Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
These initiatives were driven by Baroness Freeman of Steventon, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
Baroness Freeman of Steventon has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Baroness Freeman of Steventon has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
The 2023 UK Biological Security Strategy (BSS) sets out that biological threats are more likely, diverse and interconnected. The current avian influenza outbreak is an example of the risks we face from zoonotic diseases. The BSS takes a One Health and National Security approach. There are robust structures in place across government to ensure its implementation - including a lead Minister, a central team in the Cabinet Office to drive delivery, and clear departmental accountabilities. DEFRA is the lead government department for avian Influenza.
Enhancing the UK’s early warning capabilities, including through scoping a National Biosurveillance Network (NBN), was a commitment in the 2023 UK Biological Security Strategy - adopted by this Government in October 2024. The Government will work to ensure that it has the capabilities it needs to protect the public from a spectrum of biological threats. Decisions on funding for future years will be made as part of the ongoing comprehensive Spending Review.
Since April 2024, it has been mandatory for all Government Departments to register their evaluations with the Evaluation Task Force Evaluation Registry. The expectation is that all Government evaluations should be registered, unless they are exempted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Since April 2024, the Evaluation Task Force has been notified of one evaluation which has not been added to the Evaluation Registry on the grounds that it meets an exemption outlined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Registry is scheduled to be launched for public view-only access in the coming months, allowing them to see the number of evaluations in each department. Following public launch, the Evaluation Task Force will report to the Directors of Analysis every quarter on the number of ongoing, planned and complete evaluations registered by each Department.
Since April 2024, it has been mandatory for all Government Departments to register their evaluations with the Evaluation Task Force Evaluation Registry. The expectation is that all Government evaluations should be registered, unless they are exempted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Since April 2024, the Evaluation Task Force has been notified of one evaluation which has not been added to the Evaluation Registry on the grounds that it meets an exemption outlined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Registry is scheduled to be launched for public view-only access in the coming months, allowing them to see the number of evaluations in each department. Following public launch, the Evaluation Task Force will report to the Directors of Analysis every quarter on the number of ongoing, planned and complete evaluations registered by each Department.
All Government evaluations should be pre-registered on the Evaluation Task Force Evaluation Registry, including methods and expected publication timelines. Registering evaluations has been mandatory for Government Departments since April 2024.
Further information on the Evaluation Registry is available online on the 'Guidance on using the Evaluation Registry' webpage. The Evaluation Registry is due to be launched to the public in the coming months.
Data centres produce significant heat, most of which is currently wasted into the environment. The technology exists to capture this heat and reuse it in district heating networks, or for heat intensive industries. We welcome the inclusion of heat recovery systems within applications for AI Growth Zones alongside other sustainable solutions.
We are engaging with developers and operators to determine whether further interventions are necessary and appropriate to encourage adoption of heat recovery. The Greater London Authority is currently developing a pilot to test heating up to 10,000 homes and at least one hospital from London-based data centres.
The department supports vocational education and training programs that include repair, maintenance and retrofit skills. This includes funding for courses at further education (FE) colleges and specialist training providers.
A wide range of government-funded programmes are available for construction employers who are considering hiring employees, offering work experience or upskilling existing staff. These include apprenticeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps, and Higher Technical Qualifications.
Together with employers, the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) has developed 90 Apprenticeship standards in the Construction and Built Environment Sector. These apprenticeships provide hands-on experience and formal qualifications in retrofit, such as Heritage Construction Specialist. The department will continue to work with employers to support the growth of apprenticeships in these sectors and IfATE have published occupational maps on their website which display the apprenticeship progression opportunities in each occupation, including in heritage conservation, and construction. The occupational maps can be accessed on IfATE‘s website at: https://occupational-maps.instituteforapprenticeships.org/. These also specify if the occupation is embedded within the green occupational landscape and deliver sustainable outcomes.
Whilst it is a matter for providers to determine course content and the specialist teaching staff they need to deliver in all their provision, the department is supporting FE colleges to recruit and retain more construction FE teachers through the Taking Teacher Further programme, and the targeted retention incentive offer. In addition, we are exploring what more can be done to support dual professionals to work in FE, an approach whereby colleges recruit industry workers as part-time teachers.
The department supports vocational education and training programs that include repair, maintenance and retrofit skills. This includes funding for courses at further education (FE) colleges and specialist training providers.
A wide range of government-funded programmes are available for construction employers who are considering hiring employees, offering work experience or upskilling existing staff. These include apprenticeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps, and Higher Technical Qualifications.
Together with employers, the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) has developed 90 Apprenticeship standards in the Construction and Built Environment Sector. These apprenticeships provide hands-on experience and formal qualifications in retrofit, such as Heritage Construction Specialist. The department will continue to work with employers to support the growth of apprenticeships in these sectors and IfATE have published occupational maps on their website which display the apprenticeship progression opportunities in each occupation, including in heritage conservation, and construction. The occupational maps can be accessed on IfATE‘s website at: https://occupational-maps.instituteforapprenticeships.org/. These also specify if the occupation is embedded within the green occupational landscape and deliver sustainable outcomes.
Whilst it is a matter for providers to determine course content and the specialist teaching staff they need to deliver in all their provision, the department is supporting FE colleges to recruit and retain more construction FE teachers through the Taking Teacher Further programme, and the targeted retention incentive offer. In addition, we are exploring what more can be done to support dual professionals to work in FE, an approach whereby colleges recruit industry workers as part-time teachers.
All young people should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of qualification routes and choices. The government is considering the next steps for a natural history GCSE.
High and rising school standards are at the heart of this government’s mission to break down barriers to opportunity and give every child the best life chances. The government has established an independent Curriculum and Assessment Review, chaired by Professor Becky Francis CBE, an expert in education policy, including curriculum and social inequality. The review, which covers ages 5 to 18, will ensure that the curriculum appropriately balances ambition, excellence, relevance, flexibility and inclusivity for all children and young people. The review group will publish an interim report early in 2025 setting out their initial findings and confirming the key areas for further work. The final report with recommendations will be published in autumn 2025.
Whilst there are no current plans on requirements for fritted or UV glass, our revised National Planning Policy Framework expects developments to provide net gains for biodiversity, including through incorporating features which support priority or threatened species such as swifts, bats and hedgehogs. The National Design Guide, National Model Design Code and Natural England’s Green Infrastructure Framework set out how development can incorporate a range of nature friendly features including swift bricks.
The Building Regulations are designed to protect human safety by ensuring buildings are structurally sound, fire-resistant, and meet health and accessibility standards. They are not designed to directly address animal welfare.
The Government has no specific targets relating to specialist local authority conservation officers. I refer the noble lady to the answer given to PQ 16501 on 5 December 2024 set out details of the Government’s investment to support capacity and capability in local authorities more generally. This will be further underpinned by increases in planning fees that will help improve the resourcing of planning application services, so that local planning authorities can fund the skills they need, including conservation officers.
We have set out in our Renters’ Rights Bill Impact Assessment our plans for a phased approach to monitoring and evaluating the legislation, in line with the Department’s Evaluation Strategy.
During the preparation phase we will develop further the framework for evaluating the outcomes we expect to see, and to identify and resolve any data gaps. A range of existing data, and new data generated from the reforms themselves, will be used for evaluation. This will include data from the Private Rented Sector Database.