First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Blair McDougall, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Blair McDougall has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Blair McDougall has not been granted any Adjournment Debates
A Bill to make provision for a right to consular assistance for British journalists abroad who have been detained or held hostage; and for connected purposes.
Blair McDougall has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
The full Governmental spend on X is not centrally held.
There has been zero Cabinet Office spend with X in the last 12 months.
No company in the UK should have forced labour in its supply chain. We will be working with colleagues across Government to tackle the issue of Uyghur forced labour in supply chains.
We are also relaunching the Solar Taskforce, which will focus on identifying and taking forward the actions needed to develop supply chains that are resilient, sustainable and free from forced labour. This will support the significant increases in deployment of solar panels needed to meet our ambition of tripling the UKs solar power capacity by 2030.
The government welcomes the CMA’s work to investigate fuel prices and we will continue to monitor the situation closely.
The Government wants all areas of the UK, including East Renfrewshire constituency, to benefit from good quality mobile coverage.
Through the Shared Rural Network, which has helped to deliver 4G mobile coverage to 95% of the UK a year ahead of target, we are continuing to deliver 4G connectivity to places where there is either limited or no coverage at all. Our ambition is to go further and for all populated areas to have higher-quality standalone 5G by 2030.
We work closely with the mobile industry and are committed to ensuring we have the right policy and regulatory framework to support investment and competition in the market.
The Government is committed to improving mobile coverage across the UK. The Shared Rural Network will increase 4G geographic coverage throughout the UK to 95% by the end of 2025.
In September, Ofcom reported that 94.9% of the UK landmass now has 4G coverage from at least one mobile operator, with over 78% having 4G coverage from all four.
Non-standalone 5G is available outside 92% of UK premises from at least one mobile operator. Our ambition is for all populated areas to have high-quality standalone 5G by 2030.
Landlines are not being removed. It would be more accurate to say that providers are moving from the old and failing analogue network - the Public Switched Telephone Network - to Voice over Internet Protocol technology. We are focused on ensuring that this industry-led transition causes minimum inconvenience to residents and businesses.
Although most power cuts are brief, the impact they can have on the telephone network is significant, particularly in rural communities. We are working closely with the regulator, communications providers and the power sector to improve resilience and minimise disruption to the public and businesses as much as possible.
Communications providers have statutory responsibilities to take all appropriate and proportionate steps to minimise disruption to services and must ensure at least one back-up form of communication is available for contacting emergency services for a minimum of one hour during a power outage. On 6 September 2024, Ofcom published detailed resilience guidelines specifying the measures that providers are expected to meet throughout their networks, including resilience to power cuts, and set out the analysis they are completing to consider whether additional resilience is required for mobile services.
The security of the UK is a top priority for the government. We are taking robust action to ensure new and existing technologies are safely developed and deployed across the UK. The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act requires manufacturers, importers and retailers to ensure IoT products meet minimum security requirements. In telecoms specifically, we have been working to promote a more open, innovative, and diverse technology supply chain and to strengthen our legislative frameworks. The Government is taking a consistent, long term and strategic approach to managing the UK’s relations with China, rooted in UK and global interests. We will improve the UK’s capability to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses through an audit of the UK’s relationship with China as a bilateral and global actor.
The public service remit for television requires that public service broadcasters like the BBC make an appropriate range and amount of their programmes across the UK. This includes specific obligations to production in Scotland, where the BBC is required to make 8% of its network spend and network programme hours. The independent regulator Ofcom holds the BBC to account in meeting these obligations.
The Government is committed to working with the sector to ensure the right framework, conditions and support are in place for all broadcasters - including the BBC - to be more ambitious in growing our world-leading TV sector outside of London and the South East, and to commission content in every part of the country. Ministers and officials in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport have regular discussions with the BBC, and during the upcoming Charter Review will consider the work of the BBC across the whole UK, including in Scotland.
This is a devolved area of competence in Scotland. Decisions about introducing legislative changes would be for the Scottish Government.
