Oliver Dowden Portrait

Oliver Dowden

Conservative - Hertsmere

7,992 (16.6%) majority - 2024 General Election

First elected: 7th May 2015

Oliver Dowden is not a member of any APPGs
3 Former APPG memberships
Cultural Heritage, Jews, London's Green Belt
Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
8th Jul 2024 - 5th Nov 2024
Shadow Deputy Prime Minister
8th Jul 2024 - 5th Nov 2024
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
25th Oct 2022 - 5th Jul 2024
Secretary of State in the Cabinet Office
9th Feb 2023 - 5th Jul 2024
Deputy Prime Minister
21st Apr 2023 - 5th Jul 2024
Minister without Portfolio (Cabinet Office)
16th Sep 2021 - 24th Jun 2022
Co-Chair, Conservative Party
15th Sep 2021 - 24th Jun 2022
Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
13th Feb 2020 - 15th Sep 2021
Paymaster General (HM Treasury)
24th Jul 2019 - 13th Feb 2020
Minister of State (Cabinet Office)
24th Jul 2019 - 13th Feb 2020
Parliamentary Secretary (Cabinet Office)
9th Jan 2018 - 24th Jul 2019
Petitions Committee
20th Jul 2015 - 3rd May 2017
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
6th Jul 2015 - 31st Oct 2016

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Oliver Dowden has voted in 60 divisions, and 1 time against the majority of their Party.

29 Nov 2024 - Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill - View Vote Context
Oliver Dowden voted Aye - against a party majority and in line with the House
One of 23 Conservative Aye votes vs 92 Conservative No votes
Tally: Ayes - 330 Noes - 275
View All Oliver Dowden Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Lindsay Hoyle (Speaker)
(6 debate interactions)
Angela Rayner (Labour)
Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
(6 debate interactions)
Diana Johnson (Labour)
Minister of State (Home Office)
(4 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Cabinet Office
(26 debate contributions)
Northern Ireland Office
(6 debate contributions)
HM Treasury
(5 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Oliver Dowden's debates

Hertsmere Petitions

e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.

If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.

If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).

Oliver Dowden has not participated in any petition debates

Latest EDMs signed by Oliver Dowden

Oliver Dowden has not signed any Early Day Motions

Commons initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Oliver Dowden, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.

Oliver Dowden has not been granted any Urgent Questions

Oliver Dowden has not been granted any Adjournment Debates

Oliver Dowden has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Oliver Dowden has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 50 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, what assessment he has made of the potential impact of recent increases in the minimum wage for 18-21 year olds on the financial sustainability of the hair and beauty sector.

We know this is a difficult time for businesses and workers alike, the Low Pay Commission are independent experts who conducts extensive consultation, analysis and evidence gathering when recommending the minimum wage rates.

We asked the LPC to make progress in extending the National Living Wage to more adults than ever before, by continuing to narrow the gap between the 18-20 rate and the NLW.

We do recognise that the 18-20 band are more vulnerable to unemployment, and therefore any impacts on employment - as well as incentives to remain in training or education - must be monitored carefully, as we proceed.

Justin Madders
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Business and Trade)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what steps she is taking to support the film industry in (a) England and (b) Hertsmere.

The Government’s Industrial Strategy will prioritise the creative industries.

We will ensure that the sector can continue to drive growth, boost opportunities and help people to fulfil their creative potential across the UK, including in Hertsmere. Our support includes:

  • Providing £1 million in funding for 2025/26 for the British Film Commission, which has previously provided support for both Elstree Studios and Sky Studios Elstree in Hertsmere;

  • Expanding the global reach of independent content through with a further £7 million for the UK Global Screen Fund in 2025/26;

  • Building on the success of the screen sector tax reliefs, by introducing the enhanced Independent Film Tax Credit, and a new 5% uplift on the rate of relief for visual effects.

Opportunities to drive growth in our screen sectors exist across the whole of the UK, with seven established film production hubs and many more areas brimming with potential and ambition. The film industry also benefits from two major UK Research and Innovation programmes run by the Arts and Humanities Research Council: the £75.6 million CoSTAR programme and the £56 million Creative Industries Clusters programme

In addition, the British Film Institute has committed £34.2 million National Lottery funding over 2023-2026 for education and skills programmes. This includes £9 million to develop skills clusters, one of which has been set up to cover the Metro London area, which includes Hertfordshire, led by Film London.

