Armed Forces Covenant

(asked on 18th March 2025) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Defence:

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what steps his Department is taking to encourage more organisations to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.

Answered by
Al Carns Portrait
Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
This question was answered on 24th March 2025

Since taking up post, I have had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of organisations, including Local Authorities, who are signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant; doing fantastic work for our people, and their families.

The Covenant pledge and the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme provide the opportunity to pledge, demonstrate and advocate support for the Armed Forces community. The provision of guiding principles for employers and organisations across the UK ensures an understanding of the Covenant and the impacts of Service life.

Over 12,800 organisations have signed the Covenant, a number that continues to grow weekly. This Government has committed to fully extend the Covenant into Law, which will increase education and awareness of the unique nature of Service

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