Lord Farmer Portrait

Lord Farmer

Conservative - Life peer

Became Member: 5th September 2014

Draft Domestic Abuse Bill (Joint)
6th Mar 2019 - 14th Jun 2019
Draft Domestic Abuse Bill (Joint Committee)
6th Mar 2019 - 14th Jun 2019
Social Mobility Committee
11th Jun 2015 - 16th Mar 2016

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Lord Farmer has voted in 9 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Lord Farmer Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Baroness Smith of Malvern (Labour)
Minister of State (Education)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Twycross (Labour)
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Timpson (Labour)
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
(3 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Cabinet Office
(8 debate contributions)
Department of Health and Social Care
(7 debate contributions)
Department for Education
(3 debate contributions)
Ministry of Justice
(3 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Lord Farmer's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Lord Farmer, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

3 Bills introduced by Lord Farmer

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the making available of information about support available for infants, parents and carers of infants, and prospective parents and carers, including reporting requirements relating to such support; and for connected purposes.

Lords Completed
Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 19th November 2024

A Bill to amend the Child Benefit (Rates) Regulations 2006 to make provision to vary the rate of child benefit over the course of childhood to enable eligible parents to receive a higher rate during a child’s early years and a correspondingly reduced rate when that child is older

Lords - 60%

Last Event - Committee Stage
Friday 2nd December 2022

A Bill to amend the Child Benefit (Rates) Regulations 2006 to make provision to vary the rate of child benefit over the course of childhood to enable eligible parents to receive a higher rate during a child’s early years and a correspondingly reduced rate when that child is older

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 16th June 2021
(Read Debate)

Lord Farmer has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 26 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
13th Sep 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sherlock on 7 August (HL344), how many staff in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero are permitted to undertake diversity-related network time during core working hours; what is the percentage of overall working time they are permitted to spend on such network activity; how many hours are allocated in total; what are the names of each of the networks being funded; and what plans they have to (a) increase, or (b) reduce, such funding.

All staff in the Department can take part in diversity-related network activities during core working hours with agreement from their line manager. Network Chairs and Champions are given a weekly pro-rata time allocation of 10% to support respective network activity.

There are currently 37 Chairs and Champions across 11 diversity networks which are: Carers Network, CAN (disability) Network, Mental Health & Wellbeing Network, EU & International Network, LGBT+ Network, Parental Support Network, Faith and Minority Ethnic Network, SEDI (social mobility) Network, Volunteering Network, Women Empowered Network, Schools Outreach Network. There are currently no plans to review time allocation for networks.

The Department values its diversity networks and is committed to promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in partnership with them.

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath
Minister of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what progress they are making in placing early advice for separating couples, before court and other legal proceedings, in family hubs.

Family hubs, where appropriate, should connect families going through parental separation to services and support locally to ensure outcomes for their children are front and centre when agreeing child arrangements. This is to help avoid the cost and potential trauma associated with going through the court process.

In areas with a developed family hub model, local authorities may provide hub-based mediation or other services in support of separating parents, such as shared parenting programmes. This is not a requirement of the programme but is strongly encouraged for areas seeking to enhance their offer.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what data they have on the percentage of children living with both birth parents are in families where the parents report conflict in their relationship.

The specific data requested on how family stability in the UK compares with other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is not available across the OECD. However, the OECD publication ‘Society at a Glance’ (2019) shows that the UK has a lower percentage of children (0-17) living with two parents (76.6% vs OECD average of 81.7%) and a higher rate living with a single parent (23.2% vs the OECD average of 17.2%). More information is in the attached document, ‘Society at a Glance (2019)’ and can also be found here: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/most-children-live-in-households-with-two-parents_29e31016-en.

The specific data requested on the percentage of all children in the United Kingdom who do not live with both of their birth parents is not available. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) publishes statistics on the number of children in separated families in England, Scotland and Wales. The latest data shows that 3.8 million children were living in separated families. More information can be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023.

The DWP’s latest low-income statistics show that 30% of children in the UK in 2022/23 lived in a low-income household after housing costs (defined as living in a household below 60% of median income, adjusted for household composition). This was 4.3 million children altogether. However, the DWP does not have data available on whether or not these children are living with both birth parents. More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/households-below-average-income-for-financial-years-ending-1995-to-2023/households-below-average-income-an-analysis-of-the-uk-income-distribution-fye-1995-to-fye-2023#children-in-low-income-households.