Chris Bryant
Minister of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what steps her Department is taking to ensure growth in the British film industry.

The Government’s Industrial Strategy will prioritise the creative industries.

We will ensure that the sector can continue to drive growth, boost opportunities and help people to fulfil their creative potential across the UK, including in Hertsmere. Our support includes:

  • Providing £1 million in funding for 2025/26 for the British Film Commission, which has previously provided support for both Elstree Studios and Sky Studios Elstree in Hertsmere;

  • Expanding the global reach of independent content through with a further £7 million for the UK Global Screen Fund in 2025/26;

  • Building on the success of the screen sector tax reliefs, by introducing the enhanced Independent Film Tax Credit, and a new 5% uplift on the rate of relief for visual effects.

Opportunities to drive growth in our screen sectors exist across the whole of the UK, with seven established film production hubs and many more areas brimming with potential and ambition. The film industry also benefits from two major UK Research and Innovation programmes run by the Arts and Humanities Research Council: the £75.6 million CoSTAR programme and the £56 million Creative Industries Clusters programme

In addition, the British Film Institute has committed £34.2 million National Lottery funding over 2023-2026 for education and skills programmes. This includes £9 million to develop skills clusters, one of which has been set up to cover the Metro London area, which includes Hertfordshire, led by Film London.

Chris Bryant
Minister of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what recent discussions her Department has had with the BBC board on impartiality in news coverage of the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

My Department meets regularly with representatives of the BBC on a range of matters.

The BBC is editorially and operationally independent of the Government. As the external independent regulator of the BBC, Ofcom is responsible for ensuring BBC coverage is duly impartial and accurate under the Broadcasting Code and BBC Charter.

Stephanie Peacock
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to improve the provision of SEND services in Hertfordshire.

This government is committed to providing the necessary support to improve the experiences for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. We are committed to taking a community-wide approach, improving inclusivity and expertise in mainstream schools and alternative provision settings, as well as ensuring special schools cater to those with the most complex needs.

Ofsted inspected local arrangements for children with SEND in Hertfordshire in July 2023. Its report, published on 10 November 2023, concluded that there are widespread and/or systemic failings, leading to significant concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with SEND, which the local area partnership must address urgently.

The department provides support and challenge to the Hertfordshire local area partnership by monitoring progress against its priority action plan and improvement plan, and by providing advice and guidance via a SEND expert advisor. The partnership has also established a SEND Improvement Board, independently chaired by Dame Christine Lenehan to oversee progress and provide appropriate challenge.

Catherine McKinnell
Minister of State (Education)
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to help tackle funding gaps for statutory SEND duties in Hertfordshire.

The department is providing schools with extra funding of almost £1.1 billion in the 2024/25 financial year, to support schools with overall costs, including the costs of supporting their pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Following the Budget, schools funding will be increased by a further £2.3 billion in 2025/26. Of this overall increase, nearly £1 billion is for children and young people with complex needs and will bring high needs funding to a total of £11.9 billion next year. As overall funding for the 2025/26 financial year has been announced later than normal, allocations calculated through the high needs and schools national funding formulae have not been published to the usual timescales. We will publish further information as soon as possible.

Catherine McKinnell
Minister of State (Education)
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to help tackle disparities in per-head High Needs Funding between Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Allocations of high needs funding for the 2025/26 financial year will be published as soon as possible now that overall budgets for next year have been announced. The department will take longer to consider changes to the funding formula that is used to allocate funding and which creates the variations in funding levels between local authorities across the country. The department fully recognises the importance of establishing a fair education funding system, that directs funding to where it is needed.

Catherine McKinnell
Minister of State (Education)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to tackle anti-Semitism on university campuses.

As autonomous institutions, universities are responsible for tackling antisemitism on campus and should have processes in place to deal with unlawful abuse and harassment.

Universities, as well as Jewish groups and other stakeholders, have told us that the previous government’s Freedom of Speech Act prevented them from taking effective action. The department is stopping further commencement of the Act, in order to consider the options, including its repeal.

The department will continue to work closely with Jewish groups, including the Union for Jewish Students and the University Jewish Chaplaincy, to understand their concerns and what further action is needed.

Janet Daby
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Answer of 3 September 2024 to Question 2362 on Railway Stations: Access, what progress she has made on considering the best approach to the Access for All programme.

