Arab World APPG

First Registered: 22/07/2022 • Last updated on: 06/03/2024

Note: This APPG was last registered on 6th March 2024. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 30th May 2024 and may be defunct.

To encourage discussion and debate about the Arab world, including the UK's relations with it.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

Former Members - Contact Details - Benefits in Kind - Financial Benefits

Reticulating Splines
Former APPG Members
David Jones Portrait
David Jones
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - Former Member for Clwyd West
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 6th March 2024
Rob Butler Portrait
Rob Butler
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Aylesbury
Joined: 1st November 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
Kate Osamor Portrait
Kate Osamor
Vice Chair
Labour (Co-op) - Edmonton and Winchmore Hill
Joined: 1st November 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
Alistair Carmichael Portrait
Alistair Carmichael
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 6th March 2024
Julie Elliott Portrait
Julie Elliott
Vice Chair
Labour - Former Member for Sunderland Central
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 20th September 2023
Baroness Northover Portrait
Baroness Northover
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - Life peer
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 20th September 2023
Flick Drummond Portrait
Flick Drummond
Vice Chair
Conservative - Former Member for Meon Valley
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 20th September 2023
Mark Menzies Portrait
Mark Menzies
Vice Chair
Independent - Former Member for Fylde
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 20th September 2023
3 APPG Memberships
Latin America , Oman , Saudi Arabia
Afzal Khan Portrait
Afzal Khan
Vice Chair
Labour - Manchester Rusholme
Joined: 22nd July 2022
Departed: 20th September 2023
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Mr David Jones MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 3024.


Public Enquiry Point:

Joseph Willits, Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu), The Arab British Centre, 1 Gough Square, London EC4 3DE. Tel: 020 7832 1325


No benefits in kind are on record for the Arab World APPG

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Arab World APPG