In England and Wales, the exhibition of films in communal spaces is regulated through the Licensing Act 2003. Local authorities act as the ‘licensing authority’ when determining what activity requires a licence.
The Licensing Act 2003 contains an exemption for entertainment activity that is provided on or behalf of a local authority, healthcare provider or school provider (see para. 16.16 of the Revised Guidance issued under s.182 of the Licensing Act 2003). The exemption applies to activity that takes place on defined premises between 08.00 - 23.00. This exemption may apply to sheltered accommodation, and we would encourage those interested in exhibiting films in communal spaces in sheltered accommodation to consider on a case by case basis whether they would fall under this exemption.
The government is not planning any legislative changes in this area.
Education is a devolved matter, and the response outlines the information for England only.
The government works in partnership with the sector to support institutions to make informed decisions on international collaborations and manage national security risks. Universities UK, with government support, continues to deliver a programme of work to increase the understanding and awareness of the threat from interference within the higher education sector. A key output of this work is the publication of two sets of guidelines: ‘Managing risks in Internationalisation: Security related issues’ and ‘Managing risks in international research and innovation’.
These guidelines are available here:
The guidance has specific sections on mitigating against foreign interference. In addition, the Research Collaboration Advice Team and National Protective Security Authority continue to provide tailored advice to researchers and institutions on how to manage national security risks in international research collaborations.
The National Security Act 2023 further strengthened the government’s legal powers to counter foreign interference, including those actions which amount to transnational repression, and provides the security services and law enforcement agencies with additional tools to deter, detect and disrupt modern-day state threats.
The Government oversees policy and legislation with respect to the safe management of waste and litter as well as the protection of drains and sewers in England. This however does not extend to compelling local authorities with regard to types of waste receptacles or their placement. These decisions are for local authorities to make. Devolved Governments have responsibility for these matters in their jurisdictions.
The Building Regulations for England were updated in 2024 with the addition of a new ‘Part T’ which sets out toilet requirements in new non-domestic buildings in England. Part T is supported by statutory guidance which includes space for disposal bins in the design layouts. However, the Building Regulations are limited to the provision and design of toilet facilities and do not extend to the management and use of disposal bins.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is reviewing the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 regarding provision of disposal facilities in workplace toilets. This work is included within the Government’s wider plans under Make Work Pay, and HSE will hold appropriate consultation in due course.
The Government oversees policy and legislation with respect to the safe management of waste and litter as well as the protection of drains and sewers in England. This however does not extend to compelling local authorities with regard to types of waste receptacles or their placement. These decisions are for local authorities to make. Devolved Governments have responsibility for these matters in their jurisdictions.
The Building Regulations for England were updated in 2024 with the addition of a new ‘Part T’ which sets out toilet requirements in new non-domestic buildings in England. Part T is supported by statutory guidance which includes space for disposal bins in the design layouts. However, the Building Regulations are limited to the provision and design of toilet facilities and do not extend to the management and use of disposal bins.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is reviewing the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 regarding provision of disposal facilities in workplace toilets. This work is included within the Government’s wider plans under Make Work Pay, and HSE will hold appropriate consultation in due course.
The Competition and Markets Authority, which is independent from Defra, is currently undertaking a market investigation into veterinary services, and Defra will review any recommendations that are made by the CMA when their process concludes in 2025.
The Department already has robust measures in place to ensure the enforcement and compliance of environmental laws for all sea vessels in UK territorial waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone, including the Russian shadow fleet.
The UK is a signatory to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), which is the main convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. The UK applies MARPOL requirements to applicable UK ships wherever they are in the world - and to foreign vessels when in UK waters.
To ensure vessels are complying with the MARPOL convention within UK territorial waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone, satellites and fix wing surveillance aircraft can be used to identify possible incidences of pollution and consequent environmental risks.
Intelligence is also received through the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Inspection regime on vessels suspected of pollution when they enter a Paris MoU port. This information is used to help enforce environmental laws in the UK.
I refer the Hon. member to PQ 24005.
As a newly formed Government we will need time to review and consider the Ombudsman’s report along with the evidence provided during the investigation.