Further to my answer of 3 September 2024, we are not yet able to comment on next steps regarding Access for All. This Government is committed to improving the accessibility of the railway and recognises the social and economic benefits this brings to communities.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what plans her Department has to improve accessibility at Radlett Station.

We are not yet able to comment on next steps regarding Access for All projects at specific stations including at Radlett station. However, please be assured that we are committed to improving the accessibility of the railway and recognise the social and economic benefits this brings to communities.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she plans to allocate further funding through the Access for All programme.

We are carefully considering the best approach to the Access for All programme. This Government is committed to improving the accessibility of the railway and recognise the social and economic benefits this brings to communities.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
21st Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps he plans to take to support community pharmacies.

Pharmacies play a vital role in our healthcare system. The Government is committed to expanding the role of pharmacies and to better utilising the skills of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. That includes making prescribing part of the services delivered by community pharmacists as we shift care from hospital to the community.

Pharmacy First has built on existing services to increase the clinical scope of the treatment and advice patients can receive. The conditions treated under the Pharmacy First offer will continue to be kept under review.

The Government recently resumed its consultation with Community Pharmacy England regarding funding arrangements.

Stephen Kinnock
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
21st Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps he plans to take to tackle losses to community pharmacies arising from delays in price concessions and drug tariffs.

The Drug Tariff is updated monthly and sets out reimbursement prices to be paid to pharmacy contractors for medicines dispensed. When the market price of a generic medicine suddenly increases, concessionary prices can be granted in that month, increasing the reimbursement price above the Drug Tariff price, with the aim of mitigating pharmacy contractors dispensing at a loss. If the medicine margin survey indicates that, despite a concessionary price, there was a significant under payment for a specific product, there is a provision known as a retrospective top-up payment for concessionary prices, which provides an additional payment to contractors for those products. A quarterly medicine margin survey also ensures that pharmacy contractors are reimbursed enough overall for the medicines they dispense.

Stephen Kinnock
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
21st Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he plans to expand the Pharmacy First scheme.

Pharmacies play a vital role in our healthcare system. The Government is committed to expanding the role of pharmacies and to better utilising the skills of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. That includes making prescribing part of the services delivered by community pharmacists as we shift care from hospital to the community.

Pharmacy First has built on existing services to increase the clinical scope of the treatment and advice patients can receive. The conditions treated under the Pharmacy First offer will continue to be kept under review.

The Government recently resumed its consultation with Community Pharmacy England regarding funding arrangements.

Stephen Kinnock
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps his Department plans to take to support NHS services in Hertfordshire, in the context of his Department's review of the New Hospital Programme.

My Rt Hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, set out a credible and deliverable plan for the new hospital schemes in the New Hospital Programme (NHP) on 20 January 2025, following the conclusion of the review of the NHP. The plan for implementation was laid in the House Library and published on the GOV.UK website, and is available at the following link:


As confirmed in this publication, the scheme for Watford General Hospital is now part of wave two of the NHP. Construction of the main hospital build is expected to commence between 2032 and 2034.

In the 2024 Autumn Budget, my Rt. Hon. Friend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that health capital spending will increase to £13.6 billion in 2025/26. Further details on this funding will follow at the earliest opportunity, including local capital allocations and national capital programmes for 2025/26, as part of the National Health Service’s planning guidance. Budgets for future years will be confirmed as part of the upcoming Spending Review. The state of the NHS estate and safety impacts will be considered as part of this.

The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board received almost £65 million in operational capital funding in 2023/24, and the West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has also been allocated £50 to 60 million from NHS funding for planned care services at St. Albans City Hospital.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, when his Department plans to next review the NHS Car Parking guidance.

NHS Car Parking guidance was last updated in October 2022 under the previous government. The Department has no plans to review the guidance. Free hospital car parking is available to groups most in-need, including National Health Service staff working overnight. All trusts that charge for hospital car parking have implemented this policy.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what progress he has made on the New Hospital Programme Review, in the context of Watford General Hospital.

My Rt Hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, set out a credible and deliverable plan for the new hospital schemes in the New Hospital Programme (NHP) on 20 January 2025, following the conclusion of the review of the NHP. The plan for implementation was laid in the House Library and published on the GOV.UK website, and is available at the following link:


As confirmed in this publication, the scheme for Watford General Hospital is now part of wave two of the NHP. Construction of the main hospital build is expected to commence between 2032 and 2034.

