Members: Allowances

(asked on 11th February 2025) - View Source


To ask the hon. Member for Warrington North, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, what assessment she has made of the adequacy of the (a) time taken and (b) cost to administer claims made to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority by hon. Members' offices.

Answered by
Charlotte Nichols Portrait
Charlotte Nichols
This question was answered on 14th February 2025

IPSA has a statutory responsibility to regulate and administor a transparent scheme of staffing and business costs for MPs. Those spending public money are responsible for a suitable audit trail which is why IPSA asks for, and reviews, evidence of spend. This review helps IPSA to ensure public funds are properly spent and accounted for, and that MPs have the support they need to perfom their parliamentary functions.

IPSA has developed a proportionate, risk-based approach to validating MPs' expenditure. In the last year, IPSA received approximately 137,500 requests for funding and 40% of these were checked by one of the validation officers, with the majority validated by system checks. The number of checks is increased for new MPs or if issues are identified with claims, such as unuasually high volume or lack of appropriate evidence. IPSA's approach has led to a reduction in the time it takes to reimburse MPs from an average of 8 days in 2020-21 to an average of 2.4 days year-to-date.

The Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority annualy scrutinises IPSA's main estimate and business plan, which include details of its performance against key performance indicators such as the timetaken to reimburse claims. IPSA's operating costs are published via their Annual Report and Accounts.

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