Thyroid Diseases: Research

(asked on 12th December 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps she is taking to support research into thyroid diseases; and what steps she is taking to support patients with hypothyroidism.

Answered by
Andrew Stephenson Portrait
Andrew Stephenson
This question was answered on 18th December 2023

The Department funds research on health and social care through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). NIHR welcomes funding applications for research into any aspect of human health, including thyroid disease. It is not usual practice to ring-fence funds for particular topics or conditions.

NIHR funds and supports research into hyperthyroidism through its research infrastructure and research programmes, a current example being a study investigating the risks of developing obesity, cardio-metabolic conditions, and risk of death in a cohort of 25,000 newly diagnosed patients with hyperthyroidism, and to compare the risks of these outcomes between all three modalities used to treat hyperthyroidism.

Health services for people with hypothyroidism are commissioned locally by integrated care boards (ICBs), which are best placed to make decisions regarding the provision of health services to their local population subject to local prioritisation and funding. In doing so, we expect ICBs to have due regard to relevant National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and other guidance when commissioning services.

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