Dave Doogan Portrait

Dave Doogan

Scottish National Party - Angus and Perthshire Glens

4,870 (10.3%) majority - 2024 General Election

First elected: 12th December 2019

Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Energy Security and Net Zero)
4th Sep 2023 - 30th May 2024
Defence Committee
5th Jan 2022 - 12th Sep 2023
Defence Sub-Committee
5th Jan 2022 - 12th Sep 2023
Committees on Arms Export Controls
26th Jan 2022 - 12th Sep 2023
Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Defence)
12th Dec 2022 - 4th Sep 2023
Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Defence Procurement)
5th Jan 2022 - 12th Dec 2022
Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Agriculture and Rural Affairs)
7th Jan 2020 - 5th Jan 2022
Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Manufacturing)
16th Oct 2020 - 5th Jan 2022
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
2nd Mar 2020 - 5th Jan 2022
Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill
3rd Nov 2021 - 18th Nov 2021

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Dave Doogan has voted in 3 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Dave Doogan Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Michael Shanks (Labour)
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
(4 debate interactions)
Emma Reynolds (Labour)
Parliamentary Secretary (HM Treasury)
(4 debate interactions)
Andrew Gwynne (Labour (Co-op))
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
(2 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
HM Treasury
(7 debate contributions)
Ministry of Defence
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
Legislation Debates
Budget Responsibility Act 2024
(2,082 words contributed)
Great British Energy Bill 2024-26
(1,213 words contributed)
View All Legislation Debates
View all Dave Doogan's debates

Latest EDMs signed by Dave Doogan

2nd September 2024
Dave Doogan signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

Tabled by: Neil Duncan-Jordan (Labour - Poole)
That this House expresses its concern that The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 are being introduced without prior consultation or an impact assessment, nor with sufficient time to put in place a proper and effective take-up campaign for Pension Credit; notes this approach fails to take account for …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Independent: 10
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
2nd September 2024
Dave Doogan signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Ban trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes CITES data and investigations by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting published in the national media showing British trophy hunters are killing and bringing home trophies of threatened species including African elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, hippopotamuses, zebras, wolves, monkeys, wild cats, lynxes, cougars, bears, and African …
65 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Liberal Democrat: 19
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Ulster Unionist Party: 1
View All Dave Doogan's signed Early Day Motions

Commons initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Dave Doogan, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.

Dave Doogan has not been granted any Urgent Questions

Dave Doogan has not been granted any Adjournment Debates

Dave Doogan has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Latest 20 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
30th Aug 2024
To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, what discussions he has had with the devolved Administrations on the format of payments from the infected blood compensation scheme; whether he has had discussions with each devolved Administration on their presumed approach in terms of lump-sum versus monthly payments; and what assessment his Department has made of each devolved Administration's presumed approach.

I met the Health Ministers for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ahead of the announcement on 16 August, and officials meet on a regular basis to discuss the progress of the Infected Blood Compensation Scheme. The Scheme will operate across the UK and the Infected Blood Compensation Authority has been set up to deliver compensation payments to people infected and affected, and will work across the whole country as a single point administering compensation. We are committed to working closely with devolved governments and their support scheme administrators as we move forward with this work.

Nick Thomas-Symonds
Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office
30th Aug 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what recent estimate he has made of the relative costs per km of (a) overhead, (b) underground and (c) offshore electricity transmission cables.

The Government keeps abreast of the various technologies that can be used to help us achieve clean power by 2030, including the various means of laying cable, but has not yet made an estimate of the relative costs of cabling since it came into power.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Aug 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what estimate his Department has made of changes in the number of jobs in the (a) oil and (b) gas sector in (i) the UK and (ii) Scotland in each of the next 30 years.

The Department does not hold these estimates.

According to ONS data[1], direct jobs in oil and gas extraction fell by around a third between 2014 and 2022 (from c.42k to c.28k). Of all current direct offshore oil and gas jobs, roughly 80% are in Scotland[2].

As Britain becomes a clean energy superpower, the Government is determined to create new high-quality jobs to ensure a phased and responsible transition in the North Sea.

[1] ONS Business Register and Employment Survey - https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/datasets/industry235digitsicbusinessregisterandemploymentsurveybrestable2

[2] ONS Business Register and Employment data from NOMIS - (https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/query/select/getdatasetbytheme.asp?theme=27&subgrp=Previous+employment+surveys)

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what plans he has for (a) whole and (b) partial ownership of energy generation capacity by GB Energy by 2045.

Government does not intend for Great British Energy to buy existing generation assets from private sector operators. Instead, Government anticipates that it will develop a portfolio of new assets, boosting Britain’s energy security whilst also delivering revenues to the British taxpayer. Government will do this by working in partnership with the private sector, local authorities and communities.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether any of Great British Energy's 8.3bn budget will be spent on funding (a) the offshore renewable energy catapult and (b) other existing technology investment initiatives.

Great British Energy will invest in, own and operate projects which will produce clean, cheap and homegrown energy and make Britain energy secure. It will be backed by a capitalisation of £8.3bn of new money over this Parliament.

Government will clarify the relationship between Great British Energy and existing technology investment schemes and initiatives, such as the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, in due course.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether he plans to introduce zonal energy markets in the UK.

