Gift Aid

(asked on 23rd November 2022) - View Source

Question to the HM Treasury:

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to introduce measures to improve awareness and uptake of Gift Aid.

Answered by
Baroness Penn Portrait
Baroness Penn
This question was answered on 2nd December 2022

The Government keeps all taxes and reliefs under review, and is committed to providing support to the charitable sector worth over £5 billion per year. Gift Aid - a key part of this- is worth £1.4 billion per year to charities and £500 million to their donors (through higher rate relief).

HMRC works closely and regularly with representatives from across the charity sector reviewing Gift Aid and exploring ways in which it can be improved and made fit for the future, as well as raising awareness amongst donors. It places a high priority on this collaborative work, which remains ongoing, and is always interested in ideas to improve the take-up and raise awareness of Gift Aid.

Charities also have a key role to play in raising awareness of Gift Aid, as they are best placed to educate eligible donors about the benefits of Gift Aid at the point of donation.

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