This Government respects the work of the Ombudsman. Now the election has concluded we need to consider the views that have been expressed on all sides.
The issues outlined in the report are significant and complex, as such they require serious deliberation. Once this work has been undertaken, the Government/we will be in a position to outline its approach.
No such assessment has been made. NHS England published Excellence in Continence Care on 23 July 2018, bringing together evidence-based resources and research for guidance for commissioners, providers, and health and social care staff. This guidance covers both urinary and bowel, also known as faecal, incontinence. The guidance states that “pathways of care should be commissioned that ensure early assessment, effective management of incontinence, along with other bladder and bowel problems such as constipation and urinary tract infections and their impact on social, physical and mental well-being.” NHS England will consider the next steps for Excellence in Continence Care, which is available at the following link:
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence has produced guidance on the management of faecal incontinence in adults, which healthcare professionals and commissioners are expected to take fully into account when delivering services for people with bowel incontinence. The guidance aims to improve the physical and mental health and quality of life of people with faecal incontinence.
On 28 November 2024, my Rt Hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, announced plans for England’s first Men’s Health Strategy, to be delivered this year. The strategy will consider how to prevent and tackle the biggest health problems affecting men. The strategy will be informed by a call for evidence which will be launched shortly, and the remit of the strategy will be outlined in due course.
No such assessment has been made. NHS England published Excellence in Continence Care on 23 July 2018, bringing together evidence-based resources and research for guidance for commissioners, providers, and health and social care staff. This guidance covers both urinary and bowel, also known as faecal, incontinence. The guidance states that “pathways of care should be commissioned that ensure early assessment, effective management of incontinence, along with other bladder and bowel problems such as constipation and urinary tract infections and their impact on social, physical and mental well-being.” NHS England will consider the next steps for Excellence in Continence Care, which is available at the following link:
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence has produced guidance on the management of faecal incontinence in adults, which healthcare professionals and commissioners are expected to take fully into account when delivering services for people with bowel incontinence. The guidance aims to improve the physical and mental health and quality of life of people with faecal incontinence.
Nearly 600,000 women are on gynaecology waiting lists. It is unacceptable that patients are waiting too long to get the care they need. Cutting waiting lists, including for gynaecology procedures, is a key part of our Health Mission and a top priority for the Government.
We have committed to achieving the NHS Constitutional standard that 92% of patients should wait no longer than 18 weeks from Referral to Treatment by the end of this Parliament, including those waiting for gynaecology treatment. Funding has been confirmed to support the delivery of an extra 40,000 operations, scans, and appointments per week. Capital investment of £1.5 billion for new surgical hubs and scanners has been announced, alongside £70 million for new radiotherapy machines.
We are considering how to take forward the Women’s Health Strategy for England, and work continues to improve health outcomes for women. For example, the Department is continuing to work with NHS England to support the establishment of at least one pilot women’s health hub in every integrated care system, following a £25 million investment. As of September 2024, 36 of the 42 integrated care boards reported to NHS England that their pilot women’s health hub was open. The Government is committed to prioritising women’s health as we reform the National Health Service and will put women’s equality at the heart of our missions.
The Government is currently considering what steps may need to be taken in relation to the safety of the non-surgical cosmetics sector. The Government will set out its position at the earliest opportunity.
As health is a devolved matter, each administration of the United Kingdom takes its own decisions on the provision of treatment and other action to address drug related deaths. Nonetheless, it is important that the four nations work together and share learning to tackle the health harms that drugs pose.
The Department has been working closely with the Scottish Government and the other devolved administrations to expand access to naloxone, a life-saving medicine that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. The Government laid UK-wide legislation on 29 July 2024, which, subject to passage through Parliament, will enable more services and organisations to provide take-home supplies of naloxone without a prescription. These changes will make it easier for naloxone to be given to a family member or friend of a person who is known to be using opiates, and to professionals working with people who use these drugs, to save lives in the event of an overdose.
We will continue to work together with the Scottish Government and agencies such as Public Health Scotland, to monitor emerging threats posed by drugs, share learning between nations, and prevent drug related deaths across the UK.
