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Commons Chamber
Business of the House - Thu 28 Jan 2021
Leader of the House

1: Jacob Rees-Mogg (CON - North East Somerset) by a debate on a petition relating to grooming gangs. - Speech Link
2: Valerie Vaz (LAB - Walsall South) make a statement before we run into difficulties with the Budget announcements? - Speech Link
3: Tommy Sheppard (SNP - Edinburgh East) , but the real tragedy is that his actions will undermine the public health message, which we all need - Speech Link
4: Jacob Rees-Mogg (CON - North East Somerset) of inquiry in the Scottish Parliament and we find out all that is going on up north to the disadvantage - Speech Link
5: Martyn Day (SNP - Linlithgow and East Falkirk) Can we therefore have a debate in Government time on British security support to Gulf countries with - Speech Link

Lords Chamber
Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill
Report stage:Report: 2nd sitting (Hansard) - Wed 13 Jan 2021
Home Office

1: None We have to put back into public and private life the standards that, formerly, when I entered the House - Speech Link
2: None for children; we must avoid a situation where these people are drawn further into crime because of the - Speech Link
3: Baroness Williams of Trafford (CON - Life peer) If we create a checklist in the Bill, we make it very easy for criminal gangs to write themselves a list - Speech Link
4: Lord Dubs (LAB - Life peer) , particularly as we could get into the position of mentioning a lot of other agencies and public bodies - Speech Link
5: None The results of that could be catastrophic for the health of the British public. - Speech Link

Departmental Publication (Policy and Engagement)
Ministry of Justice

Jan. 22 2021

Source Page: Third Universal Periodic Review: UK’s Mid-term report on recommendations
Document: Third Universal Periodic Review: UK’s Mid-term report on recommendations (PDF)

Found: We are acting on the findings of the Public Health England Review into disparities in the risks and

Departmental Publication (Policy paper)
Home Office

Dec. 15 2020

Source Page: Group based child sexual exploitation characteristics of offending
Document: Group based child sexual exploitation characteristics of offending (PDF)

Found: - heritage men are ge nerally involved in the organised grooming and abuse of White British girls

Lords Chamber
Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill
Committee stage:Committee: 3rd sitting (Hansard) - Thu 03 Dec 2020
Home Office

1: Lord Judd (LAB - Life peer) I also believe that when we slip into that sort of activity we give ammunition to the people we are determined - Speech Link
2: Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts (CON - Life peer) security will not be available as a response to an inquiry looking into problems with an individual - Speech Link
3: None of Appeal, to hear an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding extraordinary rendition. - Speech Link
4: Baroness Bull (CB - Life peer) We know that vulnerable young people are targeted by criminal gangs who groom, manipulate, intimidate - Speech Link
5: Lord Young of Cookham (CON - Life peer) one hand, grooming, which we are all against, and, on the other, persuading vulnerable children to act - Speech Link

Departmental Publication (Guidance and Regulation)
Cabinet Office

Dec. 18 2020

Source Page: National Risk Register 2020
Document: National Risk Register 2020 (PDF)

Found: evacuation request again. 4.

Select Committee
Police Action Lawyers Group
MAC0039 - The Macpherson Report: twenty-one years on

Written Evidence Nov. 18 2020

Inquiry: The Macpherson Report: twenty-one years on
Inquiry Status: Open
Committee: Home Affairs Committee (Department: Home Office)

Found: MAC0039 - The Macpherson Report: twenty-one years on Police Action Lawyers

Scottish Government Publication (Consultation paper)
Children and Families Directorate

Oct. 21 2020

Source Page: National guidance for child protection - revised: consultation
Document: DRAFT National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2020 (PDF)

Found: A Core Group can also trigger the request for a review.

Closed Petition closed 5th February 2021

We the British People Request a Public Inquiry into Grooming Gangs - Final Signatures: 31,212

The Home Secretary said what happened to victims of child sexual exploitation gangs was “one of the biggest stains on our country’s conscience.” Last year local authorities identified 18,700 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation. We want an independent public inquiry into Grooming Gangs.

Debate: This petition was debated in Commons Chamber on 3rd February 2021

The Government responsed to this petition on 5th November 2020 (View Full Response)
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is already examining institutional responses to sexual exploitation by organised networks. The Home Office also intends to publish a paper on this issue

Found: Last year we learned 57 young girls were thought to have been exploited by up to 100 members of a grooming

Scottish Government Publication (Research and analysis)
Justice Directorate

Jul. 27 2020

Source Page: Coronavirus (COVID-19): international policing responses - part 2 - easing of lockdown
Document: Part 2 - International policing responses to COVID-19: Easing of lockdown (PDF)

Found: In fact, the PSNI said that there has been a rise in online grooming and people accessing indecent images