commends the determination behind the Everyone In initiative to provide safe accommodation for all …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
10th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 17th December 2020

Rights for Freelance Workers in the Media and Creative Industries

Tabled by: Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford)
That this House is concerned by the severe hardship which Covid-19 has caused for many freelance and self-employed workers; notes that the media and creative industries represent a major growth sector which is worth more than £111 billion to the UK economy, yet freelance workers in the sector have been …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
7th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th December 2020

Government workers' pay

Tabled by: Rachel Hopkins (Labour - Luton South and South Bedfordshire)
That this House supports the Parliamentary petition signed by over 100,000 people for a fair pay rise for government workers and rejects the government’s public sector pay freeze; notes that throughout the pandemic, government workers have delivered critical services that have kept our country safe and secure; further notes that …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
7th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th December 2020

Levels of statutory sick pay

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that for a test, trace and isolate system to be effective, people must be able to afford to isolate when required to do so; notes that the current level of Statutory Sick Pay is forcing many people to choose between having enough money to live on …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
7th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th December 2020

Bus worker safety during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House commends the dedication of the UK’s bus workers who have kept services running throughout the pandemic for other key workers and essential travellers; is aware that tragically, a number of bus workers have died from Covid-19; notes that Government Covid-19 support for bus operators in England since …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
7th December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 7th December 2020

Food insecurity

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House notes that approximately 10 million people in the UK are experiencing food insecurity; further notes that the use of food banks was increasing before the covid-19 pandemic, has effectively doubled during the pandemic and all indications are that this situation will continue to get worse; is concerned …
59 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Independent: 12
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd December 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 3rd December 2020

Priority groups for covid-19 vaccinations

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House pays tribute to the selfless role key workers have played throughout the covid-19 pandemic; notes that in addition to health and social care workers, workers in key occupations have an increased risk of exposure to covid-19, with ONS data showing that during the first wave of covid-19 …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 4
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 1st December 2020

Anniversary of the Bhopal poisonous gas leak

Tabled by: Navendu Mishra (Labour - Stockport)
That this House remembers the terrible disaster that took place on 2 December 1984 in Bhopal, India, when a major poisonous gas leak from the Union Carbide pesticide plant resulted in more than 600,000 people being exposed to the highly toxic methyl isocyanate gas, thousands of people dying and many …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
19th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 30th November 2020

In-person immigration bail reporting

Tabled by: Olivia Blake (Labour - Sheffield Hallam)
That this House notes that immigration bail reporting was suspended for the duration of the first covid-19 lockdown in the interest of public health and that individuals were permitted to, and did successfully, report safely from home via phone or text for the duration of the lockdown; further notes that …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 27th November 2020

Jobs at the Rolls Royce Barnoldswick site

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is angered by the decision by Rolls-Royce to cut 350 highly skilled jobs at its site in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, and offshore this work to Singapore; condemns the company’s decision to lock workers out of the site until after Christmas without any meaningful consultation or negotiation over these …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th November 2020

£20 weekly increase to universal credit

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House acknowledges that the £20 a week uplift in Universal Credit has provided much-needed, vital support to millions of people during the covid-19 outbreak; expresses disappointment that there was no commitment to making this increase permanent in Spending Review 2020; notes with concern analysis by the Joseph Rowntree …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
25th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th November 2020

Financial support for self employed people during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern research from the National Audit Office which has found that 2.9 million freelancers, contractors and newly self-employed are excluded from the Government's Self-Employment Income Support Scheme and analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, which estimates that 38 per cent of individuals with self-employment …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
25th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th November 2020

Covid-19 and fuel poverty

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern that 2.4 million households are living in fuel poverty, with research by National Energy Action finding that an average of 9,700 deaths a year in the UK are caused by living in a cold house; further notes with concern that thousands of household are …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
17th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 18th November 2020

Virtual participation in debates

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House notes with deep concern that some Members have not been able to take part virtually in debates, which means that those Members have been disenfranchised; further notes that this, in effect, disenfranchises those constituents who are left without a voice in House of Commons debates; recognises that …
65 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 30
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
9th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 10th November 2020