The Children’s Commissioner’s Office conducted research in part one of their independent Family Review (2022), which used the Office for National Statistics (ONS) annual population survey (2020) to estimate family structure by socio-economic status of the mother. Figure 3 (p.20) shows that a significantly higher proportion of mothers from a lower socio-economic background are a lone parent (29% for routine and 30% for semi-routine occupations), compared to mothers from a higher socio-economic background (14% for lower-managerial and professional and 10% for higher managerial and professional). More information is in the attached document ‘Family and its protective effect’ and can also be found here: https://assets.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/wpuploads/2022/12/cc-family-and-its-protective-effect-part-1-of-the-independent-family-review-.pdf.

The DWP publishes statistics on the percentage of children in couple-parent families with at least one parent reporting relationship distress. The latest data for 2019/20 shows that 12% of children in couple-parent families were living with at least one parent reporting relationship distress, although they do not have data available specifically on whether these children are living with both birth parents. Further information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020#relationship-distress-in-couple-parent-families.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what data they have on the percentage of children in low-income households who do not live with both birth parents; and what percentage of children in middle to higher-income households do not live with both birth parents.

The specific data requested on how family stability in the UK compares with other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is not available across the OECD. However, the OECD publication ‘Society at a Glance’ (2019) shows that the UK has a lower percentage of children (0-17) living with two parents (76.6% vs OECD average of 81.7%) and a higher rate living with a single parent (23.2% vs the OECD average of 17.2%). More information is in the attached document, ‘Society at a Glance (2019)’ and can also be found here: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/most-children-live-in-households-with-two-parents_29e31016-en.

The specific data requested on the percentage of all children in the United Kingdom who do not live with both of their birth parents is not available. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) publishes statistics on the number of children in separated families in England, Scotland and Wales. The latest data shows that 3.8 million children were living in separated families. More information can be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023.

The DWP’s latest low-income statistics show that 30% of children in the UK in 2022/23 lived in a low-income household after housing costs (defined as living in a household below 60% of median income, adjusted for household composition). This was 4.3 million children altogether. However, the DWP does not have data available on whether or not these children are living with both birth parents. More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/households-below-average-income-for-financial-years-ending-1995-to-2023/households-below-average-income-an-analysis-of-the-uk-income-distribution-fye-1995-to-fye-2023#children-in-low-income-households.

The Children’s Commissioner’s Office conducted research in part one of their independent Family Review (2022), which used the Office for National Statistics (ONS) annual population survey (2020) to estimate family structure by socio-economic status of the mother. Figure 3 (p.20) shows that a significantly higher proportion of mothers from a lower socio-economic background are a lone parent (29% for routine and 30% for semi-routine occupations), compared to mothers from a higher socio-economic background (14% for lower-managerial and professional and 10% for higher managerial and professional). More information is in the attached document ‘Family and its protective effect’ and can also be found here: https://assets.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/wpuploads/2022/12/cc-family-and-its-protective-effect-part-1-of-the-independent-family-review-.pdf.

The DWP publishes statistics on the percentage of children in couple-parent families with at least one parent reporting relationship distress. The latest data for 2019/20 shows that 12% of children in couple-parent families were living with at least one parent reporting relationship distress, although they do not have data available specifically on whether these children are living with both birth parents. Further information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020#relationship-distress-in-couple-parent-families.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what data they have, by age of child, on the percentage of all children in the United Kingdom who do not live with both of their birth parents.

The specific data requested on how family stability in the UK compares with other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is not available across the OECD. However, the OECD publication ‘Society at a Glance’ (2019) shows that the UK has a lower percentage of children (0-17) living with two parents (76.6% vs OECD average of 81.7%) and a higher rate living with a single parent (23.2% vs the OECD average of 17.2%). More information is in the attached document, ‘Society at a Glance (2019)’ and can also be found here: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/most-children-live-in-households-with-two-parents_29e31016-en.

The specific data requested on the percentage of all children in the United Kingdom who do not live with both of their birth parents is not available. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) publishes statistics on the number of children in separated families in England, Scotland and Wales. The latest data shows that 3.8 million children were living in separated families. More information can be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023.

The DWP’s latest low-income statistics show that 30% of children in the UK in 2022/23 lived in a low-income household after housing costs (defined as living in a household below 60% of median income, adjusted for household composition). This was 4.3 million children altogether. However, the DWP does not have data available on whether or not these children are living with both birth parents. More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/households-below-average-income-for-financial-years-ending-1995-to-2023/households-below-average-income-an-analysis-of-the-uk-income-distribution-fye-1995-to-fye-2023#children-in-low-income-households.

