Prisoners: Women

(asked on 12th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, how many women with a home address in Wales before entering custody were in prison for the offence type of (a) violence against the person, (b) sexual offences, (c) robbery, (d) theft offences, (e) criminal damage and arson and (f) drug offences in (i) March, (ii) June, (iii) September and (iv) December 2024.

Answered by
Nicholas Dakin Portrait
Nicholas Dakin
Government Whip, Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury
This question was answered on 24th February 2025

The requested information has been provided as an Excel file alongside this response. The dataset for December 2024 is a subset of data scheduled to be published as part of the Offender management statistics quarterly - GOV.UK release and cannot be provided in advance of that publication. In addition, the numbers 1 and 2 have been replaced with the symbol ‘≤2’ to avoid any risk of individual identification.

Around 99% of prisoners have an origin location - i.e. addresses that are recorded in our central IT system. If no address is given, an offender’s committal court address is used as a proxy for the area in which they are resident.

This information is included in the data provided in the tables attached. No address has been recorded and no court information is available for around 1% of all offenders; these figures are excluded from the tables attached.

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