Baroness Grey-Thompson Portrait

Baroness Grey-Thompson

Crossbench - Life peer

Became Member: 23rd March 2010

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Baroness Grey-Thompson has voted in 5 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Baroness Grey-Thompson Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Baroness Taylor of Bolton (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Merron (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Addington (Liberal Democrat)
(2 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Department for Transport
(5 debate contributions)
Home Office
(3 debate contributions)
Department for Education
(1 debate contributions)
Department of Health and Social Care
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Baroness Grey-Thompson's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Baroness Grey-Thompson, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

3 Bills introduced by Baroness Grey-Thompson

A Bill to mandate those providing and carrying out regulated or other activities with responsibility for the care of children to report known and suspected child sexual abuse; to protect mandated reporters from detriment; to create a criminal offence of failing to report prescribed concerns; and for connected purposes.

Lords - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 17th January 2025

A Bill to mandate those providing and carrying out regulated or other activities with responsibility for the care of children to report known and suspected child sexual abuse; to protect mandated reporters from detriment; to create a criminal offence of failing to report prescribed concerns; and for connected purposes

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 20th July 2022
(Read Debate)

A Bill to make provision about the welfare of women undergoing fertility treatment

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading: House Of Lords
Wednesday 10th June 2015

Baroness Grey-Thompson has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 9 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
9th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the findings set out in the report Eroding the right to family life: human rights violations in Britain’s child protection systems, published by the Children and Families Truth Commission on 15 November, and whether they will produce guidance to ensure that local authorities intervene early, fulfil their duty to provide support services to families in need, and regularly review care plans to ensure that children in the child protection system can be reunited with their families at the earliest possible opportunity.

Local authorities are required to provide services for children in need for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting their welfare.

All local authorities must adhere to statutory guidance including ‘Working together to safeguard children 2023’, which is attached and can also be accessed here: The guidance is clear that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children relies on providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge.

Ofsted inspects whether local authorities are delivering appropriately for children.

On 18 November 2024, the department published ‘Keeping Children Safe, Helping Families Thrive’, which is attached and can also be accessed here: This sets out this government’s approach to reforming the system of support for children and families, including rebalancing the system toward earlier intervention through the national roll out of family help and child protection reforms. The local government finance policy statement published on 28 November 2024, by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government confirmed that the rollout of these reforms will be supported by £500 million of funding from April 2025. The statement is accessible here:

Family Help is a seamless, non-stigmatising offer of support delivered by multi-disciplinary community-based teams. It combines the strengths of targeted early help and section 17 work, with an emphasis on whole-family working and greater flexibility on who leads work with families, ensuring children and families receive the right support at the earliest opportunity, crucially improving their outcomes and also reducing costs to public services.

Through the £45 million Families First for Children Pathfinder programme and Family Networks pilot running in ten local authorities, the department is testing models and approaches to parental support and advocacy, so that parents feel empowered to have a strong voice when navigating the child protection process. Through the same programme, we are also testing stronger multi-agency approaches to support families. This includes new Multi-Agency Child Protection Teams and Lead Child Protection Practitioners, who are qualified social workers with strong expertise in child protection and assessments. These teams will see local authority, police, and health and other relevant agencies work together in an integrated way to help families overcome challenges, stay together wherever possible, and thrive whilst keeping children safe.

The introduction of Family Help and reforms to child protection from April 2025 will produce a fundamental shift in the way the department is able to respond to children and families who need help. The changes will form part of an improved end-to-end system that offers a seamless system of support, ensuring children and families access the right support at the right time, delivered by the right person.

More detailed guidance on these reforms will be published in the new year which will confirm the changes we expect local authorities and their partners to deliver, including minimum expectations for delivery and opportunities for local flexibility.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
13th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Markham on 11 May 2023 (HL7210), what progress they have made in developing and promoting to NHS trusts and integrated care systems in England an effective methodology for assessing value, including on patient experience and outcomes, and on whole system costs, rather than item price, when purchasing medical devices and consumables; and what future plans they have to do so.

The Department is working with NHS England and the NHS Supply Chain to develop and promote a standardised methodology for National Health Service trusts and integrated care systems (ICS) to assess value when procuring medical technologies, including devices and consumables. As part of this, the Department is engaging medical technology suppliers, patient forums, as well as broader networks of financial teams, clinicians, and NHS procurement professionals.

The methodology will provide a consistent and transparent approach to assessing value, for use at both the national and local levels. This aims to shift the majority of the weighting in procurement decisions towards value over upfront cost. The guidance will include a bank of questions, model answers, and scoring criteria showing how to assess defined values consistently, such as patient experience and outcomes, and whole system costs.

The Department will be testing this guidance with the NHS at the ICS and NHS trust level over the coming months, with the ambition to refine and publish the guidance in Autumn 2025.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
13th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what is the additional annual cost to the NHS and social care in England incurred as a result of cheap absorbent continence products leading to (1) additional, avoidable treatments being required, (2) laundry and other associated costs, including energy, and (3) staff time spent changing patients and undertaking the additional laundering of bed linen and clothing.

