Flags and Heraldry APPG

First Registered: 30/07/2015 • Last updated on: 06/03/2024

Note: This APPG was last registered on 6th March 2024. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 28th August 2024 and may be defunct.

To promote the flying of the Union Flag and flags associated with the UK, British territories, dependencies, the Commonwealth, heraldry, British symbols and related issues.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

Former Members - Contact Details - Benefits in Kind - Financial Benefits

Reticulating Splines
Former APPG Members
Henry Smith Portrait
Henry Smith
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - Former Member for Crawley
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lord West of Spithead Portrait
Lord West of Spithead
Labour - Life peer
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
1 APPG Membership
British Heritage
Andrew Rosindell Portrait
Andrew Rosindell
Conservative - Romford
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
Martin Vickers Portrait
Martin Vickers
Vice Chair
Conservative - Brigg and Immingham
Joined: 1st November 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Tom Randall Portrait
Tom Randall
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Gedling
Joined: 24th February 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Philip Hollobone Portrait
Philip Hollobone
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Kettering
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Angus Brendan MacNeil Portrait
Angus Brendan MacNeil
Vice Chair
Independent - Former Member for Na h-Eileanan an Iar
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Kilclooney Portrait
Lord Kilclooney
Vice Chair
Crossbench - Life peer
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Peter Bottomley Portrait
Peter Bottomley
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Worthing West
Joined: 10th October 2018
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Alexander Stafford Portrait
Alexander Stafford
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Rother Valley
Joined: 24th February 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Ian Paisley Portrait
Ian Paisley
Vice Chair
Democratic Unionist Party - Former Member for North Antrim
Joined: 24th February 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Brady of Altrincham Portrait
Lord Brady of Altrincham
Vice Chair
Conservative - Life peer
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 20th September 2023
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Watson of Wyre Forest Portrait
Lord Watson of Wyre Forest
Vice Chair
Labour - Life peer
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 5th November 2019
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Dodds of Duncairn Portrait
Lord Dodds of Duncairn
Vice Chair
Democratic Unionist Party - Life peer
Joined: 28th September 2017
Departed: 5th November 2019
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Dodds of Duncairn Portrait
Lord Dodds of Duncairn
Vice Chair
Democratic Unionist Party - Life peer
Joined: 30th July 2015
Departed: 2nd May 2017
No other APPG Memberships
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Henry Smith MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 7043.

Email: henry.smith.mp@parliament.uk

No benefits in kind are on record for the Flags and Heraldry APPG

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Flags and Heraldry APPG