The environment for freedom of religion or belief in China is restrictive, which includes the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians. This Government stands firm on human rights, including the right to freedom of religion or belief. We raise our concerns at the highest levels: the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Chancellor have all raised human rights recently with their Chinese counterparts.
More broadly, this Government champions freedom of religion or belief for all abroad. We work to uphold the right to freedom of religion or belief through our position at the UN, G7 and other multilateral fora.
The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is currently reviewing the Government's guidance for Overseas Security and Justice Assistance (OSJA) assessments. This is to ensure it remains fit for purpose and that the UK's overseas security and justice assistance aligns with the UK's human rights obligations and values, while increasing respect for the rule of law. The FCDO plans to engage with a wide range of civil society and other stakeholders as part of the review.
The Overseas Security and Justice Assistance (OSJA) assessment is an essential tool to ensure that the UK's overseas security and justice assistance meets our human rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) obligations, increases respect for the rule of law, and supports UK values. It is important that the skills and expertise we impart internationally are not used to cause harm. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office is currently reviewing the Government's guidance for OSJA assessments so that it remains fit for purpose and captures emerging risks that could contribute to violations of human rights and IHL.
The UK is committed to preventing sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) and to supporting victims in Nigeria. We welcomed Nigeria's endorsement of both the Call to Action and the Murad Code as crucial steps for greater practical action to tackle Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV). Through the UK-Nigeria Security and Defence Partnership (SDP), the UK is supporting the Nigerian police and military in the conflicted-affected North East of Nigeria to respond to sexual and gender-based violence. In the Financial Year of 2023/24, over 5000 Nigerian security personnel received training on Human Rights and preventing gender-based violence (GBV). The UK's Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (HARP) also provided support to 551 women and girls facing gender-based violence with comprehensive treatment and case management. The UK is also committed to ensuring the rights and inclusion of women and girls in North West Nigeria are protected. In the Financial Year of 2023/24, the ISF Nigeria Stability Programme (NSP) funded 52 sessions on preventing sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) and 6 Mixed Observer Teams (MOTs) which are actively supporting communities to address GBV prevention and response.
We do not provide any legal defence funding to Georgian Civil Society involved in recent protests. The UK's commitment to supporting both humanitarian aid and development across the world remains steadfast. The Foreign Secretary and I have raised our concerns over arbitrary arrests and violence in Georgia with the Georgian Dream authorities. I was clear that Georgia's negative democratic trajectory, and violence targeting demonstrators and journalists is unacceptable. We are working to support a free and open civil society and attend court hearings. On 30 January, our Embassy in Tbilisi issued a statement supporting journalist Mzia Amaglobeli, who has been on hunger strike since 11 January.
We welcome the announcement of an agreement to end the fighting in Gaza. We have continually pressed for a resolution to secure a ceasefire and see the return of hostages. We welcome the release of seven hostages in Gaza, including British national Emily Damari, and thank Qatar, Egypt and the US for their support in bringing these individuals' and their families' horrific ordeal to an end. We are clear the agreement must be implemented in full with all hostages returned. We continue to support families who have been bereaved through the October 7 attacks. The Foreign Secretary has met with or spoken to all families of UK and UK-linked hostages cruelly detained by Hamas and has heard first-hand the suffering those families have endured, most recently on 13 January. A team of experts from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office are providing ongoing support to family members in the UK and Israel. The UK Government has additionally supported 505 British nationals and eligible persons to leave Gaza since October 2023.
An immediate ceasefire is just the first step towards a lasting solution to this crisis. The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains catastrophic, with many in need of urgent medical assistance. It is vital that Israel ensures that there is a sustained passage for patients who need treatment not available in Gaza.
We have announced £1 million for the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, delivered through World Health Organisation (WHO) Egypt, to support medically evacuated Palestinians from Gaza., to support medically evacuated Palestinians from Gaza. The UK is also supporting the provision of essential healthcare to civilians in Gaza, including support to UK-MED for operating their field hospitals. The Government is keeping our humanitarian programme and existing policies on medical evacuations and visa pathways under review in response to events in Gaza.