Dismissals of app-based courier and private hire driver workers

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House condemns the opaque and unjust process by which app-based couriers and private hire drivers working for companies such as UBER and Deliveroo can be blocked permanently from their accounts and thus effectively dismissed from their jobs; recognises that couriers and private hire drivers are key workers who …
72 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
2nd November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 9th November 2020

WASPI women

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House notes with great concern the continuing unfair treatment of WASPI women; further notes that many of the women concerned had no prior notice that their pensionable age and eligibility was to be pushed back; draws attention to the ongoing injustice of the situation which has placed many …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
20th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 9th November 2020

Local Government Pension Scheme

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House notes with concern that with the prospect of potentially significant further cuts in jobs in local government, the Government is seeking to drive through plans to cut the pension or severance payments to public sector members of the Local Government Pension Scheme aged 55 and above; and …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
4th November 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 4th November 2020

Free school meal vouchers during the covid-19 pandemic

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House expresses dismay at the decision by the Government not to extend free school meals to eligible children during school holidays during the covid-19 outbreak; notes that the proposed second lockdown will plunge more families into poverty; notes that such a decision places over 11,000 children in Wakefield …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 2nd November 2020

Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House expresses profound alarm at the climate and ecological emergency, with wildfires raging in California, and ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica melting in line with worst case scenario predictions for sea level rise according to a study by the University of Leeds and the Danish Meteorological Institute; …
92 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Scottish National Party: 27
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
19th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th October 2020


Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the exemplary and invaluable role played by Unionlearn in helping people acquire skills and qualifications to boost their job prospects and make a valuable contribution to the economy; applauds Unionlearn for aiding hundreds of thousands of learners at all levels, from basic numeracy and literacy to …
94 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 52
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
15th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 15th October 2020

Effect of sodium valproate and foetal valproate syndrome

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House is concerned that 300 children every year are born with foetal valproate syndrome as a result of the drug sodium valproate being prescribed to women during pregnancy; expresses shock that between 1973 and 2016 no explanation of side effects linked to the drug, such as kidney and …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
12th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th October 2020

Debenhams redundancies

Tabled by: Andrew Gwynne (Labour (Co-op) - Gorton and Denton)
That this House condemns the way in which Debenhams has implemented the redundancies of thousands of workers during the Coronavirus outbreak; notes that staff were told via conference call that they would be made redundant with 3 days’ notice and 3 days’ pay and that there was no consultation or …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 8th October 2020

Financial support for football and rugby league clubs during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House is concerned about the future of football and rugby league clubs without fans being able to attend stadiums; notes that the majority of football and rugby league clubs including Frickley Athletic FC, Wakefield Trinity and Featherstone Rovers in Hemsworth Constituency are heavily reliant on gate receipts as …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th October 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 6th October 2020

Supporting open-access rail operators during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House notes that, unlike the franchised train operating companies, the UK’s open-access rail operators, including Hull Trains and Grand Central, have received no financial support package from the Government; further notes that passenger footfall and revenue across the railways remains below pre-covid 19 outbreak levels; is concerned that …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 8
Conservative: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
30th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 30th September 2020

Funding for school counselling services

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern research from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy which found that 80 per cent of young people say their mental health has worsened during the covid-19 pandemic; further notes with concern that there could be significant future human and financial costs associated with …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
30th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 30th September 2020

Extension of protection measures for renters during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House is concerned about the large number of tenants facing eviction as a result of the ban on evictions coming to an end as covid-19 lockdown restrictions are eased; notes with concern research by Shelter which found that 227,000 private renters have fallen into arrears since the start …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
10th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 24th September 2020

Statutory sick pay (No. 2)

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House recognises that the covid-19 pandemic has highlighted that statutory sick pay (SSP) of £95.80 per week is not enough to live on, and that nearly two million low-paid part-time or zero hours workers are excluded from any sick pay at all; is gravely concerned that this situation …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Oct 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
22nd September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Policing of the 1984-85 Miners' Strike

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House welcomes the proposals made by an independent review established by the Scottish Government into the policing of the dispute during the 1984-85 miners’ strike in Scotland to introduce legislation to pardon those convicted for matters related to the strike; notes that the National Union of Mineworkers have …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 21st September 2020

