Lord Agnew of Oulton Portrait

Lord Agnew of Oulton

Conservative - Life peer

Became Member: 19th October 2017

1 APPG membership (as of 12 Feb 2025)
Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax
Industry and Regulators Committee
12th May 2022 - 30th Jan 2025
Minister of State (HM Treasury)
13th Feb 2020 - 24th Jan 2022
Minister of State (Cabinet Office)
13th Feb 2020 - 24th Jan 2022
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
28th Sep 2017 - 13th Feb 2020

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Lord Agnew of Oulton has voted in 20 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Lord Agnew of Oulton Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Cabinet Office
(1 debate contributions)
Department for Education
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
Legislation Debates
Lord Agnew of Oulton has not made any spoken contributions to legislative debate
View all Lord Agnew of Oulton's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Lord Agnew of Oulton, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

3 Bills introduced by Lord Agnew of Oulton

Introduced: 8th September 2021

A Bill to make provision about the meaning of references to Article 23A benchmarks in contracts and other arrangements; and to make provision about the liability of administrators of Article 23A benchmarks

This Bill received Royal Assent on 15th December 2021 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 8th September 2021

A Bill to make provision imposing a tax (to be known as the health and social care levy), the proceeds of which are payable to the Secretary of State towards the cost of health care and social care, on amounts in respect of which national insurance contributions are, or would be if no restriction by reference to pensionable age were applicable, payable; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 20th October 2021 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 10th March 2021

A Bill to authorise the use of resources for the years ending with 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020, 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2022; to authorise the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the years ending 31 March 2020, 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2022; and to appropriate the supply authorised by this Act for the years ending with 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2021.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 15th March 2021 and was enacted into law.

Lord Agnew of Oulton has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 42 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, following the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) annual report and accounts 2023–24, published on 24 July, when they expect the Office for National Statistics to complete its review of the CCS classification status; whether they support reclassifying the CCS as a central government entity; and how such a reclassification might affect the trading fund model and the future financial freedoms of the CCS.

HM Treasury (HMT) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) initiated a formal review of the sector classification in 2024 of CCS as part of their ongoing programme of assessments of the statistical and financial reporting classification of public sector bodies in the National Accounts. The ONS completed the final review in October 2024 and published the outcome on its website. It concluded that CCS’s existing sector classification as a public corporation is correct. This means that CCS will remain a Trading Fund.


Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to regulation 72 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Deed of Variation to contract 2887470\5, published in the procurement notice on 24 January, what consideration they gave to conducting a new competitive procurement instead of extending a contract first awarded in 2010; and what assessment they made of whether the modification is permissible, including (1) whether the terms of the original contract explicitly provided for a £18.6 million increase, (2) whether the increase affects the contract’s nature or economic balance, and (3) whether the extension and changes to service provisions, including the introduction of training outside the UK, were envisaged within the original scope of the contract.

The Deed of Variation to contract 2887470\5, enables the transition of the Emergency Planning College (EPC) to the UK Resilience Academy from 15 April 2025 to deliver strategic national resilience training and exercising outcomes.

Given the complexities of the contract covering the management of the physical site, coupled with the provision of training services, the Authority determined that a medium-term permitted extension would allow for better development and planning for a new competitive procurement opportunity, whilst maintaining continuity of key services.

The contract provides for an extension of not less than 2-years and not more than 5-years, and does not include any financial values or thresholds. The extension does not change the economic balance of the Agreement in favour of the Contractor. International sales were covered within the Bidders' Brief as part of the original tender and subsequently the contract.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government whether they are committed to a target for Government procurement spend with small and medium-sized enterprises, and if so, what percentage of annual procurement this represents.

The Government is determined to ensure the £400 billion of public money spent on public procurement annually delivers economic growth, supports small businesses, champions innovation, and creates good jobs and opportunities across the country.

On 13 February the Government published a National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS), which sets out our priorities for public procurement and maximises the impact of every pound spent. New measures to support the transformation of public procurement and to deliver on the Government’s Plan for Small Businesses includes requiring all government departments, executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies to set three-year targets for direct spend with SMEs (from 1 April 2025) and VCSEs (from 1 April 2026) and publish progress annually.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government why they have not published data on central Government spend with small and medium-sized enterprises beyond the financial year 2021–22; and when they plan to publish figures for subsequent financial years.