Electricity market reform work is key to delivering a decarbonised, secure, and affordable system. The Government will provide more information in due course.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, how GB Energy will interact with the (a) UK Infrastructure Bank and (b) National Wealth Fund to provide investment for renewable energy; and how renewables investments by GB Energy will differ from investments by the (a) UK Infrastructure Bank and (b) National Wealth Fund.

Great British Energy will work with institutions such as the National Wealth Fund and UK Infrastructure Bank to deliver the Government’s clean energy mission. The Government is currently developing the details of both Great British Energy and the National Wealth Fund in consultation with industry stakeholders and is committed to providing further detail on these bodies and the interactions between them in due course.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether he will publish a response to the consultation entitled Review of electricity market arrangements (REMA): second consultation which closed on 7 May 2024.

Electricity market reform work is key to delivering a decarbonised, secure, and affordable system. The new Government is currently assessing timelines, and we will provide more information in due course.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether he plans for GB Energy to have a public option retail arm.

No. The Government does not intend Great British Energy to be an energy retail company or to supply energy directly to households. Great British Energy will invest in, own and operate energy projects which will produce clean, cheap and homegrown power that is sold to retail companies.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what proportion of Great British Energy's budget will be allocated to early development work to help de-risk private sector investments over the next five years.

Great British Energy will be an operationally independent company capitalised with £8.3 billion over this Parliament. The exact proportion of investment allocated to different priorities will be a decision for Great British Energy and investment to support early development work on projects will be an important part of its work. The Secretary of State will set out Great British Energy’s strategic priorities in due course.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what plans he has for GB Energy (a) investment in and (b) partial ownership of community energy projects.

Great British Energy, through the Local Power Plan, will give local communities a stake in the transition to net zero, as owners and partners in clean energy projects. It will provide commercial, technical and project-planning assistance to Local and Combined Authorities and Community Energy Groups, increasing their capability and capacity to build a pipeline of successful projects in their local areas. As an operationally independent company, Great British Energy will work with stakeholders at the local level to decide ownership structures for each project.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what plans he has for GB Energy (a) investments in renewable energy supply chains and (b) (i) whole and (ii) partial ownership of supply chain manufacturing companies.

As set out in Great British Energy’s Founding Statement, supporting British supply chains is one of the five key functions of this new publicly-owned energy company. Government is committed to supporting the transition to an affordable, decarbonised power system by 2030, built using domestic manufacturing and supply chains. Government will provide further detail as to the role that Great British Energy will play in due course as we continue to work towards putting a plan in motion to deliver a comprehensive package of support for domestic clean energy supply chains that will significantly boost the number of skilled jobs in these essential industries.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what plans he has for GB Energy (a) whole and (b) partial ownership of electricity transmission infrastructure.

Great British Energy will not seek to own electricity transmission infrastructure, instead it will be a publicly owned generation company that will own, manage, and operate clean energy projects across the country. This means Great British Energy will invest in and own renewable energy projects which will produce clean, cheap and homegrown energy and make Britain energy secure.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what plans he has for (a) whole and (b) partial ownership of (i) offshore and (ii) onshore wind farms by GB Energy by 2045.

Great British Energy will be a publicly-owned energy company that will invest in, own and operate projects. Great British Energy will support the Government's clean power mission by partnering with industry, local authorities and communities.

The exact detail and timeline of specific projects will be set out as appropriate by Great British Energy itself, as an operationally independent company.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
29th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether he expects GB Energy to generate funds through (a) generation of energy, (b) distribution of energy and (c) any other mechanism.

Great British Energy will be a publicly-owned energy company that will invest in, own and operate projects, including generation assets, that expect a return on investments, generating revenue and delivering profits that will benefit the public. Any profit generated through Great British Energy will be channelled into creating further benefits for the UK taxpayers, billpayers and communities. Government does not intend for Great British Energy to be a retail energy supplier.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
29th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether GB energy will (a) build and (b) operate energy generation capacity by 2045.

Great British Energy will be a publicly-owned energy company that will invest in, own and operate projects. Great British Energy will support the Government's clean power mission by partnering with industry, local authorities and communities.

The exact detail and timeline of specific projects will be set out as appropriate by Great British Energy itself, as an operationally independent company.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
29th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether Great British Energy will purchase and operate any existing energy generation capacity in the UK.

Government does not intend for Great British Energy to buy existing generation assets from private sector operators. Instead, Government anticipates that it will develop a portfolio of new assets, boosting Britain’s energy security whilst also delivering revenues to the British taxpayer. Government will do this by working in partnership with the private sector, local authorities and communities.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
29th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether offshore wind projects developed with help from Great British Energy's early development work and investment will be co-owned by Great British Energy.

Great British Energy will be a publicly-owned energy company that will invest in, own and operate projects. Great British Energy will support the Government's clean power mission by partnering with industry, local authorities and communities.

The exact detail and timeline of specific projects will be set out as appropriate by Great British Energy itself, as an operationally independent company.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)
29th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, whether any of the £8.3 billion funding allocated to Great British Energy over the next five years will be spent on funding the Contracts for Difference scheme.

No. The 8.3bn of funding allocated to Great British Energy over the next five years will be an additional measure and will not replace the need for other government support mechanisms such as the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme. The CfD Scheme is funded through a separate route via the CfD Supplier Obligation Levy. This government has increased the budget for allocation round six of the CfD Scheme by over 50%. The budget is now set at £1.555 billion.

Michael Shanks
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)