National Wealth Fund

(asked on 25th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the HM Treasury:

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with reference to her Department's policy paper entitled National Wealth Fund: Mobilising Private Investment, published on 14 October 2024, what were the previous constraints in relation to the amount of economic risk capital of the UK Infrastructure Bank.

Answered by
Emma Reynolds Portrait
Emma Reynolds
Economic Secretary (HM Treasury)
This question was answered on 3rd March 2025

The most important constraint on the National Wealth Fund’s risk appetite is its economic capital risk budget, which limits the total risk exposure it can hold. The UK Infrastructure Bank had £22 billion of notional financial capacity and an economic risk capital budget of £4.5 billion. This was set by HM Treasury when UKIB was established. As part of UKIB's transformation into the National Wealth Fund, HM Treasury will agree a larger amount of economic risk capital, the details of which will be published in due course.

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