First Registered: 30/07/2015 • Last updated on: 02/06/2021
Note: This APPG was last registered on 2nd June 2021. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 12th February 2025 and may be defunct. Perhaps you are looking for the Stem Cell Transplantation and Advanced Cellular Therapies APPG?
To inform parliamentarians about the use of stem cell transplantation in saving lives; to facilitate debate and scrutiny on the collection and use of adult stem cells and umbilical cord blood in the UK; and to promote the expansion of stem cell donation in the UK.
Registered Contact:
Mark Tami MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 8174.
Public Enquiry Point:
Nusha Haghpanah, Anthony Nolan, 2 Heathgate Place, 75-87 Agincourt Road, London NW3 2NU. Tel: 020 7424 1357
Anthony Nolan acts as the group's secretariat.
Group's Website:
No direct financial benefits are on record for the Stem Cell Transplantation APPG