Trade Justice APPG

First Registered: 13/02/2019 • Last updated on: 06/03/2024

Note: This APPG was last registered on 6th March 2024. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 30th May 2024 and may be defunct. Perhaps you are looking for the Restorative Justice APPG?

The APPG will explore how trade has a real-life impact, including how trade interacts with: food standards, farming and animal welfare; the environment and climate change; jobs and workers’ rights; sustainable development in the Global South; human rights and rule of law; digital rights and online harms; public services, health and the NHS.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

Reticulating Splines
Former APPG Members
Kenny MacAskill Portrait
Kenny MacAskill
Chair & Registered Contact
Alba Party - Former Member for East Lothian
Joined: 16th December 2020
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lloyd Russell-Moyle Portrait
Lloyd Russell-Moyle
Vice Chair
Labour (Co-op) - Former Member for Brighton, Kemptown
Joined: 5th April 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
Caroline Lucas Portrait
Caroline Lucas
Vice Chair
Green Party - Former Member for Brighton, Pavilion
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 6th March 2024
Lord Purvis of Tweed Portrait
Lord Purvis of Tweed
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - Life peer
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Christina Rees Portrait
Christina Rees
Vice Chair
Labour (Co-op) - Former Member for Neath
Joined: 5th April 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
Lord Marland Portrait
Lord Marland
Vice Chair
Conservative - Life peer
Joined: 5th April 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Earl of Caithness Portrait
Earl of Caithness
Vice Chair
Conservative - Excepted Hereditary
Joined: 16th December 2020
Departed: 22nd February 2023
Lord Haskel Portrait
Lord Haskel
Vice Chair
Labour - Life peer
Joined: 16th December 2020
Departed: 22nd February 2023
Geraint Davies Portrait
Geraint Davies
Vice Chair
Independent - Former Member for Swansea West
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 22nd February 2023
No other APPG Memberships
Hywel Williams Portrait
Hywel Williams
Vice Chair
Plaid Cymru - Former Member for Arfon
Joined: 16th December 2020
Departed: 17th November 2021
1 APPG Membership
Faisal Rashid Portrait
Faisal Rashid
Chair & Registered Contact
Labour - Former Member for Warrington South
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 5th November 2019
No other APPG Memberships
Catherine West Portrait
Catherine West
Vice Chair
Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 5th November 2019
Jeremy Lefroy Portrait
Jeremy Lefroy
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Stafford
Joined: 13th February 2019
Departed: 5th November 2019
No other APPG Memberships
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Kenny MacAskill MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 0207 219 3000.


Public Enquiry Point:

Leo Verity, The Trade Justice Movement, 66 Offley Road, London SW9 0LS



The Trade Justice Movement acts as the group's secretariat.

25 Nov 2022
The Trade Justice Movement
Secretariat   From : 25/11/2022 To : 24/11/2023
25 Nov 2021
The Trade Justice Movement
Secretariat   From : 25/11/2021 To : 24/11/2022
25 Nov 2020
The Trade Justice Movement
Secretariat   From : 25/11/2020 To : 24/11/2021
22 Jan 2019
The Trade Justice Movement
Secretariat   From : 22/01/2019 To : 21/01/2020

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Trade Justice APPG