Continence is an important component in a person’s health and well-being at any stage of life, and is also an important factor in the use of health resources. Early assessment by an appropriately trained professional allows a patient centred and cost-effective care pathway to be followed. After assessment, the use of containment products, medication, and the level of intervention can be triaged and escalated.

An absorbent incontinence pad is the ‘most commonly used product for absorbing and containing both light and moderate/heavy leakage’, as per the Continence Product Advisor in 2017. An incontinence pad is classified as a medical device, as per the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in 2014, and therefore safety and fitness for purpose is fundamental in achieving quality care. The clinician who assesses an individual to provide an absorbent product is accountable for that decision, and needs to ensure that the chosen product is fit for purpose and safe to use at the time of assessment, in accordance with the MHRA.

No current assessment has been made in determining the difference between the brands of continence pads in relation to additional or avoidable treatments being required, laundry and other associated costs, including energy, or staff time spent changing patients.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
13th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the number of avoidable skin infections, pressure ulcers and urinary tract infections caused or aggravated by issuing to patients the cheapest absorbent continence products rather than products which are most clinically appropriate.

Continence is an important component in a person’s health and well-being at any stage of life, and is also an important factor in the use of health resources. Early assessment by an appropriately trained professional allows a patient centred and cost-effective care pathway to be followed. After assessment, the use of containment products, medication, and the level of intervention can be triaged and escalated.

An absorbent incontinence pad is the ‘most commonly used product for absorbing and containing both light and moderate/heavy leakage’, as per the Continence Product Advisor in 2017. An incontinence pad is classified as a medical device, as per the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in 2014, and therefore safety and fitness for purpose is fundamental in achieving quality care. The clinician who assesses an individual to provide an absorbent product is accountable for that decision, and needs to ensure that the chosen product is fit for purpose and safe to use at the time of assessment, in accordance with the MHRA.

No current assessment has been made in determining the difference between the brands of continence pads in relation to additional or avoidable treatments being required, laundry and other associated costs, including energy, or staff time spent changing patients.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government whether they plan to publish any legal analysis supporting their assertion in paragraph 77 of the Mental Health Bill: Memorandum on European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), published on 14 November, that the Mental Health Bill complies with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The measures in the Mental Health Bill will give patients greater choice, enhanced rights, and support, and will ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect throughout treatment. The Government’s view is that the Mental Health Bill is compatible with both the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and does not plan to publish further legal analysis.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
25th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government which organisations the Department of Health and Social Care consulted on the Mental Health Bill and their wider mental health policy.

The Mental Health Bill reflects the recommendations of Professor Sir Simon Wessely’s Independent Review into the Mental Health Act of 2018, which engaged widely with a number of organisations. The review’s advisory panel brought together a range of stakeholders to serve as a forum for gathering evidence and insight throughout the course of the review. The membership of the advisory panel comprised of individuals with lived experience, advocacy organisations, professionals and representative bodies, and representatives from the statutory system.

Following this, the Government ran an extensive public consultation on the proposals in the Mental Health Act White Paper, which received more than 1,700 responses. A draft bill was then published in 2022 for pre-legislative scrutiny (PLS), during which a range of stakeholders and organisations representing service users, patients, and professionals provided their views on how the draft bill could be improved.

The Mental Health Bill has been further strengthened through recommendations made by the PLS joint committee. Since July 2024, we have further engaged with range of key stakeholders, and we will continue to engage further, and consult widely, on the development of the Mental Health Act Code of Practice, the statutory guidance which will inform practice under the bill.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
25th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to enable (1) people with learning difficulties, (2) autistic people, including those who are currently on a hospital detention or a community treatment order under the Mental Health Act 1983, (3) individuals with lived experience of hospital detention under the Mental Health Act 1983, and (4) organisations representing those groups, to engage with them on the provisions of the Mental Health Bill.

The reforms delivered by the Mental Health Bill reflect the recommendations made by the Independent Review into the Mental Health Act, which engaged widely with stakeholders, including people with lived experience of a learning disability or autism under the Mental Health Act 1983. There was extensive consultation following this, to develop the draft bill, most notably on the Government’s White Paper, Reforming the Mental Health Act. Since the initial draft bill, we have taken on board several recommendations from the pre-legislative scrutiny committee, which heard from a range of stakeholders and organisations representing service users, patients, and professionals.

Regarding the learning disability and autism specific measures, we recognise that strong community support must be in place to improve care and reduce reliance on mental health hospitals. We will engage with expert stakeholders to inform implementation planning, including in respect of the development of strong community services.

We will engage further with the relevant stakeholders on the development of the Code of Practice, the statutory guidance which informs practice under the Mental Health Bill.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
9th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government when they plan to respond to the recommendations set out in the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and whether the ministerial child protection group will issue a report on those recommendations.

The Home Office is working closely with departments across Government, including the Department for Education, Department for Health and Social Care, and the Ministry of Justice, to identify where progress can be made against the recommendations made in the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, and will provide further detail in due course.

The Minister for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls, Jess Phillips MP, has convened ministers from across departments to discuss the recommendations and has met victims and survivors, child protection charities and Professor Alexis Jay, former Chair of the Inquiry, to ensure their views on this important issue are considered.

Lord Hanson of Flint
Minister of State (Home Office)