The case of Habiba Al Askari is tragic and underlines why we need to see more medical evacuation routes open during the first phase of the ceasefire. While we have not discussed this individual case with Israel, we engage routinely on the importance of addressing health needs within Gaza and enabling medical evacuations for all patients needing medical care not available in Gaza.
The UK has announced £1 million for the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, delivered through World Health Organization Egypt, to support medically evacuated Palestinians from Gaza. The UK is also supporting provision of essential healthcare to Palestinians including funding UK-Med to operate field hospitals in Gaza, where they have established an operating theatre and an emergency department for urgent care.
The UK fully recognises the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both Armenia and Azerbaijan. We welcome the progress on the delimitation of their borders and support the efforts of both sides to agree a lasting settlement to their decades' long conflict. I called Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov on 31 October and met with the Azerbaijani Ambassador to the UK on 13 January, where I reiterated the UK's support to secure a long-lasting peace deal. We regularly urge all sides to refrain from any rhetoric which could undermine the important dialogue and prospects for a deal.
The UK's longstanding position on Taiwan, as set out in the 1972 Communiqué, has not changed and remains the position of this government.
The environment for freedom of religion or belief across China is restrictive, which includes the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
This Government will champion freedom of religion or belief for all abroad. We will work to uphold the right to freedom of religion or belief through our position at the UN, G7 and other multilateral fora, and through bilateral engagement. For example, the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary both raised human rights recently with their counterparts, President Xi and Foreign Minister Wang, respectively.
The UK remains deeply concerned by the discrimination faced by marginalised religious communities around the world. In Pakistan, we work to promote the rights of religious minorities through diplomatic engagement and programme funding. I raised the issue of religious tolerance when I met with Pakistan's Human Rights Minister when I visited this year. The UK also stands firm on human rights in China, including in Xinjiang, where China continues to persecute and arbitrarily detain Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities. We raise our concerns with China at the highest levels - the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary both raised human rights recently with their Chinese counterparts.
The UK's longstanding position on Taiwan has not changed. The UK has a clear interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We consider the Taiwan issue one to be settled peacefully by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait through constructive dialogue, without the threat or use of force or coercion. We do not support any unilateral attempts to change the status quo, including increased Chinese assertiveness towards Taiwan.
The UK supports a merit-based appointment for UN Secretary-General, based on principles of transparency and inclusiveness. The Government would like to see women's representation strengthen across the multilateral system, and we welcome the Secretary-General's ambition for gender parity. We encourage member states to nominate women for the top jobs. The UK is proud to continue to support the objectives of the UN's Senior Women Talent Pipeline (SWTP), including programme funding totalling £50,000 in the current financial year.
In his 9 December statement the Foreign Secretary strongly condemned the excessive use of force against protesters and journalists in Georgia. He also outlined the suspension of programme support to the Georgian government as a result of the crackdown. In my 3 December statement, I made clear our support for the Georgian people's European future, and I condemned the excessive force used against protesters and journalists. Protesters in Georgia are making clear their opposition to Georgian Dream's decision to stall the country's progress towards EU membership, directly undermining the Georgian Constitution. We are in regular contact with international partners regarding the situation. I continue to call on the Georgian authorities to listen, de-escalate, and reverse this harmful trajectory away from European values.
Work on the audit is underway and will involve consultation with a range of experts within and beyond government.
The audit will examine the UK's interests with respect to China. This will improve our ability - both inside and outside of Government - to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses. The audit is due to report in early 2025.
The FCDO takes the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention's Opinion very seriously. The UK Government has consistently called for Jimmy Lai's release and raised concerns about his case directly with the Hong Kong and Chinese authorities.
The Prime Minister raised Jimmy Lai with President Xi at last week's G20 Summit in Brazil and the Foreign Secretary raised his case with Wang Yi during his visit to Beijing on 18 October.
