Council Housing APPG

First Registered: 08/04/2020 • Last updated on: 30/05/2024

Note: This APPG was last registered on 30th May 2024. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 28th August 2024 and may be defunct.

To campaign to increase the number of council houses being built, as a central part of the solution to the housing crisis, and seek to represent the interests of council tenants in parliament.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

Former Members - Contact Details - Benefits in Kind - Financial Benefits

Reticulating Splines
Former APPG Members
Lloyd Russell-Moyle Portrait
Lloyd Russell-Moyle
Vice Chair
Labour (Co-op) - Former Member for Brighton, Kemptown
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 30th May 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Rachel Hopkins Portrait
Rachel Hopkins
Vice Chair
Labour - Luton South and South Bedfordshire
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 30th May 2024
1 APPG Membership
Andrew Lewer Portrait
Andrew Lewer
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Northampton South
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 30th May 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Matt Western Portrait
Matt Western
Chair & Registered Contact
Labour - Warwick and Leamington
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 30th May 2024
1 APPG Membership
Mike Amesbury Portrait
Mike Amesbury
Vice Chair
Labour - Runcorn and Helsby
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Marsha De Cordova Portrait
Marsha De Cordova
Labour - Battersea
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
1 APPG Membership
Christians in Parliament
Helen Hayes Portrait
Helen Hayes
Labour - Dulwich and West Norwood
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Stephen Timms Portrait
Stephen Timms
Labour - East Ham
Joined: 15th June 2022
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Neil Coyle Portrait
Neil Coyle
Vice Chair
Labour - Bermondsey and Old Southwark
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Andrew Western Portrait
Andrew Western
Vice Chair
Labour - Stretford and Urmston
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Helen Morgan Portrait
Helen Morgan
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - North Shropshire
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 13th December 2023
1 APPG Membership
Spinal Cord Injury
Ben Everitt Portrait
Ben Everitt
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Milton Keynes North
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 13th December 2023
No other APPG Memberships
James Murray Portrait
James Murray
Vice Chair
Labour (Co-op) - Ealing North
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 9th August 2023
No other APPG Memberships
Stephen Timms Portrait
Stephen Timms
Labour - East Ham
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 4th May 2022
No other APPG Memberships
None Portrait
Jack Dromey
Vice Chair
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 29th December 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Marco Longhi Portrait
Marco Longhi
Conservative - Former Member for Dudley North
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 2nd June 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Kim Johnson Portrait
Kim Johnson
Labour - Liverpool Riverside
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 2nd June 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Mick Whitley Portrait
Mick Whitley
Labour - Former Member for Birkenhead
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 2nd June 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Paul Howell Portrait
Paul Howell
Conservative - Former Member for Sedgefield
Joined: 8th April 2020
Departed: 2nd June 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Matt Western MP,

Email: No email supplied

Public Enquiry Point:

Jamie Sweeney, Office of Matt Western MP, Room 224 Portcullis House, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 2051


No benefits in kind are on record for the Council Housing APPG

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Council Housing APPG