Coastal Areas: Flood Control

(asked on 14th October 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, whether he has made an assessment of the funding criteria for coastal defences in Hemsby, and if he will visit Hemsby.

Answered by
Emma Hardy Portrait
Emma Hardy
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
This question was answered on 29th October 2024

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is the responsible risk management authority for coastal erosion at Hemsby. The shoreline management approach for Hemsby’s coastline is managed realignment, as outlined in the Shoreline Management Plan which has been developed locally by the East Anglia Coastal Group and included consultation with the community.

We must also be mindful of the negative impacts of defence solutions on neighbouring coastal communities where erosion can be exacerbated. This was highlighted in the Shoreline Management Plan for the area where this is a major driver for the longer-term managed realignment policy.

Under the inherited approach to investing in flood schemes, Grant in Aid investment at Hemsby is challenging due to high costs associated with the technical aspects of providing protection to an actively eroding sand dune. This means that the benefit cost ratio for investment is likely to be marginal and most typical engineering options, with assured benefits, are likely to be uneconomic to deliver.

In opposition, we said we would look at the funding formula for flood schemes. It remains our intention to do this, to ensure flood risk management is fit for the challenges we face both now and in the future. We are examining all use of flood defence resources to ensure that the Government maximises safety from potential flooding within the difficulty financial legacy the country was left by the previous government.

I regret Ministers currently have no availability to visit the Honourable Member's constituency at this time but will keep his invitation in mind.

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