Jayne Kirkham Portrait

Jayne Kirkham

Labour (Co-op) - Truro and Falmouth

8,151 (16.2%) majority - 2024 General Election

First elected: 4th July 2024

Jayne Kirkham is not a member of any APPGs
Jayne Kirkham has no previous appointments

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Jayne Kirkham has voted in 15 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Jayne Kirkham Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Rushanara Ali (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
(2 debate interactions)
Pat McFadden (Labour)
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
(2 debate interactions)
Rachel Reeves (Labour)
Chancellor of the Exchequer
(2 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Ministry of Justice
(2 debate contributions)
Cabinet Office
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
Legislation Debates
Great British Energy Bill 2024-26
(1,196 words contributed)
View All Legislation Debates
View all Jayne Kirkham's debates

Latest EDMs signed by Jayne Kirkham

17th July 2024
Jayne Kirkham signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

200th anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Tabled by: Helena Dollimore (Labour (Co-op) - Hastings and Rye)
That this House congratulates the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) on its 200th anniversary of saving lives at sea; thanks all crew members who have risked their lives to save over 140,000 lives at sea; and pays tribute to all volunteers past and present who support this vital work.
52 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 4
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
View All Jayne Kirkham's signed Early Day Motions

Commons initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Jayne Kirkham, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.

Jayne Kirkham has not been granted any Urgent Questions

Jayne Kirkham has not been granted any Adjournment Debates

Jayne Kirkham has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Jayne Kirkham has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 11 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
3rd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, when she plans to bring forward legislation on short term lets licensing.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 is already in place. This will enable us to reap the benefits of a thriving visitor economy whilst protecting the spirit and fabric of communities, including by giving local authorities valuable data on short-term lets in their area to help address possible housing impacts. We will set out further detail on how the scheme will work as soon as practicable.

Chris Bryant
Minister of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
5th Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what steps he plans to take to reduce the levels of fipronil and imidacloprid in UK waters.

The Government and Regulators are engaging with pharmaceutical companies to improve information on use and disposal of their products to help minimise the risk to the environment and human health.

The Environment Agency (EA) is also working with the Royal Veterinary College to investigate levels of these pharmaceuticals in waters where dogs swim, and to improve pet owners’ understanding of their environmental risks.

The EA is a member of the cross-Government Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Group. Fipronil and imidacloprid in UK surface waters has been a priority for this group since April 2023. The group has focused on identifying the sources of fipronil and imidacloprid detected in UK surface waters to work towards reducing these levels.

The EA is actively involved in monitoring, research, educational outreach, and engagement with multiple stakeholders to address environmental concerns about these pharmaceuticals.

More monitoring data and research are needed to better understand the potential environmental hazards and risks of alternative treatments to imidacloprid and fipronil spot-on products and inform options for taking further action.

Emma Hardy
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
5th Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, if he will take steps to ensure that (a) vets and pet owners have access to advice on the responsible use of pet parasiticides and (b) the (i) packaging, (ii) usage guidance and (iii) point of sale advice for flea and tick pet treatments warn pet owners of the danger to aquatic life of those products entering watercourses.

The packing for the product and supporting product literature for veterinary medicines includes information on how to use the product as well as comprehensive safety information, including environmental safety, to ensure all potential risks are clearly communicated to users, supporting the safe and responsible use of the product. In addition, the VMD and the Pharmaceuticals in the Environment cross-government group are working with stakeholders, including industry and veterinary professionals, to initiate industry-led stewardship to promote the responsible use of pet parasiticides. This initiative will prioritise communication on raising awareness around the appropriate use of these products.

Emma Hardy
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
5th Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what steps he plans to take to prevent the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in off-the-shelf pet treatments.

Whilst these substances have been authorised for pesticide use, their use in animals requires authorisation as veterinary medicinal products under a different legislative framework with differing factors coming into consideration. Parasiticides, such as those containing imidacloprid, play an essential role in protecting both animal and human health against fleas and ticks and their associated vector-borne diseases. The VMD also recognise the concerns regarding the potential contribution of flea and tick treatments to the levels of imidacloprid currently being detected in UK surface waters. The VMD is currently gathering evidence around this issue and has led on the formation of a cross-governmental Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE) Group, with the aim is to develop a co-ordinated strategy to reduce the impacts of pharmaceuticals on the environment.

Emma Hardy
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
2nd Sep 2024
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of excluding properties that are restricted by planning permission for holiday let use only from the removal of the Furnished Lets Allowance.

The Government will abolish the Furnished Holiday Lets (FHLs) tax regime from April 2025, and will apply to all furnished holiday let properties.

This measure will equalise the tax treatment of landlords’ property income and gains.

James Murray
Exchequer Secretary (HM Treasury)
27th Aug 2024
What steps she is taking to help ensure value for money from public spending.

In her speech on the 29th of July, the Chancellor outlined the tough choices that this government will make to guarantee that we are tackling waste and driving efficiency.

This Government is placing value for money at the core of every decision, The Chancellor announced a new Office for Value for Money that will work system-wide to ensure that value for money is prioritised, and recommend necessary changes to deliver this ambition.

Darren Jones
Chief Secretary to the Treasury
3rd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, whether she plans to alter planning regulations to require permission for changes from residential use class to a new short term let use class.

I refer my Hon Friend to the answer I gave to Question UIN 426 on 26 July 2024.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
2nd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will (a) remove the Affordable Housing Grant embargo placed on Cornwall Council and (b) take steps to (i) restore and (ii) backdate the grant.

After being served a regulatory notice for health and safety failings, the previous Government prohibited Cornwall Council from accessing new Affordable Homes Programme funding. While I very much welcome the steps that the authority has taken toward addressing the identified breach, it is for the independent Regulator of Social Housing to determine when it might be appropriate to withdraw the notice.

Following the introduction of the new consumer regulation regime on 1 April, the RSH now issues regulatory judgements, which include new consumer gradings, rather than regulatory notices.

In light of these changes, the Government intends to consider its policy with regard to withholding AHP funding following breaches of consumer standards.

Matthew Pennycook
Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
2nd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, whether she plans to replace the Shared Prosperity Fund after it expires.

Decisions on funding post March 2025 are a matter for the Budget.

We are working closely with local authorities and key stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition to future funding, so communities continue to benefit from this vital support. Officials remain available to discuss any issues impacting delivery.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
2nd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will extend the Shared Prosperity Fund spend deadline for 12 months until 31 March 2026.

Decisions on funding post March 2025 are a matter for the Budget.

We are working closely with local authorities and key stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition to future funding, so communities continue to benefit from this vital support. Officials remain available to discuss any issues impacting delivery.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
2nd Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will extend the Towns Deal Fund spend deadline for 12 months until 31 March 2027.

The Towns Fund is due to close in March 2026 with the expectation that all funding recipients will have invested the entirety of their allocation by this date. The Chancellor’s July ‘Public Spending: Inheritance’ speech set out the state of the UK’s spending inheritance from the previous government - a forecasted overspend of £21.9 billion above limits set by the Treasury in the spring. In this context, the Chancellor has set out a path to confirming plans for this year and next at the forthcoming Budget on October 30th. In advance of the Budget, all current funding profiles still hold.

Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)