On 13 February the Government published a National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS), which sets out our priorities for public procurement and maximises the impact of every pound spent. New measures to support the transformation of public procurement and to deliver on the Government’s Plan for Small Businesses includes requiring all government departments, executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies to set three-year targets for direct spend with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 1 April 2025, and Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprises (VCSEs) from 1 April 2026, and publish progress annually.

Under this new policy, departments will be responsible for publishing their own spend with SMEs on an annual basis. Departmental SME Action Plans (published from 1 April 2025) will include SME spend targets approved by departmental Ministers and any previous financial years unpublished SME spend data.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, following the publication of the Crown Commercial Service annual report and accounts 2023–24, published on 24 July, what criteria are used to determine which public bodies receive payments under the new Customer Payment Initiative; what administrative costs have and will be incurred in operating this scheme for the past and next financial year; and what assessment they have made of reducing the CCS levy rate instead of issuing payments under the Customer Payment Initiative.

Customers who have used CCS agreements in FY2022/23 were eligible to receive a payment in proportion to the amount of income collected by CCS from suppliers as result of those customers’ transactions.

Activity by customers on 231 frameworks has contributed to the distribution to individual customers, with the lowest value payment threshold being set at £1k, resulting in just under 1,500 customers being eligible to receive a payment. These payments are not part of any written agreement and are non-contractual.

CCS has not made an assessment of the administrative costs that have been, or will be, incurred in operating this scheme.

CCS is considering its opportunities to reduce its levy rates on a case by case basis as new agreements are put in place. Frameworks do not provide a level of committed spend and therefore reducing levy rates across the board would incur an unnecessary degree of risk into CCS’s financial planning. CCS’s levy rates are the lowest of all Public Sector Buying Organisations, at an average of 0.7% across the whole portfolio.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
4th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to prevent government procurement suppliers from facing legal or regulatory action for bidding for public procurement contracts while being investigated by authorities under the Procurement Act 2023.

The Procurement Act, which comes into force on 24 February 2025, will allow the Government to investigate high-risk suppliers on behalf of the entire public sector.

International debarment lists can be considered as part of a debarment investigation that determines whether an exclusion ground applies and enables a Minister of the Crown to decide whether the supplier should be placed on the debarment list.

A live debarment investigation does not prevent a supplier from bidding for public contracts or provide a basis for any further regulatory or legal action against the supplier.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
4th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government whether a supplier that has been debarred from rendering procurement services in a foreign jurisdiction is automatically debarred from UK public procurement; and what criteria are used to assess whether a foreign debarment should be recognised in the UK.

The Procurement Act, which comes into force on 24 February 2025, will allow the Government to investigate high-risk suppliers on behalf of the entire public sector.

International debarment lists can be considered as part of a debarment investigation that determines whether an exclusion ground applies and enables a Minister of the Crown to decide whether the supplier should be placed on the debarment list.

A live debarment investigation does not prevent a supplier from bidding for public contracts or provide a basis for any further regulatory or legal action against the supplier.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
4th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, in the light of the Government Commercial Function’s report Raising standards: our ambition (17 May 2024), whether they will publish the findings and recommendations of Procurement Review Unit investigations on Gov.uk; and what assessment they have made of the merits of requiring their publication by default, except where necessary to safeguard national security or sensitive commercial information.

In accordance with Part 10, the results of any investigations, including any s.109 recommendations and progress reports submitted by the contracting authority may be published, assessed on a case by case basis. Such documents will be published on GOV.UK. Any s.109 recommendations will be issued to support the contracting authority’s compliance with the requirements of the Act and follow a lessons learned approach in order for contracting authorities to reflect on their own approach to compliance and identify areas for improvement.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
4th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, in the light of the Government Commercial Function’s report Raising standards: our ambition (17 May 2024), whether the Procurement Review Unit has powers to compel disclosure of procurement-related documents and conduct on-site audits of contracting authorities; and if not, whether they have conducted an assessment of the feasibility of amending the Procurement Act 2023 to grant such powers.

The Procurement Review Unit (PRU) has been established to exercise the procurement oversight powers set out in Part 10 of the Procurement Act 2023 (the Act). Part 10 comprises three provisions (sections 108-110) which provide for the investigation of a contracting authority’s compliance with the requirements of the Act, the issuing of recommendations to a contracting authority following an investigation and the publishing of statutory guidance to all contracting authorities.

