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Closed Petition closed 6th April 2024

Review access to shared ownership scheme for single applicants - Final Signatures: 15

The Government should review the approaches taken by housing associations to ensure that single applicants are not disadvantaged in accessing the shared ownership scheme, compared to joint applicants with a higher income.

Closed Petition closed 5th February 2022

Review how the the Child Maintenance Service investigate and enforce non-payment - Final Signatures: 19

The Government should review CMS powers and how these are used to investigate and bring enforcement action for non-payment of child maintenance.

Closed Petition closed 22nd July 2021

Increase the pension and benefits for the clinically vulnerable people. - Final Signatures: 18

Clinically vulnerable people and people with disabilities are complaining about their pension being too low and some fear they will become homeless if the government doesn't act upon it and give more than they normally get during Covid.

Closed Petition closed 14th June 2022

Review and reform the Display Screen Equipment regulations - Final Signatures: 16

The Government should review the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and consider reforms to explicitly reflect modern technology including laptops, mobile phones and tablets, and increased working from home.

Closed Petition closed 20th August 2023

Only family members should be allowed to claim from the Children’s Funeral Fund - Final Signatures: 20

Currently, funeral directors, burial and cremation providers can claim for fees directly from the Children’s Funeral Fund for England.

Closed Petition closed 24th May 2023

Repeal the Triple Lock and reduce the State Pension rate to £125 a week - Final Signatures: 20

The United Kingdom spends over 100 billion pounds a year on state pensions. By reducing spending on pensions this should allow the Government to reduce the tax burden or increase investment in areas of the budget that will boost the economy.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Require home buyers pay a deposit to seller after mortgage approval - Final Signatures: 14

I think that the home buying process in England needs reform, to ensure that, once a sale has been agreed, buyers cannot easily pull out.

Closed Petition closed 20th October 2021

Extend yearly State Pension increases to UK pensioners living in Canada - Final Signatures: 14

The UK government should ensure that UK pensioners living in Canada receive yearly State Pension increases.

Closed Petition closed 1st December 2021

Allow the choice of online/phone Universal Credit appointments - Final Signatures: 16

As seen during pandemic we have different options on how we can be flexible. universal credit visits every monthly visiting jobcentre or by phone appointment. All Identification is checked digitally online. What is need to travel to a local jobcentre when anyone as flexibility search for work online

Closed Petition closed 8th June 2021

Pay all Universal Credit Payments for December, before Christmas - Final Signatures: 21

As the Covid-19 pandemic has put millions out of jobs, many individuals are left to survive on Universal Credit alone. However the Government has not taken into account the needs of the public at Christmas.