Government Bills of the 2013-14 Session

30 Bills Most Recently Tabled

Introduced: 1st April 2014

A Bill To grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating tothe National Debt and the Public Revenue, and to make further provision inconnection with finance.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 17th July 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 31st March 2014

To make provision about elections to and membership of the National Assembly for Wales; to make provision about the Welsh Assembly Government; to make provision about the setting by the Assembly of a rate of income tax to be paid by Welsh taxpayers and about the devolution of taxation powers to the Assembly; to make related amendments to Part 4A of the Scotland Act 1998; to make provision about borrowing by the Welsh Ministers; to make miscellaneous amendments in the law relating to Wales; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 17th December 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 24th February 2014

To make provision about how offenders are dealt with before and after conviction; to amend the offence of possession of extreme pornographic images; to make provision about the proceedings and powers of courts and tribunals; to make provision about judicial review; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 12th February 2015 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 3rd February 2014

A bill to make provision for the reduction of burdens resulting from legislation for businesses or other organisations or for individuals; make provision for the repeal of legislation which no longer has practical use; make provision about the exercise of regulatory functions; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 26th March 2015 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 28th January 2014

This Bill received Royal Assent on 26th March 2015 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 18th December 2013

A Bill to consolidate certain enactments relating to co-operative societies, community benefit societies and other societies registered or treated as registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, with amendments to give effect to recommendations of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 17th December 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 23rd February 2017 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 14th October 2013

To make provision in relation to national insurance contributions; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 10th October 2013

To make provision about immigration law; to limit, or otherwise make provision about, access to services, facilities and employment by reference to immigration status; to make provision about marriage and civil partnership involving certain foreign nationals; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 30th July 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 17th July 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 30th January 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 16th July 2013

A Bill to Make provision approving for the purposes of section 8 of the European Union Act 2011 certain draft decisions under Article 352 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

This Bill received Royal Assent on 30th January 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 3rd July 2013

To make provision in connection with any arrangements that may be made by the Secretary of State with respect to the provision to the Secretary of State of defence procurement services; to make provision relating to defence procurement contracts awarded, or amended, otherwise than as the result of a competitive process; to make provision in relation to the reserve forces of the Crown; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 3rd July 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 17th July 2013 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 27th June 2013

To make provision about the water industry; about compensation for modification of licences to abstract water; about main river maps; about records of waterworks; for the regulation of the water environment; about the provision of flood insurance for household premises; about internal drainage boards; about Regional Flood and Coastal Committees; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 13th May 2013

A Bill To make provision authorising expenditure in preparation for a high speed railway transport network.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 21st November 2013 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

To make provision about anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder, including provision about recovery of possession of dwelling houses; to make provision amending the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, Schedules 7 and 8 to the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Extradition Act 2003; to make provision about firearms and about forced marriage; to make provision about the police, the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the Serious Fraud Office; to make provision about criminal justice and court fees; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and was enacted into law.

A Bill to reform the law relating to care and support for adults and the law relating to support for carers, to make provision about safeguarding adults from abuse or neglect, to make provision about care standards, to establish and make provision about Health Education England, to establish and make provision about the Health Research Authority, and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

A Bill to make provision about intellectual property.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

A Bill to make provision for, and in connection with, the abolition of the Audit Commission for local authorities and the National Health Service in England; to make provision about the accounts of local and certain other public authorities and the auditing of those accounts; to make provision about the appointment, functions and regulation of local auditors; to make provision about data matching; to make provision about examinations by the Comptroller and Auditor-General relating to English local and other public authorities; to make provision about the publication of information by smaller authorities; to make provision for directions to comply with codes of practice on local authority publicity; to make provision about council tax referendums; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 30th January 2014 and was enacted into law.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 30th January 2014 and was enacted into law.

To make provision about donations, loans and related transactions for political purposes in connection with Northern Ireland; to amend the Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 and the Northern Ireland Act 1998; to make provision about the registration of electors and the administration of elections in Northern Ireland; and to make miscellaneous amendments in the law relating to Northern Ireland.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

A Bill to make provision about the release, and supervision after release, of offenders, to make provision about the extension period for extended sentence prisoners, to make provision about community orders and suspended sentence orders, and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 9th May 2013

A Bill to make provision about pensions and about benefits payable to people in connection with bereavement; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 14th May 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 15th April 2013

A Bill To grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the National Debt and the Public Revenue, and to make further provision in connection with finance.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 17th July 2013 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 11th March 2013

To make further provision about banking and other financial services, including provision about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme; to make provision for the amounts owed in respect of certain deposits to be treated as a preferential debt on insolvency; to make provision about the accounts of the Bank of England and its wholly owned subsidiaries; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th December 2013 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 25th February 2013

This Bill received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 5th February 2013

A Bill to make provision for the marriage of same sex couples in England and Wales, about gender change by married persons and civil partners, about consular functions in relation to marriage, for the marriage of armed forces personnel overseas, for permitting marriages according to the usages of belief organisations to be solemnized on the authority of certificates of a superintendent registrar, for the review of civil partnership, for the review of survivor benefits under occupational pension schemes, and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 17th July 2013 and was enacted into law.

Introduced: 19th December 2012

Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the Bill it received Royal Assent onĀ 18 December. The Bill is now an Act of Parliament (law). To make provision for or in connection with reforming the electricity market for purposes of encouraging low carbon electricity generation or ensuring security of supply; for the establishment and functions of the Office for Nuclear Regulation; about the government pipe-line and storage system and rights exercisable in relation to it; about the designation of a strategy and policy statement; for the making of orders requiring regulated persons to provide redress to consumers of gas or electricity; about offshore transmission of electricity during a commissioning period; for imposing further fees in respect of nuclear decommissioning costs; and for connected purposes.

This Bill received Royal Assent on 18th December 2013 and was enacted into law.