Extend Statutory Sick Pay to workers with multiple jobs earning over £120/week

In order to be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) you must earn an average of £120 a week in a single job. This is almost 13.5 hours at minimum wage, which many people do not earn from a single job. I want SSP to be extended to anyone earning over £120 a week, even if from multiple jobs.

This petition closed on 3 Sep 2022 with 21 signatures

Reticulating Splines

There are around 8 million part-time workers in the UK, and over a million people in the UK have more than one job. Many of these people may not earn enough in a single job to be entitled to SSP, and often employers of part-time and low-paid workers do not pay contractual sick pay. These people are left without a safety net.

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Reticulating Splines