Under section 108 (procurement investigations) the PRU can formally request, via notice, that a relevant contracting authority provide documents and give assistance in connection with the investigation, as is reasonable. The contracting authority has 30 days to comply with the notice.

The conducting of on-site visits to aid investigations may fall under the scope of “give assistance” and would be by mutual agreement between the PRU and the contracting authority. The circumstances giving rise to an on-site visit would have to be proportionate and relevant to the investigation. On-site audits or visits are not currently contemplated as part of a standard PRU investigation, and nor are we considering an amendment to Part 10 of the Act to provide such powers, although the procurement oversight powers and processes will remain under review as the new regime embeds.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many government departments currently lack a strategic asset management plan; and what actions they are taking to ensure that all departments have one.

The UK Government Functional Standard for Property GovS 004 sets expectations for the management of government property - including mandating a forward-looking strategic asset management plan (SAMP).

Departments are responsible for their own asset plans, and the Office of Government Property in the Cabinet Office supports their planning as part of the assurance process for the property function. Departments are asked to share their ‘working copy’ plans each year, which provides the ‘functional centre’ with an overview of their strategic intentions to help inform the development of cross-government policy and programmes.

In 2024, all but one ministerial department produced an asset plan. By agreement, some departments did not produce a stand alone plan but are featured in the Government Property Agency’s office portfolio SAMP as its clients. The Government Chief Property Officer is currently writing to all Property Leaders in Departments reminding them of their responsibility to have an up to date strategic asset management plan.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many statutory public inquiries have been established under the Inquiries Act 2005; what were the names of each inquiry; what were the projected costs of each inquiry at the time of its establishment; and, for those that have concluded, what was the final cost of each inquiry upon its conclusion.

The Cabinet Office collects data on the duration and cost of inquiries from departments, inquiries’ own reports, and other publicly available information.

We have provided details on all statutory inquiries established since 2005 in the table below.

We do not hold information on projected costs; under section 17 of the Act, the procedure and conduct of an independent public inquiry are a matter for the Chair, including acting with regard to the need to avoid any unnecessary cost.


Sponsor Department

Legislative Basis

Year established

Duration in months (from announcement to publication of final report)

Reported final costs where publicly available

Jalal Uddin Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Thirlwall Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Inquiry into the preventability of the Omagh bombing


Inquiries Act 2005




Independent inquiry relating to Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence

Inquiries Act 2005




Dawn Sturgess Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Cabinet Office

Inquiries Act 2005




Lampard Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Jermaine Baker inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Post Office Horizon IT inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Manchester Arena inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Brook House Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Grenfell Tower Inquiry

Cabinet Office

Inquiries Act 2005




Infected Blood Inquiry

Cabinet Office

Inquiries Act 2005




Anthony Grainger Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse


Inquiries Act 2005



£192.7m (as of Dec 2022)

Undercover Policing Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




The Litvinenko Inquiry

HO, FCO and 3 x Intelligence Agencies

Inquiries Act 2005



£2.4m (exc. VAT)

The Leveson Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




The Azelle Rodney Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry 2013 / The Francis Inquiry

Department of Health

Inquiries Act 2005




The Al Sweady Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005



£24.9m (exc. VAT)

The Bernard (Sonny) Lodge Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




The Baha Mousa Inquiry


Inquiries Act 2005




Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many central government organisations have submitted business cases for pay flexibility under the Civil Service Pay Remit Guidance 2024–25, published on 29 July 2024; and how many have been approved.

For 2024/2025, the Cabinet Office has received 11 business cases. Of these, two have been approved to date.

Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
30th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the answer by Baroness Twycross on 27 January (HL3974), whether contracting authorities that fail to publish pipeline notices under section 93 of the Procurement Act 2023 are subject to financial penalties; and if not, what consideration has been given to introducing such penalties to encourage compliance.

The Procurement Act 2023 does not contain financial penalties for failure to publish pipeline notices. There are sufficient remedies and processes in place to manage compliance and the Cabinet Office considers it would not be good use of public funds to introduce such a measure. As per the previous answer (HL3974), Cabinet Office is establishing the Procurement Review Unit which will play a big part in procurement oversight and any non-compliance will be monitored and potentially investigated in detail.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
30th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to pages 8 and 64 of the Sourcing Playbook, published in June 2023, how many suppliers are currently classified as "public sector dependent suppliers".