In the 2024 Autumn Budget, my Rt. Hon. Friend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that health capital spending will increase to £13.6 billion in 2025/26. Further details on this funding will follow at the earliest opportunity, including local capital allocations and national capital programmes for 2025/26, as part of the National Health Service’s planning guidance. Budgets for future years will be confirmed as part of the upcoming Spending Review. The state of the NHS estate and safety impacts will be considered as part of this.

The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board received almost £65 million in operational capital funding in 2023/24, and the West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has also been allocated £50 to 60 million from NHS funding for planned care services at St. Albans City Hospital.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with reference to the New Hospital Programme review, when the (a) options and (b) recommendations for Watford General Hospital will be published; and when he plans to announce which hospitals will be prioritised.

My Rt Hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, set out a credible and deliverable plan for the new hospital schemes in the New Hospital Programme (NHP) on 20 January 2025, following the conclusion of the review of the NHP. The plan for implementation was laid in the House Library and published on the GOV.UK website, and is available at the following link:


As confirmed in this publication, the scheme for Watford General Hospital is now part of wave two of the NHP. Construction of the main hospital build is expected to commence between 2032 and 2034.

In the 2024 Autumn Budget, my Rt. Hon. Friend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that health capital spending will increase to £13.6 billion in 2025/26. Further details on this funding will follow at the earliest opportunity, including local capital allocations and national capital programmes for 2025/26, as part of the National Health Service’s planning guidance. Budgets for future years will be confirmed as part of the upcoming Spending Review. The state of the NHS estate and safety impacts will be considered as part of this.

The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board received almost £65 million in operational capital funding in 2023/24, and the West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has also been allocated £50 to 60 million from NHS funding for planned care services at St. Albans City Hospital.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
3rd Dec 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if he will increase the staffing budget for the East of England Ambulance Service.

The allocation of National Health Service funding, including local staffing budgets, is set by NHS England.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
3rd Dec 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if his Department will make an assessment of the potential merits of extending NHS Outer London Weighting to (a) Hertsmere and (b) Watford.

It is for the Pay Review Bodies to make recommendations on the future geographic coverage of high-cost area supplements, and on the value of such supplements. As this is reflected in terms and conditions of service, any changes would need to be collectively agreed between employers and trade unions.

Alternatively, National Health Service employers or staff organisations in a specified geographic area can propose an increase in the level of high-cost area supplement for staff in that area.

In areas where no supplement exists, NHS employers can introduce a supplement where they feel there is evidence to support its introduction.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
3rd Dec 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, how much of the NHS funding announced in the Autumn Budget 2024, HC 295, will be allocated to ambulance services.

The information requested is not held by the Department. The future allocation of National Health Service funding announced in the Autumn Budget will be decided by NHS England.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he (a) has reviewed and (b) plans to review the (i) provision and (ii) location of (A) inpatient and (B) outpatient health services in South Hertfordshire.

There are currently no plans to review the provision and location of inpatient and outpatient health services in South Hertfordshire. Integrated care boards are responsible for ensuring that the provision and location of both inpatient and outpatient health services meets the demand of their local population.

Karin Smyth
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment his Department has made of the adequacy of GP provision in Hertsmere.

We know that patients are finding it harder than ever to see a general practitioner (GP) and we are committed to fixing the the crisis in the National Health Service, to ensure that patients receive the care they deserve, and to secure the long-term sustainability of the NHS.

We will increase the proportion of funding for GPs and shift the focus of the NHS out of hospitals, and into the community. We have committed to end the 8:00am scramble for GP appointments by introducing a modern booking system. Additionally, the Government will train thousands more GPs across the country to increase capacity, secure the future pipeline of GPs, and take the pressure off those currently working in the system.

We will introduce and trial new Neighbourhood Health Centres to bring vital health and care services together under one roof, ensuring healthcare is closer to home and that patients receive the integrated, patient centered services we all want to see.

Hertsmere sits within the NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, where the percentage of appointments delivered within two weeks of booking is 5.6% lower than the national average.

We are pleased to announce that newly qualified GPs will be included in the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) as part of an initiative to address GP unemployment with additional funding over 2024/25. This is a step on the journey while the Government works with the profession to identify longer term solutions to GP unemployment and general practice sustainability.

Stephen Kinnock
Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his oral statement on 19 July 2024, Official Report, column 300 on Israel and Gaza, what assurances his Department received that the UN Relief and Works Agency has no links to Hamas in Gaza prior to resuming funding for that agency.

