Heart Diseases: Health Education

(asked on 1st November 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he is taking steps to increase awareness amongst GPs of the signs and symptoms of cardiomyopathy.

Answered by
Andrew Gwynne Portrait
Andrew Gwynne
This question was answered on 8th November 2024

As part of the 2023 England Rare Disease Action Plan, NHS England’s Genomics Education Programme has developed GeNotes, to increase the awareness of genetic and rare diseases amongst healthcare professionals. GeNotes puts information on genetic and rare diseases at the fingertips of healthcare professionals, including general practitioners. The GeNotes resource has a cardiology speciality section and includes several pages on cardiomyopathies. Further information on GeNotes more generally and about the cardiology speciality section specifically is available, respectively, at the following two links:



Furthermore, cardiac networks of care, established locally to ensure joined up patient pathways, provide support in raising awareness of inherited cardiac conditions, including cardiomyopathy, across healthcare providers, in accordance with the services specification for inherited cardiac conditions, which is available at the following link:


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