Coronavirus: Protective Clothing

(asked on 13th December 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, for what reason it is Government policy for people to work from home where possible, but not be required to wear a face covering in a pub or other hospitality venue.

Answered by
Maggie Throup Portrait
Maggie Throup
This question was answered on 20th December 2021

The Government is committed to a balanced and proportionate response to tackling COVID-19, including the Omicron variant. ‘Plan B’ prioritises measures which can help control transmission of the virus, while seeking to minimise economic and social impacts.

The Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies has advised that the Plan B measures are likely to have a beneficial impact on reducing community transmission and that working from home in particular could have the largest impact on transmission.

Face coverings are not required in hospitality venues as it is impractical to remove face coverings whilst eating or drinking. Face coverings are not required in nightclubs and other night-time dance venues because it is not recommended to wear them while exercising or during strenuous physical activity.

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