Teaching of British Sign Language in schools

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House recognises the importance of ensuring that all members of society are able to communicate effectively and clearly; notes that this includes ensuring that people who are deaf or hard of hearing are able to communicate effectively and clearly; recognises that 11 million people in the UK are …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
14th September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th September 2020


Tabled by: Lord Cryer (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
That this House recognises the constructive approach taken by GMB Union and Unison in negotiations around their members' pay and conditions with British Gas and its parent company Centrica; condemns the tactics employed by that company in commencing those negotiations with threats to dismiss and re-engage its UK workforce on …
68 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 14
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
1st September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 7th September 2020

Supporting grieving families through a bereavement standard

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House calls on the Government to introduce a Bereavement Standard to simplify and streamline the process for grieving families to close accounts with service providers following the death of a loved one; believes the lack of such a standard has created a complex array of arrangements with each …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
3rd September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 3rd September 2020

Remembering Featherstone Massacre 1893

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House remembers the atrocities which took place in Featherstone, West Yorkshire on 7th September 1893; notes with sadness the 6 injured and two killed, named James Gibb, 22, and James Duggan, 25, after the army was ordered to fire shots into a crowd of miners and their families, …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd September 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Cuts to education funding

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House recognises the campaigning work of Eleanor Falshaw, Joseph Stevens and Ben Taylor, three young people from the Hemsworth constituency, who have been raising awareness about the impact of education cuts; notes the significance of the figures they have uncovered which reveal that social mobility in Hemsworth constituency …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
20th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st July 2020

BBC TV licenses

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House supports the urgent reversal of the decision to make over-75s pay for TV licences during the covid-19 outbreak; notes with concern that licenses will have to be paid for from August 2020; believes that responsibility for funding free TV licences should not have been handed over by …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
20th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st July 2020

Early pay rise for NHS staff

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House recognises the extraordinary commitment and sacrifice of NHS staff throughout the covid-19 outbreak; believes that the depth of public gratitude for this work must now be reflected in what the Government does next for NHS staff; notes that as it stands, NHS staff must wait until 2021 …
106 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 44
Scottish National Party: 28
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
16th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st July 2020

Events industry and covid-19

Tabled by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
That this House notes that the events industry is worth £70 billion annually to the UK comprising conferences, exhibitions, weddings, arts and culture, festivals and shows, music and sporting events; expresses concern that unlike some parts of the hospitality sector little has been done to allow the events industry to …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 20th July 2020

Support for Town and Parish Councils in response to the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House recognises the valuable contribution that Town and Parish Councils make to the resilience of local communities; recognises one of their strengths is being embedded within the heart of communities; applauds the many Town and Parish Councils that have and are in a position to play a significant …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 20th July 2020

Leeds United and promotion to the Premier League

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House congratulates Leeds United, its manager Marcelo Bielsa, its players, its owner Andrea Radrizzani and its incredible supporters in Leeds and around the world on winning the Championship in the club's centenary season; believes that this outstanding achievement is a fitting tribute to Norman Hunter, Trevor Cherry and …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
9th March 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 15th July 2020

Real fur imports

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House urges the Government to introduce legislation to ban the imports and sales of real fur products; notes that the UK has long banned the main methods of fur so-called production, namely leg-hold trapping and fur factory farming, due to their inherent cruelty; believes that, in view of …
140 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 58
Scottish National Party: 39
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 11
Conservative: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
13th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th July 2020

Support of football fans for communities during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House pays tribute to the invaluable role played by football fans in supporting communities, frontline workers and protecting the most vulnerable people in the covid-19 crisis; notes that more than 100 tonnes of food have been donated to local foodbanks since the start of lockdown by Fan Supporting …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 9th July 2020

Free hospital parking (No. 2)

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House thanks NHS staff for their dedication to public health and extraordinary service through the covid-19 outbreak; notes that many NHS staff have faced a real terms pay cut since 2010; further notes that NHS staff, patients and visitors ordinarily have to pay significant sums for hospital car …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
9th July 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 9th July 2020