The BBC is editorially and operationally independent and makes its own decisions about where to broadcast, audiences to reach and content. The BBC Arabic language service continues to operate and reaches a weekly average audience of 35 million people across the Middle East and North Africa and more widely.
Russia's disinformation tactics are well-documented. It is using disinformation and other malign tactics to advance its influence, sow discord and undermine global rules and norms worldwide.
HMG works with diverse media outlets that represent different perspectives across MENA aiming to mitigate Russia's influence. This also includes working with digital and traditional media platforms as well as radio, ensuring all media are covered.
We are aware of the concerning reports that individuals who have chosen to take up the BN(O) visa route are having difficulties in the early drawing down of their Hong Kong MPF savings. We deeply value the UK's growing Hong Kong community and will address their concerns where we can. Whilst documentary requirements for withdrawing funds are a matter for the Hong Kong authorities, officials continue to raise this issue directly with the Hong Kong Government to encourage a pragmatic solution, and UK officials and Ministers continue to discuss the matter with the banks.
Since day one, we have been working alongside our allies and partners in the region, including Qatar, in support of ongoing negotiations. The UK welcomes the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States. We need the hostages returned immediately and unconditionally. We must see greater protection of civilians, a rapid increase in humanitarian aid to Gaza, and to enable the UN and humanitarian agencies to be able to operate safely in Gaza. During his most recent visit to the region on 9 October, the Foreign Secretary reiterated the need for an immediate ceasefire to ensure their safe release.
Since day one, we have been working alongside our allies and partners in the region, including Qatar, in support of ongoing negotiations. The UK welcomes the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States. We need the hostages returned immediately and unconditionally. We must see greater protection of civilians, a rapid increase in humanitarian aid to Gaza, and to enable the UN and humanitarian agencies to be able to operate safely in Gaza. During his most recent visit to the region on 9 October, the Foreign Secretary reiterated the need for an immediate ceasefire to ensure their safe release.
Since our first day in government we have been working alongside our allies and partners in the region in support of ongoing negotiations to secure the release of the hostages, including Emily Damari and all those connected to British citizens. We appreciate the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States, and continue to use all diplomatic avenues to further our aims. We condemn Hamas' continued holding of hostages in Gaza. Hamas must release all the hostages now, and a ceasefire deal must be agreed urgently to end the suffering. The Foreign Secretary reaffirmed to Israeli Foreign Minister Katz in Israel the UK's support in working together to deliver the return of all the hostages. The Foreign Secretary and I have also met the families of hostages with links to the UK, whose loved ones have been murdered or taken by Hamas, to express our deepest sympathies and to highlight the diplomatic efforts underway.
As a key ally, we exchange views frankly and respectfully with Italy including on women's empowerment, gender equality and LGBT+ issues. We do this bilaterally and in multilateral fora. The FCDO will continue to discuss a range of issues with Italian counterparts.
During my visit to Chisinau on 16-17 September, I represented the UK at the Moldova Partnership Platform and met President Sandu, Deputy Prime Minister Popsoi and Defence Minister Nosatii to reaffirm the UK's strong support for Moldova in the face of Russian hybrid aggression. This year alone, the UK is providing £27 million of humanitarian, development and defence support to Moldova, including £4.3 million through the Good Governance Fund to strengthen Moldova's capacity to respond to threats. In September, I announced that at least £8 million of our humanitarian support to Ukraine would be used in interventions in Moldova.
The UK is fully committed to promoting and protecting the rights of all people, including older people. Building stronger legal frameworks at the domestic and international level is key. We were an active participant in the work of the UN's Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing and we welcomed the consensus adoption by the General Assembly in September of its recommendations. The UK seeks to play a constructive role on these issues and we are open to considering further standard-setting, including the possibility of a multilateral instrument to help further address the issues faced by older people.
The Foreign Secretary and I have stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire in our conversations with Israeli, Arab and regional leaders. The Foreign Secretary reiterated this message during visits to the region on 14-15 July and 31 July - 1 August and during his joint visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories with his French counterpart on 16 August. The Prime Minister has also joined international leaders in this call.