The Cabinet Office maintains a list of public sector dependent suppliers where the suppliers have a contractual obligation to confirm their status to us. 7 suppliers have currently notified us that they are public sector dependent suppliers. The Cabinet Office does not hold a list of all public sector dependent suppliers.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Civil Service People Plan 2024–2027, published on 10 January 2024, what was the cost to central government departments of ensuring 100 per cent of Senior Civil Servants achieved Chartered FCIPD status and 100 per cent of G6/G7 officials achieved Chartered MCIPD status by 1 April 2024.

There are several methods of gaining CIPD Membership including study options, apprenticeships and experiential routes. For experiential routes, there is a central Cabinet Office contract with the CIPD for departments to utilise. The costs associated with this accreditation to date are provided below:

January 2024 - April 2024£8,090£67,725
May 2024 - January 2025£16,920


Departments may also utilise other methods that are available for their SCS and Grade 6/7 HR professionals to gain CIPD membership that are not included in the central Cabinet Office contract

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Civil Service People Plan 2024–2027, published on 10 January 2024, whether the Central Employee Identifier has been fully implemented across government.

No, the Central Employee Identifier has not been fully implemented across government. The capability to issue IDs is available but changing the legacy ERPs across government departments to hold this has been deemed inefficient with the new cluster ERPs about to commence rollout. These will be following the data standards laid out in the Nova model which includes holding the Central Employee Identifier.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what proportion of contracts awarded under the Government Major Projects Portfolio since 2020 have used single-source procurement.

This information is not centrally held and would come at disproportionate cost to the Government/Department in producing this information.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what estimate they have made of the total number of procurement frameworks currently in use across the public sector.

​Information is not centrally held by the Cabinet Office on the total number of procurement frameworks currently in use across the public sector.

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) analysis suggests there are approximately 2,275 frameworks in the public sector that compete with CCS agreements.

Under the Transforming Public Procurement reforms, there will be a requirement to register procurement frameworks on the central Transparency Platform. This will enhance transparency and provide greater visibility of frameworks in operation.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to Cabinet Office Government Major Projects Portfolio Data for March 2024, published on 16 January, what factors have led to the budget variance of 264 per cent for the Vetting Transformation Programme.

The figures for March 2024 contained in the Cabinet Office Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) data predate the closure of the programme. The baseline figure of £5.5m relates to expenditure in financial year (FY) 23/24. Actual expenditure in FY 23/24 was £5.7m which represents an overspend of 3.6%. The £20m cited in the GMPP reflected the original funding for the FY.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what percentage of Government Major Projects Portfolio projects have been re-baselined in the past year.

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority estimates that approximately 61% of Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) have been re-baselined between 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024. This rate of change is explained by 3 reasons:

  1. Major projects report a cost baseline that factors in inflation expectations. Each year these expectations have to be revised as inflation forecasts are revised, which in turn leads to a cost baseline revision.

  2. Major projects are the most challenging, ambitious and innovative projects the UK has ever seen, with the scale and scope matching some of the biggest in the world. This challenge is therefore associated with a significant level of uncertainty, which leads to frequent cost baseline revision.

  3. A large number of projects are at the pre-delivery stage, where they are expected, and encouraged, to change their baseline when they are in order to ensure that their plans are correctly set out at the delivery stage.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
13th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to page 62 of the Cabinet Office’s Annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024, published on 12 December 2024, what specific changes to the lease terms for the two buildings identified by the Government Property Agency during 2023–24 were not reflected in the International Financial Reporting Standard 16 accounting for 2022–23; and what was the financial impact of these errors on the restated accounts.

Further information on the GPA prior year adjustments can be found on page 165 of the 2023/24 Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts.

In July 2022 a head lease was surrendered and a new head lease granted with a revised rent which extended the lease term by 20 years. The right of use asset and lease liability were not remeasured to reflect the extended lease term. The financial impact of this error on the restated 2022/23 accounts was as follows:

  • Right of use assets at 31 March 2023 increased by £81.5m

  • Lease liabilities at 31 March 2023 increased by £76.1m

  • Finance expense increased by £0.5m

  • Right of use asset depreciation expenditure decreased by £0.6m

  • (Gain)/loss on remeasurement of right of use assets decreased by £6.5m

In March 2023, a Deed of Variation was agreed with a client to extend the sub-lease term by 12 years to align with the head lease. The lease modification should have resulted in the GPA reclassifying the sub-lease from an operating lease to a finance lease in accordance with the GPA’s IFRS 16 accounting policies. The financial impact of this error on the restated 2022/23 accounts was as follows:

  • Right of use assets at 31 March 2023 decreased by £135.3m

  • Investment in sublease assets at 31 March 2023 increased by £154.5m

  • Lease incentive receivable assets at 31 March 2023 decreased by £19.2m

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
13th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what penalties or sanctions apply to contracting authorities that fail to publish pipeline notices under section 93 of the Procurement Act 2023.