Financial pressures faced by local authorities as a result of the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House pays tribute to the leadership and invaluable role local councils are playing in the response to covid-19, supporting communities, providing essential services, and protecting the most vulnerable; notes with concern that the additional funding allocated to local councils by the Government does not cover the additional costs …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
21st April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th July 2020

Support for small limited companies

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House commends the Chancellor’s job retention schemes to help the employed and the self-employed during the covid-19 outbreak; in addition acknowledges that thousands of people working in a creative freelance capacity are excluded from those schemes; notes that directors of small limited companies that are often comprised of …
61 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 17
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
29th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 1st July 2020

Prison whistleblowing hotline

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House notes that prison employers must by law take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of their staff; further notes that eight national trades unions representing the majority of prison staff have called for new best-practice safety measures, including a whistleblowing hotline, before current …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
29th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 30th June 2020

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes that as at 21 June 2020, 1.1 Million employers and 9.2 Million Jobs were being supported through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme at a cost of £22.9 Billion; notes with grave concern the effect on whole swathes of the economy of the scheduled cessation of the …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
16th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd June 2020

Public sector workers' pay

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House expresses sincere gratitude for the work that those in the public sector have undertaken during the covid-19 pandemic; acknowledges the sacrifices that those people have made and how they have gone beyond their call of duty both emotionally and physically; and calls on the Government to give …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
11th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd June 2020

Dying for sick pay campaign

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House notes the Public and Commercial Services Union national campaign ‘Dying for sick pay’ which marks the 30th anniversary of International Justice Day for Cleaners and Security and calls on Government to extend full occupational sick pay from day one for all outsourced workers on civil service contracts; …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd June 2020

Four-day week in the UK

Tabled by: Clive Lewis (Labour - Norwich South)
That this House recognises the opportunity for exploring shorter working time for the UK, including a four-day week, as one route out of the covid-19 pandemic; further recognises that work patterns have been dramatically altered as a result of the pandemic, notes that shorter working time has been used throughout …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 17
Independent: 7
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
4th March 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd June 2020

A public scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House notes the science-based campaign, For Life On Earth, with its Beagle ambassador, rescued ex-laboratory dog Scarlet; congratulates Scarlet on winning the Animal Hero, Inspirational Animal of the Year Award 2018; further notes that the latest Home Office figures show that the numbers of dogs used in UK …
69 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
22nd June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd June 2020

School Meals Voucher Scheme extension to the summer holiday

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
This House calls on the Government to extend the school meals vouchers scheme over the summer; notes with concern research by the Food Foundation which found that parents of two million children have experienced food insecurity and that 200,000 children have missed lunch because their family could not access help …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 1
22nd June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd June 2020

Eligibility of companies for Government covid-19 financial support schemes

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House calls on the Government to introduce fair tax conditions on companies benefiting from Treasury-funded support schemes introduced due to the covid-19 crisis and that companies registered in tax havens should be excluded; further calls on the Government to instruct any benefiting business to publish a binding tax …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd June 2020

Centre for Towns Report into communities suffering severe economic hardship as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes the research carried out by the Centre for Towns outlining the 20 communities most vulnerable to the impending economic downturn as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic; notes that those communities, including South Elmsall in Hemsworth constituency are the same communities that have already suffered greatly …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
10th June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 18th June 2020

Judge-led public inquiry into the Horizon scandal

Tabled by: Lord Beamish (Labour - North Durham)
That this House recognises the life-changing injustices experienced by subpostmasters throughout the Horizon scandal; notes with the deepest sadness that subpostmasters have served custodial sentences and suffered bankruptcy for offences they did not commit; recognises the role of the Government in prolonging this crisis through not fulfilling their role of …
151 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 63
Scottish National Party: 43
Independent: 13
Liberal Democrat: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Conservative: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
26th February 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th June 2020

International law and trade with illegal Israeli settlements

Tabled by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
That this House recognises the publication of the UN’s database of companies operating in Israeli settlements; acknowledges that all Israeli settlements are illegal and that the transfer of a civilian population to an occupied territory is a war crime under international law; notes that complicity in war crimes is a …
81 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 37
Scottish National Party: 31
Independent: 8
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
2nd June 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 5th June 2020

