Occupational Pensions

(asked on 12th October 2016) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, how many people have opted out of workplace pensions in each month since the inception of that scheme.

This question was answered on 20th October 2016

Since automatic enrolment began rolling out in 2012, DWP has collected data on the proportion of automatically enrolled employees opting out of schemes via its Employers’ Pension Provision (EPP) survey, which is run every two years. In 2013, the EPP survey found that the proportion of employees who had opted out of, or left, a scheme after being automatically enrolled was between nine and ten per cent. The 2015 EPP survey findings were similar, with nine per cent of automatically enrolled workers having chosen to opt out.

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