UNRWA plays a critical role in Gaza and the wider region, providing essential services, including healthcare and education, to Palestinian refugees.

Following the independent review by Catherine Colonna, UNRWA set out an action plan with detailed management reforms including stronger independent oversight, better detection systems, improved screening procedures, mandatory training for staff on humanitarian principles and more proactive donor engagement. We are now confident that UNRWA is taking action to ensure it meets the highest standards of neutrality, staff vetting and transparency.

Hamish Falconer
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
4th Oct 2024
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if she will make an assessment of the potential impact of pupils moving schools midway through the academic year as a result of the imposition of VAT on independent schools on (a) staff, (b) parents and (c) pupils.

On 29 July, the Government announced that, as of 1 January 2025, all education services and vocational training provided by a private school in the UK for a charge will be subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20 per cent. This will also apply to boarding services provided by private schools. Any fees paid from 29 July 2024 relating to the term starting in January 2025 onwards will be subject to VAT.

A start date of January 2025 will have given schools and parents 5 months to prepare for the changes, and it is right that we introduce these changes as soon as possible in order to raise the funding needed to help deliver our education priorities.

The Government has carefully considered the impact that these changes will have on pupils and their families across both the state and private sector, as well as the impact they will have on state and private schools. Following scrutiny of the Government’s costing by the independent Office for Budget Responsibility, the Government will confirm its approach to these reforms at the Budget on 30 October, and set out its assessment of the expected impacts of these policy changes in the normal way.

The Government recognises that some pupils may subsequently move into the state education sector. However, the number of pupils who may switch schools as a result of these changes represents a very small proportion of overall pupil numbers in the state sector.

The Government is confident that the state sector will be able to accommodate any additional pupils and that these policies will not have a significant impact on the state education system as a whole.

James Murray
Exchequer Secretary (HM Treasury)
4th Oct 2024
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether she has made a comparative assessment of the potential merits of introducing VAT on private schools (a) during the academic year and (b) at the start of the new academic year.

On 29 July, the Government announced that, as of 1 January 2025, all education services and vocational training provided by a private school in the UK for a charge will be subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20 per cent. This will also apply to boarding services provided by private schools. Any fees paid from 29 July 2024 relating to the term starting in January 2025 onwards will be subject to VAT.

A start date of January 2025 will have given schools and parents 5 months to prepare for the changes, and it is right that we introduce these changes as soon as possible in order to raise the funding needed to help deliver our education priorities.

The Government has carefully considered the impact that these changes will have on pupils and their families across both the state and private sector, as well as the impact they will have on state and private schools. Following scrutiny of the Government’s costing by the independent Office for Budget Responsibility, the Government will confirm its approach to these reforms at the Budget on 30 October, and set out its assessment of the expected impacts of these policy changes in the normal way.

The Government recognises that some pupils may subsequently move into the state education sector. However, the number of pupils who may switch schools as a result of these changes represents a very small proportion of overall pupil numbers in the state sector.

The Government is confident that the state sector will be able to accommodate any additional pupils and that these policies will not have a significant impact on the state education system as a whole.

James Murray
Exchequer Secretary (HM Treasury)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what steps her Department is taking to help ensure the safety of Jewish communities.

The Jewish Community Protective Security (JCPS) Grant provides protective security measures (such as security personnel services, CCTV and alarm systems) at synagogues, Jewish educational establishments and community sites. The JCPS Grant is managed on behalf of the Home Office by the Community Security Trust.

The Community Security Trust will receive funding of £18 million per year through the Jewish Community Protective Security Grant from 2024/25 to 2027/28.

We continue to work closely with CST on how best to respond to live incidents that affect the Jewish communities in the UK.

Diana Johnson
Minister of State (Home Office)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what steps her Department is taking to help ensure the safety of Hindu communities.

We are committed to protecting the right of individuals to freely practise their religion and we will not tolerate anti-Hindu hatred in any form.  Government and police regularly review potential threats to ensure that measures are taken to protect communities from terrorism and hate crime.

Additionally, Hindu communities can apply to the Places of Worship Protective Security Scheme. The scheme provides physical protective security measures (such as CCTV, intruder alarms and secure perimeter fencing) to places of worship and associated faith community centres that are particularly vulnerable to religiously or racially motivated hate crime in England and Wales.

Diana Johnson
Minister of State (Home Office)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, whether she plans to postpone local authority elections in Hertfordshire in 2025.

