Banks: Competition

(asked on 1st June 2020) - View Source

Question to the HM Treasury:

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether the Government has plans to liberalise the UK banking sector and increase competition from non-UK banks.

Answered by
John Glen Portrait
John Glen
This question was answered on 8th June 2020

The Government is committed to ensuring that the UK financial services sector delivers choice and value for customers and to that end has taken significant action to ensure effective competition in UK banking markets. This includes: providing the financial services regulators with competition objectives, and a new Payments Systems Regulator to ensure fair and equal access to payments systems; reducing barriers to entry for new market entrants; initiatives to make it easier for customers to switch between bank account providers; and continued support for non-traditional providers, including the UK’s fintech sector.

It is also important that the UK maintains a prudential regulation regime that supports financial stability and economic growth as well as competition amongst firms. The Government will continue to prioritise the implementation of global regulatory standards, such as the Basel III standards, to maintain the UK’s position as a world-leading financial services centre.

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