The Children’s Commissioner’s Office conducted research in part one of their independent Family Review (2022), which used the Office for National Statistics (ONS) annual population survey (2020) to estimate family structure by socio-economic status of the mother. Figure 3 (p.20) shows that a significantly higher proportion of mothers from a lower socio-economic background are a lone parent (29% for routine and 30% for semi-routine occupations), compared to mothers from a higher socio-economic background (14% for lower-managerial and professional and 10% for higher managerial and professional). More information is in the attached document ‘Family and its protective effect’ and can also be found here: https://assets.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/wpuploads/2022/12/cc-family-and-its-protective-effect-part-1-of-the-independent-family-review-.pdf.

The DWP publishes statistics on the percentage of children in couple-parent families with at least one parent reporting relationship distress. The latest data for 2019/20 shows that 12% of children in couple-parent families were living with at least one parent reporting relationship distress, although they do not have data available specifically on whether these children are living with both birth parents. Further information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020#relationship-distress-in-couple-parent-families.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have made an assessment of how family stability in the UK compares with other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, in terms of children still living with both their biological parents at age 15.

The specific data requested on how family stability in the UK compares with other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is not available across the OECD. However, the OECD publication ‘Society at a Glance’ (2019) shows that the UK has a lower percentage of children (0-17) living with two parents (76.6% vs OECD average of 81.7%) and a higher rate living with a single parent (23.2% vs the OECD average of 17.2%). More information is in the attached document, ‘Society at a Glance (2019)’ and can also be found here: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/most-children-live-in-households-with-two-parents_29e31016-en.

The specific data requested on the percentage of all children in the United Kingdom who do not live with both of their birth parents is not available. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) publishes statistics on the number of children in separated families in England, Scotland and Wales. The latest data shows that 3.8 million children were living in separated families. More information can be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023/separated-families-statistics-april-2014-to-march-2023.

The DWP’s latest low-income statistics show that 30% of children in the UK in 2022/23 lived in a low-income household after housing costs (defined as living in a household below 60% of median income, adjusted for household composition). This was 4.3 million children altogether. However, the DWP does not have data available on whether or not these children are living with both birth parents. More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/households-below-average-income-for-financial-years-ending-1995-to-2023/households-below-average-income-an-analysis-of-the-uk-income-distribution-fye-1995-to-fye-2023#children-in-low-income-households.

The Children’s Commissioner’s Office conducted research in part one of their independent Family Review (2022), which used the Office for National Statistics (ONS) annual population survey (2020) to estimate family structure by socio-economic status of the mother. Figure 3 (p.20) shows that a significantly higher proportion of mothers from a lower socio-economic background are a lone parent (29% for routine and 30% for semi-routine occupations), compared to mothers from a higher socio-economic background (14% for lower-managerial and professional and 10% for higher managerial and professional). More information is in the attached document ‘Family and its protective effect’ and can also be found here: https://assets.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/wpuploads/2022/12/cc-family-and-its-protective-effect-part-1-of-the-independent-family-review-.pdf.

The DWP publishes statistics on the percentage of children in couple-parent families with at least one parent reporting relationship distress. The latest data for 2019/20 shows that 12% of children in couple-parent families were living with at least one parent reporting relationship distress, although they do not have data available specifically on whether these children are living with both birth parents. Further information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020/parental-conflict-indicator-2011-to-2020#relationship-distress-in-couple-parent-families.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
16th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, following their announcement on 10 January that approximately £57 million will be made available to local authorities for the continuation of Start for Life services, what plans they have to require local authorities to publish details of the Start for Life support services available in their area on their websites.

As a minimum, all local authorities on the programme are expected to publish their Start for Life offer digitally in a single online space, and provide a hard-copy of the local offer to parents-to-be. We can confirm that all 75 local authorities have published details of their Start for Life offer online.

In 2025/26, £57 million will be made available to 75 local authorities with high levels of deprivation to provide a range of Start for Life services. This will include £2 million to ensure that families can access and understand their local Start for Life services, and to support parents and carers in bringing their valuable insight into the service design.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
16th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government following their announcement on 10 January that approximately £57 million will be made available to local authorities for the continuation of Start for Life services, what plans they have, if any, (1) to produce guidance for local authorities on Start for Life services, and (2) to introduce a duty on the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to report annually on the level of support available in England.

In 2025/26, £57 million will be made available to 75 local authorities with high levels of deprivation to provide a range of Start for Life services. An updated programme guide will be published, setting out delivery expectations and guidance for local authorities providing Start for Life services.