My letter to local councils of 16 December 2024 (here) set out that the Government would only consider postponing elections for areas where the council concerned requested it and where it helps an area to deliver reorganisation and devolution to the most ambitious timeline. Hertfordshire County Council has not requested the postponement of their May 2025 elections and therefore I can confirm that those elections will go ahead as planned.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, pursuant of the Answer of 24 October 2024 to Question 9472, what progress her Department has made on supporting leaseholders at Horizon Place in Borehamwood affected by cladding remediation issues.

The Ministry continues to work with developers to ensure that buildings are remediated, at no cost to leaseholders, under the developer remediation contract. On 2 December, we published a joint plan to accelerate developer-led remediation and improve resident experience, as part of our wider published plan to accelerate remediation of all buildings. To date, 38 developers, including Vistry Group, have signed up to the joint plan and thereby committed to make every effort to start or complete remedial work on 80% of their buildings by July 2026 and on all of their buildings by July 2027.

Regarding buildings insurance, my officials continue to engage with industry on Horizon Place and understand that leaseholders should have seen a significant reduction in premiums from the most recent policy renewal. I understand that premiums remain unacceptably high for many leaseholders in buildings with fire safety issues, who have been paying too much for too long. My officials are therefore working with the insurance industry, as we announced in the Remediation Acceleration Plan, to consider whether, for the duration of remediation programme government might support industry to reduce fire-related liabilities, in order to reduce insurance bills.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
20th Jan 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, pursuant to the Answer of 2 August 2024 to Question 1688 on Planning, what progress her Department has made on the Planning and Infrastructure Bill.

Drafting of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill continues apace. We plan to introduce the Bill in Parliament in the coming months.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to her Department's consultation entitled Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system, updated 24 September 2024, what steps her Department is taking to protect the Green Belt in (a) England and (b) Hertsmere constituency.

The government is committed to preserving the greenbelt which has served England's towns and cities well over many decades. Without changing its purposes or general extent, we intend to take a more strategic approach to Green Belt land designation and release, so that we can build more homes in the right places.

Our proposed approach to the Green Belt, including prioritising the release of lower quality grey belt land and introducing ‘golden rules’ to ensure development benefits communities and nature, was set out in our recent consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework. The consultation closed on the 24 September and officials in my department are currently analysing responses with a view to publishing a government response before the end of the year.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to her Department's consultation entitled Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system, updated 24 September 2024, what assessment her Department has made of the potential impact of the proposed reforms on housing targets in Hertsmere constituency.

The proposed standard methodology to calculate local housing need figures for each local authority, including for Hertsmere, is set out in the ‘Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system’ consultation documents. These can be found at gov.uk.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to her Department's consultation entitled Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system, updated 24 September 2024, what assessment her Department has made of the potential impact of the proposed reforms on the timing of the (a) submission and (b) adoption of Local Plans.

This government inherited a planning system in which only 31% of local planning authorities have adopted plans in the last five years.

We are determined to drive local plans to adoption as quickly as possible, to progress towards our ambition of achieving universal plan coverage and ensure plans contribute positively to our ambition of delivering 1.5 million homes.

In our recent consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), we set out changes to how we plan for the homes we need.

In drafting proposals for the consultation, we considered the impact upon plans at all stages of plan making. The proposed transitional arrangements aimed to strike a balance between maintaining the progress of plans at more advanced stages of preparation, while maximising proactive planning for the homes our communities need. They apply differently depending on what stage of preparation the plan has reached and the extent to which it is meeting the government’s housing growth aspirations. The transitional arrangements for plans will be confirmed when the revised NPPF is published.

As part of wider reforms, it is currently our intention to implement the new plan-making system as set out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act from Summer or Autumn 2025. The new system will be simpler, faster, and shaped by the views of communities about how their area should evolve.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what criteria she uses to create regional authorities.

This government believes that the benefits of devolution are best achieved through the establishment of combined authorities or combined county authorities over sensible economic geographies and supported by a mayor. We want every part of England to take its place on the Council of Nations and Regions, with strong and effective partnerships in place with councils and other partners to deliver the missions we have set out to transform the country.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will make an estimate of the cost of further devolution in Hertfordshire.

The English Devolution White Paper, due to be published shortly, will set an ambitious new framework for English devolution, moving power out of Westminster and back to those who know their areas best. In July, the Deputy Prime Minister invited places without devolution agreements, including Hertfordshire, to come forward with proposals for their areas. This process closed in September and the government will engage closely with local leaders and stakeholders to review proposals.

