Allow the choice of online/phone Universal Credit appointments

As seen during pandemic we have different options on how we can be flexible. universal credit visits every monthly visiting jobcentre or by phone appointment. All Identification is checked digitally online. What is need to travel to a local jobcentre when anyone as flexibility search for work online

This petition closed on 1 Dec 2021 with 16 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Like government give claimant option to have ether face-face or telephone-video call appointments. So that claimant have flexibility of choice. Lots have access to computer. & some do not! Claimant have a option of choice phone/video appointment or face to face. Save on travelling & and reduce co2 emissions & costs to claimant

This option need be debated so claimant have options to visit jobcentre. Or research online in comfort & Electronically search from claimant home. everytime vist a centre?

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Reticulating Splines