Pipeline notices are required to be published under the Procurement Act 2023 (the Act). Where a contracting authority has a third-party spend of more than £100 million, it is required to publish a pipeline notice for every procurement with an estimated value of more than £2 million.

Information published in procurement notices will be viewable, free of charge, in an accessible format. It will be clear which contracting authorities are publishing the pipeline notice in the pipeline view on the central digital platform.

The Procurement Review Unit (PRU), established to exercise the procurement oversight powers in Part 10 of the Act, may investigate a contracting authority's compliance with the Act. Non-compliance, including failure to publish a pipeline notice, may lead to an investigation and the results may be published by the PRU. The PRU may make recommendations to the contracting authority in order for them to achieve compliance. The contracting authority must have due regard to these recommendations and may be required to submit a progress report if directed by the PRU.

Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
30th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what is their assessment of potential unilateral recognition of EU standards to enable UK producers to satisfy EU requirements whilst continuing to sell the same products in the UK.

The UK currently recognises EU requirements, including the CE marking, for a range of products. This allows businesses to place goods on our market if they meet these rules, saving them time and money. The Product Safety and Metrology Bill will enable the UK to end recognition of EU product regulations, where it is in the best interests of UK businesses and consumers.

It will also enable the UK to make the sovereign choice to recognise new or updated EU product regulations where appropriate to prevent additional costs for businesses and support economic growth.

Baroness Jones of Whitchurch
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with regard to Cabinet Office Senior Officials’ Expenses, July to September 2024, published on 30 January, what specific business justification was documented for Christine Bellamy, the Government Chief Product Officer, travelling business class for a domestic flight to Manchester between 20 and 25 October which totalled £1,693; what alternative or cheaper travel options were considered; and whether this expenditure complied with internal value-for-money guidelines.

There is an error in the data - this expense relates to a premium economy flight from Manchester, UK to Ottawa, Canada to enable Christine Bellamy to represent the UK Civil Service at the AccelerateGOV conference in Canada and attend a series of engagements recommended by the British High Commission. It was not a domestic, business class flight. Premium economy tickets are permitted within policy for flights longer than 5 hours - as was the case here.

Christine Bellamy represented the UK Civil Service as an expert speaker at the AccelerateGOV conference in Ottawa, Canada and while in-country undertook a series of engagements with - and on behalf of - the British High Commission. Meetings included with senior government counterparts from the Canadian Digital Service and Shared Services Canada; with the British Consul General and with a number of Canadian academic institutions and think tanks involved in GovTech, AI and civic society.

Baroness Jones of Whitchurch
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
30th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to the 2022–2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data, published on 29 November 2023, how many of the 50 government services that were due to reach a “great” standard by 2025 have now met that standard; whether they remain committed to this target; and if not, why this commitment has been omitted from the Blueprint for Modern Digital Government, published on 21 January.

The Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology has provided a report to the Public Accounts Committee on the closure of the 2022-25 Roadmap. The report indicates that 29 of the Top 75 Services have reached the ‘Great’ standard, an increase from 8 ‘Great’ services at baselining.

The Government Digital Service has established a Service Transformation team to drive delivery of the next phase of service transformation work set out in Blueprint for Modern Digital Government, building on the learnings from the Top75 Services Programme.

As set out in the Blueprint, the government will develop a detailed Government Digital & AI Roadmap alongside the second phase of the Spending Review, to be published in summer 2025. This will supersede the 2022-2025 Roadmap, and will include details of how we plan to measure progress through the next phase of digital transformation.

Baroness Jones of Whitchurch
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
30th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many government departments met the April 2023 deadline to confirm an adoption strategy for One Login, as set out in the 2022–2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data, published on 29 November 2023; whether the Blueprint for Modern Digital Government sets a new deadline for full adoption; and if not, why no specific timeframe has been included in the strategy.

