Lord Bishop of St Albans Sparring Partners
Baroness Williams of Trafford (Conservative)
Shadow Chief Whip (Lords)
(52 debate interactions)
Baroness Barran (Conservative)
(39 debate interactions)
Lord Greenhalgh (Conservative)
(39 debate interactions)
Lord Freud (Conservative)
(19 debate interactions)
Lord Bates (Conservative)
(18 debate interactions)
Lord Benyon (Crossbench)
(17 debate interactions)
Baroness Penn (Conservative)
(16 debate interactions)
Lord Henley (Conservative)
(11 debate interactions)
Lord True (Conservative)
Shadow Leader of the House of Lords
(11 debate interactions)
Lord Sharpe of Epsom (Conservative)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Home Office)
(11 debate interactions)
Lord De Mauley (Conservative)
(10 debate interactions)
Earl Howe (Conservative)
Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords
(10 debate interactions)
Baroness Neville-Rolfe (Conservative)
Minister of State (Cabinet Office)
(10 debate interactions)
Lord Keen of Elie (Conservative)
(10 debate interactions)
Baroness Goldie (Conservative)
(10 debate interactions)
Lord Wallace of Saltaire (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Cabinet Office)
(9 debate interactions)
Lord O'Shaughnessy (Conservative)
(8 debate interactions)
Baroness Sugg (Conservative)
(8 debate interactions)
Lord Markham (Conservative)
(8 debate interactions)
Baroness Verma (Conservative)
(7 debate interactions)
Earl of Courtown (Conservative)
Opposition Deputy Chief Whip (Lords)
(7 debate interactions)
Lord Nash (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Bethell (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Baroness Berridge (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Callanan (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Kamall (Conservative)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Evans of Rainow (Conservative)
Opposition Whip (Lords)
(6 debate interactions)
Lord Faulks (Non-affiliated)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Manzoor (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Scott of Bybrook (Conservative)
Opposition Whip (Lords)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Harlech (Conservative)
(4 debate interactions)
Lord Davies of Gower (Conservative)
Shadow Secretary of State for Wales
(4 debate interactions)
Baroness Kramer (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Treasury and Economy)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Newby (Liberal Democrat)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede (Labour)
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
(3 debate interactions)
Lord Bellamy (Conservative)
(3 debate interactions)
Baroness Jolly (Liberal Democrat)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Altmann (Non-affiliated)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Dunlop (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Shields (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Buscombe (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Fowler (Crossbench)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Durham (Bishops)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Inglewood (Non-affiliated)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Noakes (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Swinburne (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Earl of Minto (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Douglas-Miller (Conservative)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Merron (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Hanson of Flint (Labour)
Minister of State (Home Office)
(2 debate interactions)
Baroness Warsi (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Clark of Windermere (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Suri (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Redfern (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Best (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Jones (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Salisbury (Bishops)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Framlingham (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Teverson (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Earl of Devon (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Boycott (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Earl of Dundee (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Naseby (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Rooker (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Shipley (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Addington (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Eatwell (Labour)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Fookes (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Kennedy of Southwark (Labour)
Captain of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms (HM Household) (Chief Whip, House of Lords)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Blackburn (Bishops)
(1 debate interactions)
Earl of Lytton (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Stunell (Liberal Democrat)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Bishop of Southwark (Bishops)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Pinnock (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
(1 debate interactions)
Baroness Hayman of Ullock (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Cromwell (Crossbench)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Coaker (Labour)
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Fox (Liberal Democrat)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Business)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Robathan (Conservative)
(1 debate interactions)
Lord Collins of Highbury (Labour)
Lord in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
(1 debate interactions)