Young Offender Institutions: Segregation of Prisoners

(asked on 5th December 2023) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, how many young people were held in segregation for more than seven days in each of the young offender institutions in England and Wales during the last year.

Answered by
Edward Argar Portrait
Edward Argar
Shadow Secretary of State for Justice
This question was answered on 13th December 2023

Segregation is not used within the Youth Secure Estate. Children and young people are only temporarily separated from their peers as a very last resort. When this happens, they receive extra support from specially trained staff. Training is being escalated for every frontline officer, backed by £5 million of funding to improve care and support. Children and young people are never separated as a punishment.

The following table shows how many children and young people were separated for more than seven days in each of the young offender institutions in England and Wales during the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.



Cookham Wood











Figures include any period of separation of more than seven days that began before, and ended after, 1 April 2022,

Any period of separation beginning within five days of a previous period of separation is counted as a single period of separation.

Cases of self-separation, where children or young people have chosen to separate themselves, are not included.

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