In the 2022 to 2025 roadmap for digital and data, Mission Two states that 'All departments will confirm an adoption strategy and roadmap for One Login by April 2023 and their services will have begun onboarding by 2025.'

In April 2023, 16 of the 17 departments in scope had a delivery plan and were working with GDS to onboard their first services. All departments in scope have now committed to onboarding services to GOV.UK One Login, and are actively implementing delivery plans. 59 services have onboarded to GOV.UK One Login, with an extensive roadmap of new services scheduled to onboard over the course of the next 12 months. They are supported by the GDS Onboarding and Engagement team who provide advice and assets to enable technical service teams to onboard their services smoothly.

Baroness Jones of Whitchurch
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to the Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023, updated 11 October 2024, why the Department for Education’s total grant expenditure recorded in its Annual Report and Accounts for 2022–23, differs from the £77.9 billion reported; what the total value of this discrepancy is; and whether this missing expenditure is accounted for elsewhere in government spending records.

The policy funding note outlines resource and capital expenditure to support the department’s objectives, including both grant funding and non-reported expenditures (for example, contract spend and grant-in-aid). The policy funding note was published in section 5 of the ‘Department for Education consolidated annual report and accounts 2023’, which can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/64b6978861adff001301b284/Department_for_Education_Consolidated_annual_report_and_accounts_2023.pdf.

The data in the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023’ has also been prepared on a resource expenditure basis, using the source data in ‘DfE consolidated annual report and accounts 2023’, section 5. Further adjustments were then made to meet the reporting requirements for the Government Grants Information System (GGIS). GGIS is the source of the data published in the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022/23’.

Reporting Source

2022-23 Financial Year

GGIS Completion Rate

£ billion


Policy Funding Note, DfE 2022-23 Annual Report and Accounts 


Adjustments for grant-in-aid; contracts; and other expenditure identified as goods and/or services in support of grant policy funding outcomes


Total adjusted grant expenditure



Grant Scheme level reporting included in the Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023



Difference in reported value


The total value of grant expenditure consistent with the definition of the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023’ is £79.1 billion.

However, as set out in section 8 of the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023’, ‘Departmental statements about the data in this report’, the total value of expenditure within the bulletin is £77.9 billon. This represents 98% of the department’s total grant expenditure. Section 8 of the bulletin can be found in full here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/government-grants-statistics-2022-to-2023/grants-statistics-bulletin-2022-to-2023#departmental-statements-about-the-data-in-this-report.

The 98% completion rate reflects the disproportionate use of resources that would be required to further augment the remaining 2% of expenditure with the additional level of supplementary information required for entry on the GGIS, and therefore inclusion in the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023’.

The department confirms that there is no missing and/or unaccounted for expenditure. The difference between the ‘Department for Education consolidated annual report and accounts’ and the value included in the ‘Grants Statistics Bulletin 2022 to 2023’ is the basis of preparation for these two publications.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the DFE Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024, published on 16 January, what assessment they have made of the expected monetised benefits of the Early Years Childcare Reform Programme, given its reported whole life cost of £15.1 billion; why these benefits are currently recorded as "£0 million"; and by what date they expect to finalise and publish a full benefits realisation plan.

The data published on 16 January 2025 reflects the status and delivery stage of the early years and childcare programme, as of 31 March 2024. Since then, central estimates for the financial benefits of extending early years education and childcare entitlements were published in April 2024 by the National Audit Office. These estimates indicate, as of March 2024, a benefit-to-cost ratio of £1.26:£1.00, and a total benefit of £15.972 billion.

The Office for Budget Responsibility also estimated that 60,000 additional parents will enter work, and 1.5 million will increase their working hours by 2027/28 as a result of the policy.

As expected of all Major Projects that form part of the Government Major Projects Portfolio, we will continue to provide regular data to the Infrastructure and Projects Authority on the progress of programme delivery. Now the programme is in live delivery, we will continue to monitor how these estimated benefits develop throughout the programme lifecycle and at the appropriate points provide an update on our position, reflecting the latest delivery data.

Baroness Smith of Malvern
Minister of State (Education)
24th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the benefits of a veterinary agreement with the European Union against any adverse impact (1) with our other major trading partners, and (2) on the UK's regulatory reform potential.

Defra in conjunction with the Department for Business and Trade will work to reset the relationship with our European friends to strengthen ties and tackle barriers to trade, while recognising that there will be no return to the single market or customs union.