The Government has no plans at this stage to introduce a duty on my Rt Hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to report annually on the level of support available in England. Two national, independent evaluations are underway to understand the implementation and impact of the Family Hubs and Start for Life programme.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
10th Oct 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government why the Genomics England and NHS England ‘Generation Study’, offering 100,000 newborns whole genome sequencing after birth to diagnose and support a number of genetic conditions, does not include 22q11.2 deletion syndrome which meets the four requisite principles for inclusion.

The Generation Study screens for over 200 conditions which were selected on a set of four principles. The expression, or penetrance, of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is incomplete, meaning that some people with the syndrome may have no features of the condition. For this and many other conditions, including other microdeletion and microduplication syndromes, Genomics England has taken a conservative approach when applying the four principles, selecting only those conditions where penetrance is high and where treatment must be initiated very early in essentially all cases. Genomics England will review and add conditions during the course of the programme, and will publicise information about any review.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what progress they have made with the Suicide Prevention Strategy for England; and what plans they have to address the higher suicide rate among men, particularly those aged 20 to 34.

We are committed to cutting the lives lost to suicide including by ensuring that the 8,500 additional mental health staff we will recruit will be specially trained to support people at risk.

Notable progress has been made since the Suicide Prevention Strategy for England 2023-2028 was published in September 2023. This includes launching the near to Real Time Suspected Suicide Surveillance system, which provides an early warning system for indications of change in suicides through monthly analysis of suspected suicides overall; launching a £10 million Suicide Prevention Grant Fund, which runs to March 2025; and the introduction of the Online Safety Act, which received Royal Assent in October 2023.

The Strategy sets out a number of actions focusing on several priority groups including children and young people up to age of 25. We continue to keep the Strategy under review and should further risks emerge in other groups, we will work with the sector to address them. In addition, recipients of the grant fund include organisations that specifically support men of all ages.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to develop a men's health strategy for England; and to encourage higher primary care attendance among men.

This Government's mission is getting the National Health Service back on its feet, so it is there for everyone. We will be developing a 10-Year Plan for Health so that we are better able to meet the needs of the population, including men. We recognise there are areas of care where men and/or certain groups of men will require support and targeted interventions to ensure they are able to live as healthily as possible.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
8th Oct 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to secure the release of the British hostage, Emily Damari, held in captivity in Gaza since the 7 October 2023 attacks on Israel, and hostages directly related to British citizens such as Eli Sharabi, Avinatan Or and Oded Lifschitz.

We condemn Hamas' continued holding of hostages in Gaza, including Emily Damari and all those connected to British citizens. Hamas must release all the hostages now, and a ceasefire deal must be agreed urgently to end the suffering. Since our first day in government we have been working alongside our allies and partners in the region in support of ongoing negotiations. We appreciate the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States, and continue to use all diplomatic avenues to further our aims. The Foreign Secretary reaffirmed to Israeli Foreign Minister Katz in Israel the UK's support in working together to deliver the return of all the hostages. The Foreign Secretary and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan have also met the families of hostages with links to the UK, whose loved ones have been murdered or taken by Hamas, to express our deepest sympathies and to highlight the diplomatic efforts underway.

Lord Collins of Highbury
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
13th Sep 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sherlock on 7 August (HL344), how many staff in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office are permitted to undertake diversity-related network time during core working hours; what is the percentage of overall working time they are permitted to spend on such network activity; how many hours are allocated in total; what are the names of each of the networks being funded; and what plans they have to (a) increase, or (b) reduce, such funding.

The FCDO has 17 Staff Networks which relate to protected characteristics defined in the 2010 Equality Act, related characteristics referenced in the Civil Service Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, and FCDO specific groups for topics experienced as a global organisation. Staff Networks provide valuable insight and help us to meet the Public Sector Equality Duties. Co-Chairs of FCDO Staff Networks are volunteers who are allowed to spend up to 10 per cent of their contracted time to serve in this capacity - we do not record the hours this translates to. A small discretionary budget is available for Staff Networks to support their work in line with the Civil Service guidance and value for money. There are no plans to change the number of FCDO Staff Networks or related funding.

The Staff Networks are as follows: Armed Forces, Uniformed Volunteers & Family Staff Network, Country Based Staff, Disability Inclusion and Awareness Network, FCDO Women, FCDO/Diplomatic Service Families Association Carers' Network, FLAG: FCDO LGBT+ Staff Association, Flexible Working Network, Home Civil Service International Staff Network, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Listening Network, Over Fifties Network, Parents' Support Network, Parents of children with disabilities Network, Race and Ethnicity Network, Religion and Belief Group, Social Mobility Network, Unaccompanied Staff Network and Young People and Early Professionals Network.

