Music: Education

(asked on 6th July 2020) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, whether music teachers can undertake one-to-one instruction in (a) school and (b) home environments during the current phase of the easing of the covid-19 lockdown restrictions; and what guidance for the safe working of those music teachers is (i) available and (ii) in preparation.

Answered by
Nick Gibb Portrait
Nick Gibb
This question was answered on 17th July 2020

One-to-one instruction, including in music, can take place in school and home environments, as long as the relevant guidance is followed. The Department published detailed guidance on 2 July for schools for all children and young people to return to full-time education from September 2020. This guidance provides schools, colleges and nurseries with the details needed to plan for a full return, as well as reassuring parents about what to expect for their children, this guidance can be found here:

The Department has also published guidance for community activities, holiday and after-school clubs, as well as other out-of-school provision for children over the age of five, which sets out the protective measures that need to be in place to ensure that such out-of-school provision can open as safely as possible. This guidance can be found here:

More detailed guidance on music will be published shortly.

The Government has also published specific guidance for people working out of the home, this can be found here:

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