We will improve the trading relationship through seeking to negotiate a veterinary / Sanitary and Phytosanitary agreement with the European Union to prevent unnecessary border checks and help tackle the cost of food. We will ensure that any agreement we negotiate with our European partners is mutually beneficial, whilst also respecting our international obligations.

Baroness Hayman of Ullock
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many penalty clauses have been enforced against suppliers of Government Major Projects Portfolio projects managed by the Department of Work and Pensions because of delays or cost overruns in the past three years, and what is the total financial value recovered.

Penalty clauses that unduly punish a contract party are unenforceable by the courts and we do not include them in our contracts. We have contract clauses negotiated that operate in good faith that will be breached if not delivered/operated in the required way. Financial recompense will be commensurate to actual loss and agreed in the contract terms. However, we do not collect, hold centrally or report data on the enforcement of such terms.

Baroness Sherlock
Minister of State (Department for Work and Pensions)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Merron on 30 January (HL3973), what was the total cumulative impairment of public dividend capital for each NHS provider listed in that answer in each of the past 10 financial years, broken down by financial year.

The attached table shows the cumulative Public Dividend Capital impairment for each of the listed NHS Providers in HL3973, per year, for the past seven financial years.

Please note that as detailed on page 187 of the document, Department of Health and Social Care Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20, Public Dividend Capital impairments have only been recognised on an individual provider basis by the Department since the 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts, which included a prior period adjustment to apply the same across 2017/18 and 2018/19. Due to the size of the document, a copy has been placed in the Library.

For this reason, the Department has been unable to provide data for the past 10 financial years, although the Department has provided the full information held.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Merron on 30 January (HL3972), what the total value is of the five special severance payments currently pending approval by the Treasury; and whether any of these payments have already been disbursed or remain withheld pending approval.

All five cases are pending retrospective approval. The National Audit Office, as disclosed on page 47 of the consolidated provider accounts, put a value to these cases of £180,688. Final values may change subject to the approval process.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what proportion of GP practices in the top 20 percent of achievement scores in the Quality and Outcomes Framework had an exception reporting rate above the national average in the most recent financial year for which data are available.

Personalised care adjustments (PCAs) replaced exception reporting in 2019. PCAs operate in the same way as exceptions, but PCA specification follows a consistent hierarchy which supports better attribution of the reason for care being personalised.

The national PCA rate in 2023/24 was 8.2%. 1,253 general practices’ Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) achievement rates fell in the top 20% of achievement rates, and of these, 418, or 33.6%, had PCA rates greater than 8.2%. This information is taken from the published QOF statistics, and is available in an online only format on the NHS.UK website.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many GP practices achieved an overall Quality and Outcomes Framework score of 95 percent or higher in the most recent financial year; what proportion of all GP practices this represents; and what was the total value of payments made to these practices.

In the 2023/24 reporting year, 2,867 general practices (GPs) had an overall achievement greater than or equal to 95%. This equates to 45.7% of GPs included in the published Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) dataset, or 6,267 GPs. The total estimated value of payments calculated based on these achievement figures was £413,953,264.95.

While the QOF remains an important mechanism for understanding performance and incentivising quality care, it is not the only measure of GP standards. We are committed to reducing administrative burdens and outdated performance targets. To shift care from sickness to prevention, subject to consultation, in the 2025-2026 GP contract we are proposing renewed focus of the QOF. This will offer financial incentives to reward GPs who go above and beyond to prevent the most common killers like heart disease.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
20th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Merron on 16 January (HL3971), what are the names and total revenue allocations for each of the 38 National Health Service NHS providers that failed to meet the audit completion deadline of 28 June 2024 for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.

The Department set a deadline of 28 June 2024 for the completion of National Health Service provider audits, for the year that ended 31 March 2024. 38 NHS providers did not meet the deadline. NHS providers do not receive revenue allocations, and instead revenue is earned through the provision of services. A table showing the 38 NHS providers and their total operating income is attached.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
13th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government which NHS providers accounted for the largest proportion of the £7.5 billion impairment in its Public Dividend Capital investments in 2023–24 outlined on page 240 of the Department of Health and Social Care’s Annual Report and Accounts 2023–24, published on 17 December 2024; and what were the individual values of those impairments.