This government believes that the benefits of devolution are best achieved through the establishment of combined authorities or combined county authorities over sensible economic geographies and supported by a mayor. We want every part of England to take its place on the Council of Nations and Regions, with strong and effective partnerships in place with councils and other partners to deliver the missions we have set out to transform the country.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what powers she plans to devolve to Hertfordshire.

The English Devolution White Paper, due to be published shortly, will set an ambitious new framework for English devolution, moving power out of Westminster and back to those who know their areas best. In July, the Deputy Prime Minister invited places without devolution agreements, including Hertfordshire, to come forward with proposals for their areas. This process closed in September and the government will engage closely with local leaders and stakeholders to review proposals.

This government believes that the benefits of devolution are best achieved through the establishment of combined authorities or combined county authorities over sensible economic geographies and supported by a mayor. We want every part of England to take its place on the Council of Nations and Regions, with strong and effective partnerships in place with councils and other partners to deliver the missions we have set out to transform the country.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
21st Nov 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what her Department’s planned timetable is for publication of the English Devolution Bill; and how that Bill will impact Hertfordshire.

The English Devolution White Paper, due to be published shortly, will set an ambitious new framework for English devolution, moving power out of Westminster and back to those who know their areas best. In July, the Deputy Prime Minister invited places without devolution agreements, including Hertfordshire, to come forward with proposals for their areas. This process closed in September and the government will engage closely with local leaders and stakeholders to review proposals.

This government believes that the benefits of devolution are best achieved through the establishment of combined authorities or combined county authorities over sensible economic geographies and supported by a mayor. We want every part of England to take its place on the Council of Nations and Regions, with strong and effective partnerships in place with councils and other partners to deliver the missions we have set out to transform the country.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, whether she plans to increase funding for Local Authorities in line with NHS pay awards to ensure that other council services, including SEND and social care provision, are not affected.

We have announced £1.3 billion of new grant funding in 2025/26 for local government to deliver core services, of which £600 million is for social care and £700 million to support general pressures. We have also announced a £1 billion uplift to special educational needs and disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision funding, the second biggest ever year-on-year increase.

Further details of total allocations will be made in the Local Government Finance Settlement.

Local authorities are independent employers responsible for the management and organisation of their own workforces, including remuneration. The Government recognise the challenges that local authorities are facing as demand increases for critical services. We have listened to voices across the sector, and we have prioritised local government at this Budget.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
24th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what steps her Department is taking to ensure the protection of historic landscapes which have inspired literature from development.

The Government is committed to ensuring that our most important and cherished landscapes are appropriately protected so they can be enjoyed by future generations.

The National Planning Policy Framework sets out how planning policies and decisions should recognise the character and beauty of the countryside, and local authorities are expected to protect heritage assets which can include landscape and setting of listed buildings.

It is open to local authorities to take the historic literary importance of a place into account in their decisions if they find that it is a material consideration.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what steps her Department is taking to ensure that members of the Responsible Actors Scheme for developers are complying with their contractual obligations.

The department publishes quarterly updates on how each developer is performing, meets developers regularly and acts where performance falls short. Developers face significant consequences if they fail to comply with their contractual obligations.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what steps her Department is taking to support leaseholders at Horizon Place in Borehamwood affected by cladding remediation issues.

Vistry Group has signed a developer remediation contract with government obligating Vistry Group to remediate or pay to remediate all life-critical fire safety defects in buildings listed in its contract, including Horizon Place, as quickly as reasonably practicable. This means that leaseholders will not pay for remediation. The contract requires developers to make sure that residents and leaseholders are kept up to date. The Ministry monitors developer performance and acts where a developer is failing to comply with its contractual obligations.

Work has been ongoing to bring about ways to reduce premiums for leaseholders, and the Government will review how to better protect leaseholders from costs and push for fair premiums for leaseholders in buildings with fire safety issues. Leaseholders wanting to sell their properties to buyers who require a mortgage, should be aware of the industry statement on cladding, signed by 10 lenders. It confirms that, even if a property has building safety issues, lenders will consider mortgage applications if the building has funding for works from government or the developer, as is the case at Horizon Wood, or the property is protected by the leaseholder protections in the Building Safety Act.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, pursuant to the Answer of 11 October 2024 to Question 5416 on Civic Dignitaries and Members: Age, what meetings she has had with (a) stakeholders in the (i) electoral, (ii) devolved and local government, (iii) education and (iv) civil society sectors and (b) young people on this topic.