Baroness Chapman of Darlington
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
13th Sep 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sherlock on 7 August (HL344), how many staff in (1) the Treasury, (2) HM Revenue and Customs, and (3) Valuation Office Agency, are permitted to undertake diversity-related network time during core working hours; what is the percentage of overall working time they are permitted to spend on such network activity; how many hours are allocated in total; what are the names of each of the networks being funded; and what plans they have to (a) increase, or (b) reduce, such funding.

HMT has eight diversity networks:

  1. Carers Network
  2. Disability Action Group, incorporating the Neurodiversity Network
  3. Ethnic Diversity Network
  4. Faith and Belief Network incorporating Christian Fellowship, Treasury Jewish Network and Treasury Muslim Network
  5. LGBT* Network
  6. Social Mobility Network
  7. Treasury All Ages Network
  8. Women in the Treasury

HMRC has seven Diversity Networks:

  1. Carers​
  2. Disability​
  3. PRISM​
  4. Race​
  5. Religion or Belief​
  6. Sex and Gender​
  7. Social Mobility

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has seven Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) networks:

  1. Carers
  2. Disability
  3. Gender
  4. Faith & Belief
  5. LGBTQ+ allies
  6. Race
  7. Social Mobility

It is expected that staff manage any network activity they engage in without detriment to their role. These networks are not centrally funded.

Lord Livermore
Financial Secretary (HM Treasury)
15th Oct 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to their announcement on 18 September that protection zones around abortion clinics will be in force from 31 October, when they intend to respond to the Abortion clinic safe access zones: non-statutory guidance consultation, which ran from 1 December 2023 to 22 January 2024.

This Government’s priority has been to commence Safe Access Zones as quickly as possible. The College of Policing and the Crown Prosecution Service will produce guidance for the police and prosecutors. We have engaged with our partners extensively on this issue and we do not believe it is necessary to issue government guidance as well, so this Government will not be following up the previous Government’s consultation on non-statutory guidance for Safe Access Zones.

Lord Hanson of Flint
Minister of State (Home Office)
13th Sep 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sherlock on 7 August (HL344), how many staff in the Home Office are permitted to undertake diversity-related network time during core working hours; what is the percentage of overall working time they are permitted to spend on such network activity; how many hours are allocated in total; what are the names of each of the networks being funded; and what plans they have to (a) increase, or (b) reduce, such funding.

As the noble Lord will be aware, successive governments have supported civil service staff to engage in network activity designed to foster a more inclusive workforce. The funding for that activity within the Home Office over the period 2019-24 was set out by the previous government in HC26338.

For network chairs and other representatives elected by their colleagues, the time they may spend on network activity is capped at 50 per cent of their working hours, and their role within the Department will always be given first priority over staff network activity. Time allocation is pro rata based on working pattern and contract, but the total amount of time allocated to network activity by relevant officials is currently equivalent to 19 FTE staff per year.

In August 23, the Home Office reported an allocated support time amounting to 19 FTE for the Civil Service Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Expenditure and Impact Review.

Lord Hanson of Flint
Minister of State (Home Office)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what research they have funded or plan to fund to investigate the effectiveness of non-court dispute resolution support services for families, including non-legal options such as separated parenting programmes and Voice of the Child, to promote evidence-led outcomes for the benefit of children.

The Government recognises the importance of supporting separating families, and where appropriate, helping them resolve their issues quickly and without the need to come to court.

The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme continues to provide £500 towards the cost of mediation. To date, over £16 million of vouchers have helped 33,000 separating parents to access mediation. Analysis of the first 7,200 completed under the scheme suggests that 69% of participants reached whole or partial agreement and did not need to go on to court.

The Department for Work and Pensions runs the Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) programme which aims to address frequent, intense and poorly resolved conflict between parents and improve outcomes for children.

The programme, funds grants to Local Authorities in England who work in partnership with multi-agency stakeholders, commissioning relationship support for parents in conflict. Evidence of the impact of these innovative services to increase access for diverse families can be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/reducing-parental-conflict-programme-evaluation.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government how many FM5 forms are registered on court files as having been filed before first hearing, in compliance with the Family Procedure Rules issued in April.