Public Dividend Capital (PDC) is impaired, on an individual National Health Service provider basis, where the net assets of those NHS providers fall below the level of PDC issued to that trust or foundation trust, irrespective of whether subsequent PDC write-offs are likely to occur. The following table shows the NHS providers that accounted for the largest proportion of the £7.5 billion impairment in 2023/24, along with their respective values:

NHS provider name

Impairment value

Barts Health NHS Trust


Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust


Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust


University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust


University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust


University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust


King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust


South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust


Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust


St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


North Bristol NHS Trust


East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust


Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust


Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust


East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust


Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust


A change in the accounting treatment for measuring Private Finance Initiative lease liabilities under International Financial Reporting Standards 16 Leases has partly contributed to the increase in the value of the impairments reported in the Department’s 2023/24 accounts.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
13th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what proportion of NHS providers failed to complete audited financial results in line with the Department of Health and Social Care's reporting timetable in the past financial year.

The Department set a deadline of 28 June 2024 for the completion of National Health Service provider audits for the year that ended on 31 March 2024. 38 of the 211 NHS providers, representing 18%, did not meet the deadline.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
4th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to HMRC Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024, published on 16 January, how they have revised their estimated monetised benefits for the Making Tax Digital programme from £2.1 billion to £6.3 billion in the most recent Annual Report; and what methodology changes were applied to account for this increase.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is key to tackling parts of the tax gap that result from error and failure to take reasonable care, and it is helping taxpayers reduce common mistakes in their tax returns. The benefits increase is mainly due to new and improved data.

In particular, the model was updated to better account for projected increases in customer income which increased the expected number of individuals within the scope of MTD for Income Tax. It also reflects HMRC’s increased estimate of the proportion of the Self Assessment tax gap attributable to error and failure to take reasonable care which were included in the ‘Measuring tax gaps 2023 edition’ publication. Updates also incorporated findings from a published evaluation study on the impact of MTD on VAT.

Estimates will continue to be updated as new information and insight becomes available.

Lord Livermore
Financial Secretary (HM Treasury)
30th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many Ministry of Justice projects in the Government Major Projects Portfolio have been delayed due to planning permission in each of the past five years, broken down by (1) project, (2) length of delay, and (3) additional costs incurred.

The Ministry of Justice’s Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) includes 21 projects. 7 of these make up the 20k Prison Place Programmes, which developed from the original 10,000 places commitment announced in 2019 under the previous Government.

These projects are:

  • 10k Additional Prison Places – New Build

  • 10k Additional Prison Places Estate Expansion Category D

  • 10k Additional Prison Places Estate Expansion Houseblocks and Refurbishments

  • Accelerated Houseblocks Delivery Programme

  • PFI Expiry and Transfer Tranche 2

  • Rapid Deployment Cell Project

  • Small Secure Houseblocks

Several of the 20k programmes experienced a range of delays due to planning determination outside of the statutory timeframe. It means that despite promising to deliver 20,000 prison places by the mid 2020s, the previous Government only delivered approximately 6,000 as set out in the 10-year Capacity Strategy.

Within the New Prisons Programme, known as the 10k Additional Prison Places – New Build within the GMPP, delays to planning determinations have been documented in the recently published 10-Year Prison Capacity Strategy. The strategy outlines challenges in securing planning permission at the new prisons in Lancashire, Buckinghamshire and Leicestershire, which were in the planning system for 40 months, 30 months and 29 months respectively. The strategy notes that each three-month delay to a new prison adds around £8 million in construction cost inflation.

We are unable to draw out the specific, quantifiable time and cost impact of individual planning delays alone on the overall delivery of the majority of the 20k programmes, as the delays were cumulative with planning being one of several factors, including site-specific requirements and administration of key contractors.

No other Ministry of Justice GMPP projects on the list published in January 2025 have been delayed due to planning permission.

Lord Timpson
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
28th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many legal aid providers held contracts but did not take on any cases in the most recent year for which figures are available.

In the financial year 2023/24, of the 1320 legal aid providers holding a contract to deliver civil legal aid services, 81 (6%) did not take on any cases within that period. Of those 81 providers, only 18 have a current contract to deliver civil legal aid services.

Of the 1066 legal aid providers holding a contract to deliver criminal legal aid services, 22 (2%) did not take on any cases in that period. Of those 22 providers, only 6 have a current contract to deliver criminal legal aid services.

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)