Children: Carers

(asked on 14th October 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will hold discussions with Ofsted on the potential merits of identifying young carers as a specific group within the education system.

Answered by
Janet Daby Portrait
Janet Daby
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
This question was answered on 22nd October 2024

Young carers were added, as a specific group within the education system, to the school census in the 2022/23 academic year. Ofsted has committed to developing and consulting upon a revised schools’ inspection framework for September 2025. This will support the new school report card, which will also be in place from that time. A consultation on the framework and report card is scheduled to launch early in the new year.

The department and Ofsted are engaging closely to take this forward. This includes considering how schools are to be assessed in future in terms of their contribution to inclusion, in the context of the government’s mission to ensure that all children, including young carers, can achieve and thrive at school.

Local authorities have a statutory duty to undertake a Young Carers’ Needs Assessment where it appears that a young carer may need support or where an assessment is requested by a young carer or by a parent of a young carer.

The Children’s Social Care National Framework, which was issued in December 2023, is statutory guidance for local authorities. It provides clarity on the outcomes that children’s social care should achieve when supporting children, young people and families, including young carers.

The department is clear that the everyone working within children’s social care should use the National Framework to understand how they can improve the outcomes and break down barriers for opportunity for children, young people, and families. We have included specific expectations, in the framework, for practice for senior leaders, practice supervisors and practitioners on providing help to young carers.

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