His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service does not currently hold data on how many FM5 forms are filed before the first hearing.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government whether the training provided to judges to apply the new Family Procedure Rules is delivered by judges or experts over the full range of legal and non-legal non-court dispute resolution support services

The Ministry of Justice is not responsible for judicial training. This is the responsibility of the Judicial College.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what training judges will receive to apply the new Family Procedure Rules and to ensure that parents are aware of and can access the full range of legal and non-legal non-court dispute resolution support services

The Ministry of Justice is not responsible for judicial training. This is the responsibility of the Judicial College.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
12th Dec 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government whether prevention will be included in early advice for separating couples, before court and other legal proceedings, including in family hubs; and whether relevant professionals will be appropriately curious about whether couples have considered mending their relationship and help them access support to stay together if that is what both parties want.

The Government recognises the importance of supporting separating families, and where appropriate, helping them resolve their issues quickly and without the need to come to court.

We know that early access to information for separating families is essential and we are working to improve the information, both online through GOV.UK, and offline via sources such as family hubs, to help inform separating families of their options before applying to court.

We also continue to work with the Department for Education to ensure that Family Hubs connect families going through parental separation to services and support locally, to ensure outcomes for their children are front and centre when agreeing child arrangements.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
26th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what band of seniority (1) family services leads and (2) family engagement leads typically occupy in prisons; and what assessment they have made of how this compares with education and employment leads.

The Head of Reducing Re-offending (HoRR) – typically at Band 7 or 8 in His Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS) – is responsible for family services, together with other areas such as housing, finance/benefit/debt, faith, health/drug strategy and offending behaviour.

Unlike the HoRR role, there is no requirement at present to employ a Family Engagement Lead. In prisons where a member of HMPPS staff undertakes this role, it is normally in the range Band 3 – 5. These are predominately non-operational roles.

A Head of Education Skills & Work in an establishment is typically at Band 7. This is a functional management job, with responsibility for setting the strategic direction for all of education, skills and work within the prison.

Prisons Employment Leads, at Band 6, oversee Employment Hubs in prisons and support prisoners with employability, matching them to jobs in advance of their release.

Lord Timpson
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
26th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to reform the prisoner telephony contract with the external commercial provider so that inmates are subject to the same terms and conditions as customers in the community.

The current supplier of the telephony service provides a service within the public prison estate which is not directly comparable to the services they provide to their customers in the community. In the prison estate, they also provide the network infrastructure and devices, a call management solution to allow for management of PIN phone accounts and to support call monitoring, and a call routing service to connect to phone numbers that have been permitted by HMPPS. The cost of the service is predominantly funded through prisoner credit purchases.

Lord Timpson
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
26th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what is the total annual budget for prisoner rehabilitation services; and how much of this is allocated to (1) family services, (2) employment training, (3) education and (4) other itemised rehabilitation activities.

Reoffending costs society over £22 billion a year and we know that access to valulable rehabilitation is an important tool in reducing that reoffending.

The overall Prisoner Rehabilitation Service budget for FY 24/25 is £360 million.

  • Family Services - £12 million

  • Employment Training - £25 million

  • Education including Prisoner Education contracts - £191 million

  • Other itemised rehabilitation activities - £132 million

Lord Timpson
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
26th Nov 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what leadership training is routinely provided to officers moving up the ranks in the Prison Service.

Officers have a wide range of leadership training available to them as they progress through the ranks.

All Ministry of Justice staff have access to a wide suite of cross-government training products available via Government Campus (part of Cabinet Office). These product topics include Coaching, Building your Team, and Career Development.

All Ministry of Justice staff also have access to two, four-day, intensive Leadership Schools per annum, focused on unlocking the potential to improve and transform their leadership capabilities. Leadership School provides keynote speeches, expert-led workshops, and in-depth peer reflection sessions, to ensure that leaders are equipped to use new capabilities in their roles.

In addition, MoJ HQ has developed a new HMPPS Leadership and Management Offer specifically for HMPPS staff (elements of this include the HMPPS People Manager Handbook and HMPPS People Manager Essentials Programme). HMPPS staff also have access to a wealth of free online resources on the myLearning Learning Management System.

There are several funded Leadership apprenticeships on offer for HMPPS staff, and a small number of leadership training interventions for HMPPS are provided by external providers.

The Spark Custodial scheme is an operational fast-track scheme for Public Sector Prisons, open to Operational Bands 2-4 and Non-Operational up to and including Band 6, that enables them to progress to Head of Function. The scheme lasts around 30 months for operational participants and 36 months for non-operational participants.

Lord Timpson
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)