Pursuant to the answer to Question UIN 5416 on 11 October 2024, the Government is committed to working with stakeholders in the electoral sector and civil society organisations as it seeks to make improvements to our electoral system. Ministers and officials meet regularly with the electoral sector and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

We are clear that electoral reform will require careful consideration and widespread engagement with civil society and, of course, young people themselves as work progresses. Details of ministerial meeting with external organisations are published on gov.uk.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, how many residential buildings have registered with the Cladding Safety Scheme in (a) Hertsmere constituency and (b) Hertfordshire.

In the county of Hertfordshire, 40 buildings registered for funding from the Building Safety Fund. Fewer than five of these have been deemed eligible, the remaining registrations either withdrew, were deemed to be ineligible or transferred to other schemes.

Of the 40 in Hertfordshire, seven of them are in the constituency Hertsmere all of which were deemed ineligible. Ineligibility can include those buildings that are under the height threshold (17.7m) or those with no eligible materials.

To date, there have been seven applications to the Cladding Safety Scheme in Hertfordshire, one of which is in the Hertsmere constituency. Two of these applications are currently undergoing eligibility checks and five are confirmed as in programme.

The Hertsmere application has been started and the CSS are currently carrying out checks of the applicant's uploaded Fire Risk Appraisal of External Wall (FRAEW) survey and further information from the applicant is required. Once this process has been finalised, we will confirm eligibility in no more than 10 days.

For the remaining application that is undergoing eligibility checks (based in the Broxbourne constituency), the application has been started and we are awaiting the FRAEW submission to carry out our review. Once this process has been finalised, we will confirm eligibility in no more than 10 days.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, how many residential buildings have registered with the Building Safety Fund in (a) Hertsmere constituency and (b) Hertfordshire.

In the county of Hertfordshire, 40 buildings registered for funding from the Building Safety Fund. Fewer than five of these have been deemed eligible, the remaining registrations either withdrew, were deemed to be ineligible or transferred to other schemes.

Of the 40 in Hertfordshire, seven of them are in the constituency Hertsmere all of which were deemed ineligible. Ineligibility can include those buildings that are under the height threshold (17.7m) or those with no eligible materials.

To date, there have been seven applications to the Cladding Safety Scheme in Hertfordshire, one of which is in the Hertsmere constituency. Two of these applications are currently undergoing eligibility checks and five are confirmed as in programme.

The Hertsmere application has been started and the CSS are currently carrying out checks of the applicant's uploaded Fire Risk Appraisal of External Wall (FRAEW) survey and further information from the applicant is required. Once this process has been finalised, we will confirm eligibility in no more than 10 days.

For the remaining application that is undergoing eligibility checks (based in the Broxbourne constituency), the application has been started and we are awaiting the FRAEW submission to carry out our review. Once this process has been finalised, we will confirm eligibility in no more than 10 days.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what assessment her Department has made of the potential merits of retaining the electoral franchise in its current form.

The government was elected on a manifesto commitment to extend the franchise to 16–17-year-olds, and we intend to deliver on that commitment.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
16th Oct 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, pursuant to the Answer of 29 July 2024 to Question 815 on High Rise Flats: Insulation, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of bringing forward legislative proposals to increase the pace of cladding remediation.

I refer the Right Hon Member to the response provided to Question UIN 8200 on 25 October 2024.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
26th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what steps her Department is taking to tackle anti-Semitism.

Antisemitism has absolutely no place in our society, and tackling antisemitism in all its forms is a top priority for this Government. This Government recently reappointed Lord John Mann as its Independent Adviser on Antisemitism to provide independent advice to the Secretary of State and ensure that the Jewish community’s concerns about antisemitism are heard and acted upon. This Government also continues to fund the Community Security Trust, supporting their vital work in protecting Jewish communities. This includes providing additional security at Jewish schools, synagogues, and other sites.

Antisemitism is a deplorable form of hate crime, and this Government is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to worship freely, wear religious clothing and go about their lives in safety and security – irrespective of their background, faith or other characteristic. Tackling hate crime will be a key part of this Government’s work to overcome divisions and create connections between all communities, and we are exploring a more integrated and cohesive approach to achieve this.

Jim McMahon
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)