Gender Based Violence: Convictions

(asked on 18th July 2023) - View Source

Question to the Attorney General:

To ask the Attorney General, what steps he is taking to improve the conviction rate for cases relating to violence against women and girls.

Answered by
Michael Tomlinson Portrait
Michael Tomlinson
This question was answered on 26th July 2023

Tackling violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains one of this government’s top priorities.  The CPS has already undertaken significant work on rape and domestic abuse (DA) designed to improve the investigation and prosecution of these offences. Last month the new national operating model for adult rape was launched, which focuses on building stronger cases at an earlier stage, through joint working with police. Increases in specialist RASSO workforce will further support the prosecution of these crimes. A new VAWG strategy for 2023-2025 is being developed for publication later this year. This will create a framework to address the challenges of these crimes across the criminal justice system. Since our significant investment in improving the handling of rape cases, not least through the Joint National Action Plan (JNAP), the national operating model and the publication of the Rape Review in 2021, more cases are getting to court.

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