First elected: 4th July 2024
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.
If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.
If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).
These initiatives were driven by Charlie Dewhirst, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.
Charlie Dewhirst has not been granted any Urgent Questions
Charlie Dewhirst has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Charlie Dewhirst has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
In April 2023, the previous government issued guidance on positive action in the workplace ( This sets out the differences between positive action and positive discrimination and what is permitted under the Equality Act 2010.
For security reasons specific details of allocations including make and model of vehicles are not issued.
The arrangements relating to the usage of vehicles in the Government Car Service are set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
For security reasons specific details of allocations including make and model of vehicles are not issued.
The arrangements relating to the usage of vehicles in the Government Car Service are set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
Details of ministers’ and senior officials’ meetings with external individuals and organisations are published quarterly in arrears on GOV.UK.
Data for the period of July to September 2024 will be published in due course.
The Government Car Service (GCS) offers vehicles to government departments as a shared resource. Each department independently determines the allocation of these vehicles to its ministerial cadre/officials, as under previous administrations.
The Attorney General’s Office is currently allocated two vehicles including allocated and shared vehicles.
For security reasons specific details of allocations including make and model of vehicles are not issued.
The average cost to a department for a single DPC (Department Pool Car) in 2024/25 financial years is £108K per annum.
The Government Car Service (GCS) offers vehicles to government departments as a shared resource. Each department independently determines the allocation of these vehicles.
The arrangements relating to the using of vehicles in the Government Car Service is set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
There has been no change in this policy since the general election.
Under the previous administration, guidance for employers was published in regards to positive action in the workplace which highlights the difference between positive action and positive discrimination.
It is the responsibility of each department to ensure their recruitment practices align fully with all relevant legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. Managers and vacancy holders are accountable to their HR Director for ensuring that vacancies are filled in accordance with departmental processes and legislation. HR Directors are responsible for assurance of the process.
As has been the policy of successive governments, the government does not comment on matters relating to the intelligence agencies. The Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament scrutinises the policies, expenditure, administration and operations of the intelligence agencies on behalf of Parliament.
The National Security and Investment (NSI) Act 2021 gives the Government powers to scrutinise and potentially intervene in acquisitions of control over entities and assets in or linked to the UK that may pose national security risks.
All areas of the economy are within scope, and qualifying acquisitions of entities in 17 areas of the economy - of which semiconductors are typically covered by both the Advanced Materials and Computing Hardware areas - must be notified to and receive approval from the Government.
The Government publishes annual reports to provide information about the transactions that it has been notified about and those it subsequently called in for a national security assessment. The period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 will be covered in the next annual report, which will be published later this year.
The members of the Civil Service Board are listed on the following link:
The Civil Service Board meets approximately 10 times per year. Meetings are generally held at 70 Whitehall, London and virtually.
I refer the Honourable Member to the answer provided by HMT to Question 20957 on 10 January 2025.
Appointees have a declaration of interests conversation with the Propriety and Ethics Team on appointment, the details of which are confidential. All ministers are expected to adhere to the high standards of conduct set out in the Ministerial Code.
Any relevant outside interests for the new Cabinet Secretary will be published in the usual way.
The Cabinet Secretary has previously recused himself from aspects related to Infected Blood issues and this remains the case in his current role.
The Cabinet Office complies with the Civil Service Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Expenditure guidance published on 14 May 2024, where approval of any external spend is signed off by a Minster or delegated to the Permanent Secretary.
The Governance Code on Public Appointments sets out the process for departments to follow when considering the use of recruitment consultants for public appointment campaigns.
The Governance Code requires departments to seek ministerial agreement on the use of recruitment consultants. It also requires the Cabinet Office to be consulted.
There are 13 Senior Civil Servants in the Cabinet Office who have been in post on a temporary promotion for more than 12 months as of the 31st of December 2024.
The Prime Minister makes the final decisions on Permanent Secretary remuneration following recommendations made by the Permanent Secretary Remuneration Committee.
Ministerial guidance on their involvement in the Honours System was last issued by the Prime Minister's Office in June 2022.
The scheme will be an inward secondment programme into the Public Sector Reform, Test & Learn team, for public service delivery experts, working near the frontline to help drive public service reform in their field. The scheme will be flexible in terms of duration and location, and specifically for those with experience relevant to the public service reform project. In addition, the Government is encouraging people from startups and tech companies to enter Government for six to twelve month “Tours of Duty”, putting their skills to use tackling big challenges such as criminal justice or healthcare reform in the next phase of the No 10 Innovation Fellows Programme.
The Government publishes notices of final orders made on GOV.UK - this includes cases that are blocked, unwound, or cleared subject to conditions. The Government also publishes annual reports to provide information about the transactions that it has been notified about and those it subsequently called in for a national security assessment.