Sales of teargas, riot shields and rubber bullets to the United States

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House calls on the Government to ensure the immediate suspension of sales of teargas, riot shields and rubber bullets to the United States.
59 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 23
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 6
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
18th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 4th June 2020

Public inquiry into the effect of covid-19 on BAME communities

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House is concerned that covid-19 infections and deaths have disproportionately affected Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) British people; notes that BAME people make up one third of covid-19 patients in intensive care, two thirds of NHS staff who have died, and out of twenty three NHS doctors …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
13th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 28th May 2020

Campaign to extend maternity leave by three months

Tabled by: Gavin Robinson (Democratic Unionist Party - Belfast East)
That this House recognises the adverse effect the covid–19 pandemic has on social isolation generally and new mothers on maternity leave in particular; highlights the importance of social interaction and building bonds within extended family circles and wider society both for the babies development and mothers wellbeing; and acknowledges that …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 19
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
20th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 21st May 2020

Protection for minimum wage workers on furlough

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House is concerned that many workers earning the minimum wage are currently only receiving 80 per cent of their minimum wage salary under the Government’s furlough scheme; is concerned that workers are being expected to live on less than the state-declared minimum wage especially given that rents, bills …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th May 2020

Fair Pay for Local Authority workers

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House calls for a decent and fair pay rise for all workers delivering local authority services; notes that local authority and school staff are working above and beyond the call of duty with the daily risk presented by covid-19; respects workers’ dedication to keep public services running and …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 18th May 2020

Covid-19 and BAME communities

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House is alarmed at the growing evidence that black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) people are over-represented in hospitalisations and deaths from covid-19 and that there are clear systemic economic inequalities that are meaning that ethnic minority communities are being disproportionately affected by the coronavirus crisis; is concerned …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
14th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 14th May 2020

Protections for tenants during coronavirus crisis

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House is concerned about the high number of tenants who have lost income during the coronavirus crisis; further concerned about the number of tenants who are in rent arrears and are at risk of eviction as soon as the temporary freeze on evictions is lifted; notes that this …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th May 2020

Proposed Israeli annexation of part of the West Bank

Tabled by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
That this House notes with concern the plans of the new Israeli coalition government to annex part of the occupied West Bank; further notes that Israeli legislation can progress from 1 July 2020 to carry out such an annexation; highlights that any such annexation of territory occupied in 1967 is …
87 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 28
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 10
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
29th April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th May 2020

Support for Local Authorities during the Covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House expresses its gratitude for the hard work of local authorities in helping to ensure that vulnerable groups are protected during the covid-19 pandemic; recognises the vital role that local authorities are playing in the co-ordination and running of local support groups that distribute food and medication and …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 8
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
5th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th May 2020

The two-child limit, poverty and coronavirus

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes the Child Poverty Action Group and the Church of England’s report, published 5 May 2020, which found that an estimated 60,000 families will be affected by the two-child limit as a result of the covid-19 crisis, joining around 230,000 families affected by the policy since April …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
9th January 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th May 2020

Ban on trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House welcomes the Government's public consultation on controls on the import and export of hunting trophies; notes the strong cross-party support for EDM 1829, Session 2017-19 and that 86 per cent of the British public support an end to trophy hunting; further notes that most UK trophy imports …
168 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 75
Scottish National Party: 42
Conservative: 16
Independent: 13
Liberal Democrat: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
5th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th May 2020

Contribution of civil service employees during covid-19 crisis

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House expresses its gratitude to the tens of thousands of workers across the civil service who are playing absolutely critical frontline roles at this time of the covid-19 epidemic; praises their dedication and professionalism at this testing time; notes that Department for Work Pensions' staff are coping with …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th May 2020

Free School Meal Vouchers

Tabled by: Catherine McKinnell (Labour - Newcastle upon Tyne North)
That this House acknowledges the valuable support provided to vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils during the covid-19 pandemic by the provision of free school meal vouchers; recognises the difficulties schools and parents are facing due to problems with the Edenred system in the provision of the vouchers; and calls on the …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Nissan personal protective equipment manufacturing

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House thanks Nissan in Sunderland for repurposing its factory to make personal protective equipment (PPE) during the covid-19 crisis; notes with respect and gratitude the efforts of workers at the car plant that are now delivering up to 100,000 face visors and 18,000 aprons per week to the …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Construction Leadership Council guidance

