make provision about finance.
The Finance Act 2025 was a Government Bill that became an Act of Parliament.
Is this Bill currently before Parliament?No. This Bill was introduced on 6 November 2024 and became an Act of Parliament on 20 March 2025.
Whose idea is this Bill?Government Bills implement the legislative agenda of the Government. This agenda, and the Bills that will implement it, are outlined in the Queen's Speech at the Session's State Opening of Parliament.
How can I find out exactly what this Bill does?The most straightforward information is contained in the initial Explanatory Notes for the Bill.
Would you like to know more?See these Glossary articles for more information: Act of Parliament, Government Bills, Process of a Bill
Official Bill Page Initial Explanatory Notes Initial Briefing papers Ministerial Extracts from Debates All Bill Debates
This bill has received Royal Assent and has become an Act of Parliament
Bill Progession through Parliament