The NSI Annual Report 2023-24 was published on 10 September 2024 and can be found here: The period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 will be covered in the next annual report, which will be published later this year.
The Cabinet Office has not issued either internal or external guidance on whether Freedom of Information Act requests requesting information on senior civil servants should be disclosed. All requests are considered on their own merits in all circumstances.
The Mission Delivery Unit has c 30 FTE. The core purpose of the Mission Delivery Unit is to advise the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on the delivery of the five Missions.
No guidance has been issued on engagement with the 48 Group specifically. The Cabinet Office routinely assesses information pertaining to external bodies and groups to guide Ministerial engagement.
Of the 50 public body reviews planned for 2023/24, 34 were completed. Nine remain in progress and seven are currently paused as the team progresses other work to deliver value for money.
The reference has been reinserted into the Ministerial Code to provide clarity. This does not place any new duties on ministers; it brings together duties which exist elsewhere.
Ministerial travel is undertaken using efficient and cost-effective travel arrangements. Security considerations are also taken into account. As was the practice under the previous Government, information about official overseas ministerial travel will be published as part of the Cabinet Office transparency returns and made available on GOV.UK.
Details of Trade Union memberships are not held by Civil Service employers. I refer to PQ 5303, which confirmed that there are currently no collective bargaining agreements for Special Advisers.
The vacancy adhered to the Civil Service Commission Recruitment Principles, which state: “the time allowed for advertising must be suitable for attracting a sufficiently strong and diverse field of applicants, taking account of the nature of the role and the relevant job market.”
I refer the honourable member to the answer provided on 11 November. We are unable to provide a more detailed breakdown without individuals potentially being identifiable.
As was the case under the previous administration, annual reports on special advisers relate to the preceding financial year.
The Annual Report on Special Advisers published on 28 November 2024, therefore relates to the 2023/24 financial year.
The 2025 Annual Report on Special Advisers, which will relate to the 2024/25 financial year, will be published before the end of this year.
The Fast Stream campaign data, including data pertaining to applicants with disabilities, is published annually and available on
The guiding policy setting out the requirement to only publish GPC transactions over £500 remains in place. Guidance is available to all government departments on at the following link:
In support of the Government’s Transparency agenda, the Cabinet Office publishes GPC spend data over £500 on
As was the case under the previous administration, the Cabinet Office does not offset business travel, choosing to reduce rather than offset carbon emissions. However, official Prime Ministerial flights are carbon offset as part of the contractual arrangement for the GBNI flight.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is working through the approval process, in parallel with the passing of the Great British Energy Bill, to establish Great British Energy (GBE).
The Government Car Service (GCS) does not determine the allocation of vehicles to senior officials, this is carried out by individual Departmental Private Offices. The arrangements relating to the use of vehicles from the Government Car Service are set out in the Civil Service Management Code. There has been no change in this policy since 2023.
The number of electric vehicles in the Government Car Service operational fleet for the specified years is:
1.2016: 4
2. 2023: 36
3.2024: 36
In July 2024, two ministerial induction events were held.
One event was in-person and incurred costs of £55.00 for refreshments. One was held online and incurred no specific costs. The cost of future events will depend on the format chosen for delivery, but will be based on an appropriate use of public money.
Details of the panel members will be confirmed and published in due course.
The network has been operating under this name since it was changed in July 2020, under the previous administration. The decision was made by the Cross-Government network itself, not by the Cabinet Office.
Since July 2024, there has been no provision of media or speech training to Ministers from the Cabinet Office.
Salaries ranges for each civil servant grade are set by the Cabinet Office and are not at the discretion of the individual business units such as the Office for Equality and Opportunity. The mean full time equivalent salary of staff in the Office for Equality and Opportunity (which includes the sub-units of Women's Equality Unit, Race Disparity Unit and Disability Unit) is £54,400, rounded to the nearest £100.
For security reasons specific details of allocations including make and model of vehicles, or any other information which could identify the vehicle are not issued.
The Government Car Service (GCS) offers vehicles to government departments as a shared resource. Each department independently determines the allocation of these vehicles. For security reasons specific details of car allocations are not issued.
The arrangements relating to the using of vehicles in the Government Car Service is set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
For security reasons specific details of allocations including make and model of vehicles are not issued.
The arrangements relating to the usage of vehicles in the Government Car Service are set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
For security reasons specific details of car allocations including make and model of vehicles are not issued.
The arrangements relating to the usage of vehicles in the Government Car Service are set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
Details of ministers’ and senior officials’ meetings with external individuals and organisations are published quarterly in arrears on GOV.UK. Data for the period of July to September 2024 will be published in due course.
The Government Car Service (GCS) offers vehicles to government departments as a shared resource. Each department independently determines the allocation of these vehicles.
The arrangements relating to the using of vehicles in the Government Car Service is set out in the Civil Service Management Code.
There has been no change in this policy since the general election.