Lord Bishop of London Portrait

Lord Bishop of London

Bishops - Bishops

Became Member: 10th April 2018

Lord Bishop of London is not a member of any APPGs
2 Former APPG memberships
Faith and Society, Rural Health and Social Care
Economic Affairs Committee
31st Jan 2023 - 31st Jan 2023

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Lord Bishop of London has voted in 0 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Lord Bishop of London Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Baroness Merron (Labour)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
(8 debate interactions)
Lord Cryer (Labour)
(2 debate interactions)
Lord Hanson of Flint (Labour)
Minister of State (Home Office)
(2 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Department of Health and Social Care
(11 debate contributions)
Home Office
(3 debate contributions)
Department for Education
(1 debate contributions)
Leader of the House
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Lord Bishop of London's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Lord Bishop of London, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

Lord Bishop of London has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Lord Bishop of London has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 3 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
6th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government whether they intend to produce an equalities impact assessment ahead of the coming stages of the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.

Now that Parliament has voted to give the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill a Second Reading, the Government will assess the impacts of the Bill.

This continues to be a matter for Parliament and, as the Bill progresses, members of Parliament, both Honourable and Right Honourable, will further debate and scrutinise the legislation and the Government will respect Parliament’s will.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
6th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the respite care options for adults with complex needs, including for holiday breaks.

Under the Care Act 2014, local authorities are responsible for how they support people with complex needs, including the commissioning of respite support and services for family carers.

The Government is committed to ensuring that families have the support that they need. In addition to core social care funding, local authorities can use the Better Care Fund and Accelerating Reform Fund towards funding for unpaid carer support, including short breaks and respite services.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
6th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the availability of respite care for adults with complex needs following the closure of the charity Revitalise at the end of November 2024.

Under the Care Act 2014, local authorities are responsible for how they support people with complex needs, including the commissioning of respite support and services for family carers.

The Government is committed to ensuring that families have the support that they need. In addition to core social care funding, local authorities can use the Better Care Fund and Accelerating Reform Fund towards funding for unpaid carer support, including short breaks and respite services.

Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)