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned that the updated Construction Leadership Council guidance version three is considerably weaker than version two; is particularly troubled by the relaxation of measures relating to social distancing; is worried about the implications of this on the health and safety of construction workers and the wider …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 5
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th May 2020

British Airways redundancies

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes with concern that British Airways has made 12,000 staff redundant; thanks these workers for their heroic efforts in repatriating those stranded due to covid-19 at their own risk; offers solidarity to these workers that find themselves needlessly out of a job in the middle of a …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 14
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Alba Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Bus driver safety during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House pays its respects to the bus drivers that have succumbed to covid-19 during this crisis, including 27 London bus drivers; thanks all bus drivers for their service; notes the invaluable job that bus drivers are doing to keep this country running; stresses that measures must be put …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 6
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Protect offshore jobs

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned about the crisis facing the oil and gas sector as a result of covid-19; notes that the price of oil is now just over $20 per barrel compared with over $70 per barrel this time last year; fears that this low price of oil could …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 22
Labour: 16
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Alba Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th May 2020

Redundancies at British Airways

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House recognises that the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has enabled it to work with businesses and trade unions to protect the economy and avoid mass redundancies; appreciates the role aviation workers have played in operating flights, repatriating citizens and delivering essential medical and personal protective equipment supplies; …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
4th May 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th May 2020

Universal Credit, Maternity Allowance & SMP

Tabled by: Debbie Abrahams (Labour - Oldham East and Saddleworth)
That this House is deeply concerned by the different treatment of Maternity Allowance and Statutory Maternity Pay by the Department of Work and Pensions in the calculation of Universal Credit awards, with Statutory Maternity Pay being treated as earned income and largely disregarded under the work allowance and 63 per …
119 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 41
Scottish National Party: 39
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
21st April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th April 2020

Rate of pay for furloughed workers

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House recognises that, for those workers covered by the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, it is providing an essential safety net for many workers and their families during this crisis, ensuring businesses can maintain their workforce and enabling them to re-open in the future; notes that the Resolution Foundation …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
23rd April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 28th April 2020

New starters under the CJRS

Tabled by: Angela Crawley (Scottish National Party - Lanark and Hamilton East)
That this House recognises there are loopholes in the Coronavirus Jobs Retention Scheme for new starters; acknowledges that the support offered of 80 per cent of wages up to £2,500 a month is vital for workers during the coronavirus outbreak; recognises that the cut-off date of 19 March 2020 for …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Scottish National Party: 27
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
21st April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 28th April 2020

Extended cut-off date for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House expresses concern about the extended cut-off date for employees to receive support through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, after the eligibility date was extended from 28 February to 19 March; acknowledges that although this extension will allow more employees to now be furloughed following the changes to …
55 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th April 2020

Economic risk of the Coronavirus pandemic

Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House notes the research conducted by the Centre For Towns and the University of Southampton detailing the towns most economically at risk from the Coronavirus pandemic; notes that the most at risk communities are coastal and ex-industrial towns where deprivation is already entrenched after decades of neglect and …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 1
27th April 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Sunday 26th April 2020

Sunday Mirror Reward frontline heroes campaign

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House supports the Sunday Mirror Reward frontline heroes campaign calling for a scheme to reward health and care workers for their selfless dedication and commitment in the battle against covid-19; recognises their unstinting dedication and determination, often going well beyond the call of duty, and putting stress and …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
19th March 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 19th March 2020

Census (England and Wales)

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That the draft of the Order in Council, entitled Census (England and Wales) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 2 March, be not submitted to Her Majesty.
8 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Independent: 4
25th February 2020
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 25th February 2020

The work of the poet Tony Harrison

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House welcomes the fact that in March Tyneside cinema is hosting a retrospective of Tony Harrison's film poems and encourages further such retrospectives; recognises that Leeds-born poet Tony Harrison, son of Florrie Horner and baker Harry Ashton Harrison and recipient of the Whitbread Prize for Literature, the European …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Feb 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th July 2017
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th May 2019


Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House believes the Government should enter into open and fair negotiations with the Mineworkers Pension Scheme Trustees; recognises the 50-50 surplus sharing arrangement is grossly disproportionate for the Government guarantee; believes that the scheme should solely operate for the benefit of its members who contributed to the fund …
74 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 54
Scottish National Party: 6
Conservative: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 1
25th February 2019
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th March 2019

National Health Service

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Amendments Relating to the Provision of Integrated Care Regulations 2019 (S.I., 2019, No. 248), dated 13 February 2019, a copy of which was laid before this House on 13 February 2019, be annulled.
69 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 60
Independent: 7
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
4th February 2019
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 11th February 2019


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House notes that maintaining free TV licences for over-75s was a 2017 Conservative manifesto commitment; acknowledges that 2.2 million over-75s live alone and that paying the licence fee could push 50,000 pensioners below the poverty line; acknowledges that 4 million households will be affected if the concession is …
140 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 86
Scottish National Party: 22
Independent: 13
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
28th January 2019
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th February 2019


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes the valuable work done by security staff on the parliamentary estate; further notes the current dispute between security staff represented by the PCS union and the House authorities concerning overtime rates; believes that security staff recruited in summer 2016 should be paid in line with the …
94 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 64
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
28th January 2019
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 28th January 2019


Tabled by: Chris Williamson (Independent - Derby North)
That this House expresses its opposition to outside interference in Venezuela, whether from the US or elsewhere; believes that the future governance of Venezuela is a matter for Venezuelans alone to determine; rejects the US President Donald Trump's approach to regime change, which violates international law; further expresses its disappointment …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Feb 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 3
15th March 2017
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 24th March 2017


Tabled by: Alison Thewliss (Scottish National Party - Glasgow Central)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Child Tax Credit (Amendment) Regulations 2017 (S.I., 2017, No. 387), dated 14 March 2017, a copy of which was laid before this House on 15 March, be annulled.
105 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 48
Labour: 39
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
14th November 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Thursday 16th March 2017


Tabled by: Alan Meale (Labour - Mansfield)
That this House is aware that between 1987 and 1995 British Coal did not pay any employer contributions into the UK industry Mine Workers Pension Schemes (MPS) which benefited them as employers by approximately £1.136 billion; notes that when its representatives and others voted to consequently close the schemes, they …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 27
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
30th January 2017
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th February 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Doughty (Labour (Co-op) - Cardiff South and Penarth)
That this House deplores recent actions taken by US President Donald J Trump, including his Executive Order on Immigration and Refugees, and notably his comments on torture and women; notes the historical significance and honour that comes with an invitation to address both Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall or …
206 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 135
Scottish National Party: 49
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
24th October 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Friday 2nd December 2016


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations 2016 (S.I., 2016, No. 946), dated 21 September 2016, a copy of which was laid before this House on 23 September 2016, be annulled.
130 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Feb 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 90
Scottish National Party: 16
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
5th September 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 5th September 2016


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (S.I., 2016, No. 718), dated 7 July 2016, a copy of which was laid before this House on 11 July 2016, be annulled.
23 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2016)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 4
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
6th June 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 6th June 2016


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016, (S.I., 2016, No. 204), dated 22 February 2016, a copy of which was laid before this House on 25 February, in the last Session of Parliament, be revoked.
9 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2016)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
6th June 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 6th June 2016


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2016, (S.I., 2016, No. 332), dated 10 March 2016, a copy of which was laid before this House on 11 March, in the last Session of Parliament, be …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2016)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
21st March 2016
Jon Trickett signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 22nd March 2016


Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2016 (S.I., 2016, No. 332), dated 10 March 2016, a copy of which was laid before this House on 11 March 2016, be annulled.
95 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2016)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 86
Independent: 6
The Independent Group for Change: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
15th June 2015
Jon Trickett signed this EDM on Monday 22nd June 2015


Tabled by: Ian Lavery (Labour - Blyth and Ashington)
That this House strongly condemns the decision of the Independent Police Complaints Commission not to launch a full and comprehensive investigation into the behaviour of South Yorkshire Police at the Orgreave Coking Plant on 18 June 1984; believes there is no time limit to justice and furthermore that mining communities …
70 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Apr 2016)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 50
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1