Plain English

(asked on 1st March 2017) - View Source


To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, what steps she is taking to encourage the provision of easy read versions of content published by (a) government departments and agencies, (b) utility companies, (c) banks and (d) other private sector service providers.

Answered by
Caroline Dinenage Portrait
Caroline Dinenage
This question was answered on 7th March 2017

Public authorities must have due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty, which ensures that equality issues are proactively considered with the intention of meeting the needs and encouraging greater participation in public life by those with protected characteristics (such as a disability).

Private sector organisations, including utility companies and banks, have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments so as to ensure that a person with disabilities is not put at a substantial disadvantage when accessing or using public services. This may include actions such as accommodating requests for communication to be conducted in a particular format.

Guidance is already available to service providers, including public sector bodies, on how to meet these duties and is available on the website.

The Office for Disability Issues are currently reviewing and updating the guidance to all Government communicators on accessible formats, to help ensure that all Departments have the latest information to support their internal and external communications.

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